Exotic fruit of faces - fruits, bones, peel: composition, vitamins, beneficial properties and contraindications for the body of women, men, children, pregnant women, with breastfeeding, photo. Fruit, Lich's berry: how to choose, clean, store, as is?

Exotic fruit of faces - fruits, bones, peel: composition, vitamins, beneficial properties and contraindications for the body of women, men, children, pregnant women, with breastfeeding, photo. Fruit, Lich's berry: how to choose, clean, store, as is?

The article will tell you in detail about the benefits and features of eating such an exotic fetus as Lichi.

What are faces of fruit, red berry: photo, what does taste and smell look like?

Lichs are an exotic fruit growing on a tree that can reach up to 25-30 meters in height. The shape of the fruit is similar to an egg, the surface is puffy and has a bright red color. The diameter of the fetus is small, only 3-4 centimeters.

Lichs are a white flesh of white pulp inside. The middle of the berry is very soft and juicy. Inside the pulp is an elongated brown bone. The taste of the pulp of ripe faces is very pleasant and somewhat reminiscent of cherries, very fresh, sweet and with a small sour tint.

This tree grows mainly in subtropics: China (southern part), South America, Africa, Japan. The berry is very popular and exported, practically around the world. The berry is in demand not only for its unusual taste, but also for incredible benefit. The berry is stored for a very long time, and therefore it is convenient to transport it.

Lychi - dietary and low -calorie product. 100 g of berries contain no more than 70 calories. Lychians are allowed to use almost everyone, those who do not follow the figure and those who adhere to healthy, as well as dietary nutrition.

Lichs: berry, seed, pulp, peel
Tree Lichi
Berry Lichi
How is the faces growing?
Ripe faces

Fruit Lychi - fruits, bones, peel: composition, vitamins, beneficial properties and contraindications for the body of women, men

Lich's benefits are lurking in its rich biochemical composition, which is able to provide a healing and therapeutic property on the body. There are a lot of vitamins and minerals in the faces, the most important:

  • B vitamins - Improve metabolic processes in the body.
  • Vitamin E - improve the condition of hair, nails and skin, remove toxins.
  • Vitamin C - Strengthens the immune system
  • Vitamin n - Helps to absorb protein
  • Vitamin K. - improves blood coagulation

Minerals - minerals:

  • Potassium - It is necessary to ensure the normal operation of all soft tissues in the body.
  • Sodium - Participates in enzymatic processes and muscle contraction.
  • Fluorine - strengthens tooth enamel
  • Iodine - improves the thyroid gland
  • Chlorine -regulates the water-base balance in the body
  • Iron - improves blood quality, increasing hemoglobin
  • Manganese - It is needed for the normal formation of the structure of the bone.
  • Selenium - It is a key link in many metabolic chains of the body.
  • Sulfur - Actively helps the body fight harmful bacteria.

For those who have never encountered Lichi, it is important to know that the peel of this fetus is completely not suitable for food. Remove the peel carefully with a knife. After that, the same knife should be removed from the pulp of the pulp, since it is quite large and there are faces with the bone is inconvenient, it is easily removed.

In Asia countries, there are no guides. Lychi's pulp is folded in one plate, eat it with a spoon or fork, because in structure it is jelly -like. So it will not be possible to get dirty with the juice of the pulp. The licks very often eat not only fresh, but even in dried and canned. For those who can easily get larch every day, you can prepare smoothies or mashed potatoes from Lichi. In some countries, the larchs are dried directly with the peel.

IMPORTANT: It should be noted that there are not few calories in the guns, which means that the berry is not considered a dietary product. 100 g of fruits contain up to 70 kcal And to eat larchs should be in limited quantities. However, the composition of Lichi is very useful and favorably affects the process of weight loss In reasonable quantities.

In Asia, Lichs are considered a product that is very useful for the health of men, because its influence on the “sexual function” did not remain unnoticed. Apparently, this is why guides are often called the “fruit of love” in many sources. In China, for example, not a single wedding table is complete without a complete dish of fresh faces, because this will “help” make the first wedding night fruitful, and the marriage is successful.

IMPORTANT: In the countries of Asia, Lichs are often used in recipes for traditional medicine for the preparation of drugs that eliminate the high level of cholesterol in the blood and diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as as the prevention of atherosclerosis.

What is the benefit of Lichi for men?

