How to determine the Internet dependence in children and adolescents, on the phone and computer: signs, test. How to get rid of game, computer, telephone, Internet dependence in children and adolescents: treatment

How to determine the Internet dependence in children and adolescents, on the phone and computer: signs, test. How to get rid of game, computer, telephone, Internet dependence in children and adolescents: treatment

While the computer and the phone plays the role of an indispensable working tool, the risk of “retraction” is minimal, but as soon as the computer, telephone or the Internet environment becomes a means of entertainment, the best friend and sincere interlocutor - a person is in wait for the danger of acquiring a pernicious habit.

How to determine computer, game and telephone Internet addiction in children and adolescents?

How to determine computer dependence
how to determine computer, telephone, Internet dependence

Children and adolescents are the main risk group for the development of computer, telephone, Internet dependence. The greatest risk occurs at adolescence - when a person is looking for himself in the world, determines for himself goals and guidelines.

Computer, telephone, Internet dependence can occur at an earlier age, because the children's psyche is most prone to addiction.
The formation of game addiction is the following stages:

  1. The stage of easy enthusiasm - there is a feeling of "pleasure" from the game, although a person is engaged in these from time to time.
  2. Stage of hobby - a computer game becomes a need, the game takes on a systematic character, the same applies to social networks.
  3. The stage of dependence is the need for the game, social networks “falls” in the hierarchy of needs to the level of physiological, without a game, communication in social networks, a person experiences dissatisfaction, anxiety, and negative emotions.

Signs by which parents can diagnose computer, telephone Internet addiction:

  1. The loss of a sense of time, the child is not able to independently finish the game or Internet session and switch to another type of activity, for example, go for a walk, do lessons or go to bed.
  2. Loss of interest in real life, other classes. Game time or time on the network gradually replaces other activities - circles, electives, communication with peers, up to social isolation.
  3. A sense of joy while staying at a computer, phone and irritation or aggression if a computer/phone is not available.
  4. Frequent conflicts with others and with oneself.
  5. Attacks of fear, anxiety, nightmares.
  6. At the physical level, a child can feel pain and dry eyes, a smoke in the back, tunnel spinning syndrome.
  7. Pathological hobby leads to impaired posture, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic fatigue.

Tests for computer, game, telephone and Internet addiction for children and adolescents

User testing helps to identify the first signs of computer, telephone, game, Internet dependence and apply preventive programs in time.

The simplicity and transparency of the issues of the dough of the American psychologist Kimberly Young enable parents to test a teenager in order to more clearly represent the depth of pathological dependence on the network.

Below, get acquainted with the test on the Internet dependence.

Kimberly Young test
kimberly Young test

Assessment of the test results is carried out on the following scale:

  • 29-49 points-tested is free from dependence and perfectly controls itself
  • 50-79 points-there are some problems associated with an excessive enthusiasm for a computer
  • 80-100 points-a significant dependence, it may require the help of a specialist (psychologist or even a psychotherapist)

The next test is more adapted for the diagnosis of children and adolescents from computer dependence.

Test Yuryeva
test Yuryeva

Prevention of child dependencies on gadgets

Prevention of computer dependence
Prevention of computer, telephone and Internet dependence

The development of gaming and Internet addiction contributes to the widespread of computers, phones, the development of a mobile computer environment, the availability of connecting a gadget to the World Wide Web.

How to prevent the development of playing or Internet addiction in a child:

  1. Show a personal positive example. Children always imitate adults and if parents spend all their free time on the Internet or for games, then the child will behave the same.
  2. Limit the working hours with gadgets. Up to 4 years, it is better not to give the child gadgets in his hands in general.
  3. After 4 years, the time of communication with a computer, phone, tablet strictly dose.
  4. Install a solid rule - “a certain amount of minutes a day” (from half an hour to 2 hours a day - depending on age), and do not violate it under any circumstances - be consistent.
  5. Interested in what your children do at a computer, phone, tablet. Be near, be with your child.
  6. Discuss the games you like to play.
  7. Learn the child to consider games, applications for gadgets and the Internet as a means of acquiring new skills, obtaining useful information that brings practical importance.
  8. In order to avoid the complete movement of the child to the “virtual worlds”, he should have complete access to real and carrying “worlds” - studios, circles, campaigns, communication with nature, creativity, travel, theaters, cinema, and museums.

How to wean a child from excessive passion for a computer, phone, tablet: tips

How to wean a child from gadgets
how to wean a child from gadgets

A direct and categorical ban is the simplest and most ineffective solution, leading to a conflict between the child and the parent and the aggravation of the problem.
A reasonable approach is to teach the child to treat the computer, phone or tablet and Internet correctly, allow the child to use electronic devices, but under parental control and time limit.

  1. Determine together with the child the rules for using the Internet and computer or phone, determine the amount of time per day for the game and subsequently strictly adhere to the established rules.
  2. A good assistant in this case can be special programs that let user a user for a certain time and turn off the computer, the phone after it has expired.
  3. Offer the child various opportunities for development: sports or creative classes, reading, circles, walks and games in the fresh air.
  4. If the child is dependent on social networks, talk to him about feelings and relationships between people in real life.
  5. Take the children with you to visit, arrange parties at home, support the child, the teenager to make real friends and spend time with them.

An excellent means of overcoming computer, telephone, Internet dependence in children of preschool and primary school age is fairy -tale therapy.

  • Find a finished fairy tale or come up with your own so that the plot describes the problematic situation in which the child fell.
  • Discuss with the baby the behavior and experience of the protagonist, the causes of the problem situation and possible ways to withdraw from it.
  • This contributes to the fact that the child, subconsciously identifying himself with the main character, will be able to reconsider his behavior.

Treatment of computer, telephone dependence in adolescents

Treatment of computer addiction
computer and telephone treatment treatment

What to do if the symptoms of computer, telephone or Internet dependence have a teenager still have?

Success in overcoming a harmful habit largely depends on the correct actions of the parents and the individual characteristics of the teenager himself.

  1. Notations, educational conversations, and even more threats in this case are means of dubious effectiveness.
  2. It is necessary to limit to a minimum a time spent on a computer, a phone (buy a button phone) that has become dependent. At the same time, it is impossible to sharply or categorically prohibit the computer, the phone or other gadgets cannot be.
  3. Fill out the void formed as a result of refusing computer games or surfing on the network.
  4. It is very important to find a lesson that will like a teenager will captivate him. This will sharply reduce the likelihood of relapse.
  5. Be sure to find the reason that led to computer, telephone, Internet dependence, and eliminate it.

In severe cases, it is difficult to solve the problem on their own, parents face categorical protests, aggression, and ignoring any adult requirements.

  • In such circumstances, the help of a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist is necessary.
  • Psychotherapeutic methods for treating computer, telephone, Internet and gaming dependence are sometimes combined with medications - soothing drugs, antidepressants are prescribed.
  • Teach children from a very young age to use a computer, smartphone, gadgets and the Internet for its intended purpose.
  • Raise the user culture in children, teach them to control your activities at a computer, smartphone or online.

Remember, it is much easier to prevent the development of addiction than to overcome it.

VIDEO: Computer dependence of the student

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