How to bleach your teeth at home? White Light tooth bleach. Price, instructions for use and reviews about White Light. Where to buy or order White Light?

How to bleach your teeth at home? White Light tooth bleach. Price, instructions for use and reviews about White Light. Where to buy or order White Light?

White teeth at home is possible, it is only necessary to choose the right methods. What is the most effective at home read in this article.

A dazzling white smile - the limit of the dream of everyone, but if with a natural -white teeth, not lucky with their teeth, and bleaching in the dental clinic Not a affair, then do not despair. There is a wonderful alternative - white teeth whitening at home. It is easy to do this if it is armed with a set for bleaching White Light.

What does the White Light tooth set look like?

White Light set Allows you to quickly and for a long time whiten your teeth without visiting the dentist. Thanks to special development light bleach You can even achieve whiteness of teeth, with great experience in smoking and eating coffee, when the teeth are completely lose their natural color.

White Light

The set for bleaching includes:

  • light device
  • two types of gel
  • replaceable batteries
  • mouth guard
  • instructions

White Light: Instructions for the use of the device

White Light set

To achieve the effect of teeth whitening, it is necessary to use a set within 5 days, with sessions from 10 to 30 minutes. The whitening rate and exposure time depends on the initial color of the teeth.

The whitening process involves the following manipulations:

  1. Two types of gels alternately apply a thin layer on the kapa and dress it (mix gels previously impossible, this should happen immediately before the procedure)
  2. Fasten the light device and click on the button
  3. Through 10 minutes The device will turn off and this will talk about the completion of the session. It can be re -conducted (in general, you can repeat bleaching a day up to 30 minutes)
Effective teeth whitening

The action of the device does not provide any negative effect on the body.

Photo before and after applying the White Light system

The set has established itself as an effective tool, which brings a visible result for a long time. The proof of this is numerous positive results exposure to the device.

Professional teeth whitening. 0003ac15_361570
Whiting with White Light
Tooth whitening: before and after
The result after 5 dental bleaching procedures with White Light

Where to buy White Light?

White Light teeth

At least a set for bleaching and it is a novelty, he has established himself well in the market and purchase It can be like in online store, and in the pharmacy.

The advantage of acquiring via the Internet will allow save time and buy a set for the most favorable price. In addition, online stores, as a rule, are offered to a review consumer reviewsFrom which you can understand about the quality of the product and the features of its use.

Is there White Light?

The price of the set is quite democratic. If we take into account that bleaching in dentistry will cost from 12,000 rubles., then the cost of the set less than 15 times, and the effect of use is practically no different. On average, prices in retail sale are ranging from 500 to 700 rubles.

Reviews of doctors about White Light

White Light set Designed by professionals and dental tested. Its application many experts approve, Emphasizing the harmlessness and effectiveness of the device.

Dentists confirmthat the use of the set gives a noticeable and long result and even Assign its application Many patients.

Dentists recommend White Light for teeth whitening

White Light: reviews

Maria, 34 years old:

“My teeth problems began at school age - constant plaquewho was not removed, made enamel yellow. Later it became carried away by smoking and the condition of the teeth deteriorated significantly. A friend advised white Light set. To be honest, I did not believe in the result, but I bought a set, since the price was acceptable. Already after the first application I saw the result, and after the whole course, my smile was completely transformed. "

Dmitry, 28 years old:

«White Light I use on the recommendation of a dentist. He advised him as inexpensive and effective tool. I will say right away that after the first application I did not see the result, but after 5 days the teeth really became white

Stanislav, 40 years:

“I bought such a set of my daughter, since her The color of the teeth is yellow Even after regular brushing. The product really helped. I even decided to try it myself, as an avid smoker, I have teeth of an unpleasant brownish shade. I can't say that the teeth have become snow -white, but they are significantly transformed

Catherine, 25 years old:

“The set helped me and my boyfriend. Now no yellownessalthough more than six months have passed after use. "

As shown by numerous reviews White Light set Really helps to whiten your teeth. In addition, its use is very conveniently and economically profitable.

Video: bleaching teeth at home. White Light

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  1. i like the effect of a whitening toothpaste with papain and coal Stopcaries Therapy Detox, it perfectly removes the plaque and prevents its formation

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