How to wear a child at home? How to dress the houses of a newborn child?

How to wear a child at home? How to dress the houses of a newborn child?

The article contains practical recommendations and specific examples of how to wear a child in a room in different situations.

When you first become a parent, there are many questions about caring for a child. Literature comes to the rescue in unlimited volumes, tips of friends, mothers, grandmothers.

Read more about this, as well as how to wear a newborn child for walking in the fresh air, for going to the clinic, etc. Read the article How to wear a baby for an extract from the hospital? Important rules for dressing the baby at home and on a walk

Having shoved a little with the help of tips on the forums, modern parents come to the conclusion that the child cannot be hypothermia and overheated, and that there is a golden rule: the child should be worn as + 1 layer.

And this, however, such an unspoken recommendation exists in relation to children under a year to facilitate the task of indecisive and all the time to doubt parents.
But there are no fewer questions. In addition to staying on the street, the child needs to be dressed in something and indoors. How to do this right without earned a prick, and without catching a child.

Does the rule of an additional layer spread in case the child is in the building? What exactly to put on a child when he actively plays at home, when he sleeps, after bathing, etc.? This article will help you find the answers.

How to wear a child at home?

The main factors on which the choice of an outfit from the children's wardrobe will depend on, we can attribute:

  1. age
  2. child activity/activity
  3. the temperature in the room

Purchases 1

Age. Three age periods can be distinguished conditionally, which are characterized by different approaches to dressing a child:

  • Up to a month. Newborns are most vulnerable to overheating and hypothermia, so they wear them a little warmer than children from 1 month to 1 year old
  • Up to a year. Bastard children still have an imperfect system of thermoregulation, so they should be dressed on the principle of as a plus of an additional blouse
  • Over one year. The wardrobe is similar to the adult

Obviously, a child who is actively crawling around the apartment and the baby, who mainly lies motionless in the crib, should be dressed in different ways. It also matters whether the child is awake or sleeps.
Sooner or later, the child moves from the crib to the floor to avoid falling when turning and in order to learn to crawl and walk. Remember that lying on the floor is colder, which means that the child should be worn warmer.

Important: the temperature on the floor, as a rule, is 2 degrees below room temperature.

Child on the couch/bed:

  • t -shirt/swing + sliders

Child on the floor:

  • t -shirt/swing + light blouse + sliders

When the child begins to crawl (7-9 months), he is actively moving, which means that he can easily overheat. In addition, during the period of intense movements, it is important to choose a convenient, not constraining the baby’s natural movements.

Sedentary child (up to 6-7 months):

  • kh/b jumpsuit (slip)

Creeping child (after 7 months):

  • kh/ b body (T -shirt) plus tights/ leggings

In a shaggy overalls, it is difficult for a baby to learn to move, therefore, as soon as your child begins to crawl and get up, update the wardrobe, having purchased more tights, pants, leggings.

How to wear a child at a temperature of 20 and 25 ° C?

The temperature in the room. Optimal for a child in different sources is called from 18 to 24 ° C. In practice, it is very difficult to adjust the air temperature in the room. The urgent need for additional troubles and costs, in fact, is not.

Enough to adapt to the existing constant room temperature, choosing the right clothes for the child. And it is better to spend extra money on the purchase of a humidifier, which will be much more useful and necessary.



28-30 ° C and above:

  • diaper (panties), and it is better to leave the child naked for taking air baths

25 - 28 ° C:

  • light T -shirt/Swear + Distribute (Panties)

23-25 \u200b\u200b° C:

  • short -sleeve body

21-23 ° C:

  • body with a long sleeve + tights
  • or a light jumpsuit
  • or short -sleeved body + forth overalls/light suit

18-20 ° C:

  • body with a long sleeve + dense overalls/suit with long sleeves + warm socks

15-17 ° C:

  • body with a short sleeve + light suit/overalls + warm suit + woolen socks (or socks + knitted booties)

How to wear a monthly child at home?

Due to the small weight and inferior work of the sweat glands, the newborn child is inclined to overheating and hypothermia, so he needs increased attention in terms of choosing the right clothing.
At an average temperature of 22-23 ° C per monthly child, who will lie in the crib under the blanket, you can wear:

  • assigned ch/b jumpsuit

If the room is warmer:

  • one body is enough

If colder:

  • body + x/b jumpsuit
  • or cover with a warm blanket

How to wear a child at home in winter?

In the winter, due to the heating on heating, the air temperature in the apartment, as a rule, is provided at a high level, i.e. It doesn't get colder. Therefore, when choosing clothes, you can focus on the same factors: the age and activity of the child, room temperature (see above).

The coldest period is the offseason, when the street is already cold, and heating is not yet turned on. This period is the most stressful for a child, accustomed to some constant room temperature. It's time to show off in a knitted blouse and booties associated with love grandmother. After turning on heating, most likely, you will only wear them on the street.

Do I need to wear shoes at home?

Shoes performs several functions:

  1. warming
  2. protection against damage
  3. treatment/prevention of foot disorders
  • If you think about shoes, worrying that the legs of your child are freezing at home, knitted booties, warm socks or fabric slippers will be a great option
  • As for the second function, at home it is hardly about protecting the legs from damage
  • Regarding the treatment, everything seems to be understandable: there are problems with the feet, the doctor diagnoses and prescribes special shoes to solve it. There is no doubt or not, does not arise. The situation is more difficult with prevention, here the opinions of orthopedists vary

Some doctors advise wearing sandals in order to prevent flat feet, as soon as the child begins to get up and take the first steps. Others complain that the shoes do not allow the muscles of the foot to develop naturally, makes it “lazy”. To which side to cling to this is the problem of responsible parents.

