How to wash the oven? How to clean fat? What means to wash the oven?

How to wash the oven? How to clean fat? What means to wash the oven?

The hostesses are noted: with what shop and folk remedies you can wash fat and soot in the oven, quickly and effortlessly.

A good mistress must maintain cleanliness. And not only externally. She needs to be able to maintain in good condition not only the countertop or facade of the kitchen, but also inaccessible, hidden, at first glance, places.

For example, an oven. Despite the fact that today there are a huge number of store funds to clean it, and at least the verified folk recipes, not everyone knows how to remove fat and soot, and, moreover, knows how to do it.

How to wash the oven inside from burned fat?

  • The oven is an obligatory attribute in each kitchen. It is operated very often, because baking is one of the most healthy methods of cooking
  • Like any other kitchen device, the oven has its own rules for use. One of them is a requirement for cleanliness. The oven should be clean both for hygiene reasons, and for security reasons
So that there is no question of how to wash the oven from old fat and soot, you need to do this regularly.
So that there is no question of how to wash the oven from old fat and soot, you need to do this regularly.

Important: in theory, it is necessary to wash the oven after each use. Then this process will be easier and faster, because you will have to remove a small amount of fat and soot. But, unfortunately, a rare mistress does just that.

Someone does not have enough time, someone is simply lazy. After several operations, a significant amount of contaminants accumulates inside the oven and on the glass. And then their removal turns into a real struggle

To remove old fat and soot inside the oven and on the glass you need a certain amount of time. Perhaps the procedure will have to be repeated several times.

The modern woman, first of all, will pay attention to high -tech store products to clean the kitchen surfaces and ovens. They have a number of advantages:

  • ready -made means, thanks to the formula and composition, are created in order to remove precisely fat and soil
  • they act quickly and efficiently
  • have an antibacterial and antifungal effect
  • at the same time as pollution, they eliminate the smell
  • harm to surfaces during and after their use is the minimum
  • are considered harmless to humans
  • no need to look for recipes, get any components and prepare a cleaning product yourself
Many women prefer to use store products for cleaning ovens.

Such funds are produced in the form of powders, gels, creams or aerosols.

The largest number of laudatory reviews received (listing in alphabetical order):

  1. Astonish (spray for cleaning glass in the oven)
  2. CIF Cream Act Lemon (Universal Cleaner for Kitchen)
  3. Comet powder with chlorinol (universal cleaning product for the kitchen and bathroom)
  4. Active gel for cleaning the oven Dr.Beckmann (remedy for cleaning ovens)
  5. Green & Clean Professional.
  6. Oven Cleaner amway (cleaner for oven)

The procedure for using the above funds does not require special preparation.

Important: the hostess before cleaning the oven with any store should prepare rubber gloves, water basin, sponges or napkins for washing and cleaning surfaces, clean cotton napkins or microfiber

Cleaning the oven is as follows:

  1. A grille, baking sheet, trays are removed from the oven. They are washed separately under running water or in a basin with water, in which a certain amount of cleaning is divorced
  2. With a sponge or napkin, on which the required amount of cleaning agents is applied, all the internal surfaces of the oven are processed. The heating element cannot be touched!
  3. After a while, when the fat softens and dissolve, the oven is completely washed out with water
  4. If necessary, the cleaning product is used again
How to clean fat from the oven: before and after cleaning.
How to clean fat from the oven: before and after cleaning.

Important: after using aggressive chemical cleaners, the oven door must be held open an hour or even all night. If the “chemical” smell is preserved, you can put a plate with milk on a baking sheet, or several coal tablets, or wipe the inner surfaces of the oven with a solution of vinegar and water

VIDEO: Clean the oven from fat and soot quickly and easy

Cleaning gel AMVei for oven cabinets

The products of the network company AMVay consumers are twofold. Some consider it the best firm for the manufacture and sale of environmentally friendly and natural cosmetic and household products, others - scammers and charlatans, speculators on the same environmental cleanliness.

Opinions have the right to exist, in any case. But to check how effective the product is gel for cleaning oven and grills, you can only with your own experience.

Amp the oven cleaner.
Amp the oven cleaner.

A tool that is a gel -like paste is designed for cleaning:

  • ovens
  • plates
  • grill
  • pan

Cleaning using Oven Cleaner Amway occurs a traceful way:

  • the product is applied to the surface with contamination
  • after applying the product, fat softens and becomes easily separated from the surface, for this you need from 10 to 30 minutes. time
  • the product along with pollution is removed from the surfaces of the oven

The court I am on reviews, the AMVei tool is really effective, economical and safe.

