How to clean the Teflon, cast -iron, ceramic, frying pan with anti -stick from soot: folk recipes and tips for cleansing the pan at home

How to clean the Teflon, cast -iron, ceramic, frying pan with anti -stick from soot: folk recipes and tips for cleansing the pan at home

In this article you will learn useful information about cleaning pans with various coating. And also about how to remove burning and rust with folk methods.

Even the most neat cooks have fat and soot in a pan, especially if you do not immediately wash the remnants of food, then a thick layer of burning is formed. Removing oily plaque is quite unpleasant and painstaking work, but if you devote a little time and effort, even the black pan can be washed with various folk remedies that can be found in every kitchen.

But if you do not take any measures, then soon you can completely forget about the impeccable form of a new frying pan.

But, the worst thing is that this burning negatively affects human health. The stuck fat can lead to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even leads to the development of cancer.

How to clean the cast -iron pan from the cargo: folk recipes, tips


Most often, chemicals are used to combat soot. If you use this method, you must definitely use protective gloves.

We clean the pan
We clean the pan

In order not to harm yourself and not spoil the pan, first you should try folk ways to combat an obsolete crift.

The most popular and effective methods that will help clean the pan:

  • It is necessary to mix vinegar (9%) and water in a ratio of 1: 4, pour the composition into the pan and set to heat up. Boil for 2-3 hours. There is no need to wait until the water cools down, it is worth immediately removing the exfolved pieces of Gary using a hard washcloth, using rubber gloves. It is worth remembering that this mixture is more suitable for cast -iron pans, because Vinegar can ruin the delicate anti -stick coating of modern dishes.
  • Most likely, the smell of vinegar will remain, which is easy to cope with, boiling clean water a couple of times with the addition of lemon or apple juice (only fresh).
  • You can also moisten the pan, grind the surface with crushed activated carbon (10-15 tablets are enough). After the product is applied to the coating, you should wait until 2 hours and wash the pan well.
  • In the same way, you can use sea salt or large grinding instead of activated coal. In the same way, it is necessary to apply salt and distribute over the entire surface.
  • A solution of water and citric acid is considered effective, which must be boiled in containers. This method is also more suitable for old pans without anti -stick coating.

If the plaque has a golden color, then it is easier to wash it, and at the same time, ordinary laundry, tooth powder or washingly helps. The soap must be grate and pour boiling water for half an hour. After, it is good to rinse the surface.

If you don't wash right away cast -iron frying pan, then it is very difficult to clean it from fat and scale. If you managed to wash the utensils to the shine, it is worth warming the vegetable oil before cooking, which forms the necessary protective layer. Then drain the oil, but do not wash the pan.

Important: Wash an outdated plaque with a cast -iron pan can be as follows: pour 2 tbsp. l. salt, pour vinegar and put on the stove. When the solution boils, add ¼ tbsp. Soda and wait until the liquid does not completely boil. Next, rinse well under clean water.

It should be borne in mind that this method is best used in large rooms, because A persistent and caustic smell can stay for a long time. It is best to carry out the procedure in a ventilated room.

If the carbon fiddle has eaten very much, then it is extremely difficult to do without a chemical agent. To wash the pollution, you are worth it:

  1. Pour 1 tsp on a cold surface. washing gel
  2. Pour boiling water
  3. Wash the pan with a washcloth, rinse under cold water and wipe dry with a waffle or paper towel
  4. Spray the special composition for washing ovens over the entire surface, or any other remedy that solves fat well
  5. Place in a plastic bag, tie and leave for a day.

After such manipulations, all fat and black burn instantly disappear from the surface of the pan. Of course, the container should be thoroughly washed and even boil a couple of times in water with citric acid before starting cooking.

Can also be cleaned in a dishwasher
Can also be cleaned in a dishwasher

A dishwasher can also cope with fat and soot. The main thing is to arrange the maximum cleaning mode and repeat the procedure at least 2 times. Any frying pan cannot be subjected to sharp temperature differences, this should be provided when using a dishwasher.

How to clean the ceramic frying pan from Nagar: folk recipes, tips

Food cooked on a frying pan with a ceramic surface Very rarely buries. But if you still form a burn, then washing such utensils is as careful as possible. In order to avoid microcracks, it is necessary to avoid cold water, as well as prevent sharp temperature changes. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the above methods that are suitable for cast -iron pans cannot be used categorically for such a “delicate” surface.

