How to transfer money from a card to a card without a commission: methods, tips, instructions

How to transfer money from a card to a card without a commission: methods, tips, instructions

From this article you will learn how to transfer money from a card to a card without a commission or with a minimum commission.

In our age, digital technologies have become very convenient to carry out financial transfers at any time of the day with the help of mob. banking programs, payment and other services. But not all banking organizations or systems transfer funds that are not charged for services.

People spend a lot of money on various commissions during transfers. These commissions can be circumvented. The main thing is to approach this issue wisely. In this article, we will consider how to transfer money without a commission, or if this cannot be done, then at least with minimal commission.

Is it possible and where to transfer money without a commission: methods

Transfer of money without commission
Listing finance without a commission

Many bureaus for the implementation of the enumerations take commission when sending finance from one card to another. Therefore, most people ask: is it possible and where to transfer money without a commission? Here are the most popular options:

List the bills to the card of one banking institution.

  • This is the ultra profitable and convenient method of transmitting finance.
  • If both parties are served in the same banking organization, then almost all financial institutions do not take commission for transfer.
  • But Sberbank will not take commission for enumerations only if both parties live in one regional region. That is, if the sender in Moscow, and the recipient in Volgograd, this financial organization will withdraw a few funds in the form of commission boards.

Listing within a limit amount.

  • Some banks have limit rules, within which you will not have a commission.
  • For example, from the Tinkoff Bank card you can transfer up to 20 thousand rubles a month without a commission fee.
  • If the amount is exceeded, then the commission will take, but it will be small.

Through the social network VKontakte.

  • In the section "Messages" there is a function of transferring funds.
  • But you can only translate from plastic Visa and Mastercard.
  • The minimum transfer amount 100 rubles And the maximum 75 thousand rubles.
  • If you want to translate more than 75 thousand, then you will have to make a commission payment.

Payment system cards.

  • If you have an electronic wallet in electronic form, for example, on the Kiwi or Yandex website, then you can make transfers to the card account without commission payment.
  • To do this, you will have to create a card in your electronic system, on its website.
  • The plastic account and the “Portmon” account are the same thing.
  • But when cashing out bills from the plastic account through an ATM, a commission will have to pay.

As you can see, you can transfer funds without unnecessary commission fees, and there are plenty of methods.

How to transfer money from a card to a card, from a card of another bank to a card of the Sberbank client without a commission: online

Transfer of money without commission
Transfer of money without commission

Sberbank is the oldest Russian banking institution. He actively cooperates with other banks of our country. To make it convenient to use Sberbank, you should have an application of this financial institution. Typically, bank employees ask the client to download it when applying for a card or with any other contacting banking organization.

With the help of a specially downloaded and installed program through an electronic store, transfers between customers of a financial organization can be performed by indicating only the number of phone numbers. On-line to list it is much more profitable and within your region, the enumerations pass without commission. To transfer money from a card to a Sberbank card, you need to turn on the application program and perform such steps:

  • Select the menu located below
  • Listing or payment
  • Client of a banking institution
  • In the search, enter the phone of the right person, his surname or number "plastic"
  • The amount of the transfer
  • Ready

You have fulfilled only some basic and simple stages, and finances have already arrived in instant mode and are credited without commission to your friend or relative. You can also make a transfer using an SMS command to the number "9-0-0" Or perform this operation through an ATM.

From the "plastic" of the Sberbanov Institution to the "plastic" of another financial institution, you can also transfer through the downloaded program or Sberbank-Online. Just enter the license plate of your friend or relative and through 5-10 min. Businesses will already be in his financial account. But for this process you will have to pay minimum commission - 1,5% from the amount, but you must pay minimally 30 rub.

Unfortunately, from the "plastic" of another financial institution to the Client of the Sberban Organization, it is impossible to transfer funds without a commission. You can make a list of online banking on your financial institution according to Sberbank’s card number, but you will have to pay up to 2% of the commission for such a process.

