How to lose weight by 3, 5 and 9 kg per week? How to lose weight in a week on fruits, cereals, kefir, drinking and protein diet?

How to lose weight by 3, 5 and 9 kg per week? How to lose weight in a week on fruits, cereals, kefir, drinking and protein diet?

How to lose 3 kg per week correctly?

There are such life situations when it is necessary to urgently throw off excess weight. The reason for this can be a planned sports competition or just a desire to get into an old dress. To discard three kilograms per week is quite simple and will not cause you practically any complications, the main thing is the desire to lose weight.

Three kilograms per week - a normal amount of weight that may leave. Losing weight by three kilograms involves getting rid of excessive water in the body and toxins in the intestines.

Experienced professionals (fitness trainers and nutritionists) have identified the basic rules and recommendations of weight loss. If you adhere to them in severity, you will easily lose three kilograms in a short period of time:

  • Be sure to eat a useful breakfast in the morning.Eating breakfast, you saturate the body with a supply of nutrients that it will spend throughout the day and save you from sharp seizures by starving to the course of the day and especially in the evening. Breakfast must consist of complex carbohydrates: cereals or cereals, as well as protein foods (milk, egg white, cottage cheese, cheese) and fruits (eat fruits only in the morning or until noon)
  • Drink a mandatory water rate per day.This is the simplest and most difficult rule for performing if a person is not used to drinking water at all. However, it is simply necessary to drink it in the amount of one and a half to two liters per day. This amount is complemented by soups, teas, coffee and juices. Take the habit of drinking a glass of water before each meal. This will not only kill your appetite, but will wash the old juice out of the stomach and will allow you to develop a new one, which will digest food better
  • Try to change and diversify your menu.You need to completely exclude fried fatty foods, chips, potatoes, butter, sugar, sweet carbonated drinks, mayonnaise, cookies, pastries. Limit the amount of salt consumed to a minimum, replace white bread with rye or whole -grain and eat a small piece only for breakfast. Prepare food, cook or bake in the oven. Remember that most of your portion should be vegetables
  • Try to change the diet.You need to eat in small portions, but much more often than you are used to. Such nutrition triggers all the metabolic processes of the body and accelerates them. The body spends the resulting portion of calories and does not lay off not spent in the fatty reserve. Moreover, such nutrition will not make you starve and wait for me to eat, it is best if there are about two to two and a half hours between meals.
  • You will try to increase your physical activity.And for this it is not at all necessary to fly with lightning speed and sign up for the gym. To begin with, it is enough to diversify your activities on foot. To do this, you can walk to work or just walk in the evenings, and not sit in front of the TV or on the bench. Do morning exercises, roll on a bicycle, walk with a dog, arrange runs in the fresh air or steps (if you live in a high -rise building of a big city)
Is it possible to lose three kilograms in a week?

How to lose 5 kg per week, menu?

In a week you can throw much more than three kilograms and all success, and the result also depends only on your efforts and intentions. In order to get rid of this amount of weight, it is necessary to adhere to a certain power system for a week and regularly carry out the load on your body.

Type of load, you are free to choose yourself:

  • Hiking many hours of walks (either walks to work and vice versa, if it is located far enough from home)
  • Halls in the gym and fitness classes
  • Dancing
  • Swimming
  • A ride on the bicycle
  • Home exercises on the recommendations (swinging the press, push -ups, squats, and so on)
How to lose five kilograms in a short period of time?

In addition to the fact that you need to be constantly active, it is useful and also to carry out a complex of wellness measures:

  • Take a contrast shower in the morning or completely cold if the season allows (as you use the metabolic processes of the body and it works more actively)
  • To visit a sauna or bath (such an event helps to withdraw toxins from the body and favors weight loss)
  • Attend massage sessions of both healing and anti -cellulite

And of course, the most basic and main requirement is to observe the power system. To do this, you will need to choose one of the effective diets and adhere to it very carefully:

