How to sew a reusable face mask: 6 master classes, patterns, recommendations, life hack, how to make a nose clip

How to sew a reusable face mask: 6 master classes, patterns, recommendations, life hack, how to make a nose clip

Due to the high relevance of this topic, we offer you a master class on sewing a reusable protective face mask.

Let's talk about the popular spring accessory of 2020 around the world. No, we will not bother you to always wear a protective mask for the face. But we offer with our own hands to create not only the necessary, but also a stylish protective accessory. And do not despair, if you do not have the skill of sewing - our detailed instructions will help create a mask for every taste and any complexity.

Face mask pattern: template, calculation method for children and adults

Sewing a protective face mask begins with a pattern. To build it, you need 2 main measurements - from one cheekbone, through the tip of the nose, to the second; From the nose and to the chin.

Standard pattern of face masks for an adult:

  • On a sheet of paper, draw a vertical line along the right edge and in the middle lay the horizontal so that it is easier to build a drawing.
  • Mask length 25 cm/2 \u003d 12.5 cm; The width is 16 cm. This is the average size that is suitable for almost everyone. We do not immediately scare such dimensions, when sewing, the product will sit well.

Important: For women, a pattern with such dimensions does not require allowances for the seams! For men, add 0.5 cm on each side.

  • We put off from the horizontal line up and down 8 cm, and from the vertical line to the left of 12.5 cm. We get a rectangle.
  • From the most convex part where the tip of the nose will be (in the Fig. The letter D), we make a bevel for the nose - 2 cm (letter E), for the chin - 4.5 cm (letter C).
  • Near the ears it will already be 8 cm, so we lay 4 cm from the central line up and down (a segment A-V). And connect all points.
  • To better see, we lower the line by about 1 cm under the eyes (decree. A-b points). To do this, we measure the segment EA and in the center we fall at a right angle. We draw a smooth line.
  • The same applies to the convex part in the nose (point D) - we round.
  • Near the nose, you can “cut” the angle so that it is not sharp. Then the mask will be with a smooth transition. Although in any case, when sewing, the product will not be with a sharp end.
Pattern for an adult
Pattern for an adult

How to build a children's pattern for a face mask (example up to 10 years):

  • We draw a rectangle 11 by 9.5 cm.
  • We put it on top of 1.5 cm, below 3 cm; And 3 cm from the central horizontal line on the right.
  • We connect all segments with straight lines. At the points of E-D-C, you can immediately draw a smooth line.
  • We mark the middle of the segment E-A-A and we go down by 1 cm, put the point. A smooth rounded line under the eyes will pass through it.
For kids
For kids

Important: If you transfer the pattern without allowances to the seams, then it will be calculated up to 5-6 years. If you make allowances-up to 9-10. Consider the structure of the child's face!

For teenagers and children over 10-11 years old The size of the mask is 11 by 13.5 cm. Up to 14 years without allowances for the seams, older - with allowances of 0.5 cm on each side. The area near the ears can also be increased to 6.5-7 cm.

Facial mask with a single drawing in the center, tucks and without seam in the middle: an example of a children's mask

Now, especially among young people, face masks are relevant not only with high protective qualities, but also with exclusive drawings or patterns. You can make a designer option without problems yourself.

For example, we will use the children's model of a reusable face mask. But the principle of sewing is universal and can be used for any size.


  • We take the fabric with a pattern, bend it in half. We attach the pattern to the fold itself.
  • On top 2 cm and 3-3.5 cm from below we mark the lines for tucks (the middle do not touch!). Consider the individual structure of the face in this paragraph - we do not cut the site from the tip of the nose to the chin.
  • We circle the stencil, if necessary, making allowances on the seams (for men). We cut the upper front part, taking into account the addition of 2 cm in the area near the ears.
The front part
The front part
  • In this way we cut the lower part and protective layer, but without extra 2 cm.
  • That's what we did.
Cut 3 details
  • We sew the upper and lower tucks on the front parts, on the lower part along with the protective layer.
We make tucks
We make tucks
  • This stage can be skipped, but for the most tight fit, it is worth making tucks on the sides, near the ears. For children, its dimensions are about 3-3.5 cm per 1 cm, for adults-up to 4 cm per 1.5 cm.
The dimensions of the tucks
The dimensions of the tucks
With tucks
Example with lateral tucks
  • We sew all the details with each other, folding face to face along the upper and lower line.
We make sure that the central seams coincide
We make sure that the central seams coincide
  • We make another line 2-3 mm on the bridge of the bridge of the nose to insert a nose clip. We fix the seam on the sides so that the wire does not fade.
Insert the nose clip
Insert the nose clip
  • Turn and smooth out with an iron.
View from the front and wrong side
View from the front and wrong side
  • Sit down around the perimeter of the mask 1.5-2 mm from the edge to fix the layers with each other.
We make a line on the front side as close as possible to the edge
We make a line on the front side as close as possible to the edge
  • We work with the side part - we wrap 2 cm of the front part on the wrong side. We make 2 gateways. We sew on the very edge of the turned side.
Close the side bowl
Close the side part
  • We insert the elastic bands and fix them "at the entrance." For this purpose, use the "zigzag" line or pave the usual seam several times. And our mask is ready for use!
We fix the gum
We fix the gum