How to transfer money to a VTB card without a commission: Instruction

Transfer of money without commission
Transfer of money without commission

The need for urgent transfer of money from a card of one bank to another arises almost monthly, or even more often. Often, the salary is transferred to the card of the Sberban financial company, and the payment on the loan must be made at VTB Bank. You can remove the bills in the nearest ATM, make VTB on the VTB card and make a listing, but it is not always convenient for a long time.

In order to make a transfer of funds from the card of any banking institution to the VTB bank, first of all, to connect the VTB-Online service. However, the VTB corporation charges the commission for transfers of bills-up to 1.5%. This is a small amount, and the funds will be in the account after 2-5 minutes. If you need to make a transfer of funds from the “plastic” of the same bank to the VTB card, then you should use the Internet banking and the stages of your actions will be as follows:

  • Go to the VTB-Online Bank LC.
  • Find the line "Transformations."
  • Line "From a card to a card."
  • Enter the data of your personal card: license plate, functioning, code combination on the back.
  • Select the personal data of "plastic" for crediting.
  • Indicate the amount of the transfer.
  • Click "Proceed".
  • Confirm the process with a digital code from SMS-ki or a push code from your telephone.

The list of transfers is limited:

  • 100000 rub. 1 time
  • 300,000 thousand per day
  • 1000,000 rub. per month

The enrollment occurs immediately, which will be reported to you in the form of SMS messages. To transfer larger finances, you can use the service for transferring funds to the account of your counterparty through VTB-online. It is worth noting that when replenishing VTB plastic in an ATM, you will also pay a commission.

How to transfer money to a Tinkoff card, from a Tinkoff card without a commission: instruction

Transfer of money without commission
Listing funds without a commission

Listing among customers of a financial organization Tinkoff can be carried out without any commission, if you follow several rules. To begin with, it should be remembered that the transfer of bills from credit plastic (as well as receiving in cash), without interest and commission is impossible even inside a banking organization, so you can use a debit or salary "plastic" Tinkoff.

To transfer finance without commissions among customers of a banking organization, the first rule to which should adhere to is that listing must be carried out only through the PF. Bank's resource. Suitable for you as an ATM Tinkoff, and of. website.

What you should know about the transfer of finance from the card, to the card Tinkoff Without a commission? One of the simplest and most common ways to carry out a listing is to make it online.

You can use an official application or Internet banking:

  • First enter or register your user's personal account.
  • Indicate the details of another client of the bank for transfer.
  • Write the amount of the transfer.
  • Enter confirmation of the transaction by code from SMS.
  • Finances, when transferring within a banking organization, are received instantly.


  • Among debit cards, commission when transferring funds within the bank up to 20,000 rubles. Not charged.
  • From the card can be made a day before 5transplants without commission, and within a month - up to twenty.

If you transfer bills from cards or to cards of other financial organizations using Tinkoff banking corporation, you will have to pay commission.

How to transfer money to Alfa Bank without a commission?

Transfer of money without commission
Transferring money without a commission

Transfer without a commission to an alpha bank can be available only in two cases:

  1. If both parties are customers of this financial institution. For listing, you can use online banking.
  2. List finances from the account, provided that it is open to Alfa Bank.

Unfortunately, in other cases, the commission will have to be given to the commission, and in each banking institution it is different.

How to transfer money to a bank account without a commission: Instruction

Transfer of money to an account without a commission
Transferring money to an account without a commission

In any banking institution, an account is tied to each card. You can make transfers both in this regard and on the plastic itself. How to transfer money to a bank account without a commission?

Some money transfer services can be charged by a commission from 0.5% to 2%, if you transfer another person to a card. Below we will consider how to avoid overpayments and make transfers without commission. For example, the transfer of money on bank account details.

It is worth knowing: Many financial institutions offer the service of free transfer of funds on account details. These actions can be carried out through online banking, banking terminal or bank cash desk.