Important: even if a brand for the production of household chemicals positions its products safe and environmentally friendly, you should not forget about precautions. AMVei oven cleaner should be tightly closed and hidden from children and pets

VIDEO: Clean the baking sheet from the oven by Amway

How to quickly wash the oven? Folk remedies

High-tech household chemicals, of course, effective in the fight against oven pollution, but many housewives, even young ones, still prefer to use folk remedies for these purposes. In comparison with the store, they find them:

  • cheaper
  • safe
  • no less effective

Important: Acids are usually used to dissolve fat. They not only eliminate dirt, but also kill microbes, fungi, eliminate an unpleasant odor

Folk remedies clean the oven no worse than store.
Folk remedies clean the oven no worse than store.

Here are the most common recipes.

Recipe No. 1: Cleaner from soda and vinegar

Vinegar and food soda must be mixed in a 1x1 proportion. In order for the product to be better applied, it is recommended to add a small amount of dishes for washing the dishes.

Vinegar with soda is applied to the surfaces of the oven pre -washed with water, after 15 minutes they are thoroughly washed off along with contaminants

Soda and vinegar for cleaning the oven.
Soda and vinegar for cleaning the oven.

Recipe No. 2: Cleaner from soda and vinegar

For the preparation of the product, they take: vinegar - 100 ml, soda - 50 g, a grater of laundry soap - 30 g. The components are mixed. The resulting dense substance is applied inside the oven, washed off after 3 hours.

Quickly clean the oven with soda, vinegar and household soap.
Quickly clean the oven with soda, vinegar and household soap.

Important: vinegar has a natural, but caustic smell. To neutralize it, you can add a couple of drops of essential oils to cleaning agents based on vinegar.

Recipe number 3: Lemon juice or citric acid

To remove the fat and burning of the exhaust of the oven, you need one lemon and go half a foam of citric acid. In the first case, the lemon juice is diluted with water in a proportion of 1 x 1. In the second, half a pack of powder is diluted in a glass of water.

Further, the surfaces of the oven are processed with a rag (or sponge) moistened in the solution. For fat to separate, you need half an hour. After the oven is washed with clean water

Lemon and citric acid quickly clean the oven.
Lemon and citric acid quickly clean the oven.

How to wash the oven with ammonia?

Facular alcohol is considered one of the most effective remedies for removing fat, which was burned on the walls of the oven.

There are several recipes on how to wash the oven by ammonia.
There are several recipes on how to wash the oven by ammonia.

The easiest option for using it is to simply apply alcohol on the surface and leave it overnight, and in the morning, wash with running water.

You can try another way:

  • the oven is heated to 100 degrees
  • at this time, two bowls are prepared - with water and ammonia alcohol
  • the first put a bowl of water in the oven, on the lower shelf
  • when the water reaches a boil, the fire will turn off
  • on the upper shelf of the oven put a bowl with ammonia alcohol
  • leave the oven in this state at night
  • in the morning, the surfaces of the oven with a mixture of water, wash dish and ammonia with ammonia are treated in the morning

How to wash glass in the oven?

It is more difficult to wash glass on the oven door than the inner surfaces.

Glass in the oven can be washed with soda.
Glass in the oven can be washed with soda.

You can cope with fat drums on it using the same store products or ordinary soda.
Fans of using folk remedies simply moisturize the glass of the oven and rub it with soda. After half an hour, when soda is washed off with fat, the glass becomes clean and transparent.

How to wash the oven: reviews

Sooner or later, each housewife finds her own way to quickly and with minimal efforts to wash the oven, using store or folk remedies. So that the war with fat is obviously winning, it is better not to start pollution, but to do cleaning regularly and in a timely manner.

VIDEO: How to avoid severe oven pollution? How to wash the contaminated oven?

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Comments K. article

  1. We rented an apartment. And when they had already transported things and drove, I found a terribly dirty oven. How and how to wash it I do not even know. Tell me a super cool tool that I would not spend half a day on it.

  2. Victoria, now there are many of course different household chemicals, but in such “heavy ones! In cases, as I call it, only the Unicum fatter helps me. Buy it, he is not very expensive and you will wash your oven in a few minutes without any effort. This is an Israeli remedy and they know how very high quality it is known. Plus, a kosher certificate is received for this drug, you yourself now understand that the drug is good in quality and is very convenient to use.

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