How to understand whether you have schizophrenia: symptoms of the disease, the genius of schizophrenics. How to determine the schizophrenic by behavior?

How to understand whether you have schizophrenia: symptoms of the disease, the genius of schizophrenics. How to determine the schizophrenic by behavior?

The most clear signs by which you can determine schizophrenia in someone from your environment.

Schizophrenia is a diagnosis that even psychiatrists make with great care. Several hits are required in a psychiatric hospital, before the patient will have a “schizophrenia” record in the patient. Before that, they write “psychosis”, “obsessive states” and other non -inflammatory diagnoses. So is it possible to determine schizophrenia in the early stages by symptoms yourself? This will be discussed in our article.

Do I have schizophrenia - how to determine the disease in myself: 5 symptoms of schizophrenia

About schizophrenia
About schizophrenia
  • So, the first sign of schizophrenia is the denial of the disease.

If you are interested in whether you suffer from schizophrenia, then most likely you do not have it. At least in the active stage. The fact is that mentally ill people always consider themselves healthy.

They tend to think that everything is fine with them, but something is wrong with all those around them. World has gone mad. Agree, seeing the world through the eyes of a schizophrenic is really scary. Imagine that you, for example, exposed a criminal conspiracy, and no one believes you.

  • The second sign of schizophrenia is excessive anxiety for health and loved ones.

Schizophrenics show great concern with their health and the health of their loved ones. They can complain of pain in the heart, liver or any other organ. Until the fact that they will tell that this small pimple is necessarily cancer, and they themselves believe in this holy. This is not sacred, because schizophrenics are characterized by increased anxiety. However, excessive anxiety for health itself is rather a sign of neurosis, and not schizophrenia.

  • The third sign of schizophrenia is passing when writing letters.

People suffering from a mental illness often miss letters in words. They simply do not have enough mental resources in order to write words in the right. Of course, the missed letter itself does not mean anything. But if you received a message from one of your loved ones with a text like: "How are you with your health?" - This is a reason to get warmer. For a schizophrenic, to properly arrange letters in words - hard work

  • The fourth symptom of schizophrenia is the division of all people into friends and enemies.

Others are divided into “friends” and “enemies”. And, it seems, everything is fine, because each of us has both friends and enemies. But the schizophrenic divides into these two categories of absolutely all people. That is, a huge layer of society disappears, to which this person is simply indifferent. If a schizophrenic enters a huge audience with people, and someone in the corner will giggle, it will definitely seem to him that they were laughing at him. If a drunk man will go on the bus, it will certainly seem to be a schizophrenic that he should stick and show rudeness in relation to him.

  • The fifth symptom of schizophrenia is insomnia.

Another, probably, the most clear symptom of schizophrenia is sleep disorder. Schizophrenics, due to their huge anxiety, almost always experience problems with falling asleep. And before the disease becomes a pronounced character, it should usually not sleep for several days. As a result, a weakened brain, devoid of rest, becomes even more difficult to process information. And the line between past and fiber is erased altogether.

Schizophrenia is usually preceded by insomnia
Schizophrenia is usually preceded by insomnia

How to find out the schizophrenic by behavior?

Schizophrenia translated from ancient Greek means “dividing” or “cracking”. In patients suffering from schizophrenia attacks for many years, disturbances in the structure of the brain are indeed observed: neurocirculation ties are collapsed, and the dead are the dead areas of the brain, the number of which increases after each attack of delirium and hallucinations. How to find out the schizophrenic by behavior?

  1. Schizophrenics are very cold emotionally. And this apathy is so deep that it is capable of terrifying others. They may not be alarmed by the acquired accident or even the loss of their own loved ones. However, a healthy person may also have no external reaction to shock. Sometimes a shock drives into an emotional stupor, but in this case, after a while, emotions are still manifested. And the schizophrenic does not happen. If you see a mother who is indifferent to her own child, she probably really has schizophrenia.
  2. The discrepancy between words and emotions. A schizophrenic is a person who can beat you with a frozen smile on his face. He does not have a quick small facial expressions at all, it seems that he changes several theatrical masks, and he does it out of place. Outwardly, it looks like a maniac behavior from a horror movie, but in fact, just one of the manifestations of the disease.
  3. Sloppy. Usually, schizophrenics in the house are “creative mess”. They are also inclined to show negligence in relation to their appearance. However, there are exceptions, for example, if the schizophrenic was brought up very picking up her mother.
  4. Social dysfunction. People suffering from schizophrenia are usually deeply unhappy people. They really do not have enough reason to equip their personal lives and build a successful career. If you assume that your boss or girlfriend is lowering a lot of money for shopping in Milan, they suffer from schizophrenia, most likely, this is not so.
Schizophrenic, similar to a person who changes the masks out of place
Schizophrenic, similar to a person who changes the masks out of place

In the active phase, it is difficult not to notice schizophrenia, it manifests itself:

  1. Auditory hallucinations
  2. Visual illusions
  3. Delirium

Steeling erroneous judgments should be understood by delirium that a person considers the only true. If a person can be dissuaded in anything, bringing reasonable arguments, then this is a common mistake, not nonsense.

