How to bleach tulle at home from grayness and yellowness? How to bleach a tulle in a washing machine?

How to bleach tulle at home from grayness and yellowness? How to bleach a tulle in a washing machine?

The folk recipes of our grandmothers will help to whiten tulle at home. The canvas after washing and whitening will shine with bright white.

Currently, designers offer a huge number of options for decorating windows. But the classic white tulle has a great advantage when choosing the design for the interior of various rooms.

  • With the help of tulle, you can beautifully decorate the window opening, creating a light and spacious living room
  • But over time, white and air material changes its color to a pale yellow or grayish tint
  • If you know the secrets of tulle whitening at home, you can safely not notice this drawback, and decorate the interior with beautiful transparent textiles

Is it possible to whiten tulle at home and what?

Is it possible to whiten tulle at home and what?
Is it possible to whiten tulle at home and what?

In order for your tully curtain to play blinding whiteness, you can use folk recipes for bleaching.

Important: our grandmothers also used these methods, but, as we recall from childhood, their textiles sparkled with bright whiteness.

Is it possible to whiten tulle at home and what? This question is often asked by modern housewives. The choice of whitening method is associated with the fabric from which the tulle is sewn. Currently, tulle and organza are often used more often.


  • Tulle from this material must be washed at low temperature (not higher than 30*C) and speed of no higher than 400
  • It is not recommended to use industrial whitening, which are offered in stores. They can spoil the fabric

Tip: Use only careful washing and delicate bleaching using folk methods. You can wash and soak the nylon with salt, and rinse with a solution of green


  • Delicate and beautiful fabric, but capricious in circulation
  • It is not recommended to wash in hot water with industrial bleaches

Tip: Half tulle from organza in salted water with the addition of green. You can use hydrogen peroxide and ammonia for rinsing.

Important: there are many other types of housing. Yellowing of the tissue is removed using soda, salt, green and blue solutions, and with the grayness of tulle it is easy to cope using hydrogen peroxide.

Remember: do not boil the tulle and do not immerse it in hot water - this can harm delicate fabric!

How to effectively bleach tulle at home from yellowness?

How to effectively bleach tulle at home from yellowness?
How to effectively bleach tulle at home from yellowness?

Important: first you need to wash the tulle to clean the material from dust.

Tip: Do not wash the tulle at a temperature above 30*C, since the yellowness will be in the structure of the fabric, and it will not be removed later.

How to effectively bleach tulle at home from yellowness? Use such methods and means:

Vanish Oxy Exn powder - This tool is considered today the best industrial bleach to remove yellowness of tissue. But it gives only a one -time effect, and it can only be used for bleaching tulle.

A mixture of ammonia solution and hydrogen peroxide. Mix 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Dissolve these substances in 5 liters of cool water, and immerse the tulle in the solution for half an hour. After time, rinse the curtain in cold water.

Salt solution. Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of salt in 5 liters of warm water, thoroughly stir the solution. Dear the curtain in the solution and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse the tulle in cold water.

Blue. Our grandmothers also actively used this substance to give the fabric of whiteness and freshness. It is enough to dissolve one cap of this agent in 8 - 10 liters of water, and rinse the washed tulle in this solution, as it will turn into a snow -white and beautiful curtain.

Zelenka. Many housewives are surprised when they learn about this tool used for bleaching. First, wash the tulle in warm water with the addition of powder and table salt. After that, rinse the canvas in a weak salt solution with 3-4 drops of green.

Remember: to derive a slight color change is much easier than the old yellowness. Therefore, use measures at the first signs of color loss.

How and how to bleach tulle from grayness?

The grayish tilting of tulle appears after frequent washes. How and how to bleach tulle from grayness? Use such funds:

Baking soda. Dilute 1 tablespoon of soda and the same amount of washing powder in 5 liters of warm water. Soak in this solution for 2-3 hours. After that, wash the tulle and rinse well.

Potassium permanganate. In a bucket of hot water (temperature no more than 40*C), add a few drops of potassium permanganate. Pre -dissolve the crystals of manganese in water to make a saturated solution (color of dense red wine) - this will help to quickly get a solution of the desired color. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of washing powder into the prepared water pink water. Wash the canvas in this solution, rinse in cool water and hang on a curtain to straighten the fabric.

Zelenka. Previously, the tulle must be washed in powder and rinse. In a glass of water, dissolve 10-15 drops of green, mix. Pour this solution into a basin of water and rinse the canvas, let the water drain and hang for drying.

Zelenka for bleaching tulle
Zelenka for bleaching tulle

A very effective bleaching tool that our grandmothers also used - starch and laundry soap:

  • Grate the usual laundry soap, lower it into a pan and put on the gas
  • While water with soap is on gas, prepare starch: 250 grams of potato starch, dissolve in 5 liters of water
  • When the water begins to boil, stir the pieces of soap and immediately remove the pan from the stove
  • Pour this solution into a large basin with cold water and soak the tulle in it for 5 hours
  • After time, rinse the canvas to clean water, and soak in starch solution for 5-10 minutes
  • Slightly squeeze the tulle and hang it on the rope so that the water is water. After that, you can hang on a curtain for smoothing and further drying

IMPORTANT: You can use tulle to whiten both manually washing and automatic machine. No need to iron the tulle after the process, hang it wet, but let the water drain. This will help to achieve a long -term effect - the tulle will be snow -white, the fabric will not stretch and smooth out well.