  • Kefir simple diet.This is a well -known short -term diet, designed to regularly use only low -fat kefir and supplement it with a small number of allowed products. It is allowed to adhere to such a diet for six to seven days plus one fasting. This diet allows you to lose weight from five to seven kilograms per week
  • Japanese diet designed for a week.It is often chosen for “quick” weight loss only because it is a way to give a quick result. It allows you to be shot during a short period of time from four to seven kilograms. Its principle is quite simple - it cuts the amount of carbohydrates in food and distributes human nutrition strictly by the clock, as well as the grams of food that should be eaten
  • Buckwheat diet.The simplest of the milestone diets. Nevertheless, depending on the body, she promises that on the day you can drop to one kilogram! Buckwheat diet involves the use of buckwheat alone, complemented by kefir, water or tea. However, cooking it is also not usually worth it - steam. So you protect porridge from the loss of important trace elements
  • Diet on juices.Another modern way of losing weight. Feasts love her very much and looking at them can be said that she is quite effective. But it has its disadvantages - it can harm health. If you sit on such a diet, carefully follow the body, if suddenly he began to fail - instantly leave it. It is best to arrange fasting juice days for yourself!
  • Diet diet.It involves food during the day only protein foods, dairy products of low fat content, in addition to some vegetables. Such a diet will allow you to quickly lose weight and promises from three kilograms to five per week with its proper adherence to moderate physical exertion during the day
A variety of diets for weight loss in a short time

How to lose 9 kg per week?

Losing weight 9-10 kilograms per week, to be honest, is quite difficult. However, you should not give up, because it is quite real! For this, one of the so -called “quick diets” and active physical exertion on the body will come in handy.

You must always keep in mind that such emergency weight loss will not always give you exactly the result that you were waiting for. After all, completely different parts of the body, not the stomach and sides, can “lose weight”. This is a completely understandable pattern - those areas that are more saturated with blood vessels are losing weight, there fat leaves faster. Speaking specifically, the first thing that loses weight is:

  • face
  • breast
  • buttocks
  • legs
  • stomach

Therefore, if you do not immediately see the result and a clear waist, do not despair, but you should strengthen your zeal so that the desired result comes as quickly as possible.

How to throw 9 kilograms in one week?

To sit on a simple and fast diet for weight loss by 9 kilograms is not enough. You regularly need to use all the muscles of your body so that they work and burn calories laid down in the form of fat with the body:

  • do morning exercises - so you will not only spend calories, but also tighten your body, straighten up the posture, improve the stretching and will be energetic throughout the day
  • try to sign up for swimming in the pool - after all, swimming is much more effective than any sport only because it involves absolutely all muscle groups so that you do not even notice it
  • walk on foot - forget about any transport (bicycle does not count), elevators, minibuses, and so on. Go to work, meetings, walk every evening - it's not only useful, but also pleasant

If you want to lose weight and sides, help them. Regularly massage these parts of the body, make wraps with anti -cellulite creams and scrubs in the shower. So, the process of losing weight will occur much faster and you will notice the result.

As for the diet - choose the safest power system for yourself, that is, eat only healthy food. Thus, you can force the body not to experience stress and you will confidently throw off extra pounds. Practice a fasting day at the beginning or at the end of a weekly diet. After you achieve the desired weight loss, do not break out of the path of a healthy lifestyle, but continue to pursue it. So you will achieve good results in the future and will not gain lost weight with more than.

Diet and sport - the key to a beautiful figure and harmony

How to lose weight on kefir in a week?

Many try to throw off the excess weight precisely with a kefir diet. It is believed that this method of nutrition will not only force to leave, but also “cleanse” the body of accumulated toxins and toxins well. Practice shows that kefir diet is quite effective and gives excellent results in a short period of time.

Before you sit on a kefir diet, you should carefully study the characteristics of your body and make sure that it will suit you. So you will limit yourself to possible consequences and will not harm your body.

