How to stop being just a friend for a girl and become her boyfriend: tips

How to stop being just a friend for a girl and become her boyfriend: tips

How to stop being a friend for a girl, get out of the frand zone and start meeting with her? Look for an answer in the article.

It often happens that familiar guy and girl think in different ways. He wants not to be friends, but to meet her, and she, on the contrary, perceives him only as a friend and does not think of starting relationships with him.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to change for the best girl, guy, teenager?". You will learn how to change your appearance with the help of the power of thought. I want to change my appearance - where to start?

From this article below you will find out why a girl wants to be friends and refuses a relationship. How to stop being just a friend for her and become a guy? Look for answers to this and other questions below. Read further.

Why does the girl want to be friends and refuses to do?

The girl wants to be friends and refuses the relationship
The girl wants to be friends and refuses the relationship

First you need to figure out what is the root cause. Why does the girl want to be friends and refuses to do? There are several options why the girl wants to be friends, but renounces the relationship:

  • I recently said goodbye to the guy, and fears that the new novel will end in the same way as the previous one.
  • She wanted to concentrate on study/work, and relations by her assumption will only prevent.
  • Not interested in relations with a man.
  • He feels attachment to someone else, and you are for her a friend with whom she is simply very interesting.

If a girl offers friendship, then with a probability 99% Only for friendship can one hope. In distant times, the weaker sex was really helpless. And in order to be saved, a woman had to have as many friends as possible.

  • Now the ladies are different and nothing threatens them. But instincts remained at the same level. And that is why the girl wants to only be friends with many guys.
  • She at an intuitive level hopes that the man will patronize her. He will listen to her monologue about another bad guy at three in the morning, will help her solve the difficult coursework, give her home late in the evening from her friend, will help with money, and so on.
  • She herself, of course, will not provide you with comparable services. It will be a game of one gate, in the framework of which the guy sacrifices everything, but she just accepts this “everything”.

Therefore, if a girl reports that she does not want a relationship, then this partner did not hook her. A man can do anything, present her presents, actively take care, “run” after her. But if the girl has no feelings, then all this will be pointless. She will find a thousand excuses, just not to answer calls, not to walk with this person, not to go to romantic meetings.

How to stop running after the one who does not love you?

Stop running for the one that does not like you
Stop running for the one that does not like you

So, you like her, you may even be in love. But the object of your adoration does not care. How to stop running after the one who does not love you? Here are some tips:

  • Stop watching her on the Internet

It is necessary to start with the fundamentals, without which all subsequent actions will be absolutely meaningless. To really forget it, look at the pages of your social networks. Unsubscribe from her on Instagram, remove from your friends on VKontakte, block Facebook, stop flirting on Twitter. Just forget about all her pages of social networks.

  • Self -improvement

Try to acquire new career super -assassins, achieve what you have not achieved before. Direct all your energy of despair to create a new reputation.

  • It is important to speak out

No need to restrain your emotions for a long time about the incorrect love. Call your friend or friends to visit, or just get together with them for a friendly conversation. Tell them everything you think about your failed love. Believe me, the next day you will wake up with the awareness of a degenerate person. Accordingly, in order to finally deviate from woeful thoughts, a person needs time. Allow yourself to burn a little, just do not immerse yourself in a melancholic state and be prepared sometimes to show your emotions also to friends, or just allow yourself to flare up in public - this is normal.

  • read books

Another reliable method is how to stop thinking about a girl who sympathizes is books. Because, as we all know, books are a true balm for the soul. You can make a large list of everything that I would like to read. Then you will catch yourself thinking that it has already become easier and some undesirable thoughts simply will not have a place in your head.

  • A change of scenery

Some kind of reckless eurour with adventures at every step is needed. It’s good to just change the situation for a while to cleanse yourself from pressing thoughts that come where you are constantly in.

  • Remember your loved ones

After unhappy love, a person will lack love, attention and care. It's time to remember that no one will ever love you again. Invite her or your whole family to the theater or arrange dinner at your house.

When we begin to love someone or meet someone, the new “family” comes to the fore. This is a normal and logical course of life. And only relatives will be able to support in difficult moments.

How to stop being just a friend for a girl and become her boyfriend: tips

Stop being just a friend for a girl and become a boyfriend
Stop being just a friend for a girl and become a boyfriend

Many guys believe that giving the girl care and attention, they easily and simply trim the path into her arms. But this happens only in sentimental films. More often respond to her requests “no”, otherwise your help will get her effort and she will quickly get used to it. Here are the tips on how to stop being just a friend for a girl and become her boyfriend:

Make her be jealous:

  • Confidently discuss the charms of the rest of the girls.
  • If you express her admiration for friends all the time, the girl will want to join them in a competitive struggle from purely sporting interest.

You must understand exactly the same as her, that between you:

  • She must understand that the question of what is happening between you is already resolved.
  • Kiss the girl at every meeting, hug her waist.
  • Relations with her should be clear and without statements.

Preventive blow:

  • You can do very simple - get ahead of it with a phrase "Let's stay just friends".
  • This statement will be needed if you understand that your communication, which is so perfectly developing from the very beginning, has stopped.
  • Such a phrase, if it is said during, works miracles. The girl will be able to look at your relationship on the other hand and make an important decision.

Demonstrate less interest:

  • Start cooling for its affairs and do not be afraid to make a symbolic hemisphere back.
  • If you transform yourself into a psycho -emotional donor, show the determination to come running at her first call at this minute, react to all her requests and help solve all problems, you teach her that this is the norm.

Answer gratitude:

  • Be trepidable in relation to her and insightful if you were also worried about you and did something good.
  • This subconsciously stimulates a person to continue to receive your help, and, in turn, to experience pleasure from this.
  • If you look on the other hand, your sudden refusal to her request can serve as an impulse to start changing something in your relationship.

Ask for help from friends:

  • Among your common friends, there may be those who believe that you are with your chosen one and actually a great couple. If so, use their help.
  • These assistants should be girls, since the guys may not have enough insight and imagination.
  • Girls can tell her something good about you, describe your personality from the best side, etc.

Give her the opportunity to miss:

  • If you want to change her opinion about yourself, then do not spend much time with her.
  • Forgive her with her for a couple of days in a row, let you be fun and exciting, have fun. And then do not intersect with her for a week.
  • When you finally get her number after time or even see you, you can see her updates: she waited, missed, became more affectionate and friendly.
  • The thing is that if she sees a man constantly, she will not have the opportunity to think about what the guy means for her, what place takes in her life.
  • When the guy will not be enough for her, she will reach her that he is the same person whom she would like to see next to her.

Also remember the following:

  • No need to fall in love with the first oncoming girlwith which they crossed in a minibus.
  • If you have a girlfriend who like it and you want to meet her, then do not indulge her at once in everything and do not plunge with your head in your relationship, which are not yet. Moreover, that beloved, the attention of which is so expensive for you, may not understand and not see what you want to convey to her.
  • Be noble, but not constantly. Feel free, for example, to select films to your liking, to which you will go to the movie center together. After all, you also have your hobbies and taste preferences and it should remember this.
  • A bargain is a bargain. If you have agreed with someone or something, the girl should not change your plans. Especially if she just wanted your attention.

It is clear that you only think about the girl that you really like, all your thoughts are only about her. But understand, you also need to be able to respect yourself and sometimes put in the first place. If you do not have this, then the girl will not treat you not as you want it. Show her your character, but do not forget about nobility and politeness. It is important. Good luck!

Video: How to stop being “just friends” and open your feelings?

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