What are the days of the week in English, and how do they sound in Russian?

What are the days of the week in English, and how do they sound in Russian?

What are the days of the week in English for beginners called and sound in Russian?

In order to correctly pronounce words, for beginners to learn English, below in the picture a table of days of the week in English with translation and traction is given.

The name of the day of the week in English with transcription
The name of the day of the week in English with transcription

What is the reason for the name of the day of the week in English?

Interestingly, the ancient Germans adapted these names of the days of the week under their gods. This connection can be traced today in Germanic languages.

The ancient Greeks and Romans Sunday was a sunny day. For example, in English:

  • Sunday - Sunday (Sanday), if translated literally, means "day of the sun." What is named after the god Sol, who personified the luminary.
  • Saturday -  Saturday (Setudei) is directly related to Saturn. Her Anglo-Saxons did not rename. But in Spanish, Italian and French, this day of the week has the roots like ours, from the Jewish Shabbat.
  • Monday — Monday (Manday or Mandy speaks native speakers) is also named after the goddess of the moon. This one also has many faces and sides, like its phases. And you also need to be acute in emotional terms, since on this day it is easier to fall under a bad influence or to get out of balance. But the deception on Monday will be quickly exposed.
  • Tuesday - Tuesday (Tusdei) - Day of Tyusco, the father of all Teutons, the son of the Earth. They portrayed him as a sage with a hood on his head.
  • Wednesday - Wednesday (u enSDAI) - day of Votan or Odin, the highest deity of the nation. By the way, he was also identified with God Mercury.
  • Thursday - Thursday (SS oOzey) - in German mythology, the god of thunder Torah.
  • Friday - Friday (Fr. aiday) - in honor of the goddess Friggi, the wives of Odin. But in its name in French Vendredi, which belongs to the Romanesque group, you can see the name of the Roman goddess Venus.

Video: Days of the week in English for beginners

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