How to distinguish a natural sheepskin coat from artificial? How to check a sheepskin coat for naturalness: Methods, tips

How to distinguish a natural sheepskin coat from artificial? How to check a sheepskin coat for naturalness: Methods, tips

In this topic, we will talk about checking the quality of a tanned coat.

With the advent of cold weather, we begin to be insulated as much as possible for going to the street. Despite the peak popularity of stuffy jackets, a sheepskin coat never goes out of fashion. Since it acts as a good alternative to a fur coat, has no less rich and luxurious appearance, but also an acceptable price.

But all this applies to a truly high -quality product, about the verification of the naturalness of which we will talk in this material. After all, the difficulty is to correctly choose and distinguish a sheepskin coat without running into a fake.

How to distinguish a natural shelter from artificial?

A natural sheepskin coat is a warm and practical thing that can warm us even in the most severe frosts. It perfectly retains heat and provides the necessary comfort. In addition, it is correctly selected in length and cover, with additions to decorative elements, it is extremely convenient and universal.

After all, it is suitable for both everyday socks and for the release of "light." Unfortunately, such a thing often has low -quality analogues. But there are distinctive aspects that will help distinguish a sheepskin coat in quality.

In the sheepskin coat you can look very feminine and attractive
In the sheepskin coat you can look very feminine and attractive
  • Of course, the first advice is to buy a sheepskin coat in specialized stores and boutiques,offering a certificate of its quality together with the goods. If you want to save at least on the "wrapping" of the store, you can see in the online store. Moreover, most of them offer delivery services, during which you can carefully inspect and try on the thing. The market is still not the best place for acquisition.
  • But it should be remembered that such a thing It cannot be cheap.And a small restriction-the price should not be lower than 20-30 thousand rubles. This is a minimum criterion that speaks not only for naturalness, but also for quality!
  • If the sheepskin coat is declared as natural, first of all, Consider the labels. They should indicate the material from which it is made. And also you will find illustrations of instructions for caring for the product.
Carefully study shortcuts and emails
Carefully study shortcuts and emblems
  • Then Make sure of its homogeneity in the color and thickness of the fabric.Look well in the light to make out the stains. Usually it is they who speak for poor staining or fake.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the seams. On a natural sheepskin coat, they should be, if not exclusively even, then well fitted and necessarily double. Without confused threads and grabbing of fur. But at the same time, they should be hidden under the skin, which can be viewed on the inside. The pockets are evenly rebuilt, with corners fixed by special rivets.
  • Inner fur should also be homogeneous, sewn from large pieces and there should not be any defects on it. A quality product is different a single direction of fur in all its details- down up. It is quite dense, but if the villi itself is stretched, then the skin will be visible. In a fake you will see a fabric mesh.
  • After that, pay attention to Skin sections - They must be even, neat and evenly painted. And also do not have spots and scuffs.
  • A natural sheepskin coat is always Smooth, soft and pleasant to the touch.Passing your hand along its surface, you leave a noticeable mark on it, which disappears after a while. And the product returns to its original appearance.
Attention to the direction of the pile!
Attention to the direction of the pile!
  • The result of processing the surface of the sheepskin coat is very indicative: a natural product, properly processed, It has no shine and does not look like varnished. In this case, the proper processing also Excludes the loss of villi over time.
  • Smell, coming from a sheepskin coat is also of great importance - in a natural product it is pleasant, intensifying and remaining on the hands with active touch to the surface. For example, if several times with an effort to draw a palm on the canvas or rub slightly. The synthetic smell is heard right away, it is noticeably different from natural aroma and is not so pleasant. At the same time, it can be strongly, and in some cases even caustically smell of chemicals.
  • Indicative and The weight of the product- A natural sheepskin coat, unlike artificial, cannot be very light and airy. It weighs, as a rule, at least 1.5-2 kg.
  • If you squeeze the sheepskin coat with your hands, and then shake it, then there are no traces left on the natural product, unlike artificial material. If you notice any irregularities, dentes, folds on the product, do not believe the seller’s explanations that she just “caveat”. Natural sheepskin coats do not “cake” and cannot look rumpled.
Comparison of internal fur
Comparison of internal fur

How to check the sheepskin coat for naturalness?

