How to help a man to lose weight: a nutritionist

How to help a man to lose weight: a nutritionist

Men often do not have time to take care of themselves. And in this situation, helping your man should lose weight for a woman

Excess weight is a problem not only for the fair sex, but also for men. Only most women understand this perfectly and try to follow their figure with the help of sports and all sorts of diets, but many men often neglect this, believing that "there should be a lot of good person."

How can an adult man lose weight effectively and without unnecessary stress? It turns out that there are special methods by which this process can be greatly simplified without catastrophic food restrictions.

How to help a man to lose weight: Causes of completeness in men

Of course, a male tummy is not a catastrophe for a general impression, but excess weight extremely negatively affects health. Yes, and excessive fullness, frankly, does not paint anyone.

Naturally, to help to lose weight to a man It is necessary to first find out the root cause of fullness. After all, excess weight is the organism signal that something is going wrong as it should.

Lose weight
Lose weight

Let's look at the most common causes of the hated abdomen:

  1. Slow down metabolism, which is inevitable for representatives of both sexes. It was just genetically so that most women have to deal with this phenomenon throughout their lives, and men with age.
  2. Reducing physical exertion - the process is quite natural (why walk on foot and carry weights in your hands if a car is already bought!).
  3. Violation of the regime and quality of nutrition is the scourge of our time. Many people do not have time to cook (and sometimes eat up with someone) breakfast, hastily bite in catering establishments during the day, and in the evening they are thrown in large portions of fat, harmful food.
  4. Chronic stressful state is also an element of modern aggressive life, causing an oppressed state and subsequent “sealing” of anxiety.
  5. Features of professional activity - participation in all kinds of tastings, receptions, parties and similar events with an abundance of snacks and alcohol.
  6. The abuse of alcoholic beverages (very high -calorie in fact) and, of course, a snack - especially before bedtime.
  7. A genetic predisposition to completeness is a problem transmitted by inheritance.

How to help a man to lose weight: a requirement for nutrition

No matter how much you want help to lose weight to a man Without exhausting diets, it is unlikely that they will succeed. Therefore, the regime and quality of food must undoubtedly be reviewed.

  1. Limit the use of your favorite mayonnaise and tomato sauces - it is better to replace them with vegetable oil, low -fat yogurt and fresh vegetables.
  2. Try to refuse alcohol (and, accordingly, from the snack) or greatly reduce the dose.
  3. Favorite meat and fish dishes should be continued to cook, but without fried (a beautiful alternative - baking, grill or cook).
  4. Cook as many light vegetable and fruit salads with useful gas stations as possible, using lemon juice for piquancy.
  5. If a man does not have time to have breakfast and have lunch at home, then prepare him two sets of useful food so that he can eat it in the morning and afternoon, and not look for the nearest fast food.
  6. Make such a diet so that a man can take useful protein food three times a day (for those who have weak willpower, it is allowed to add two small snacks).
  7. The most non -core, but at the same time quite nutritious, there should be evening food - here the housewives will have to show ingenuity. After all, a man is unlikely to agree to dine daily with boiled fish.
  8. One of the indispensable conditions is the abundant use of water (minimum - from 1.5 liters for a day).
Follow the diet
Follow the diet

Invite the man together to plan and purchase products. To do this, be sure to make a list of what you need to buy (useful and nutritious, but not harmful).

Before walking on the market or a supermarket, be sure to eat so that the empty stomach does not become a bad adviser and does not knock down proper nutrition from the selected vector. Having made purchases strictly according to the list, refuse to travel in public transport or your own car - it is better to take all purchases on foot and in your hands.

How to help a man to lose weight: physical exercise

Of course, it is impossible to sharply turn the lovers of eating into an avid athlete, so it is better to start with trifles to help to lose weight to a man.

  1. Put the Veto on any horizontal rest after eating.
  2. Get the rule daily (in any weather) to walk slowly in the nearest park - at least two hours.
  3. Come up with weekly sorties for active relaxation for the whole family (pool, bowling, bicycle or skiing - what the soul wishes).
  4. If your man is morally matured to visit the gym, then this is a great result of your efforts (to strengthen his willpower, it is better at first, until he gets involved, visit the hall with him).
  5. To conduct leisure time together actively and meaningfully, take up some kind of sport (having signed up in the section), yoga or dancing (good, there are a great many similar studios now).

  6. Plan an active vacation on vacation: no hotels where "all inclusive"! Better go to the mountains or break the tent somewhere by the river.
  7. Initiate the repair of the home (garage, cottages - it doesn’t matter) with your own hands, believe me, calories will burn all family members!
  8. Make more love that not only perfectly drives weight, but also strengthens family relationships, health and improves mood.
  9. If no one suffers from allergies to animal hair, then get a puppy-it is desirable that it be a representative of some hyperactive breed with whom it will be necessary to walk daily for a long time.
  10. Those couples who live in the private sector or have cottages need to delve more in the ground - this is a whole complex of physical exercises in the fresh air, and even with noticeable benefit.
  11. Invite your spouse to do fishing or hunting - of course, these are not too humane classes, but very active physically.

At the first stages of losing weight, a man will not notice significant results, so he can decide to abandon “incredible” efforts. Therefore, it will be better if every small feat is marked and elevated to the rank of heroic act. Believe me, approval and praise are able to work miracles!

How to help a man to lose weight: menu

Ideally, for the competent construction of the menu, you should consult with a nutritionist who will take into account the individual characteristics of your body, prescribe tests, and then calculate what products and in what quantities you need to use, and from which you should run, like from the plague.

If for some reason you have no opportunity to consult with a specialist, then you can find some calorie calculator (taking into account age, growth, weight, level of your daily physical exertion and the like) on the Internet and estimate how much and what can be possible There is no damage to the figure.

According to studies, there are menu options that are useful for most men, which we will give below.

Borsch with chicken
Borsch with chicken
  • For breakfast: vegetables with low -fat cottage cheese and scrambled eggs; a salad of vegetables with herbs and natural yogurt, vegetable oil or low -fat sour cream; bread - be sure with bran; Hot drinks without sugar or with its substitute.
  • For the second breakfast: Low -fat kefir and fruits (for example, green apples).
  • For lunch: soup or borsch with chicken, you can season with low -fat sour cream; vegetable salad with lemon juice dressing; hot drinks without sugar or with its substitute; Light, not very high -calorie dessert.
  • For lunch: low -fat cottage cheese or cheese; citrus; A non -exalted fresh bread.
  • For dinner: steam is not very fatty fish; Porridge made of brown rice without oil; Light lettuce (for example, Greek, with refueling only from lemon juice).

How to help a man to lose weight: tips from experienced nutritionists

  1. The main task of a losing weight man is to spend more calories every day than falls into the body.
  2. If you cannot live without sweet, you can eat a little desserts that do not contain fats - marshmallows, marmalade, dried fruits or pastille (no more than 200 kcal for a day).

  3. Come up with a variety of menu, trying not to cross the daily calorie limit.
  4. Refuse fast carbohydrates (baking, sweet carbonated drinks, confectionery) in favor of slow, presented by porridge, vegetables and plants from the Beaver family.
  5. Eat often, consuming a little food.
  6. Gradually increase the power cardio load on your body.

Video: How to lose weight to a man?

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  1. I found a turboslim tea with my wife ... I decided to try. And you know, there is really benefit for weight loss. Most importantly, that I did not have to particularly limit myself in nutrition .. it simply additionally began to engage in sports in the morning and the weight slowly began to fall. So it’s not so difficult to lose weight, and the advice of nutritionists, I think, are not so important ... It is important to just find what is suitable for you)

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