How to distinguish a real mink from a fake: instructions, tips, recommendations, videos. Shub - Scandinavian mink: how to distinguish from fake, Canadian, Russian and Chinese mink? How to distinguish an artificial mink from natural, painted from unpainted: methods

How to distinguish a real mink from a fake: instructions, tips, recommendations, videos. Shub - Scandinavian mink: how to distinguish from fake, Canadian, Russian and Chinese mink? How to distinguish an artificial mink from natural, painted from unpainted: methods

The article will be useful to all those who would like to receive practical tips for choosing a fur in general and for choosing a mink fur in particular.

How to distinguish a real mink from a fake, good fur from bad: instructions, tips, recommendations, video

The physical characteristics of high -quality mink fur and the methods of their verification are presented in the table.

Characteristic Verification method

The hairline of high -quality mink fur should be clean, crumbly and well combed. The hairs of fur are even, the same length, without bent ends.

Ostble hair and undergrounds in one color.

Inspect the fur surface well. You should see a uniform hairline that has a pleasant glossy shine.
In the case of additional staining of fur, the hair of the hair should be smooth.

Run with your hand along the fur along the hair growth line. The hand should remain clean.

Remember: the painted mink gives out dark Mazdra (leather fabric)!

The hair is tightly held on the mead (leather fabric). There is no flow (rash of the outer hairs). Shake the fur product slightly slightly. If you observe abundant hair loss, this indicates a poor quality of fur.
The hairs do not break. Pass with your palm against the hairs growth line and observe the fur: the hairs should return to their original state.
Underbukes are thick. Hang on the fur and look at the undercuts. In high -quality dense fur, the Mazdra does not look through the scum.
The leather fabric is soft to the touch, plastic. When crushing does not make rustling sounds. High -quality Mazdra does not spread in the area of \u200b\u200bthe seams. Be sure to doubt the fur with your palm. High -quality skins do not rustle and quickly return to the initial state. High -quality Mazdra should not resemble suede! Be sure to check the seams by turning the lining of the product.

The fur should be without sharp and unpleasant odors.


Be sure to smell the fur! Ideally, it should have a weak characteristic smell of fur. But not chemistry, musk or junk!
After contact with the fur on the hands, there should be no feeling of unpleasant fat content!

Be sure to check the lining under the lining! An honest manufacturer always leaves an unfinished lining so that the buyer can make sure the quality and naturalness of the product. The rule of good tone is the presence of a seal of print on each individual skin confirming the naturalness of the fur.

Be careful: sometimes the bottom of the product is sewn from high -quality material, and “under the collar” (or in other inaccessible places), low -grade skins are used.


Various coloring of natural mink fur
Various coloring of natural mink fur

Most often, a mink -double are:

  • rabbit,
  • marmot,
  • nutria,
  • columns,
  • honorik,
  • artificial fur.

The main characteristics of each of the duble materials and how to determine the fake are presented in the tables.

Rabbit. Mink.

The outer hair is very soft.

Undergrounds are less thick.

The outer hair is quite hard.
The rabbit fur, unlike mink fur, gets wet.
Marmot. Mink.

Osteen hair of different lengths.

When stroking against the hair growth line, the fur shakes and does not return to the original appearance.

The fur has a bluish tint.

The hairs of fur are even, the same length, without bent ends. When stroking against the hair growth line, the fur quickly takes the original appearance.
Squeezing nutria. Pieceless mink.
Rectangular skin (ratio of sides of the rectangle 1x1.5).

Rectangular skin

(The ratio of the parties is 1x2.5 ... 3).

Mazdra (leather fabric) is rude than that of the mink.
The length of the fur is about 10 mm. Fur length 5 mm.
Columns. Mink.
The fur is devoid of evenness and density. The hairs of fur are even, the same length, without bent ends.
Honorik. Mink.

• OST hair and undercuts differ in color: the hair is darker with a lighterwear.

• It has a large fur plate compared to mink.

Ostble hair and undergrounds in one color.
Artificial fur. Mink.

• Artificial fur issues the base (or soil) on which hairs are attached. Be sure to look under the lining of the product. If the lining is sewn, and the seller refuses to rip off it, take the sewing needle and puncture the fur. An ordinary sewing needle easily pierces the fabric base of artificial fur.

• Remove several fur hairs and burn them. Artificial hairs will be melted. A natural hair flashes easily and smells of a jalled hair or feather.

