How to determine the deficiency of vitamin A yourself? Lack of vitamin A in adults: causes, symptoms, consequences, treatment

How to determine the deficiency of vitamin A yourself? Lack of vitamin A in adults: causes, symptoms, consequences, treatment

Vitamin A: Signs of deficiency, its causes and treatment.

The deficiency of vitamins today shout from everywhere. But as it turned out, they are right and even in the summer there may not be enough vitamins! Today we will talk about vitamin A, about how to determine that you are not enough and how to make up for it.

How to determine the deficiency of vitamin A yourself?

The mood is at zero, I want to sleep all the time, and there is no light in the eyes for a long time. And then colleagues advice - yes you clearly do not have enough vitamins! And you wander into the pharmacy, buy multivitamins, drink them as written in the instructions, but there is no result and not. Familiar? And all this is because you really do not know what kind of vitamins are missing. And this is what we talk about in this article.

The pallor and dry skin is a sure sign of vitamin A deficiency A
The pallor and dry skin is a sure sign of vitamin A deficiency A

The first thing to pay attention to - complex vitamins. Scientists around the world have long proved that a full complex of vitamins cannot be learned at the same time. More than 50% tablets go away without giving the body the desired substance.

Secondly, drink such food additives (and vitamins from the pharmacy are precisely to food additives) It is necessary only in the process of full meal, since synthetic vitamins are not absorbed without natural vitamins of the same category.

So, how can I find out if there is a deficiency of vitamin A or everything is normal and the problem is different? The most reliable and accurate option is analyzes. By the way, in order to pass the complex for a deficiency of vitamins, you don’t even need to go to the doctor, this can be done in a few minutes in any private laboratory, and get the results by mail.

If there is no money for tests, there is no time to visit laboratories, or the laboratory is far away, then use the information below. But remember that even an experienced doctor can not always establish a deficiency of vitamins without tests.

But there are other ways to find out about the deficiency of vitamin A in the body, namely:

  • Hair condition. Healthy hair shines, spring and looks strong. The scalp is slightly lighter than the skin of the face and body, smooth without dandruff and dermatitis. But dull hair similar to straw, dandruff and the presence of dermatitis - a signal about the lack of vitamin A and E;
  • Nails. Look at them and evaluate such criteria. A healthy color, as well as the depth of growth of the burr and the speed at which rollers are rude around the nail plate. With a deficiency of vitamin A, the color of the plate becomes seree, many deep and small burrs appear, and the rollers are rude after a couple of days after the manicure;
  • The condition of the skin of the face. Leather is a mirror of health. If the skin has become paler, dry, and broth-brown-vitamin A in the body is not enough;
  • The condition of the skin of the body. The general dryness of the body, the appearance of "goose legs" on the arms, shoulders, the neckline. This is another bright symptom of the lack of vitamin A;
  • Vision and eyes. With a lack of vitamin A, vision worsens, small glare in the eyes may even appear. Squirrels become more dull, and inflammation of the eyes can become more frequent;
  • Lips. And in conclusion - very dry lips, with frequent cracks and inflammations in the corners - another sign that it is necessary to increase vitamin A.

Vitamin A deficiency: Causes

So, you found a deficiency of vitamin A and a reasonable question arises - why? And how to avoid this in the future? Do not take vitamin now and now always? Of course not. But you will need to reconsider your lifestyle and pay attention to health.

  • First, look at your menu. How much is balanced by products with vitamin A. and this is not only carrots. Gorgeous selection in our article on link.
  • Secondly, see how you eat and evaluate your menu from the consumption of retinol. Vitamin A is contained in fresh products in larger quantities than passed heat treatment. Therefore, temporarily lean on freshly prepared dishes. But here there is a catch.
  • Vitamins tend to decrease if the product is cut. Therefore, you need to eat only freshly prepared salads or just cleaned fruits and vegetables. But there are exceptions to Retinol, vitamin A is stored in the liver even after cooking.
Dry, wrinkled skin of the neckline - an occasion to add spinach to the menu
Dry, wrinkled skin of the neckline - an occasion to add spinach to the menu
  • Thirdly, pay attention to the content of fats in the menu. Without fat, vitamin A is simply not absorbed. Make conclusions that the oil salad is still better, tastier and more useful.
  • If you follow all these rules, but the deficiency of vitamin A on the face - look at your lifestyle and state of health in general. Due to constant stress, diets, stresses and loads excessive for the body, it may stop absorbing some vitamins and trace elements.
  • Also pay attention to the state of internal organs. Sometimes there are cases when, due to diseases of the internal organs, the body ceases to synthesize and absorb certain substances.