How to bleach a tulle in a washing machine?

How to bleach a tulle in a washing machine?
How to bleach a tulle in a washing machine?

In the last century, the housewives erased the tulle only manually, since in the washing machines of that time, the gentle material could deform and deteriorate. Accordingly, the canvas was also rinsed and whitened manually.

Modern automatic machines allow you to wash, bleach and display spots automatically. How to bleach a tulle in a washing machine? The main thing is to comply with the rules of washing and bleaching:

  • Do not use the products that contain chlorine. It deteriorates on the fabric
  • Oxygen bleach is a universal product that does not destroy the structure of the tissue
  • The optical bleach visually brightens the threads of the canvas due to the settled particles. This helps to make tulle white if the canvas does not have a pattern. Otherwise, the appearance of the curtain may be spoiled
  • You can fall asleep into a compartment with powder 2 tablespoons of table salt. This will help to whiten the tulle at the washing stage
  • The tulle in the washing machine will help to whiten hydrogen peroxide tablets. Put 10 tablets of hydrogen peroxide in a compartment with washing powder and turn on the machine for a delicate washing mode without spinning

How to bleach the tulle with hydrogen peroxide?

How to bleach the tulle with hydrogen peroxide?
How to bleach the tulle with hydrogen peroxide?

This tool copes with any contaminants on delicate fabric perfectly.

Important: when soaking tulle during bleaching, make sure that the water in the basin completely covers the fabric. This will help to avoid the appearance of yellow "divorces" on the canvas.

How to bleach the tulle with hydrogen peroxide? Full the following stages:

  • Make a solution of 5-10 liters of water, depending on the size of the tulle, and 1.5 or 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide
  • Lower the canvas into a basin with a solution and evenly distribute the fabric in water
  • After 2-3 hours, take out the curtain and rinse in cool water

How to bleach tulle with salt?

How to bleach tulle with salt?
How to bleach tulle with salt?

As mentioned above, salt perfectly whits the fabric from any contaminants.

Important: use only stone salt with large crystals. Small purified and iodized salt is not suitable for this.

How to bleach tulle with salt? To whiten hard yellowed old tulle curtains, it is necessary to use a concentrated solution of salt:

Recipe: wash the canvas and rinse to clean water. Dissolve 1 cup of table salt in 3 liters of warm water. Pour the curtain with this solution. From time to time, “move” the tulle in the water so that it is all soaked in solution. Leave it at night, and in the morning, wash the canvas in the washing machine.

Thus whitening the old tulle curtain in this way, you will see a bright whiteness returned to the canvas. She will be beautiful and snow -white.

Another effective method of bleaching tulle by salt:

Recipe: Mix 3 tablespoons of salt with 1 tablespoon of washing powder. Pour the mixture with water (30*C), and leave the tulle in the solution at night. In the morning, rinse the curtain in cool water and spread for drying.

How to bleach the tulle with green?

How to bleach the tulle with green?
How to bleach the tulle with green?

Zelenka is used only when rinsing the canvas, and not during washing, such as salt. Pre -wash the fabric, rinse.

How to bleach the tulle with green?

Recipe: Dissolve in a basin from 4 to 14 drops of green, 5-10 liters of water. Put the tulle in the basin and put it for 2-3 hours. Rinse the canvas and hang on the cornice.

How to bleach tulle with ammonia?

How to bleach tulle with ammonia?
How to bleach tulle with ammonia?

To bleach tulle, ammonia is usually used along with hydrogen peroxide. But, if the pollution is small, then you can do without peroxide.

How to bleach tulle with ammonia?

Recipe: Wash the tulle and rinse. Dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of ammonia in 5 liters of water. Soak the canvas for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Tip: Perform such a procedure after each washing of the tulle curtain, and your windows will shine with a beautiful whiteness.

How to bleach tulle at home?
How to bleach tulle at home?

Each housewife will be able to restore any fabric of the house. The main thing, do not be afraid to act instantly, and do not lose time for thought.

It is best to whiten the tulle with the help of a bleach and powder Amvei.

Watch the tulle according to the instructions on the packaging in the Premium powder (Amvei) in cold water, then one more time in a warm 40-60 degrees with a bleach: a dosage of approximately 20-40 grams of 1 washing and 10-20 grams of powder. Tulle will be like new. The effect will be even better if you soak the tulle in front of the second washing in the bleach for 6-24 hours in the dosage according to the instructions on the packaging.

Video: An old way of washing white linen and removal of any spots!

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Comments K. article

  1. NONSENSE!!! From a solution of mustard, the canvas has become a mustard color. From salt and soda - no effect.

  2. a finger in the eye to the one who advised to whiten the tulle with a green! Everything is in Zelenka, and what was the tulle, and it remained, only now with the greenest places! In general, nonsense too!

  3. there is no nonsense, I washed the tulle in a washing machine with 2 tablespoons of washing powder and 3 tablespoons of salt (stone salt), rinsed with an ordinary blue. The result is excellent.

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