How to wash a pan from burnt porridge with the help of improvised and professional means

How to wash a pan from burnt porridge with the help of improvised and professional means

Probably, every housewife from time to time has unpleasant moments when the bottom of the pan burns out when cooking food. The thing is very unpleasant, but, in general, a rather easily eliminated problem, if you approach the case correctly.

Starting this not very pleasant procedure for removing the halt, it should be remembered that the same means are not suitable for every pan. It all depends on what it is made of-after all, different materials are different and react to the effects of chemistry or some kind of home remedies. Given this knowledge, we need to approach the process of cleaning dishes - in this article we will consider all this in detail and give our hostesses useful recommendations.

How to wash a burnt pan: the necessary funds

  • Before proceeding with the laundering of a burned pan, it is worth taking care household gloves (hand protection), kitchen sponge or washcloth, wooden spatula (In order not to damage the bottom and walls of your pan), a kitchen -mounted cloth.
  • In stores of household chemicals, all kinds of means are widely represented, with which you can easily and simply get rid of all kinds of pollution. However, they contain many all kinds of toxic acids and alkalis, which can harm your health.
  • In order for household chemicals to be washed completely, a very large amount of water will be required. Otherwise, the chemical remedy remaining on the walls and the bottom of the saucepan is certainly mixed with the upcoming food, because of this you can harm health.
  • To prevent such a situation, you can use improvised means to clean the dishes-they will not affect your health in any way.
These funds will help you in cleansing the pots of carbon
These funds will help you in cleansing the pots of carbon

How to wash pots at home with folk methods? For effective cleaning of dishes, you need to have on the farm:

  • salt
  • food soda
  • calcinated soda
  • dining vinegar
  • vinegar essence
  • laundry soap
  • dental powder
  • two types of glue - silicate and PVA
  • ammonia
  • wood ash
  • mustard.
Can be cleaned at home
Can be cleaned at home

Three universal products to wash the pots:

  • Can be used milk serum For cleaning from the tan of all types of pots - enameled, aluminum and stainless. You just need to pour a serum 1 cm above the burnt places and leave for a day. After that, you only need to drain the used serum and wash it with the addition of a detergent.
  • A good finished solution to wash the pan from burnt food - use tablets for a dishwasher. The components included in their composition help to dissolve all sorts of stable layers. One such tablet placed in utensils with water is enough. This solution should be boiled over low heat for 15-25 minutes. After cooling, the container is wiped with a sponge and rinsed under a stream of running water.
  • Absolutely all pots can be cleaned a mixture of chopped eggshell, detergent and water. To do this, you will need to distribute it along the burnt bottom, and rub it after an hour with a sponge. This method is best deleted by the “fresh” fog. For example, to remove the remains of burned milk or porridge.

How to wash pots at home with professional means:

  • If you do not have enough patience to use improvised means, in each household chemical store you can choose the right remedy for breeding or burnt fat.
  • On sale there is an effective, even aggressive tool called "Noise." They can clean the enameled pan, but aluminum is impossible.
  • It is simply impossible to transfer all funds, we mention only some of them, quite effective: “Cillit Bang”, “Amway”, “Sanita-gel”, “Mr. Chister”, “Mr. Muscle”, “Shirt Beng”, “Gel for contactless cleaning”, “Milam-gel”.

The enameled potted pan: how to wash?

  • A burnt enameled pan must be cleaned immediately. If you leave this business “for later”, then it will not be so easy for you to clean it cleanly.
  • Before proceeding with the cleaning process, you should wait for complete cooling of the dishes. And you do not need to pre -pour cold water into it - this will damage the enamel, and then the food will be burned every time in such a pan.

