Umbilical hernia in children: how to determine and treat the umbilical hernia in a child? Boys' hernia conspiracy:

Umbilical hernia in children: how to determine and treat the umbilical hernia in a child? Boys' hernia conspiracy:

Symptoms, causes and methods of treating umbilical hernia in children.

The umbilical hernia is a common ailment, both in adults and in children. In babies, the protrusion of the abdominal organs is more common, due to incomplete overgrowing of the umbilical ring and weakness of the abdominal muscles.

Umbilical hernia in children: Reasons

After cutting the navel, the ring rummages, covered with a strong shell. The lower part of the muscles is well reduced and connected to the ureters. And the upper part is not always reduced well. In order for the peritoneal organs to fall out, increased pressure inside the abdomen is necessary.

Reasons for increasing abdominal pressure:

  • Rickets
  • Pneumonia
  • Permanent cough
  • Disorders in the work of the nervous system
  • Constipation
  • Whooping cough

That is, in order for a hernia to appear, the child must “pick” it. This usually happens due to endless crying associated with violations in the central nervous system, frequent coughing. Often a hernia is caused by “straining” with frequent constipation. This usually happens in artificial feeding children. But doctors believe that 70% of all cases of the disease are inherited. Therefore, if one of the parents had a hernia in childhood, then most likely the baby will also get sick.

Umbilical hernia in children: symptoms

Usually the ailment manifests itself immediately after birth or a month. Parents can note:

  • Tighting the navel by 1-2 cm when the child is crying
  • When probing, a characteristic swelling is felt
  • In a calm state, a hollow is felt on palpation - “hernia gates”. This is a hole through which internal organs fall out
  • A hernia may appear due to the early verticalization of the crumbs, do not rush to put the child ahead of time on the legs
  • But it is worth paying attention to the child’s chair. With frequent constipation, it is also possible to protrude the navel. This can be seen when straining a child
  • Another symptom is the discrepancy between the anterior abdominal muscles
Massage of the baby
Massage of the baby

What does the umbilical hernia look like in children

Usually it is a ball or oval that is located above the navel in children. It can increase or decrease when crying or during sleep of the baby. More details in the photo.

Photo of a hernia
Photo of a hernia

Umbilical hernia in newborns

Most often occurs in premature babies and in babies with malformations. More than half of all cases of hernia is diagnosed in seven -month newborns. This is due to the immaturity of muscles and underdevelopment of internal organs.

  • A congenital hernia is found, as a rule, in the hospital. She is noticeable to the naked eye
  • When the umbilical tail is drew up, the problem is aggravated due to uneven scarring of fabric. Around the navel, connecting cells do not completely grow. The upper part "remains empty"
  • A convexity is formed above or under the navel. When pressed, the protrusion disappears
  • In children with a normal body weight and born on time, the umbilical hernia is rare
A hernia in a newborn
A hernia in a newborn

Umbilical hernia in a child 2-3 years old

By this age, hernia usually disappears. Surgical intervention is necessary only if the navel is still protruding in a child five years old. But there are times when a completely healthy child has a hernia by three years. This is possible because of such reasons:

  • Frequent tantrums of the child
  • Lack of physical exertion of the baby. With such children, parents simply do not walk on playgrounds. Do not forbid boys to climb stairs and slides. The child should develop physically, not be a "indoor plant"
  • It happens that a hernia occurs due to constant wearing. Do not allow your child to carry chairs or bags from the store
A child's hernia is 2 years old
A child's hernia is 2 years old

Umbilical hernia in a child 6-7 years old

Usually, by this age, in most cases, hernia is cured by itself. This is facilitated by the strengthening of the anterior abdominal wall. It is at the age of six that surgery is prescribed. If the child is 6-7 years old, and there is a hernia, then humble yourself, it will not be cured by conservative methods. Although, with huge "hernial gates", the operation can be prescribed at the age of three.

At this age, there is only one treatment method - surgery. Indeed, in the future, complications and the impossibility of normal development of the child are possible.