Vitamin A deficiency: consequences

A prolonged deficiency of vitamin A leads to irreversible consequences threatening not only health, but also life. A person with vitamin A deficiency has a strong vision loss and degrading processes that are irrevocable.

The condition of the skin without vitamin A deteriorates sharply, and the deficiency of vitamin A can cause an irreversible blow to the appearance for several months. After all, even having begun to accept it, the condition of the skin will not return completely to the previous level.

Green diet is the main assistant for replenishing vitamin A in the body
Green diet is the main assistant for replenishing vitamin A in the body

But that's not all. Without vitamins A, internal processes give severe malfunctions and can cause disturbances in the endocrine system, disrupt metabolism, and even cause degrading processes within the body.

That is why it is important at any age to carefully monitor your diet, health, and the state of the body as a whole.

Vitamin A deficiency: treatment

If you find a deficiency of vitamin A yourself, do not rush to run to the pharmacy. Most often, it is enough to change the diet and the power plan. Try that in every meal you have useful products with vitamin A.

For example, for breakfast and dinner, which you spend at home, you can make salads from spinach, dandelion leaves and cabbage Cale. Do not forget to add fats to assimilate vitamin. For snacks Take a dried apricots with you. It is nutritious, and besides, it takes a minimum of space.

But for lunch And choose food meals from the liver at least 2-3 times a week. See how many delicious dishes can be cooked with pumpkin, and in most cases it can be replaced by a afternoon snack or dinner. Thus, you will make up the lack of vitamin A and will not take chemicals.

A visual list of products of updating vitamin A in the body
A visual list of products of updating vitamin A in the body

But the pharmacy vitamin A you can temporarily use for cosmetic purposes in order to locally feed the body. And despite the fact that vitamin A can be bought in a pharmacy without a prescription, all the same, first examine the body from specialists, and only then, if necessary, buy synthetic vitamins.

Remember, an excess of vitamin A in the body is no less dangerous than its deficiency.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video on the topic of vitamin A.

Which adults have a pronounced deficiency of vitamin A: risk group

Vitamin A deficiency is characteristic of a certain category of people. If you find yourself on the list, be sure to follow the content of vitamin A, and other vitamins in your body. This risk group is best to take tests once every 6 months:

  • People during illness are measles, and in the next couple of years it should necessarily control the level of vitamin A;
  • People with intestinal disease, due to which absorption and synthesizing of vitamin A is from nutrition to zero;
  • People with diseases of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder are also at risk;
  • The presence of chronic diarrhea increases the chances of vitamin A deficiency;
  • Children born from HIV-infected mothers necessarily receive an additional dose of retinol, but throughout their lives it is better for them to control the content of vitamin A in the body.

Treatment of vitamin A deficiency: reviews

Reviews of vitamin A deficiency:

Maksim: It all started in the summer. We went on vacation, but more than ever I wanted to lie on a deck chair and do nothing. Surprise was when in the heat my shoulders continued to be covered with a goose paw, and the face was as pale as before the trip. Thanks to Zhenya, she immediately “put me” on a diet from the liver and greenery. But a week later I already forgot that I had some kind of weakness. I didn’t even have to go to the hospital.

Angelica: After a diet with lost kilograms, my beauty also left. I gave up at the stage of insanely dry skin and went to the doctor. There was a banal shortage of retinol. The doctor prescribed a diet, prescribed vitamin A and after a few weeks everything returned to normal. The horror is that I pulled to the last, and the doctor said that not all processes are reversible and I could make myself problems and a monodietary and unwillingness to visit a doctor.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video on the topic of vitamin A.

Video: Vitamin A

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Comments K. article

  1. A good article, but I would like to say that the best vitamin is absorbed in the form of retinol palmitate. With products, of course, you can make up for its drawback, but it will be long. There is also retinol acetate, which is more suitable for animals, and not people and worse absorbed.

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