How to distinguish crystal from glass by sound, using hot water and examination? How to check crystal or glass? The difference between crystal and glass

How to distinguish crystal from glass by sound, using hot water and examination? How to check crystal or glass? The difference between crystal and glass

Differences in crystal and glass.

It is worth noting that crystal is a special type of glass that is distinguished by its nobility. During the Soviet Union, almost all women could distinguish crystal from glass. Now the popularity of this material has decreased a little, due to the appearance of very high -quality types of glass on the shelves. Accordingly, now few people can distinguish crystal and glass. In this article, we will try to deal with the main differences in glass and crystal.

What is the difference between glass and crystal: features of manufacture and composition

The main difference between these two materials is their origin. Glass is a completely synthetic material that is made by fusion of sand with other components. Mountain crystal is a natural material that is an analogue of the natural quartz, only completely transparent.

Due to this, the cost of crystal products significantly exceeds the price of glass. In principle, the main difference is the cost of these products. Although very often it happens that sellers are trying to give out glass products for crystal. This allows you to make a huge wrapping, and sell the goods more expensive.

Crystal glasses
Crystal glasses

Of course, we can talk about the natural origin of crystal only when comparing ordinary glass with rock crystal. The material that is used for the manufacture of dishes is also glass, but its special appearance, and is called crystal. What we use in life is not a mountain crystal, but silicate-hot glass. It is produced according to a slightly different technology.

If we compare the composition of these materials, then in the manufacture of crystal, at least 17-27% of lead or barium oxide is introduced. These additives allow you to increase the refractive angle, as well as dispersion of materials. Thanks to this, the light in such products is very refracted. Accordingly, crystal can be treated like diamonds, succumbing to its cut.


How to distinguish crystal from glass by sound?

The easiest and most reliable option is to knock on crystal.


  • It is best to do this with a wet finger, or a nail. Do not use some metal objects for tapping, because they can damage crystal, and break it. The material, despite its nobility, is quite fragile.
  • After knocking on the subject, hear a strange rumble or ringing. If you tap on the glass, then you will not hear such a sound. This is due to different composition of materials, as well as additional additives. Another way to distinguish crystal from glass is the assessment of its appearance.
  • First of all, you can look through the crystal at some object. Typically, crystal objects have a decent angle of refraction, because of this, the image through crystal is double. That is, bifurcated. This does not happen with glass.
  • If you take a glass glass, and look through it for the subject, you will see just a larger thing. That is, glass works as a kind of increase, but in no case does not bifurcate the image.

How to check crystal or glass?

Now carefully look at the structure of the product itself. Glass, even expensive brands, is made in a special way, so it contains very small bubbles. That is, in some places, glass is a little cloudy. This does not happen with crystal, because it is made by completely different technology, which allows you to get the most plastic and viscous material. That is, crystal in its structure is more homogeneous, and does not contain any intracers. That is, when viewing crystal glasses, you will not notice any bubbles and scratches.

Crystal differs more density than glass. Accordingly, scratches are much worse, as well as darkening, which often happens with glass. Classes appear on the glass quite simply, which can not be said about crystal. Even if you regularly use hard washcloths to wash such glasses, you will not see scratches on them soon. Since the coating itself is quite rigid and is badly scratched. In addition, the thermal conductivity of materials is also significantly different, in glass it is much higher.

Crystal glare
Crystal glare

Crystal or glass? Checking hot water


  • If you simultaneously pour hot water of the same temperature into products of glass and crystal, then when you feel it, you can notice that the glass has been heated much faster.
  • If you touch the crystal and glass glass at the same time, then feel that the product made of crystal is much cooler. It was this property that made it possible to use crystal balls in ancient times in order to cool the emperors.
  • This method was often used as the ability to cool and reduce body temperature. After all, crystal balls kept cold for a long time, and did not even heat up in severe heat.
Crystal Chandelier
Crystal Chandelier

Czech and Venetian glass is also crystal?

It is worth noting that crystal and glass products are damaged in different ways. That is, if you drop a glass object, then it will break into large fragments. If you drop a crystal glass, you will get a huge amount of small fragments. This is due to the special structure of these materials. Despite the fact that crystal is stronger than glass, the glasses from it are quite just fighting. This is due to their small thickness, and fragility.

Very often due to its quality, Czech and Venetian glass are also called crystal. Although in fact it is ordinary glass, with an increased content of lead and barium compounds. Due to this, the material is highly transparent, and beautiful glare. That is, if drops of water fall on the crystal, you will get rays of different colors, like a rainbow. It can also be considered the main difference between crystal from glass. If drops hit the glass surface, you will not get such refrains and glare.

Crystal set
Crystal set

As you can see, distinguishing crystal from glass is quite simple. To do this, it is necessary to carry out several simple tests and visually evaluate objects.

Video: Crystal or glass?

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