Different ways of cleaning pots having an enameled coating are known, the most popular of which we will share with you:

  • Salt. The burnt areas are wetted with water, and then generously covered with sodium salt. Let the pan so stand during nights, And in the morning you can clean it with a washcloth, and then rinse. If you did not immediately achieve the necessary whiteness, then to wash the enameled pan inside, you will be required again cover the bottom of the pan with salt, adding a small amount of water. Then it remains only to cross the mixture and leave again overnight. In the morning it will be possible to easily remove the carpet using a wooden shoulder blade.
  • Food soda. To clean the dishes, you need to dilute 200 g of soda into 0.5 liters. water, pour it into a burnt pan and boil about 20-30 minutes. You do not need to immediately pour dissolved soda - let it stay for the whole night in the dishes, and in the morning the burnt places will help you a spatula and a washcloth.
Pour into a saucepan
Pour into a saucepan
  • Table vinegar and calcified soda. This method is good when the entire bottom is covered with a bile layer. In this case, 50 g of baking soda is dissolved in one liter of water and 3 tbsp are added. l. vinegar. Give me a mixture for 15 minutes. (You can’t do it longer - it harms enamel). After boiling, it must be immediately drained and cleaned using a washcloth for this.
  • Coffee grounds. You do not need to use ground coffee for this - only the buzzer remaining after the drink drunk is required for cleaning. It needs to be distributed throughout the bottom of the required cleaning dishes, leaving for about a day. After that, you will only have to clean the burnt enameled container with a washcloth and wash off this peculiar scrub.
  • On onions. As a cleanser, you can use only one onion, but it should be large. If you have only small bulbs at hand, then you need to take them three or four pieces. Finely chopped onions need to be laid out at the bottom of the saucepan and pour a small amount of water. Boiling the onion mass over low heat for 20 minutes, pour it, and wash the burnt areas with a washcloth.
  • Potato and apple peeling. This method is very simple and effective: cleaning needs to be filled with about one third of the container, pour them with water and boil for 40 minutes. After that, the burnt areas are easily washed out. By the way, if brownish plaque appeared on the walls of pots from prolonged use, then this tool will help to get rid of it.
  • Coca-Cola. With this sparkling drink, the mistresses who loved the housewives came up with the dishes to wash the dishes. And they perfectly succeeded! They pour Coca-Cola in need of cleaning dishes and boil it for an hour, screwing the burner for a minimum. After this procedure, burnt places are easily washed. By the way, these very restless hostesses claim that this miracle drink is even able to wash the toilet from plaque! Can you imagine what is happening from him in our stomachs?
Effective remedy
Effective remedy
  • Wood ash. The ash must be diluted with water until a thick mass is formed, and then lubricate the contaminated areas with it. Let the saucepan stand in this form for an hour. Another hour will be required for boiling - naturally, after you pour water there (it should take about 1/4 of the container). By the way, if there is no wood ash at hand, then activated charcoal can successfully replace it - this drug is always in a pharmacy. After all the procedures, it remains only to drain this “brew” and eliminate flaws.
  • With improvised means along with the "whiteness". It will be necessary to take 1/4 cup of soda and citric acid, add 0.5 cups of “whiteness” and 300 ml of water. Hardly process the burnt places with this mixture, and then boil it for 15 minutes. When the dishes cooled, rinse it - there will be no trace from the scale.
  • Tooth powder. To wash the enameled pan from yellowness will help tooth powder. Add so amount of water to the powder that a thick paste forms. Rub it well in the inner and outer walls, treat the bottom in the same way. Let the container be simple in this form longer - and though all night. Well, in the morning you can take a washcloth. After that, you yourself will be surprised at how your dishes will sparkle!

How to wash a stainless steel pan?

Stainless steel dishes are less likely to burn than enameled, it is easier to wash and is very practical. However, if you do not keep track (for example, when brewing jam in a metal basin), then the bottom can burn in such a bowl. Below we will list the ways to clean it as easier to.

