How to distinguish consciousness and subconscious? What is common between them? Consciousness and subconscious: how do they differ among themselves?

How to distinguish consciousness and subconscious? What is common between them? Consciousness and subconscious: how do they differ among themselves?

In this article, we will consider the relationship between consciousness and subconscious. And we also learn similar aspects and differences between them.

Scientific terms “consciousness” and “subconscious” are often used in everyday communication. The most popular are phrases such as “at a subconscious level”, “realize what is happening” and others. They contain these terms as different parts of speech. But not every person fully understands the true meaning of these words. Therefore, we offer you to delve into this topic a little in order to divide these consonant words among themselves.

How to distinguish consciousness and subconscious among themselves?

The terms “consciousness” and “subconscious” are variable to determine the state of the psyche in psychology and philosophy. Thanks to several similar features, they are difficult to distinguish even to specialists in these areas. Sometimes these terms are used in an unusual value for them. Therefore, misunderstandings arise in the process of communication.

In order to fully understand the meaning of these words, you need to consider the main differences between consciousness and subconscious. But first it is important to determine the definition for each of the words.

What is consciousness?

  • Consciousness is defined as part of the psyche, which is responsible for rationalization, attention, logical thinking and reasoning. For example, if a person needs to add one to one, then a conscious mind will build a calculation and give an answer.
  • It is also known that consciousness controls all our daily actions performed on a voluntary basis. It is called the Center for Processing of Teams, which gives the human mind.
  • Consciousness also monitors and communicates with the outside world, as well as with the internal "I". Through susceptible sensations, thoughts, speech, photographs, letters and physical activity.
  • However, according to recent studies, the conscious mind is strong depending on the subconscious. It is it that decides how a person functions as a holistic system. But at the same time, Consciousness affects the subconscious. Information received consciously can be postponed at a subconscious level.
  • The conscious mind of a person is slightly similar to the captain of the ship standing on the bridge and giving orders. Fulfills the crew in the machine department under the deck, namely the subconscious and the unconscious.
Consciousness is responsible for rational and logical thinking
Consciousness is responsible for rational and logical thinking

What is called the subconscious?

  • The subconscious is defined as part of the mind, which is responsible for all involuntary actions. For example, a continuous process of breathing, blood circulation and heart rhythm. All these actions, as you know, are controlled by a person’s subconscious.
  • More importantly, if someone begins to pay attention to the image of the breath itself and tries to take control of it, then the conscious mind will enter into effect for some time. But at the same time, he cannot control the subconscious processes for a long time.
  • In addition, all our emotions are controlled by the subconscious. That is why we feel negative emotions, such as sadness, fear and anxiety, not even wanting to experience them in response to various circumstances.
  • It is also known that the subconscious is a place of storage of individual beliefs and memories. Interestingly, subconscious memories can be easily brought to the level of consciousness.
  • The subconscious mind plays an important role in everyday work. For example, you can easily recall the phone number, the principle of driving. No need to think about how to get home from the store.
  • Subconscious filters all unnecessary information And leaves only the one that is necessary at the moment. When traveling by car of an experienced driver, it will use information about car management, and not a way to prepare an omelet.
The subconscious mind is responsible for uncontrolled actions
The subconscious mind is responsible for uncontrolled actions

What does consciousness and subconscious have in common?

The human mind is divided into three parts, known as a conscious mind, subconscious and unconscious mind. Despite the great difference in their functions, all three components determine human relations and model of behavior. Also, consciousness and subconscious mind are interconnected, so they cannot exist in isolation.

  • Understanding the difference between consciousness and subconscious is the easiest way to clearly, through associations. You can take a computer as the basis for comparison. A computer is a human mind. This is a single system that consists of several elements. Then a conscious mind can be represented in the form of a keyboard and monitor.
  • The data is entered on the keyboard, and the results are displayed on the monitor screen. This is how the conscious mind works-the information is taken through a kind of external or internal source of the environment, and the results are instantly displayed into consciousness.
  • The person’s subconscious is slightly reminiscent of the operational memorable device of the computer. Its task is to hold the programs and data that is currently included.
  • Therefore, they can be quickly and easy to use a computer processor. The subconscious work works similarly to computer RAM. It remembers for a short time the programs used daily and then easily reproduces them.
But they are closely complementary to each other
But they are closely complementary to each other

Consciousness and subconscious: how do they differ among themselves?

There are not so many common subconscious and consciousness. They are similar in the fact that they are components of the human mind, regulate processes in the human body and cannot exist in isolation from each other. But the difference between these two terms is quite significant.

  • One of the main differences is functions the human body that are regulated by these components of the psyche. Consciousness controls logical and intellectual processes. These are decision -making, planning, development of strategy, communication and others.
    • The subconscious mind controls mainly physical functions, namely breathing, digestion, feelings, emotions and beliefs.
  • For the subconscious to turn on, he needs the presence of the previously received information. The subconscious mind can reproduce and bring to the level of consciousness only the information that was received earlier.
    • Consciousness can analyze and perceive information that has not previously encountered.
  • The difference between a conscious and subconscious mind and in the presence of a thought process. Consciousness is always accompanied by thinking, with the help of which internal changes and processes in the external environment are recognized. The subconscious mind is not accompanied by the process of thinking.
But at the same time, they significantly vary among themselves
But at the same time, they significantly vary among themselves
  • Also, the work of consciousness is associated with the left hoolery of the brain a person who is responsible for logic and communication. The functioning of the subconscious is associated with the right hemisphere, in which thoughts and experiences are stored, be it negative or positive aspects.
    • People who have more developed the left hemisphere more developed rationally and think logically. People with a developed right hemisphere are creative personalities who are difficult to control their emotions.
  • Most of the information that the subconscious preserves, a person receives in childhood. The child’s consciousness, on the contrary, functions at the lower level and processes less information than the consciousness of an adult.
    • In adulthood, it is easier to realize and control their actions, to think logically and make plans. In older people, like children, consciousness works less intensively than the subconscious.

Video: What are the differences between consciousness and subconscious?

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