Kefir "food" involves several main options:

  • First option.Suitable only for those who agree to adhere to strict restrictions in the nutrition. Such a diet allows only one kefir to drink in order to satisfy the feeling of hunger. But she also considers it important during the day to drink the recommended amount of water, as well as an unlimited amount of tea and herbal decoctions. Such a diet cannot be held for a long time. It is best if this diet serves as “unloading days” from one to three. In this case, it will allow you to throw from three days and up to five kilograms of excess weight in three days
  • The second option.A little simpler than the first, but also complicated. The diet involves your use during the day only kefir and some fruits. So, diet prohibits eating grapes (there are a lot of sugar in it) and bananas (they have a lot of starch in them). It is allowed to adhere to such a diet for no more than five days, and to drink at least one and a half liters of kefir per day and eat a kilogram of fresh fruits. Such a diet in five days promises to “pick” up to five kilograms of excess weight
  • The third option.The most favorable and useful diet of all kefir. It is not rarely called “striped” only because it is based on alternation. This is a fairly long diet that lasts at least two weeks. The diet involves drinking a one and a half liters of low fat kefir per day, and on the next day to eat fruits and vegetables, cereals and soups, lean meat and other healthy foods (naturally not overly and moderately, without overeating)
  • The fourth option.It involves your nutrition only with low -fat cottage cheese and kefir. Sitting on such a diet is not recommended for more than three days (if you hold out). It will be necessary to eat five to six times a day and there is only a hundred grams of non-fat cottage cheese, drinking a glass of kefir. It will be impossible to consume anything but tea and water. But in three days you can lose up to six kilograms of excess weight
  • The fifth option.These are the most ordinary unloading days that should be arranged on kefir. These are completely safe and useful days, which can adhere to absolutely everyone. Such a day involves eating only not sweet apples and not fat kefir. Such days can be adhered once a week even to pregnant women who are prone to abnormal and excessive weight gain
kefir diet and its results in weight loss

How to lose weight on cereals in a week?

Porridge is a fairly high -calorie food product, but even on such a diet you can lose weight. However, if you choose such a power system, you must definitely remember that it is very strict and does not tolerate combination with other products. The cereal diet is very strict and therefore effective, capable of giving you the desired result. Even if within two weeks you will simply eat different cereals without sugar, salt and oil and do nothing at the same time - you can lose weight by six kilograms and feel much better.

The cereal diet suggests two options: either a mono -diet, that is, the case when you adhere to one cereal. Or is a diet that can be diversified by different types of cereals.

The advantage of porridge is only that cereals (absolutely any) are based on complex carbohydrates. The body digests complex carbohydrates throughout the day, unlike the fast (baking, sweets, chips, and so on) that instantly turn into energy and if it is not spent immediately, turns into a reserve of fat on the body. Complex carbohydrates are not deposited by excess fat deposits, so you should not be afraid that you can get better (unless of course you tie the porridge well with oil and sugar).

how to lose weight and lose a large number of extra pounds on cereals?

There is also a good supply of fats and proteins in the croup, which are so necessary for the human body. And there is also a fiber in them. An important element of any healthy diet and diet for weight loss. Fiber contributes to the fact that toxins and toxins come out of the intestines, triggers the metabolic processes of the body, helps to give a feeling of satiety and digest other nutrients.

Most often, they sit on a diet from cereals for a period of 10 or 14 days. And all this time you should strictly adhere to a certain diet, excluding products such as:

  • any dairy products
  • any baking and bread
  • sugar and glucose
  • the meat is any!
  • potato
  • chocolate and cocoa
  • butter and vegetable oil
  • salt
  • berries

This is a very strict diet that involves the power of porridge in addition to:

  • tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • beetroot
  • carrots
  • zucchini
  • pumpkin
  • apples (not sweet)
  • tea
  • coffee
  • water

If this is not possible, then once a day in a minimum quantity you can afford:

  • vegetable oil
  • nuts - no more than a hundred grams
  • honey-one or two teaspoons

At first you can feel a breakdown and a sharp change in mood, the presence of apathy and even melancholy. But all unpleasant symptoms should disappear after three to four days of the diet and on the ninth to twenty days a person feels:

  • ease
  • vigor
  • enthusiasm
  • strength
  • energy
  • desire to adhere to a healthy lifestyle

There are a lot of fiber in the croup and therefore it will help cleanse the intestines of accumulated toxins and toxins. After that, the food will begin to be absorbed better, problems with stools and bloating will disappear.

porridge diet

How to lose weight on fruits in a week?