Fruit Lychi - fruits, bones, peel: beneficial properties and contraindications for pregnant women and breastfeeding

Lichi has a unique biochemical composition. Lichs have a lot of organic acids and fiber. This favorably affects intestinal motility. In addition, there are a lot of minerals useful for a woman: potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, favorably affect the process of menstruation (reduces pain and cramps, prevents emotional overestimation and mood swings.

Other positive properties of Lichi:

  • There is omega-3 in the pulp pulp, this element eliminates pain at the PMS.
  • Pectins, which are very many in the faces, are able to remove accumulated toxins and toxins from the intestines from the body.
  • Lichs have choline, which is very useful for women who regularly experience stress. Kholin favorably affects the nervous system.
  • Lickers contain folic acid, which not only improves the immune system, but also favorably affects the beauty of nails, skin, hair. Substances such as a lysine, tryptophan, metonin helps with brani acid.
  • Nicotinic acid favorably affects the health of women during menopause.

IMPORTANT: There are no larchs with a bone, especially on an empty stomach. In raw, the bone is very poisonous and can bring adverse consequences.

IMPORTANT: You should also pay attention to how your body perceives the faces, whether there are allergies: rash, itching, redness of the skin and other symptoms.

Lichs in the diet of pregnant women should not be present often. A day can afford no more than 10 fruits if there is no allergic reaction or contraindications. During pregnancy, Lychi can be useful in that it is to eliminate the problems of defecation and saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The sourness of Lichi will help a woman in a position to cope with toxicosis and a feeling of nausea. In addition, Lich's diuretic property helps to eliminate excessive swelling during pregnancy (especially on the limbs) “expeling” water. This is very important in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: ESS LICES follows in small processes. It is known that in the early stages of pregnancy, accelerated metabolism (which the fetus affects) can lead to a spontaneous miscarriage (but in very rare cases).

During the lactation, Lichi is useful in that nicotinic acid (a lot of it in the leads) helps to improve the flow of milk (due to the activation of the hormone prolactin). There are fruits follow about 30-45 minutes before feeding the child. Be careful if the baby currently flows in the formation of the intestinal microflora (the so -called “colic”), there are no guides - they can provoke increased gas formation, both in the mother and the child. In other cases, the faces will saturate milk with important vitamins.

IMPORTANT: During breastfeeding, do not exceed the daily rate of fruit, namely - 5 pieces per day.

Is it possible to eat larch to pregnant and lactating women?

Fruit Lychi: benefits for children, from what age can you give a child?

Lychi - the fetus is exotic and therefore it should be taken into account the fact that, unlike the usual food, it can be allergic. It is best to give the child the rays to the child no earlier than 3 years of age. One fruit for a "sample" will be enough. It is better not to give faces in small and infants, as it can provoke excessive bloating and colic.

How to take Fruit Lychi for weight loss, what is its calorie content?

Lych calorie can reach 70 kcal per 100 grams, depending on the maturity of the fetus.

Lichs are often used as an auxiliary means to combat excess weight. The fetus really helps to eliminate discreases with the work of the intestines and get rid of excess water, but it follows in limited quantities so as not to violate the daily norm of the body in calories.

Fruit, Berry Lichs: how to choose the right ripe?

Ripe faces are chosen by a number of signs:

  • Fruit size (at least 3 cm, no more than 4 cm)
  • The peel of the fetus is puffy
  • The peel of the fetus can be slightly barbed
  • The peel has a saturated red color
  • When clicking on the skin, she can bend and even burst, and then return to its former form.
  • The ripe fruit has a pleasant sweet aroma

Fruit, Lich's berry: how to clean it correctly?

Cut the faces only in a very sharp and thin knife, similar to the blade. If you try to cut the larch with another knife, you run the risk of squeezing juice from it and damage the pulp. The skin should only be slightly pierced and cut into a flat line in diameter.

A bone from the fetus is taken out in two ways:

  • Or cut the pulp in half and get a bone
  • Just squeeze the bone by pressing the pulp
How to clean and eat larch?

Chinese plum Lichi: are the bones edible, are it not poisonous, what will happen if you eat a bone of faces?

The bone is toxic, but only if it is raw. If you dry it or make a decoction of it, you can take a bone for food. The bone of faces contain a number of useful vitamins, minerals and amino acids that have a diuretic effect on the body. In some countries, you can meet the guides called the "Chinese plum." The bone of this fruit is fried in oil and served with spices as a finished dish.

Fruit Lychi - fruits, bones, peel: what does it help from?

