How to grow eyelashes? Thick and long eyelashes at home. How to care for eyelashes

How to grow eyelashes? Thick and long eyelashes at home. How to care for eyelashes

You will learn how to help your eyelashes gain the length and density without expensive drugs and increasing.

Long and thick eyelashes are a dream of any woman. But not everyone will decide on eyelash extensions. So can you get beautiful eyelashes without this procedure?

How to grow eyelashes at home?

You must understand that growing long eyelashes at home with folk methods is a long and painstaking process. You must be prepared for daily procedures, you should not be lazy.

Eyelashes can be grown in 4 weeks, as this is the life of one eyelashes. Do not calculate that any of the means will grow your eyelashes in a week. Undoubtedly, in a week you can already see the result, but the proper effect will appear later.

The problem of short eyelashes should be approached comprehensively:

  • Nervous state
  • The choice of cosmetics
  • Removal of makeup
  • Finding the sun
  • Care
  • Masks, oils, compresses for eyelashes
Girl with beautiful eyes
Girl with beautiful eyes

Important: read more about each point below.

What needs to be done so that the eyelashes are thicker and longer?


Food should be proper and balanced. Be sure to eat foods rich in vitamins A, E and carotene.

Productscontaining vitamin BUT: liver, garbage, broccoli, viburnum, garlic, eel, butter, melted cheese, sour cream, feta cheese, seaweed, algae, oysters, cottage cheese. The products are located from the most saturated with vitamin to less saturated, respectively. There is also vitamin A in carrots, red pepper, fish oil, apricots.

Natural sources of vitamin A
Natural sources of vitamin A

Productscontaining vitamin E: Wheat germ oil, soy oil, sunflower oil, nuts (almonds, pistachios, cashew, peanuts, hazelnuts), dried apricots, sea buckthorn, eel, rosehip, wheat, walnut, spinach, squid, viburnum, sorrel, salmon, pike perch, prone , oatmeal. The products are located from the most saturated with vitamin to less saturated, respectively.

Natural sources of vitamin E
Natural springs of vitaminai

Productscontaining carotene: Fresh carrots, stewed carrots, parsley, dill, rose hips, onions, red pepper, green pepper, salad, apricots, sea buckthorn, tomatoes, green peas, potatoes, apples, cabbage, citruses, butter. The products are located from the most saturated with vitamin to less saturated, respectively.

The best source of Karotin
The best source of Karotin

The choice of cosmetics.

Eye cosmetics should be of high quality. If you do everything to improve the condition of your eyelashes, but you will use poor mascara, milk to remove makeup - your actions will be meaningless.

When choosing a carcass, pay attention not only to the brush, but also to the quality. Tush requirements:

  • It has no strong smell
  • Has a light sweet aroma
  • Does not pour out during the day
  • Has a homogeneous creamy consistency
  • Liquid or thick consistency indicates a violation of storage conditions
  • After opening, use for 3 months

Removal of makeup.

Important: be sure to remove makeup before bedtime

To relieve makeup, choose high -quality cosmetics in the form in which you are more convenient: milk, lotion, foam.

Rules removing makeup from the eyes:

  • Use not cotton wool, but a cotton pad
  • On a cotton pad, apply makeup removal
  • Put the disk on the lower eyelid and close the eye
  • Eyelashes will fall on a disk
  • Press the second cotton pad with a special tool on top with a light movement to the eyelashes
  • Instead of the third, fourth and fifth paragraph, you can put a moistened cotton pad to the eyelashes for 20 seconds, and only then move on to the next point
  • With neat movements from the roots of the eyelashes to the tips, spend a cotton pad
  • Replace the contaminated disk clean
  • Do the same with the second eye

Important: let's relax to eyelashes from makeup at least once a week

Demake of eyes
Demake of eyes

Finding the sun.

If you are forced to be under the open sun, then be sure to hide the eyelashes from ultraviolet rays under sunglasses.


Read more about leaving in another subsection of this article.

Masks, oils, compresses for eyelashes.

Compresses can be made from strong decoctions of herbs: chamomile, aloe, cornflower, black tea:

  • Make a steep decoction
  • Let it brew for 20 minutes
  • Moisten a cotton pad into the infusion
  • Lie on the bed, relax
  • Attach a cotton wool on your eyes and lie calmly for 20 minutes
Compress for the eyes
Compress for the eyes

Important: compresses are good not only as a therapeutic agent, but also as a preventive

Read more about masks, read the oils in another subsection of this article.

What to do if there are no eyelashes?

If you have eyelashes, you need to hiccup:

  • Frequent stresses
  • Health problems: more often hormonal failures and thyroid problems
  • Bad food
  • Bad cosmetics
  • Bad hygiene

First of all, you need to remove the reason. After starting to care. Start with massage, masks and oils for eyelash growth (read more details below).


  • It is important to wash every morning
  • Do not touch your eyes with your hands. Even washed hands in 10 minutes already become dirty again
  • Do not try your eyes
  • Any bacterial hit can provoke infection and, as a result, eyelash loss
Daily washing
Daily washing


Massage is done through the growth line of eyelashes with light tapping of the fingertips for 5 minutes on both eyes. This improves blood circulation and stimulates the growth of eyelashes and favorably affects vision.

Massage for eyelashes
Massage for eyelashes

Home recipes against hair loss.