On a ceramic surface It is worth putting 5 tbsp. Salt is well warm. Then gently rinse the contents with a washcloth and detergent. Then, it is worth wipe dry with a soft fabric or paper towel.

You can clean the resulting “fur coat” in the pan with a mechanical way, for this you should use the nozzle in the form of a wire brush for metal for a grinder and, of course, do not forget about protection - glasses, a respiratory mask and gloves. It is necessary to clean in this way as neatly and carefully as possible. Thanks to this method, you can clean the pan to shine, but it is suitable only for the outer side of the surface.

If the food begins to stick after cleaning, you can warm up vegetable oil on it or a little kitchen salt. Salt should warm in a pan for 20 minutes, as soon as it begins to “crack”, it is worth mixing well. For such a procedure, this salt can be used again.

How to clean the pan from rust?

To get rid of rust in a pan you need:

  1. Clean the pan in any way that is used to remove the fat layer described above
  2. It is good to dry the utensils
  3. Place in a preheated oven to 120 ° C for 40 minutes.
  4. Remove the pan, grease with vegetable oil, and cover the bottom with foil
  5. Heat the oven by 230 ° C and put a frying pan for 1 hour
  6. Then, get and grease again with a small amount of vegetable oil.
Keep the pans in cleanliness
Keep the pans in cleanliness

After this procedure, food should not stick to the surface.

  • Ordinary sand and raw potatoes, which should grate damaged areas, will help you get rid of rust.
  • A burnt pan can be saved by boiling in a bucket with the addition of 2-3 bulbs and 3 tsp. food soda.

Aluminum pans It is worth washing in the usual way. To begin with, with the help of ordinary detergents and cleaning powder, then rinse well after that. Immediately after cooking, while the frying pan is still warm, you can grate the outer side with large salt, which can be avoided by the formation of a thick “fur coat”.

How to clean the panel of the tufflon, with anti -stick coating?

The Teflon coating should protect from various pollution and soot, as well as from sticking food to the surface, but unfortunately, due to improper use, it is very difficult to avoid the formation of burning and fat in a pan. Therefore, before proceeding directly to the preparation of the dish, you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions and the rules for the operation of kitchen utensils.

For cooking, such pans are ideal, but only if you use them correctly. It is worth remembering that such pans cannot be scratched, metal shoulder blades and heated hard. But you need to clean the Teflon utensils extremely carefully.

Anitrite coating will not suffer when washing if you use this method:

  • Mix 200 g of detergent for dishes, 3 tbsp. baking soda and 3 l of water
  • In this solution, boil the pan for 30 minutes.

Install the maximum mode in the dishwasher and wash the kitchen utensils 2-3 times, then there will be no harm to the coating, and most importantly, you can easily get rid of burnt fat.

It is easy to wash off light burning with such a pan, for this it is worth pouring water to the very edges, pour several tablespoons citric acid And set to heat up. As soon as the solution boils, rinse all the remains of the “peel” with a regular washcloth for washing dishes.

My Teflon pan
My Teflon pan

Instead of citric acid, you can use ordinary baking soda - 3 tbsp. Soda, pour boiling water and let it boil for 5-10 minutes. The contents are easily washed off under a stream of water. You can use the food baking powder, not soda, 1 bag is enough per frying pan. Rinse with a sponge under running water. The baking powder more tenderly affects the surface, even if the first time it was not possible to get rid of all the plaque, you can repeat the procedure.

Apple juice will help get rid of a small amount of fat. It is worth cutting the fetus into two parts, eat half the apple with a knife, so that it starts the juice, and grate the pan with this part, let stand for 15 minutes. Apple vinegar in small quantities is also suitable. You can moisten a washcloth and rub the pan, also leave for a while, and then wash off with a washing gel.

But, if the pan does not wash for a long time, then a very thick layer of fat and scale forms. It is worth remembering that, unlike cast -iron pans, the Teflon coating does not tolerate cleaning powder, salt and brushes with a rough surface, so it is better to use such products:

  • Coca Cola, which should be heated in a pan, bring to a boil. Next, wash in the usual way after the drink cools down. If the first time all the burning has not exfoliated from the walls, the procedure can be repeated several times until all the burning disappears.
  • Also, you can grate the surface of the usual toothpaste And let it brew. Dental powder in this case should not be used.
  • The fogout will quickly disappear if you rub the frying pan ethyl alcohol.