This is what a mask with a side tuck looks without and without. The fit is sufficient in the second case, but in the first version near the ears it is better.

An example of two models
An example of two models

How to sew a double -sided tissue face mask: instruction

For this model of a protective face mask, we use a standard pattern.

  • We cut out 4 parts for a filter made of denser fabric, 2 parts for the lower part. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, along the rounded line, we make an allowance for a seam by 0.5 cm (and for women as well).
  • For the outer/front side we cut out 2 parts, but we extend the side near the ears by 2 cm so that it is convenient to insert an elastic band.
We completely cut the details
Cut completely
  • We fold the internal details face to each other, on top of the protective layer. Together we sew along the rounded line with an indent 0.5 cm from the edge. So we sew the front details.
  • We unfold our "petals", well straighten the cuts with an iron to the sides.
We straighten the seams
We straighten the cuts
  • We scrap 1.5-2 mm from the central seam in both directions on the front side.
Central seams
Central seams
  • We put the facial and lower details with the face inward, sew on top and bottom. Insert the nose clip, fix it.
The view from the wrong side
The view from the wrong side
  • We turn the product, straightening the seams well, scribble along the contour with an indent of 1.5-2 mm.
We make lines along the edge
We make lines along the edge
  • Now we wrap the “tails” from 2 cm inward on the wrong side. In this example, we immediately fastened the elastic band manually to the fabric, along with it we wrapped a segment. We scent along the very edge of the turn, immediately sewing the elastic band. But it can be inserted by the first example.
The final result
The final result

Video: 2 options, how to sew a reusable face mask with your own hands

How to sew a protective face mask with a filter pocket?

This option of a protective face mask is similar to the previous one, the only difference is that the lower layer must be made 2 cm shorter than the main, average part.

  1. We cut out 3 layers of 2 halves of the mask (the front part is 2 cm longer), sew on the district side, we immediately tie the lower part 2 times to the wrong side and make a line, as shown in the photo below.
  2. On the front side, we lay a line 1-2 mm from the central seam, having previously straightened the cuts in different directions.
  3. We fold the details: place the front part with the face up, then the lower layer (aka pocket) and the middle protective layer on top of the face down the face down.
  4. We sew the details. We cut off the excess, turn out, make a control line along the contour. We insert the wire into the area near the nose, fix it.
  5. Wrap 2 cm of the front part on the wrong side, sew the edge of the gate without touching the lower layer.
  6. Sew the elastic bands.

Video: Facial mask with pocket for filter

How to sew a 3D face for a face with sides?

Such a model fit tightly to the face in any area. For sewing reusable 3D mask for the face, you need to use the following pattern:

  • We measure the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin and the length from the cheekbone to the cheekbone (through the nose). For example, we will have a size of 23 by 7 cm. Add 2 cm each for allowances to the seams:
    • 7+2 \u003d 9 cm - this is the width of the mask
    • 23+2 \u003d 25 cm - this is its length
  • Fold a sheet of A4 paper in half for the convenience of building a pattern. Therefore, we divide the length by 2 \u003d 12.5 cm.
  • We draw a rectangle of 9 by 12.5 cm. We lay 2 cm in width from the center, and 3 cm from above and below the length of the bend from the bend.
  • Connect points A and B, C and D straight segments, and then smoothly round them.

Sewing process:

  • We cut out 6 parts according to the pattern - 4 of the main fabric, 2 for the inside.
  • We put the main part from the two main parts by the wrong sides to each other and inside we place a protective layer.
  • The other two parts from the main fabric are folded in half, we cut the inner layer into 2 parts. To one of them we sew a wire manually. If you use the clip from bread, then you should not cut only the wire itself, leave a little plastic part for the convenience of sewing. The needle passes well through this material.
  • We flash the details that are folded in half in a flat line as shown in the photo.
We stitch
We stitch
  • We cut these sides of the mask and the inside of the main part by 2 cm. Fold the “sandwich” thus (decree. In the photo). We make a line along the edge, cut off the excess as close as possible to the seam.
  • Turn the workpiece. We make a line along the edge of the front part to hide the seam.
We make a line on the front side
We make a line on the front side
  • It remains only to wrap the side parts 2 times, sew, insert the ends of the gum into the holes and fix it.
We insert the elastic bands
We insert the elastic bands
The final result
The final result

Video: How to sew a protective mask for the face yourself?