  • Method number 1. From a mixture of baking soda with water, a thick mass is prepared, which should grate the burnt areas. After a two -hour exposure, they can be cleaned using a hard washcloth or a metal scraper for this.
  • Method number 2. To wash a steamed stainless steel pan inside Food soda is used again - you need to take 2 tbsp. l. (with a hill). But the water must be taken a little more than in the first version, so that it can be 15 minutes. Boil over low heat. After such a simple procedure, burnt places are easily removed with a scraper.
  • Method number 3. This option can be used to clean a small container. In a large vessel (such as a lump), it will be necessary to combine water to vinegar in a 2: 1 proportion. The burnt saucepan should fit in it so that the liquid covers the burnt parts well. Putting the container on the fire, you need to let it boil and set aside for cooling. When everything has cooled, the saucepan should be removed and rubbed with a cleaning powder consisting of 200 g of baking soda, 0.5 cups of salt and 100 g of vinegar. If you use a hard washcloth, then contaminated places will instantly clean.
  • Method number 4.In order to wash the soil from a stainless steel pan, the contents of one bag of citric acid with a small amount of vinegar should be mixed in a burnt pan. Next - a three -hour break, and then you can resume manipulations: take a sponge and save the container from the remains of spots.
  • Method number 5. If the outer part of the steel container is burnt, you can do with ordinary sand. The sand moistened with a sponge in the water is scooped up and thoroughly rub the burned parts of the pan. In this way, you can get rid of soot, but if you stay on it, then remember that you can’t do without some effort in this matter. But then your dishes simply sparkles! Another touch: running water will be needed, because all the sand in a small amount of water is unlikely to be washed.
  • Method number 6. If you follow this advice, then you will have to use a professional chemical. But there are such rare cases when no improvised means act, and throw the favorite, but strongly burning pan, the hand does not rise. Then you need to purchase a cleaning gel in a household chemical store "Mila"Feeling the cargo. You should carefully study the instructions to find out how much gel you need to use and how long it can be left. From the instructions to retreat in no case should not be, since the product is so strong that it can even “eat” the walls of the laundered product. Having done all this, you need to thoroughly wash the pan under a stream of warm running water. And do not forget to use rubber gloves during all these manipulations to protect your hands from the effects of chemistry.
  • Method number 7. There are people who fundamentally do not use cleaning products. Then, to wash the stainless steel pan, burnt inside, It is necessary to soak in water for a long time - for example, for a whole day. At the same time, the breeding layer will soak, and then it can be removed with a hard sponge. At the same time, you will have to rub the walls of laundered dishes for quite some time and strongly. And maybe for complete cleaning, the repeated repetition of such a procedure will be needed.
Wash the stainless steel
Wash the stainless steel

Tail for the care of stainless steel pots:

  • If you often use aggressive mousive chemistry for cleaning stainless steel panels, then they can lose their shine. When overheating - start giving yellowness, from salt - to darken.
  • So that stainless utensils shine again, just grate its surface raw peeled potatoes.
  • The use of iron scrains is not recommended for cleaning steel. It is worth washing the dishes gel detergents.

How to wash an aluminum pan?

Washing aluminum products is a very difficult task. But still fulfilling, if you use the methods below. For all options, it will fit place a burnt pan on a wet rag - let it stand there for half an hour, so it will be easier to clean it.

  • Option No. 1. You will need calcified soda (25 g), dissolved in water so that the gruel is older - after all, you will have to boil it in needing the capacity for half an hour. If dishes of considerable sizes, then soda will need a larger number. It is quite possible to deviate somewhat from the dosage - this does not have a fundamental difference. Make sure that the water does not inadvertently boil - this will only add extra troubles to you.
  • Option No. 2. It will be necessary to mix in equal proportions a detergent for dishes and food soda. 2 tbsp should be poured to the resulting paste. Hydrogen peroxide and stir all this well. The mixture is evenly distributed along the bottom and is left for 10-15 minutes. This remedy should help remove the fled.
  • Option No. 3. This method is more effective than the previous two. It should be covered with water by adding baking soda (1 tbsp) and silicate glue (1 tbsp) to it. All this needs to be mixed thoroughly and boil for half an hour over low heat. Then pour the contents, and rinse the pan thoroughly.
  • Option No. 4.To wash the aluminum pan from the crochet, use a brine or yogurt (you can mix these two ingredients). Let any of the above (or mixture) will stand in the dishes for an hour, after which it can easily be cleaned.
  • Option No. 5. To wash the burnt aluminum pan, laundry soap will come in handy.
Cleaning aluminum pots
Cleaning aluminum pots

Here are some recipes to wash the aluminum pan from darkening at home in which soap is used:

  1. In 3 liters of water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. PVA glue and put a bar of grated soap there (use a coarse grater). This mixture is supposed to boil for half an hour.
  2. In order to take advantage of this recipe, in the farm you need to have some kind large metal tank. It should be poured up to half with water, mixing with a bar of grated soap. Water must be heated over low heat until the soap is completely dissolved. Then silicate glue (2 bottles) is poured there and baking soda (200 g) is poured. Surgical dishes are placed in a carefully mixed boiling mixture, which should “boil” there for at least 3 hours - it can be longer, this will not hurt the aluminum product. If you do not want your kitchen to be filled with steam, put the lid on the chan and use the hood. After wiping, all flaws will be easily eliminated with a sponge - you will not need to make much effort for this.
  3. Divide the soap in half and grate one part using a coarse grater for this. Pour 200 g of soda into grated soap and pour hot water - 1 cup enough. All this needs to be thoroughly mixed with a fork and applied to burnt areas. This very good cleaning tool for home cooking will help to easily get rid of felted spots. You may not use the entire paste at a time. But there is no need to throw away the rest - it can be well stored for a long time in a glass jar with a dense lid.
Cleaning saucepan
Cleaning saucepan

How to wash an aluminum pan from blackness:

  • Often, the housewives, having cleaned aluminum products, are disappointed, and instead of the expected sparkling, the dishes are covered with a dark coating. But do not rush to be upset, it is easy to fixed!
  • Measure 300 g of water, 15 g of drill and 15 drops of ammonia.
  • Mix all this and apply on the dishes outside - let it be so much for half an hour.
  • Then it remains only to rinse it well, using running water for this, and so you can wash aluminum pots to shine.

How to wash a ceramic pan from burnt porridge?

  • To wash the ceramic pan, no special actions are required - it is usually easy to wash them with sponges and simple meals for washing dishes.
  • If the burn does not completely go away, use a mixture of soda and vinegar. In the pluses of this utensils - when cooking food, the taste of products does not change at all. But it has excessive fragility, and this can be written to her in minus.
  • In order for the ceramic pan does not break, you should handle it very delicately when cleaning - exclude the risks of shock, falls and a sharp change in temperature.
  • Ceramic saucepan will easily update if it boil for an hour and a half in a soap-soda solution Or in mustard powder diluted in water - it will take 20 minutes. For washing ceramics, it is better to use a melamine sponge.
Pure Teflon dishes
Pure ceramic dishes

How to wash a cast -iron pan?

  • To wash a burnt pan from cast iron, It can be cleaned without any fear with sandpaper and fine sand, as well as soda soda gruel.
  • For the attention of Tolstoy Nagar, you will need cook the container in the oven (about 4 hours) or use a gas burner for this-until it becomes easy to separate with a knife.
  • You can also use another method mechanical grinding. To do this, a special machine, a hard metallized brush, and sometimes even a drill are used.
You can clean the pan mechanically
You can clean the pan mechanically
  • If you decide to pump utensils, you need to have in the kitchen Good ventilation. And if you clean mechanically, then you need to do it in protective glasses, gloves and a respirator.

How to wash a pan with a Teflon coating?

  • It is easy to wash the Teflon pan, boiling in it 15-20 minutes ordinary water. This measure is quite enough for the burnt food to separate from the Teflon bottom.
  • Remember that the inside of the pan should never be rubbed with an abrasive - even the weakest, like soda. After wiping, the saucepan will completely wash off with the help neutral detergents.
Just boil
Just boil

How to wash the pan without spoiling it?

In order to avoid damage to the pan during its purification, some rules are required:

  • Traces of scratches remain from metal scrapers. Such scrapers can only be used if you are Cleaning pots of cast iron. If such a ruff passes on the enameled surface, then with such a product, most likely, you will have to say goodbye, since it will be thoroughly damaged.
  • No need eliminate the fiber with a knife or other sharp metal devices. Such a radical method can lead to damage, and subsequently the prepared products will be buried all the time.
  • The frequent use of professional chemistry will not bring to good - so the product will quickly be damaged, and the body will not give the body. If you can’t do without household chemicals completely, then in this case be very selective when buying it and carefully wash the processed products with running water.
  • Using household chemicals, follow instructions for use.
  • Powder cleaning agents can be used to eliminate the carbon on the outer part of the pan. To process the inside, it is better not to use them, as it can be damaged by powder. It is best to use gel for this.
Washing the pan is actually just
Washing the pan is actually just

There is the most excellent way that you need to constantly use for the long -term service of your pots: make sure that preparing products do not burn in it.

Useful tips on the site:

Video: How easy it is to wash the pan?

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