For the translation you will need several data:

  • Account number
  • BIC of a financial organization of the recipient
  • Full name of your friend or relative to whom you are sending bills
  • The purpose of the translation

Important: The disadvantage of this method is that the money will go from 1 to 5 days.

The translation can also be made within the limit from the "plastic" to "plastic". Many banking organizations offer this method of listing without commission. For example, customers of a banking organization can list up to 25,000 p. to the cards of other banking institutions without writing off the commission. Such translations are made through the official program-application of a financial organization.

It is also possible to list finances by a mobile phone number or on a license plate of a digital combination on a card, but all data should refer to one bank. This is the most common way of translation. This method is suitable for customers who use the same bank. Most banks do not charge a commission for this.

What banks transfer money without a commission, where you can transfer money without a commission: tips

Transfer of money without commission to paying for housing and communal services
Transfer of money without commission to paying for housing and communal services

The most profitable and fast is the money transfer from the card to the card. The operation is free if the cards of the sender and recipient are open in one bank. There are exceptions. In Sberbank, the size of the commission for the transfer depends on the region and the tariff plan.

It is worth knowing: In many banks, you can pay for some types of housing and communal services, telephony and others for free.

In addition to the card, you can transfer money without a commission to the recipient on the details. This opportunity is provided by Alfa-Bank and Rocketbank. Free transfers are unprofitable for banks, so there are so few of them. Organizations compensate for their losses by raising tariffs for other services.

How to transfer money to Raiffeisen without a commission?

Transfer of money without commission
Transfer of money without commission

You can list finances without the collection of commissions between the cards of the Raiffeisen Corporation through ATMs. To do this, select a line in the menu that reflects the actions on the transfer between the cards. In this case, the “plastic” from which the transfer occurs should be debit. It is also possible to replenish the “plastic” or account by making bills through an ATM or manager-specialist Raiffeisen Bank, as well as in the online banking.

It is worth knowing: You can put finances on the Raiffeisen card through the terminals of other banking organizations that entered into contracts and became partners with the function of making bills. This service is provided for free, but a commission may be charged by a banking organization, with whose plastic replenishment occurs.

For example, ATMs of the Moscow Credit Bank provide customers Raiffeisen Bank to translate without commissions. When transfers from the Sberbank card, a commission is accrued in the amount of 1,5% on a debit card and from 3% to 4% - According to credit.

How to transfer money without a commission “Otkritie Bank”: tips

Transfer of money without commission
Transfer of money without commission

When transferring money between debit cards of the Otkritie bank, the commission is not charged if the amount for one month from one “plastic” does not exceed 600 thousand rubles. At the same time, transfers are carried out only in rubles and only between maps that are open in Russia.

  • This can be done in LC on a banking portal, as well as using a special mob. Applications programs.
  • Replenish the card "Opening" You can also in cash in an ATM.
  • When transferring from the credit card, additional commission is charged and restrictions are established.

If a transfer from the Sberbank card is carried out by the account number, then commission is charged in the amount of 1% of the transfer amount within several business days. This amount of the commission is calculated if the transfer was made through an ATM. But if the transfer occurs through the bank cashier, then the amount of interest increases. In this case, the maximum amount of transfers cannot be higher 65 thousand rubles.

How to transfer money to a card, from a Gazprombank card without a commission?

Transfer of money without commission
Transfer of money without commission

Gazprombank is one of the most popular banks in Russia. How to transfer money to a card, from a card Gazprombank Without a commission?

When making cash replenishment between cards or accounts in Gazprombank, a commission interest is not charged inside the system. It is also possible to make bills to the account or card of other banks in the case when:

  • Card belongs to payment systems Mastercard or Visa.
  • The operation is allowed by the issuing bank.

Insert the card into the ATM and make all the necessary actions specified in the menu. The amount of the commission will be 50 rub. When translating up to 5000 rubles. If the transfer is more than this amount, then the commission will be equal 1%. But a day can be listed no more 5 departmentsthe size of which should not exceed 60 thousand rubles.