In order to lose weight and get maximum pleasure, many people prefer weight loss on fruits. Depending on what fruits you choose for weight loss, the diet promises you a good result and lose weight up to seven kilograms in a week. Due to the fact that there are a lot of carbohydrates and fiber in fruits and they are very tasty, you will not suffer from a depressive mood and will feel the vigor of the spirit.

Like any other diet, this power system has both its advantages and disadvantages, which should be discussed separately.


  • Fruit nutrition allows you to quickly and quickly clean the intestines from toxins
  • It fills the body with a large number of vitamins and other beneficial trace elements
  • Gives an incredible sensation of body lightness
  • Strengthens and improves the condition of hair and nails, normalizes the condition of the skin (thanks to the same vitamins)
  • Normalizes a chair and eliminates constipation
  • You can eat on such a diet at any time of the day, even at night
  • It is impossible to get better on it
  • You don't need to cook dishes


  • Fruit diet will not give a quick result too complete people
  • Overeating sweet fruits can lead to excessive fructose in the body
  • Such a diet cannot be observed for more than ten days, as it can harm the body
  • The body may experience a lack of protein
  • The body may experience a lack of vitamin B2


  • People who have problems and ulcerative diseases of the food tract, as well as gastritis
  • People with excessive acidity in the stomachs
  • People who have increased sensitivity to allergens
  • People who do not like fruit

The fruit diet is best observed as unloading days in the amount of one or two days so as not to harm your body. Sweet fruits are recommended to eat in the morning, and in the second - sour.

fruit diet - its effectiveness and rules for compliance

How to lose weight on a protein diet in a week?

The protein diet offers everyone who wants to quickly and effective weight loss. It involves food only with protein products for three to seven days. It is not recommended to adhere to such a diet more and longer so as not to harm your body. Depending on your weight, you can calculate on various sites the norm of your diet in the number of days (protein diet calculator).

During a protein diet, it is allowed to eat:

  • not fat or low -fat cottage cheese
  • milk of small percentage of fat content or completely low -fat
  • the cheese is not fat
  • lean meat: rabbit, chicken, turkey, beef
  • fish and seafood
  • egg (only protein)
  • the yogurt is not fat
  • serum
  • kefir
  • tea, coffee, water

Everything that you eat should not exceed the fat content of 4%. Make sure that the products have a minimum amount of salt or there is no it at all.

During a protein diet, it is forbidden to eat:

  • vegetable
  • fruit
  • oil
  • sugar
  • bread and baking
  • juices
  • cookie

The effectiveness of the protein diet lies in the fact that, instead of familiar carbohydrates, the body begins to receive only protein, which to digest it is much more difficult than carbohydrates.

The protein diet has its own obvious advantage - you can eat in any quantities and at any time of the day, even at night. In addition, if you lead a mobile lifestyle, the diet promises to give the most spectacular result. But do not forget about the possible shortcomings of the diet:

  • Constipation, as a result of the absence of fiber in food
  • Lack of strength and energy, because the body will try to rebuild on another source of energy
  • Bad mood, as a result of the absence of carbohydrates in food
protein diet is an effective way to lose extra pounds

How to lose weight on a drinking diet in a week?

This diet suggests that you will eat only food in a liquid state. During this diet you can eat:

  • natural meat and fish broths and completely abandon any spices and broth cubes
  • fresh vegetable juices
  • fresh fruit juices
  • tea (of course without sugar) and coffee
  • the compote is not sweet
  • jelly - not sweet
  • milk (up to 2% fat)
  • kefir - not bold
  • all kinds of smoothies

You must fully realize that any sweet, carbonated, as well as alcoholic drinks are completely prohibited for consumption during this diet.

