How is the word written often: Separately or separately?

How is the word written often: Separately or separately?

The article will be useful in preparing for exams or testing in the Russian language.

How is the word written often: Separately or separately?

In this case, remembering the correct spelling of a given word is quite easy. Carefully read the explanations below and problems with the word “often” will no longer arise. To determine the correct writing option, pay attention to what part of speech is the word.

I. If this is an adverb, then you need to write together. For example: their meetings often end with quarrels.

How to understand that the word is an adverb?

  1. Place the question → what?meetings what are they doing?end when? often.
  2. Try to replace the word by dialects-synonyms: often, constantly → Their meetings often end with quarrels.
  3. Listen to stress. In this case, the shock syllable is the third: often.

II. If this name is an adjective with a pretext, then you need to write separately. For example: classmates did not like Anna for a frequent change of mood.

How to understand that the word acts as an adjective with a pretext?

  1. Place the question → They didn't like for what? for changing mood which one? Frequent.

Please note: the question is posed after the preposition for.

  1. Try to remove the word from the sentence → Classmates did not like Anna for a change of mood.
  2. Listen to stress. In this case, the shock syllable is the first: for a frequent.

Word spelling often: rule

Check out the general rule that exists for all such cases.

A rule explaining the spelling of an adverb often
The rule explaining the spelling of the adverb "often"

Video: Russian language lessons. Adverb

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