It seems reasonable to consult with an orthopedist who will examine your individual child. If the doctor notes the presence of problems or a tendency to their occurrence and recommends to put on shoes even at home, it should obviously listen.

How to choose the first sandals to a child, you can find out in the article How to choose the right first shoes for a child? Shoe size table for kids

First-shag-marsh 4

  • If the child is absolutely healthy, and there are no violations in the development of the foot, it makes sense to turn to the natural state of the foot and let the leg run barefoot at home. This can also become the basis for hardening the child
  • In the part of socks and soft slippers, it should be noted their unsafe in the period when the child learns to walk. On the slippery surface of the floor, the child risks often falling, which means that the desire to learn can hold back
  • On the contrary, barefoot, the baby will feel the surface, and, therefore, will be more confident, taking the first step. If the temperature in the room does not allow even for some time with bare feet, socks with an anti -slip surface can become an alternative

Do the child need to wear a hat at home?

It is believed that the first head is the first to freeze. She seems to young mothers, and more often to grandmothers, the most vulnerable part of the body, on which, in addition, ears are especially prone to sick. Therefore, the desire to wrap a small head in a cap or hat is very large.

In order not to achieve the opposite effect, focus on the following recommendation.
If in the apartment - not lower than 22 ° C, you should not wear a hat on a baby, with the exception of some time after bathing, about which is below.

How to wear a child after swimming?

  • Immediately after the adoption of water procedures, the baby should be wrapped with a towel. Convenient are special children's towels with hoods. After the child warms up, and you will get through all the moisture with a towel, the baby can be changed
  • As a rule, children are bathed before bedtime, so they dress pajamas. Particular requirements for clothing after swimming, perhaps, does not exist
  • Separately, you should mention the cap. In the first months, wearing a baby for 20-30 minutes after swimming will not be superfluous. This time will be enough to dry the ears, as well as the hairs, which in some children can have long enough from birth
  • More adult babies (over 3 months) will be well dried with a towel.

How to wear a child at night?

Choosing a child to get clothes for night sleep, you should first answer the following questions:

  1. Do you practice a joint sleep, or is the child sleeping in a separate crib?
    If the child sleeps with you in the same bed, you warm him with the warmth of his body, so so that the baby does not sweat, put it easily (body/hand)
  2. Do you have the habit of sleeping with an open window?
    If you are used to sleeping with an open window, you can also accustom a child to this useful cause. You can start with a good ventilation of the baby’s room before bedtime (optimal so that the temperature is not higher than 22 ° C). Naturally, if you practice a dream with an open window, do not forget to wear a child warmer (pajamas with closed legs and handles)

In addition, remember:

  • In a dream, children often drop the blanket, and freezing, they cannot hide on their own. If the child sleeps separately, classic pajamas - this is a slip or separate blouse with pants. At an average room temperature (22-23 ° C) in such a pajama, the baby will not freeze

  • Clothing should be comfortable for long sleep without awakening. Children's clothing for any cases should meet the requirements of comfort, but at night the child is in one position for a long time, so it is important that pajama does not rub, does not squeeze and pass the air well

Given these factors, you can opt for:

  • pajamas in the form
  • or short -sleeved body/T -shirt

How to wear a child in kindergarten?

If the child is 4-6 years old, he is already relatively independent, and the choice of clothing is determined only by the air temperature in the group and your imagination.
Situations when the baby goes to kindergarten in 2-3 years old, require more careful preparation for the choice of clothes.

The baby will have to deal with dressing several times a day. It is not reasonable to count on a teacher or a nanny. Try to help your child, choosing a convenient wardrobe with which he can cope on his own.

Basic principles:

  • Things should first of all satisfy the criteria of maximum lightness and ease of putting on a child, even if you have to sacrifice aesthetic type of clothing
  • Choose Velcro shoes. With laces, lightning, ties and fasteners, while still time
  • T -shirts, sweaters should be with a deep neckline, without buttons, buttons and ties in the back
  • It is better to buy pants (shorts) on an elastic band, and not with buttons and lightning
  • Be sure to prepare a child in a kindergarten. Even if your baby goes well on the pot, he can bow clothes when he eats. And you never know what can happen to the child
  • Do not forget that children in kindergarten learn to draw, sculpt, eat on their own, walk in the sandbox, etc. Therefore, do not decorate the child. Turn down to the fact that clothing can be torn, hopelessly stained and unsuitable for further wear. Choose simple and inexpensive things, but in large numbers

As a rule, the group is always very warm, so the basic set of clothing may look as follows:

  • panties+T -shirt
  • t-shirt
  • pants +socks
  • or skirt + tights (golfs)

Just in case, in the cabinet, let it be: replaced underwear, T -shirt, warm sweater, socks/tights, pants/skirt.

Summing up, I would like to note that you should not be afraid to make mistakes, and get hung up on whether you have a children's wardrobe correct. Focus only on your child. At first, you will have to often check whether it is cold or hot, but over time you will already clearly know what and when it is better to put on the baby. Do not forget that preferences in clothes will soon be shown by the child himself.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky - Clothing and dressing

Video: Temperature in a room for a newborn

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