What are the advantages of this power system:

  • she is actively fighting weight loss and deprives you of extra pounds literally “before our eyes”
  • it best cleans your body of accumulated toxins and toxins
  • diet allows you to reduce the volume of food consumed in the stomach
  • diet makes you spend those calories that were "in stock" at your body

The drinking diet promises to throw off the weight to ten kilograms in just two weeks of observance. But just as strictly as you adhered to it, it needs a correct and gradual way out.

drinking diet and rules for its observance

What exercises should be done to lose weight in a week?

The key to quick and high -quality weight loss is not only observing the right diet, but also an active lifestyle. Try to completely change it: walk more, sign up for fitness or pool, go to the pool, arrange jogging and riding a bicycle. This will not only help you fight excess fat reserves, but also significantly improve your quality of life.

If you do not have enough money and time for fitness in the hall, it is enough to perform a different set of exercises daily:

  • Swing of the press -it will help burn fat in the most difficult place: in the waist, on the sides and back. You can improve your posture and strengthen your back, and get rid of the hated "caterpillar" in the form of folds
  • Squats -legs, hips and ass will help to put in order. So you can carry out the load on the oblique muscles of the abdomen, eliminating God and looming the waist
  • Push -ups on the hands from the sofa or other surface -this is not a complete push -up that will make it possible to make hands and harder and stronger
  • Exercise "Mill" -turns to the sides with waving hands will not only help make the silhouette slim, but also strengthen your back and joints
  • Raising the legs -in a sitting position, you need to take the ball in the chair and raise it up the maximum number of times. This will improve your press and make slender legs slim

Tips on how to lose weight quickly in a week: reviews

Catherine:“I'm sitting on a healthy diet. I do not overeat and eat not fatty foods. If possible, I try to take regular walks. I do yoga and sometimes arrange jogging. Healthy diet is the best of all diets. It allows you to feel good always and never has any negative consequences! ”

Anton:“The protein diet is the key to a harmonious and athletic body. When practicing in the sports room, I regularly eat protein products and exclude fast carbohydrates, sugar and fat from my diet. The result is strong muscles, a ton of energy and the vigor of the spirit. Protein diet is the secret of my health and beauty, as well as sports-sport! ”

Maria:“Sitting on a diet alone is difficult. Whatever it is. I advise you to always pursue her with someone: a friend, mother, daughter. So, you can feel the excitement and will regularly try to make efforts on yourself. I advise you to constantly make a variety of diets for yourself: protein, vegetable, drinking. So, you can not experience a lack of nutrients and not suffer from a bad mood. It's so interesting! And do not forget to arrange fasting days - this is the little secret of harmony and optimism! ”

Video: "Diets for quick weight loss: how to choose?"



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Comments K. article

  1. Such quick weight loss is harmful to the body. For example, I lost 4.1 kilograms in a month. All thanks to the drug Modelfyorm 18 plus, which helps to control the appetite. I already eat less sweets, I generally refused fast food.

  2. Fastfood is generally evil ((no benefit from food, only cellulite and fat on the sides. Do not eat this nonsense, better an apple or carrot.

  3. I am also against fast food !! And various smoked meats, fried, sausages and other harmfulnesses. Only proper nutrition and fitness will make you beautiful, thin and healthy. I can still share my secret, the BV tiocide helps well if you lose weight. The drug removes harmful saturated fatty acids from the body, cholesterol decreases, which will also not be superfluous. My proper nutrition has long become a way of life, and who is just going to put his body in order, I recommend not waiting for Monday, but to start straight today.

  4. Yes, it is atonient for such a number of kg to lose weight in a week ... This is a huge stress for the body and if something leaves, it will only be water. Therefore, it is better to be guided by the rule, you’ll go, you will be, you will be. The most important thing is to set myself a motivating goal, for example, I want to win a ticket to Seychelles, I teach a competition in a competition from TNT, of course I do not want to flaunt on the beach in a swimsuit with fatty sides and huge belly. With such thoughts, it is losing weight easier)) by the way, minus 10 kg) and not in a week, but in 3 months, but it pleases me, it will not return the weight not to return

  5. To quickly lose weight, it is necessary to accelerate metabolism. I myself drink gammigat fruit extract, I don’t want to eat from it and the fat is burned faster. Well, the sport is mandatory!

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