A large amount of obsolete fat, which is difficult to wash with a regular washcloth, can be removed as follows:

  • For 7 liters of water, take 100 g of soda and 200 ml of glue (stationery). Mix well and lower the Teflon pan for 24 hours into the solution. Fat must be removed in such a solution, after the surface, washed in the usual way.
  • Grate 1 bar of soap in a bucket and add 200 g of soda, lower the utensils and boil for 2 hours.
  • For 3 liters of water, take 200 g of washing liquid, 50 g of glue and 200 g of soda. In this solution, lower the pan for 2 days. And it is worth washing only with hot water, but it is worth increasing the temperature gradually so as not to lead to the formation of cracks. Cold water is categorically not suitable, most likely, a small layer of fat will remain in a pan. And worst of all, it will ruin the pan completely.

The outside of such a pan can be washed by any means, because It has nothing to do with food, and also does not have a special coating, and does not affect the quality of cooking in the future. And for cleaning you can use iron brushes, powders, pastes, salt and sand. The main thing is to prevent these funds and devices for the inside.

Contain to clean the pans
Contain to clean the pans

In order to maintain the Teflon coating as much as possible, before using any method, you should try to soak a frying pan in ordinary water at night. These pans are convenient in that the remaining foods are very rarely adhere to them, but if this happened, then it is also very simple to wash if you start the procedure right away.

Despite the fact that the Teflon surface is quite tender, it is not very difficult to wash it if you follow all the rules. If you have to wash the utensils too often, it is better to change the pan, because this suggests that the surface is already damaged and it is extremely undesirable to use it.

Fat and pieces of food that remain after cooking sometimes hard enough, especially if you do not do it on time. If ordinary cast -iron pans can be washed in a variety of ways, then the utensils with anti -stick coating should be cleaned with extremely carefully so as not to spoil the protective layer.

In no case can such a frying pan should be subjected to physical manipulations, the effects of strong acids and alkalis. Therefore, you need to act very carefully, and it is better not to put the pan with chemical effects once again, it is worth using folk proven methods. Frequent use of aggressive means can lead to damage to such a surface, in the future the pan will not be suitable for use.

Prevents combustion
Prevents combustion

To begin with, you should try to wash the resulting burning with ordinary boiling water. To do this, fill the pan to the top and let stand until the water cools down. Then, wash with warm water with the addition of washing gel.

If it has not been possible to get rid of Gary, it is worth taking other measures.

  • For cleaning the pan from the inside, it is worthwhile to use a reduced toxicity. The soap refers to such means. In order to clean the utensils, it is worth dissolving 1 piece of soap in 5 liters of water and lower the pan there. Then boil and let it brew for 3 hours, then wash in the usual way.
  • Dilute 5 tbsp. soda in 1 liter of water. Lower the pan and boil for 30 minutes. After that, cool the solution, and wash the pan with an ordinary kitchen sponge.
  • Dip the utensils to a bucket of water, add 1 tube of stationery glue and 1/3 of the soda bag. Boil for an hour. Then let it brew during the day. Next, wash in the usual way.
  • In exactly the same way, it is worth boiling a pan with a detergent (200 ml of detergent is enough for 5 liters of water). After the frying pan was infused, it should be thoroughly washed under running water, and then, boil for 40 minutes. In clean water.

Various funds are suitable for cleaning the pan from the outside, but on the condition that they will not get inside. You can use various sprays and cleaning powders. The basic principle of their use is that any tool should be applied to the surface and left for a while, then washed off in the usual way.

But before resorting to such radical solutions, it is worth trying ordinary boiling, which will help clean the pan from the “fur coat” on the outer walls. Various improvised means will help to accelerate the process, and ordinary laundry soap or liquid for washing dishes is best suited.

Contain to clean the assistant
Contain to clean the assistant

It is important to remember several rules:

  • For cooking, do not use metal devices, it is better to use wooden or silicone material.
  • The inner part should be washed every time after use, and the external part is enough 1-2 times a week.
  • If the Gary layer remains after each cooking, then such a pan should be thrown away.
  • If the burn is formed after the preparation of certain dishes, then they should not be prepared in this pan.
  • Do not heat the dishes above 250 ° C. At this temperature, the protective layer and integrity of the coating collapse. And washing the pan will be much harder.

Video: how and how to clean the pan at home?

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