Schizophrenics confuse imagination and reality
Schizophrenics confuse imagination and reality

Schizophrenia test

Detailed and accurate schizophrenia test You can find in this articleposted on our website.

There is another simple Video test for schizophrenia: To pass it, you just need to view the video posted below.

Decoding: A healthy person, when the mask turns the back, sees it convex, and the schizophrenic sees it concave, that is, as it really is.

Interesting: there is an opinion that in ancient times schizophrenics were simply necessary. At night, if a tiger sneaked up to the cave, people could survive, because one alarming did not sleep.

The genius of schizophrenics

What is the genius of schizophrenics? History stubbornly claims that the most piercing and subtle works of art were created precisely by people suffering from certain mental disorders.

  • The author of the picture Saturn, devouring his son ”Francisco Goya did not seem to suffer from mental illness. But it is noteworthy that he painted this and a number of other paintings alone and in a deep old age, discarding the hands and palettes, with his bare hands right on the walls of his house. Imagine this fresco adorned the artist’s dining room and, looking at her, he had lunch every day.
Where is the line between mental illness and genius?
Where is the line between mental illness and genius?
  • When the artist painted his frescoes, he was deaf and almost blind. Researchers believe that he suffered from syphilis, which, in addition to blindness and deafness, causes madness. In his bedroom, Goya placed another fresco, striking in his truthful cruelty, three goddesses of fate fly in the sky.

Video: Black Pictures Goya

  • School readers usually talk about circumstances in detail the life of Sergei Yesenin, But they say nothing about the details of his death. The poet suffered from drunken drunkenness, shortly before his death was undergoing a course of treatment in a psychiatric hospital, and committed suicide. There is a reflection of the poet’s mental torment in his lyrics.
The inner demon of Yesenin
"Inner demon" Yesenin
  • The picture "Scream" Edward Munka saw everyone. The place that is depicted in the picture is real: it is a bridge not far from which there are two terrible places - a cattle -beam, with which the cries of dying animals and a clinic for mentally ill, where the artist’s sister was treated. The fate of the painter himself was difficult, at the age of 5, he lost his mother, who died from tuberculosis. It is known that he constantly redrawn his picture “Scream”, and that the artist also underwent treatment in a psychiatric hospital.
Scream - a piercing picture of a mentally ill artist
“Scream” is a piercing picture of a mentally ill artist

Traditional methods for treating schizophrenia

Treatment of schizophrenia

If you came to the conclusion that one of your loved ones has symptoms of schizophrenia, do not be afraid to seek medical help. Stories that from psychiatric hospitals are never returned, do not quite correspond to reality. Only two categories of patients constantly live in a psychiatric hospital: those who simply have nowhere to go, and those who have committed especially serious crimes.

In other cases, compulsory treatment is possible only with the consent of relatives, and the same relatives have the patient's right to pick up. With a pronounced psychosis and exacerbation of schizophrenia, an attack is stopped with medicines and usually a few weeks later the patient is prescribed in a more sane state.

Video: Psychologist Veronika Stepanova on how to recognize schizophrenia

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Comments K. article

  1. Good afternoon, doctor! Can a person who was influenced by neurolinguistic programming to be like a schizophrenic. And how and is it possible to get a person out of this neurolinguistic programming?

  2. Good afternoon Taisiya. If a person is convinced that he was influenced by neurolinguistic programming, then this does not yet mean that he is sick with schizophrenia. It is possible to get it out of neurolinguistic programming if a person does not focus on this programming. The less he has thoughts on this topic, the more successfully the way out of such a situation will be.

  3. Oh my God ... and laughter and sin .. my daughter awarded D.S: schizophrenia .... I’m looking through ... But I saw a mask, I saw a pink convex .... It is a pity the daughter herself does not see what is meeting with the drug addict ... and with the consequences ...

  4. Try to pass the Smil test, it shows not only schizophrenia, but also other deviations. For example, narcissism, sadism, hysteria, etc. are interesting that the results in the form of scales, where it can be from O to 100. This suggests that we are all a little psycho) at the same time and the daughter can be checked 🙂

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