How to write a characteristic for an employee, an employee from the place of work: useful tips, examples, sample

How to write a characteristic for an employee, an employee from the place of work: useful tips, examples, sample

The characteristic for the employee is very important. Let's figure out how to write it correctly.

When employing for a new place of work, often one of the main requirements is the provision of characteristics from a former employer. This document contains information about the personal and professional qualities of the employee. In order to competently draw up a characteristic of an employee, the employer needs to know several basic rules, as well as use the tips for writing it.

How to write a characteristic for an employee, an employee from the place of work: Useful tips

  1. First of all, you need to know what cannot be used when writing characteristics for the employee Personal opinion about a person - only those facts that relate to the career skills of an employee: his professionalism, leadership and abilities, responsibility to work, successes and achievements will be true.
  2. Information in characteristic for the employee It is necessary to express briefly - only confirmed facts.
  3. It is not recommended to write negative characteristic on the employee- This is not very correct in relation to a person, and can negatively affect the reputation of the institution. This is especially true for the characteristics at the request of the court.

    Creating a characteristic
    Creating a characteristic
  4. Since the characteristic does not apply to the UFD, it can be written in any form: when compiling this document, the use of standard forms of the organization is allowed. However, the form must contain the signature of the responsible person or head, as well as the seal of the organization. Issues characteristic  on the employee Human Resources Department.
  5. In large organizations, compilation of the characteristics can be entrusted to a person who occupies a position that is higher of the employee - the head of the department, the master or the head of the shift. In this case, the personnel department compiles a sample of the spelling of the document, taking into account which the characteristic should be written.
  6. The employer is obliged to submit characteristic  on the employee Within three days after the request for issuing a document.
  7. The right to request characteristic  on the employee All employees have - regardless of the time of work in the organization. As well as those employees who have long been dismissed.

The compulsory spelling of the document includes an indication of the deadline for which the employee performed the work in accordance with his position. If the employee continues his career in this organization, and the document wants to provide for an additional place of work - in the timing it should be indicated that the employee fulfills his duties in the current period.

Characteristic for the employee
Characteristic for the employee

Also, the main points of the characteristics of the employee include:

  1. Reliable information about the employee who is known to the manager.
  2. The main tasks and degree of their completion by the employee during the period of work in the organization.
  3. Description of the psychological portrait of the employee is its pre -emptive and missing qualities.
  4. An indication of the ability to interact with the team: work in the team, sociability, self -control.
  5. The conclusion about the results of the employee’s work in the organization is to evaluate his actions and decisions. To indicate how professionally the employee coped with the requirements: achieving results during his work, special merits, raising the career ladder, awards and awards.
  6. An indication of punctuality and discipline of an employee is a responsible attitude to the working schedule and labor standards.
  7. Another auxiliary information that allows you to reveal in more detail the professional qualities of the employee. You can indicate information about visiting the retraining courses or improving the level of knowledge in order to improve their labor skills, participation in competitions, thematic exhibitions, and nominations.

The leader has the right to compose text characteristics  on the employee At his discretion - without coordination with the employee. However, the data set forth in characteristic  on the employee, must be objective. For example, if an employee violated discipline at work and could not cope with his duties, the manager can indicate this information in the document. But in this case, there should be the corresponding entries in the labor schedule - as good arguments. It is important to know, in case of disagreement of an employee with the text of the characteristics - he has the right to challenge it according to legal norms.

How to write a characteristic for an employee, an employee from the place of work: Example

For compilation characteristics  on the employee Standard document templates are not used, but still, there is a certain procedure for writing this document.

Written according to certain rules
Written according to certain rules
  1. The text should be located on the official form of the organization. It is recommended to file a characteristic on one sheet. The printed and written text by hand are considered acceptable.
  2. The document must contain the name of the employee and the date of his birth.
  3. Instructions on education.
  4. The main information about the work and the position held.
  5. Career growth point during work in the organization. It is also necessary to enter special achievements and awards here.
  6. A brief description of personal and professional qualities.
  7. The final assessment of the employee.
  8. To indicate for what purpose the document was written.
  9. Additional information if necessary.
  10. Date of compilation, seal of the organization, signature of the responsible person.

How to write a characteristic for an employee, an employee from a place of work: a sample

LLC "Chance"

243675, Voronezh, Lenin Street, 14


Voronezh June 14, 2018


This characteristic was issued to Simonov Vasily Alexandrovich, born in 1952, secondary education. In 1973 he graduated from the Voronezh professional technical school, with a degree in Locksmith Tokar Equipment. He was accepted at LLC "Chance" as a locksmith of the repair technical brigade - 18. 06. 2014. At this period, he works at the enterprise in accordance with his position. The working experience is 4 years. Marital status: there is a wife and two children, age 25 and 19 years old. Simonov V.A. During his work at the enterprise he proved himself to be a responsible and professional worker. Clearly and on time performs the tasks.

It has a good practical knowledge base in its field. Regularly improves work skills. It has the ability to quickly absorb new technological information. He copes with advanced technologies and can provide teaching activities for new employees in this matter. The team occupies an authoritative position. He has well -owned organizational abilities.

It is an example and a motivating factor for other employees. It has great workability and productivity. It can perform tasks in excess of the norm. It works without violations. He complies with labor discipline and safety precautions at the workplace. Gently refers to inventory and equipment. In the work of Simonov V.A. punctual and organized. He had no fines, reprimands and penalties during the fulfillment of his duties. It has positive personal qualities - an employee a friendly, tactful person. It shows responsiveness, politeness and friendliness in relation to colleagues. Always ready to provide support and assistance in critical situations. He established himself as a tolerant and not prone to conflicts.

This characteristic was issued to Simonov V.A. for provision at the place of demand.

Director Fedyaev G.B.

Video: Compilation of characteristics for an employee

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