Face mask without a pattern, with folds

For sewing this protective mask for the face, you need a piece of fabric 20 by 36 cm (for greater density you can take 2 segments), 2 strips for side sides of 5 by 10 cm (you can have a different color) and gum 15-17 cm.

Sewing algorithm:

  • Fold the main part in half and make a line on the wrong side in height of 20 cm.
  • Turn out and iron. Place the seam below, sew the clip at the bend at the top.
  • Return 3 cm from the edge, draw a line, cross out 1.5 cm - this will be the first fold. Next, follow this scheme: 2.5 cm - the height of the fold, 1.5 - its depth. The result is 3 folds, each of which is fixed with pins or clamps on both sides.
We sew the clip and make folds
We sew the clip and make folds
  • Make a line about 0.5 cm from the edge, fixing the folds. Pre -iron the mask.
We fix it
We fix it
  • Place the elastic bands, as shown in the photo below (on the front surface), and fix them with a seam.
Sew the elastic bands
Sew the elastic bands
  • Fold the strips in half with the front side. Attach on top of the elastic bands, wrap the excess part on the sides to the other side and make a line along the edge by 0.7 cm. We cut off the excess.
We sew the side part
We sew the side part
  • Remove the strip (see photo below) and wrap on the other side so that the elastic band becomes from the side. To do this, bend not only the side strip itself, but also start a little basic part with folds.
We make a line
  • Make a line along the edge of the bend.

Video: How to quickly sew a face mask without a machine?

Facial face mask in 5 minutes even without a sewing machine

Important: For such a face mask, an ideal option will be neoprene or polychloroprene. These are sheets of foamed rubber. Therefore, it does not rush, does not break, but it stretches perfectly and does not change. In addition, it is very dense and breathing.

We offer a universal version of the pattern.


And so, let's proceed to the direct process sewing a protective face mask:

  • Cut the stencil along the pattern. We take only dense fabric for the base, dense knitwear is suitable for replacement. We transfer a stencil with an indent 0.5 cm from the rounded area and cut out two parts of the mask.
  • Please note - for the opposite side, the pattern should be turned to the other side so that the details are the same. Or immediately fold the section in half.
We transfer the stencil
  • Next, fold the parts of the mask by the wrong sides inward. Despite the aesthetics, the seam should be on the front side so as not to rub the skin and not interfere.
Fold the details
  • We sew it with a simple seam (stately stitch), and then process the edge with a loop seam. Due to such a simple algorithm, you can do without a sewing machine, make all the stitches only neat and dense.
  • If you have a machine, then make a seam in the middle, retreating 0.5 cm from the edge. Expand the seam, walk on both sides with a zigzag stitch. Ready!
Process with a loop seam
Process with a loop seam

Lifehack: In order not to build a pattern, you can resort to a small trick - take a regular disposable medical mask for your face. Fold it in half, straighten the "accordion" and outline in shape. You can arbitrarily extend the ears, creating smooth curved lines.


How to sew a protective face mask yourself: General recommendations + life hack, how to make a nose clip

  • For sewing a protective face mask, take only dense material, preferably natural - cotton, calico or tick (chipper fabric). The most successful option is neoprene and Ranfors. These models have excellent breathability, they filter the particles of the virus and moisture.
  • Silk, flax, knitwear - inappropriate materials. They delay microbes and viruses worse. Even lower, protective ability in knitted products.
  • It is better to take the elastic band the most ordinary thin (up to 5 mm in width) or round sewing. A thin hats is not the best option. She quickly breaks and keeps her shape poorly.
  • In order for the elastic band to crush on the ears, it can be launched through the entire head. But in this case, the mask can periodically slide.
    • Advice: We offer a small life hack, How to protect your ears, especially with a long wearing mask. Sew the head bandage and sew the button in the right place. Thus, you can fix the elastic band behind the buttons, and not by the ears. Men can use the usual cap in a similar way.
  • For a clamp in the nose The usual wire from products, twisting from wires or a homemade option as our recommendation is good.
    • Advice: Take a floristic wire, fold 3 times. The total length is about 10 cm. Cut 2 strips marshmallow Foamiran. Place the wire inside, cover with a cloth and fasten the details with an iron. Excess can be cut.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Do not forget to wash your hands regularly and do not touch the mask when wearing.

Video: Facial mask with your own hands in 5 minutes!

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