How to determine the gender of God: external signs - how to distinguish the female mantis from the male?

How to determine the gender of God: external signs - how to distinguish the female mantis from the male?

In this article we will talk about how to determine the gender of God.

In our difficult and fleeting time, especially in a metropolis, many seek to be closer to nature and have some part of it in their house-natural stones, plants, or some kind of living creature. Not everyone has the opportunity to get a large animal and a person is limited to a bird, a reptile, or even an insect. One of such charming creatures, which is increasingly settling in our homes and fascinating us with its behavior and incredible habits is the Mother of God. But, like any creature, he needs a couple. Therefore, it is so important to be able to determine the gender of God.

How to visually determine the gender of God?

Even people who do not particularly complain of insects do not leave indifferent. It seems that this is the only one of all known insects that can look at a person with a conscious look. Yes, and how not to believe the ancient legend, that the mantis in the house brings happiness and prosperity.

Insect that brings good luck
Insect that brings good luck

But before acquiring a mantis, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its content and feeding. It is necessary to prepare the necessary conditions for his life in the house, and if you still set a goal - to try your hand at breeding these insects, you need to try to get as much information as possible about their life and propagation conditions. And for this it is necessary to be able to determine their age, gender and ability to leave offspring behind.

  • But it will not be superfluous to know that The female of the mantis after fertilization, and sometimes in the process of marriage, eats her “boyfriend”, absolutelyin the literal, not figurative sense. And even if someone manages to avoid this brutal fate, after a period of reproduction, males become sluggish, refuse to hunt and die from exhaustion.
  • Unfortunately, the century of life of this cute "bug" is short -lived - only 6-9 months,it is rare that of them they live at least up to a one -year -old age. Therefore, it is best to acquire the larvae of the mantis, giving preference to the most active.
  • They differ from adults in that they are smaller and they have no wings. Although There are also wingless views of these insects- Their varieties should also be understood in advance.

The main features that will help to determine the gender of the Mother of God

It is quite difficult to determine the gender at the larva of mantis, for this you need to have certain skills. But in an adult or grown individual, this is much easier to do.

We count the segments
We count the segments
  • The main indicator is The number of visible segments on the abdomeninsect, which are clearly visible only from two-three-month-old age,sometimes later.
    • Their number is actually the same for all insects-both of the males and the females are exactly 11. But due to the features of the structure of the body, some of them are hidden from the gaze. The female has a body, and, accordingly, the abdomen is thicker and wide, we see only on it 6 segments,the male has more narrow and long, they are clearly visible on it 8 segments.

Important: the abdomen can be examined by an adult mantis, gently picking it in his hands. But it is more convenient, and especially at the larva, to do it through the glass, putting the insect on its surface and looking at its abdomen from below. It is desirable to do this at the moment when the mantis is fed up and his abdomen is a little inflated.

  • If it is impossible to calculate all visible segments, you can carefully consider at least The last three fragments,by the structure of which you can also assume the floor of the insect:
    • they have the same width in females, and the last segment is longer and as if with a certain tail
    • males have a highly already already, and the last segment has a pico shape
  • The older the insect, the difference in the structure of the abdomen will be more distinct!
  • It is also worth mentioning that The female abdomen is wider than the male.She has it as if a little rounded, in the male, the structure of the abdomen has a direct projection, with a narrowing at the end.
As we see, the female is noticeably larger
As we see, the female is noticeably larger
  • Yes, and the mantis themselves will differ in size - Females always look larger and wider than males.In some species, it is more than 2 times from a male individual.
  • The adult mantis has another distinctive feature - the presence of long, and sometimes cirrus antennae in the male,which in the female is much shorter and thinner. In a female individual, they, as a rule, do not exceed 2 head size.
The antennae in the male is much longer
The antennae in the male is much longer
  • Also The wings of the females are a little shorter and alreadyand in some species they are practically completely absent. More precisely, they are so thin and short that they are imperceptible.
  • Not all types, but in most cases The color of insectsis different:
    • the female is lighter and with yellowness, and sometimes it has a yellow color
    • the male is characterized by a rich green color
The male is brighter
The male is brighter

And in conclusion - advice. If you pick up a praying person in your hands for inspection, do it carefully! It is preferably from the back, slow and smooth movements, slipping his fingers under his abdomen, so that he is completely in the palm of his hand. Better to put your palm and wait for him to get on it. Otherwise, the insect can be easily damaged. And sharp movements can provoke a bite. Although the praying mantis will not be venomous for a person!

Video: How to distinguish the female mantis from a male?

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