The bone and peel are not used for use in looking, but often serves as the basis for the preparation of drugs. The bone, for example, contains a concentrated amount of useful trace elements. The bone can be boiled, or you can dry and wipe into powder. Such funds are popular in Asian countries as a powerful analgesic.

Often the product is used in the treatment:

  • Neuralgic diseases
  • Intestinal diseases
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Orchita

Important: it should be borne in mind that with the excessive use of decoctions and drugs prepared on the basis of the peel and bone, the opposite effect can have and “give” toxic poisoning.

How to prepare a decoction and infusion from the peel of the faces, how and from what to use?

Decoction and infusion of faces - a well -known remedy for treatment neuralgic diseases:

  • Apathy
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive irritability and emotionality
  • Bloodiness

IMPORTANT: In addition, the peel decoction is not rarely used to treat cardiovascular diseases as a prevention of atherosclerosis.

How to cook a decoction:

  • Fold the washed peel in a pan
  • Pour water
  • Bring to a boil, reduce the fire
  • Cover with a lid
  • Cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes
  • Let the decoction brew for another 20 minutes
  • Take 1-2 tbsp. Before eating twice a day.

How to prepare an infusion:

  • In a liter jar, fold the peel of the fruits of the face (necessarily washed pre -washed).
  • Pour the peel with a liter of vodka or alcohol (on a liter jar).
  • Insist in a dark place for a week, shaking the jar every day, rearrange for storage in the refrigerator.

Is it possible to eat fruit faces with gout?

The use of faces can harm a person, for example, if he has a disease such as gout. You should know that a large amount of carbohydrates in the faces can cause a feeling of severity in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as increased gas formation and pain in the stomach.

How are there larchs and when it is impossible to eat?

Is there an allergy to Lich's berry?

Lich allergies can be manifested, especially in those who have a strong sensitivity to various components. Lecks should be used in reasonable quantities, one fruit per day is useful for a “test”, and only 3 fruits are a daily human noma.

Lich essential oil: properties and application

Lich essential oil is common as an auxiliary tool for prolonging the beauty and youth of the body. Oil is often used as an additive to caring cosmetics. Oil helps to make hair shiny and smooth, strengthens its growth and makes it healthy, restoring the structure. In addition, Lych oil is characterized by a delicate, thin, fresh smell, which is often used in aromatherapy to give the body of vigor, strength and freshness.

Lich syrup: properties and application

Lich syrup is a concentrated product prepared on the basis of the pulp and fetal juice. The use of syrup is wide. It can be added to alcoholic and non -alcoholic drinks to give fresh taste. As a separate remedy, Lych syrup is used as a syrup from cough and other colds. The syrup gives the body the necessary “portion” of vitamins and strengthens the protective function of the immune system.

Syrup Lichi

How to make a drink from faces?

To prepare a delicious drink, you can use both fresh fruits and syrup faces. In the case of using syrup, it can simply be dissolved in a carbonated drink, juice or even water. Fresh pulp should be chopped in a blender and mixed with any other liquid. Add sugar or any other syrup to taste and preferences.

How to make a salad from faces?

You will need:

  • Rugula -a handful of salad (approximately 50-70 g).
  • Orange -the pulp of one non -large fetus (without zest and rods).
  • Dor Blue cheese -50 g (or another with blue mold).
  • Apple vinegar -a few drops
  • Sesame oil -1-2 tsp
  • Lychi pulp - 100 g (without peel and bones)
  • Sesame seeds and spices to taste


  • Wash the leaves, put in a dish, season with vinegar and butter, mix.
  • Clean the orange and fold the fruit fillet on top of the handle
  • Together with the orange, beautifully decompose the pulp of the faces
  • Cheese crumbles with his hands over fruit
  • The salad is decorated with sesame seeds, you can once again be flavored with vinegar.
Using Lichi for the preparation of salads

Lichs: how to store it correctly and how much?

Lichs are desirable to turn immediately after the purchase. The longer you store it, the worse. Every day, the number of vitamins “disappears” from Lichi. At room temperature, faces can be stored for no more than three days.

If the shell is not damaged, it can be stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks. Pay attention to the peel, if it darkens, the fetus deteriorates. Lies can be raised, canned or frozen for long -term storage.

How to freeze the faces?

  • Remove the skin from Lichi
  • Gently squeeze the seed
  • Fold the face of the faces in a plastic bag or food container.
  • Keep the faces in the freezer for no more than a year

Video: “Lichs. Thai fruit, berry "

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  1. And what does “eat in small processes” mean?

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