How to distinguish an artificial mink from natural: instructions, tips, recommendations

Be sure to pay attention to the advice in the previous part of the article.

In addition, pay attention to the following important points:

  • Artificial materials are characterized by matte (not bright) shine.

Recommendation: Look at the fur both in artificial and in natural light. Artificial fur does not have a glossy bright shine.

  • Artificial fur products are more heavy.
  • Always carefully study the certificate, which is mandatory attached to a product made of natural fur. The absence of a certificate - the occasion will doubt the quality of the product.

How to distinguish a mink painted from unpainted: methods, description

Variety of dyed mink fur
Variety of dyed mink fur

First of all, thoroughly inspect the mezar (leather fabric).

  • The fur that has passed the staining procedure has dark color. Colorism: from black to gray.
  • The fur that has passed the toning procedure can vary from gray to natural light beige tone.
  • Mazdra of unpainted fur light beige or beige (regardless of the color of the fur).

Pay attention to the color of the fur.

  • Most often, the fur is painted black. Be careful: natural mink fur has a brown-gray tint. This is especially good in natural light.
  • The color of the painted fur in any light is deep anthracite, without a natural transition in color intensity, without shades between the island hair and the height.

Recommendation: Take a slightly wet soft fabric of white color and wipe the fur. If the fabric stains, the fur passed the procedure for changing color. And this procedure was not very high quality.

Important: modern technologies allow you to paint the fur with subsequent clarification of the Mazra. The process of lightening significantly worsens the quality of the fur! Unfortunately, the average buyer will not be able to distinguish such fur from the present. The only way out: get acquainted with the certificate for the product.

How to distinguish the old mink fur from the new?

  • Start inspection with the mezra. The color of the old leather fabric is yellow.
  • In addition, smell the mezar: the old leather fabric will have a specific scalcent smell resembling the smell ofoproky fat.
  • Sometimes a sign of old fur can be the parchment of the mezra (it ceases to “hold” the seams).
  • It can also be attended by healing areas.
  • In fur, especially white and blue/gray tones, a yellow tint appears. As a rule, for changing the color of the fur, 1 year is enough (with improper care) and from 3 to 5 years (with proper care and initially good quality).

How to distinguish stretched mink skins from whole?

Almost all mink skins stretch.

In a too stretched skin from the inside of the mezra, hair follicles are well felt. Focus on tactile sensations: because of the hair follicles, the stretched Mazdra becomes rough and similar to grater. At the same time, the adhesion of the bulb and mezra is significantly reduced, which leads to an increase in the fluidity of the hairs.

In addition, the weight of the product is reduced with equal other characteristics.

Outstone hair and underbuilding of a too stretched skin lose their density. When stroking the fur against the growth line of the outer hair, Mazdra pees.

Mink fur coat: how to distinguish the fur of a male from female fur

Important: as a rule, the product is sewn either from the skins of the male, or from the skins of the female! Mixing the skins is unacceptable!

The table presents the main distinguishing features of mink fur, taking into account the sex of the animal

Male Female
The male is longer than that of the female. The male undergrounds are thicker. Mesdra is denser and rude. In general, the skin is heavier.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe fur plate: from 14 to 8 sq.m. The area of \u200b\u200bthe fur plate: from 10 to 5 square meters. Dm.

When sewing which products are used:

• caps;

• collars;

• short female fur products;

• Men's fur products.

When sewing which products are used:

• long female fur products;

• Female products with a free cut.

Total dimensional grid of mink skins by categories:

Category Length, see Width, see
A (especially large) 70+ 7,5+
B (especially large) 65-70 7
Large 54-65 6,5
Medium 47-54 6
Small 40-47 5
Mink skin mink/female
Mink skin mink/female

Chinese mink: how to distinguish from another type of mink?

The Chinese mink enters the markets of Russia in the form of finished products, and not raw materials or semi -finished products. The cost of finished fur products from the Middle Kingdom is relatively low. On this, the advantages, perhaps, end.

Take into account: low -grade fur gets into the Russian market, since China has a huge domestic market. All high -quality fur remains within the country.

Chinese media are actively working on improving the situation, carrying out selective work, improving the feed base, etc. However, the quality of the mink fur directly depends on the climate in which the animal lives, and on specialists who are engaged in breeding. At this stage of development, the Chinese are only learning from their mistakes.

As a result, Russia's boutiques and markets are full of fur products:

  • from the southern Chinese mink with a rough lying spine and a weak heap,
  • from the fur of animals-shootings of good herds (such fur is often given out for BlackGlama fur);
  • from dyed fur of low quality.