There are more creative methods for checking the product for naturalness, but not every seller will agree to them.

  • For example, if drop a few drops of waterto the surface, then from a natural sheepskin coat, which has good water -repellent properties, they will instantly roll. The liquid is immediately absorbed into the synthetic canvas and leaves a wet trace on the surface.
  • If you take a white piece of fabric, moisten slightly and Wipe the surface of the sheepskin coat,there should not be traces of paint on it. As an affordable analogue, you can use the usual wet cloth. Otherwise, this is poor-quality painting-spraying. Such a sheepskin coat can acquire a heterogeneous color when it gets under the rain or during dry cleaning.

Important: by the way, not all natural products can be given to dry cleaning. The mark on whether the chemical cleaning of the product is permissible, it must be on the label of the sheepskin coat.

Checking naturalness
Checking naturalness
  • If Pull the hairs of fur slightly,they should not remain in their hands. This is one of the important test methods. At the fake, he will naturally break out.
  • On the lining of a natural sheepskin coat you You will always find a spare piece of fabric.If you cut off a small part of it and set fire to You can easily distinguish natural fabric that burns slowly and has the smell of lamb. Synthetics, which instantly burning, turns into a charred ball.

Important: and it is impossible not to say about another trick that unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers use. Modern technologies allow you to make the so -called "glued fur". That is, the scraps of the skins and even individual hairs are very neatly, sequentially and tightly driven to each other and glue on the fabric base. And from above everything is covered with a polymer, so it becomes almost impossible to distinguish a natural sheepskin coat from “glued”. The thing turns out to be heavy, but poor -quality and not retaining heat.

Check each seam!
Check each seam!

A few words about the differences in the quality of different material or how to distinguish a sheepskin coat by nature of fur: tips

  • It is worth saying that natural sheepskin coats are also made of different material. The warmest, frost -resistant and practical is Fur velor from sheep skins.Moreover, this should be the material of domestic and Turkish production, which is distinguished by thick and dense skin. Products from it have great weight and simple cut. Since are not amenable to more complex processing necessary for model things. But in such a sheepskin coat no frost is not terrible, and it will be worn for a very long time.
  • Sighter, thin and soft to the touch - Spanish fur velor. Products from it are diverse, but it is not so warm and durable.
  • The best sheepskin coats are obtained From the horses of the Tuscan lambs- They are light, thin and comfortable. In the manufacture of sheepskin coats from Tuscan fur, it is not cut and left long over the entire inner surface. In this case, it perfectly retains heat. But the "Tuscan" sheepskin coats are the most expensive.
    • Sometimes, under the guise of “Tuscany”, fakes are sold when the wool of the Tuscan lamb is used exclusively for decoration along the edges of the product, and inside the sheepskin coat, ordinary sheep's fur is used. Such sheepskin coats are less warm than Tuscan. And, of course, they cannot equalize them in price.

Important: tell you about the quality and fitting of the product. A high -quality sheepskin coat should be comfortable in sock, it does not slide off the shoulders back and does not constrain movements. And when raising one hand, it does not move to the second. And even if it is severe, it does not create a feeling of discomfort.

The nature of the animal also affects, for example, the Tuskun fur is not cut off
The nature of the animal also affects, for example, the Tuscan fur is not cut off

If, having checked the product in all possible ways, you are convinced of its quality, then you may not be afraid of winter colds. But it happens that after the purchase you can notice small scratches on the surface. Do not despair - these minor scratches do not affect the quality of the product, but are another confirmation of its "naturalness".

Video: How to distinguish a natural shelter from artificial?

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