A hernia in a seven -year -old child
A hernia in a seven -year -old child

Umbilical hernia in children: treatment

There are such treatment methods:

  • Conservative. During treatment, the child prescribes massage, special therapeutic gymnastics and exercises. In some cases, the doctor may adjust the hernia followed by the laying of the patch and wearing a bandage
  • Operational. It is carried out if the size of the umbilical ring is large and the protrusion of the hernia often coincides with the pinching of the intestine. In this case, vomiting, stagnation of feces, constipation is possible. With such symptoms, it is worth calling an ambulance, perhaps the child will be taken for an urgent operation. An indication for the operation is the age of 5-6 years. Usually by this age, hernia disappears. If the organs of the peritoneum are still protruding, the operations cannot be avoided
Palpation of a hernia
Palpation of a hernia

Umbilical hernia in newborns: treatment at home

  • If the hernia does not cause discomfort and there is no infringement, then specific treatment is not required. Breast children should often be laid out on the stomach. This contributes to gases and relief from the abdominal cavity
  • Starting from two months, classes on fitball are recommended. Put the baby on the ball with a stomach down. At the same time, the head and legs hang. Sweet the ball forward and back, and then from the side to the side
  • Often stroke the child’s stomach. As the child grows up, the movement should be intense
  • In no case do not force the child to download the press, this can lead to a pinches of a hernia
Massage with hernia
Massage with hernia

Bandage from the umbilical hernia for newborn

  • This is a belt made of elastic fabric. It is made of natural materials, so it does not cause allergies
  • Usually the bandage is prescribed after healing the umbilical wound. A belt is put on in the morning
  • After the protrusion is blocked, the fabric is tightly delayed, and the pillow in the navel fixes the hernia and prevents it from falling out
  • The bandage is necessary for the prevention of infringement of hernia, strengthening the abdominal muscles and for further overgrowing of the umbilical ring
Bandage with a hernia
Bandage with a hernia

Massage with an umbilical hernia in infants

Massage is allowed from three -week age. It was at this age that the wound healed, and there is no risk of infection.

  • It is advisable to call the masseur to the house. In some clinics, masseurs work. The direction to them can be obtained from the pediatrician. Parents should master the technique of massage and do it twice a day
  • The duration of the massage is determined by the specialist

Video: Massage with an umbilical hernia in infants

Massage with hernia
Massage with hernia

Operation for umbilical hernia in children

The operation is quite simple and worked out. The technique of intervention depends on the equipment of the hospital and the experience of surgeons. Children under three years old are operated on under general anesthesia.

The essence of the operation:

  • After the anesthesia acts, the surgeon cuts the skin below the navel below the navel
  • After that, the organs of the peritoneum
  • Further, the hernial bag is dissected and sutured
  • A gauze bandage is applied to the navel area, which is attached with a patch
  • A few hours after anesthesia, the child can already get up
Operation with a hernia
Operation with a hernia

A hernia for newborn

Please note that you need to purchase only special plasters designed for the treatment and prevention of hernia. Now in pharmacies several varieties of such plasters. The most effective are Hartmann, Porophysis, Cosmor E and Chicco. Usually they do not look like ordinary plasters, but consist of two parts. When putting one part in the other, tightening is carried out and a fold is formed, which presses the navel inside.

Please note that such patchings are allowed only after the complete healing of the umbilical wound.

A patch from a hernia
A patch from a hernia

How to speak a hernia in a baby yourself?

Our grandmothers believed that the hernia appeared in the baby no coincidence. Evil perfume is to blame. Therefore, conspiracies were used to treat the disease.

Conspiracies from the hernia at the baby:

Mom needs to bite the baby’s hernia in the morning and say:

"A hernia, hernia, I have a gear, you have one tooth, I have seven, and I will eat you."

And so three times. After each pronunciation, it is necessary to spit over the left shoulder

Another conspiracy:

“Go, a hernia, a bitter aspen in the field, a bitter aspen (pronounce three times), bite off, and the baby, hernia, do not gnaw, the baby of God (the name of the baby) and do not bite away from him”

A conspiracy from a hernia
A conspiracy from a hernia

Umbilical hernia in children Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky is not a supporter of surgical intervention for the treatment of an umbilical hernia. He believes that the weak umbilical ring is an anatomical feature of babies. To avoid troubles in the future, mom needs to temper the baby, do massage and charging and monitor his nutrition. It is very important to feed the child with food, which promotes regular stool. To this end, a lot of fiber and cereals are introduced.

Curing a hernia is completely easy. It is enough to prevent pinches of the intestine and wear a patch. Be sure to do massage and strengthen the abdominal muscles of the baby.

Video: hernia in children Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. somewhere I read the post, as parents in children get a hernia with a umbilical patch called Arilis, doctors and consumers say that 100% helps to correct the navel of newborn

  2. yes, it is the navel of the pies by this layer of the navel

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