If you need to transfer funds in excess of this limit, you will have to ask for the help of a specialist in a banking institution. If there is an invoice, you can contact a banking organization and, using the banking transfer, “transfer” finances to another bank. Also, a translation can be carried out in LC on the bank portal or using a mobile application program. The commission will be calculated on the basis of tariffs of another financial organization, to whose expense the transfer is performed.

How to transfer money from a credit card without a commission and is it possible?

Transfer of money without commission
Transfer of money without commission

In life, unforeseen situations happen when money from a credit card may be needed. How to transfer money from a credit card without a commission and is it possible? How is it more profitable to use a credit card?

Unfortunately, most banks charge a commission for any actions with credit funds - cashing, transfers. Only purchases in stores, payment of services are not subject to additional fees. However, some organizations retain the minimum interest rate on transactions between individuals. On average, it is 1-2%. This is not so much if the issue requires an urgent solution.

It's important to know: Many banks do not have transferred money from credit cards. You can pay only purchases in stores.

Translations can instantly be carried out using:

  • Online bank
  • ATMs and self -service terminals
  • At the checkout in the department of the issuing bank

Few banking institutions provide the opportunity to withdraw money from a credit account without a commission. This can be used to save. It will not be difficult to cash out the money at the ATM and put them on a debit account, transfers from which, in most cases, will be free.

How to transfer money to a Privatbank card without a commission: tips

Transfer of money without commission
Transfer of money without commission

If you need to transfer funds to a bank card, a person is forced to look for the most profitable ways so as not to overpay. How to transfer money to a card of Privatbank without a commission? Transfer to Ukrainian map "Privatbank" is possible in several ways:

  • Through terminals and ATMs.
  • By contacting the bank branch.
  • with online services, for example, Privat24, but it is available only to holders of cards of this bank.
  • Through international payments - Swift, Ligpay, Mastercard/Visa, Moneysend.

It is worth knowing: The recipient does not pay for the commission, but it is charged from the sender. On average, such a fee is 2-4%, depending on payment systems.

It is possible to replenish the Privatbank card for free only inside the official translation system in two cases:

  • When transferring from the card of any Ukrainian bank to the Privatbank card.
  • With intra -Bank movement of funds.

It will also be profitable to use electronic wallets in which payment for transfers is not taken. After performing the transaction, you can remove cash, and put them on a bank account through a self -service terminal. AT article on our website on this link You will find a lot of useful information about transfers from Russia to Ukraine.

How to transfer money to Rocketbank without a commission: methods

Transfer of money without commission
Transfer of money without commission

Rocketbank is a virtual bank, provided profitable tariffs and financial reliability. How to transfer money to Rocketbank without a commission? Here are several ways:

Cash replenishment through an ATM or terminals.

  • The card can be replenished without a commission and cash with the help of the Otkritie ATM, because this bank is the owner of Rocketbank.
  • You can also replenish the card in the ICB terminal, with a small commission of 0.5%. But the minus is that they are only in Moscow.

Transfer from cards of other banks is also possible - This is a profitable procedure that is performed instantly. Consider the options:

  • You can add, for example, a Sberbank card in your application so that further operations take place faster, without data entry. To do this, you need to enter the map data once: number, date and secret code.
  • If someone decided to transfer money to you, then just tell the sender the card number. Only the transfer should be from 5,000 rubles, otherwise you will have to pay the commission.

Interbank translation.

  • The Rocketbank card can be replenished using the interbank translation. Your card data is easy to find in the application, in the section "Translations".

Cash transfer.

  • You can replenish the card through the cashier, but then the commission in the amount will be charged 500 rubles Regardless of the transfer amount.

Choose an affordable way of translation - with or without a commission. Use online transfers-it is convenient and simple. Good luck!

Video: How to transfer money to Sberbank from a Sberbank card online without a commission to Sberbank? Super answer

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