  • In an empty mascara bottle, pour castor and burdock oil proportions in equal proportions, add vitamin E in oil solution and aloe juice. Store in the refrigerator. Apply the remedy every day. Then rinse with water. Treatment - 1 month
  • Balm: 5 g of castor oil, 8 g of Vaselin, 0.2 g of Peruvian balm or Balm Shostakovsky. Mix. Apply twice a day to the eyelashes. Do not allow hits

Important: you can choose any method of growing eyelashes from those specified in the article and apply it. Having tried several, you will see the most suitable for you

Home recipe in a carcass tube
Home recipe in a carcass tube

Masks for eyelashes at home

Masks based on burdock oil and castor oil have become the greatest popularity. Read about masks with castor oil in the article The benefits of castor oil for eyelashes. Masks for eyelashes

Mask # 1.

  • Persian or almond oil heated in a water bath
  • Moisten a cotton pad in it
  • Attach to centuries for 15-20 minutes
  • Wash off with water

The mask will make your eyelashes long, thick and shiny.

Mask # 2.

  • Add a few drops of aloe juice and oil vitamin E to burdock oil
  • Make a mask 2.5 hours before bedtime
  • Wash off before bedtime water

Mask number 3.

  • Mix Vaseline and burdock oil
  • Apply the resulting composition twice a day (you can 1 time at night)
  • In the morning, remove the remnants of the tools from the eyelashes

IMPORTANT: During the treatment of eyelashes, avoid the use of cosmetics with masks

A lot of cosmetics
A lot of cosmetics

Oil for eyelashes at home

Castor and burdock oil were the most popular for eyelash growth. Read more about them in more detail.

You can also use peach, almond, grape seed oils.

All oils are applied to the eyelashes for a while, previously heated a little in a water bath, and later washed off. You can apply before bedtime.

The selection of the application and composition method is very individual, so try different options and choose the best.

Oils for eyelashes
Oils for eyelashes

Castor oil for eyelashes: use

You can read in detail about the use of castor oil in the article The benefits of castor oil for eyelashes. Masks for eyelashes

Castor oil for eyelashes: before and after

Regular use of castor oil for eyelashes will necessarily show the result.

Dates depend on individual characteristics.


Result after 3 months


Castor oil and vitamin E for eyelashes

On the benefits of a combination of castor oil with vitamin E, as well as about the procedure for use, read in the article The benefits of castor oil for eyelashes. Masks for eyelashes

Castor oil for eyelashes: reviews

“The castor oil applied 2-3 times a week a cotton wool on the eyelashes. First at the roots, then along the entire length. I saw the result a month later. There are much more eyelashes. Two months later, they even became lush and black. I am happy with the result insanely. Photo before and after 2 months of application "

Important: this kind of reviews can be found much more than negative ones.

Burdock oil for eyelash growth

Burdock oil has proven itself very well as an eyelash fortress, and it is better to combine it with other components for growth:

  • Mix in equal proportions castor and burdock oils. Put a few drops of vitamin A. Pour the mixture into a ceramic dish or glass. Apply to eyelashes several times a week for 1 hour. After washing with water
  • Instead of vitamin A, you can add vitamin E. This activates the bulbs to growth

Burdock oil has no contraindications in application, except for individual allergic reactions.

Thick eyelashes at home

  • To achieve thick eyelashes, it is necessary, as in the case of a length, comprehensively affect them (read more about this)
  • Lotu-compresses described in the item “What needs to be done so that the eyelashes are thicker and longer?” Are very good for hair density?
  • You also need to make various masks to strengthen and density of eyelashes, as well as massage daily before bedtime

Dense eyelash mask

  • A good remedy will be peach oil. Apply on a cotton pad and attach for 15 minutes a century. Rinse the excess. Do the procedure daily
  • In a week you will see the result from the next recipe: 1 tsp. castor oil and 2-3 drops of vitamin A, bought in a pharmacy. Lubricate at night. If you see inflamed eyelids in the morning, then lubricate them with a solution of calendula or water -based eucalyptus
  • Any masks for growth or strengthening eyelashes will result in their density
Mask for eyelashes
Mask for eyelashes

Strengthening eyelashes at home

The strengthening is again the use of masks, oils, compresses and elementary care rules. Additional recipes for strengthening eyelashes:

  • Mix the parsley missed through a meat grinder with sea buckthorn or olive oil. Get a homogeneous gruel. Apply it for 20 minutes for 20 minutes, then rinse with water
  • Put the pulp of the young sheet of aloe on the eyelids for 25-30 minutes. After washing. This also helps to smoothed wrinkles around the eyes
  • Put the lotions of strong green tea on 10 minutes for 10 minutes. After rinse and, in order to prevent drainage of the skin and eyelashes, grease with vegetable oil

Important: the most common home remedy for eyelashes due to positive results is castor oil. See recipes in this article and in the article The benefits of castor oil for eyelashes. Masks for eyelashes

Eyelash care at home

If you want to get healthy and beautiful eyelashes, you need to take care of them daily:

  • Massage through the eyelash growth line. Read more at the beginning of the article
  • Comb the eyelashes with a clean tassel from the used carcass
  • Make masks
  • Make lotions
  • Wash off the makeup be sure to bed. Do it right. Read above
Masks for eyelashes
Masks for eyelashes

If your eyelashes have become rare, short and weakened, you are able to correct this situation. Just follow the recommendations and do not be lazy.

Video: Strengthening the eyelashes of the house - everything will be kind - release 59 - 10.10.2012 - everything will be fine





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  1. The main thing is to choose good care for cilia. I use the Morning-Watch growth activator (HorseForce), it without growth hormones, nourishes, increases the density and length of the hairs, stops the loss and stimulates their growth.

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