From all of the above, the only correct conclusion follows: buy mink products either directly on the domestic market of China, carefully probing all the seams, pulling the hairs, testing and sniffing the cozer. Or do not buy at all.

Shub - Scandinavian mink: how to distinguish from fake, Canadian, Russian and Chinese mink?

Mink type Characteristic
Scandinavian Ostvo hair: even, medium height.
Supplies: thick.

The following marking is taken depending on the selection:

• Finnish - Saga Furs®. A feature is a high spine and ahead.

• Danish - Kopenhagen Furs®. A feature is a low spine and ahead.

Important: marking is rarely used!

Canadian/ North American Ostvo hair: quite short, thin and delicate.
Supplies: very thick.
A feature of the fur: the presence of the effect of velvet.
Russian/Russian Ostvo hair: tall.
Supplies: high thick.
Feature: very warm fur, but because of the high spike and the underfloor, it seems somewhat shaggy.
Chinese / grown in China IMPORTANT: since the anti -breeding segment of the market has just begun to develop, talk about such a mink type as Chinese, early.
Ostvo hair: rude lying.
Supplies: Rare.

How to distinguish natural fur from a fake is described in the previous part of the article.

Unfortunately, it is difficult for the average buyer to determine the type of mink and the characterization of its fur. Therefore, be sure to ask the seller a certificate of conformity for the product.

Video: How to choose a mink coat?

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the good article! Thanks to your advice, I picked up an excellent mink on the gardener in “Furs from Vitaly” line 4, Pavilion 148. I am very pleased with the purchase

  2. Thank you for your review! Do not forget that the fur requires proper storage))))

  3. Girl, and at what price were you bought a mink in the gardener?

  4. It is necessary to look at the mezer, it should be thick, but soft and not painted. I was so taught at Elena Furs, I bought Blackgam there. Better yet, read Kiz (they help to do this in normal stores), there will be all the information. Buyilda back in 2016, when chipping was only introduced.

  5. I bought an excellent fur coat on the gardener in the first tent at the first tent and in good quality. She interrupted everything that she only wanted and mastered, in the end she figured it out well as a fur, in color and to the touch. In the end, I checked the coat of mezra on the side of the Mazra and across, the quality arranged. A barcode was attached to the fur coat, which made its way perfectly in the FTS base, all the checks and a guarantee of 1 year were given to the fur coat. I saw a fur coat purchased on the gardener in all large shops in Moscow with a double-three-tier wrap. I made conclusions! I advise the market if you do not plan to take a fur coat for the rest of your life. Study the Internet on this topic, take a sufficient amount for the purchase of the corresponding fur. Remember that a good fur coat cannot cost 3 rubles, but cheaper than in famous stores 1.5-3 times may well cost. Turn off! Good luck to you

  6. I wonder who will allow you to carry out all these manipulations when choosing? I would really like to see how you will tear off the lining or try to fall asleep the fur!

  7. But there are other methods of verification that are no less effective than falling furs) good, such articles with advice as this dime a dozen. Thanks for the author’s article, because she helped me a lot to check the fur coat. I ordered a very cool mink fur coat to Avito a month ago, with a hood and a belt. The model was brought from China. I usually have this production skeptical, but this fur coat turned out to be just the highest quality! On Boxberry, I checked several times and stitching, and the fur, and the lining - there was nothing to complain about. When I was convinced of this, I paid and flew home on the wings of happiness))

  8. Thanks for the article, I kept it right into the chosen ones and checked it on Boxbury. The fact is that I liked the fur coat, which was sold at Avito. As a result, the fur coat came with the BlackGlama tag and marking, went through all the checks, and I decided to buy. The fur is warm, dense, velvet to the touch.

  9. The mink is sorry (

  10. The article is simply excellent, it can really help when choosing. I saw the article after the purchase. Elena Furs sellers showed a lot of points themselves to certify my husband and I in quality. While I am very pleased with the purchase, I hope it will continue. And knowledge is not superfluous.

  11. Anastasia, thanks for your review. I’m just going to sell to the sale and decided to read what and how to choose, especially in the issue of coloring. And since you say that the girls are sensible there, I will definitely turn to them for help.

  12. Anastasia, thanks for your review. I’m just going to sell and decided to read what and how to choose, especially in the issue of coloring. And since you say that the girls are sensible there, I will definitely turn to them for help.

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