How to believe in yourself and gain confidence: 10 tips of a psychologist, methods and exercises

How to believe in yourself and gain confidence: 10 tips of a psychologist, methods and exercises

Find out how to become a confident person. Tips for psychologists.

How to believe in yourself: Psychologist's advice

It is easier for people to ask for an increase in salaries, get acquainted with a pretty girl or guy, achieve the intended goals. At the same time, people cannot reach the same heights that are uncertain and their abilities for the reason that they are afraid to be rejected, they are afraid to get a refusal. They are sure that nothing will work, so you should not even try.

Henry Ford said: “ When you think that you can, and when you think that you can’t, in both cases you are right. ” This phrase perfectly reflects two opposite people - confident and insecure.

Reasons for uncertainty:

  • The lack of faith in oneself is often the result of excessive criticism of others, self -criticism.
  • Life and routine also often lead to this.
  • The problem of uncertainty can lie in education. In childhood, many in childhood were imposed on the thoughts that they could not, this is not for them, do not even try and everything in that spirit.

If you feel that you are at a dead end, that your work and actions are meaningless, but life is tired, then it's time to change something. You can believe in yourself and start living the way you only dreamed before. But for this it is necessary to work on yourself and life attitudes, change your thinking. Of course, the work on yourself is hard, but if you try, everything will work out. Below are the advice of psychologists that will help to gain self -confidence.

How to become confident - tips

Tip 1: Do not compare yourself with others

If you have a habit of comparing yourself with other people, you urgently need to get rid of it. When you think that some person is better, smarter, more beautiful, your self-esteem decreases even more. And your goal, as you remember, increase self -esteem.

Important: comparing oneself with other people can lead to the development of complexes, reduced self -esteem, envy.

Remember, there is always a person who succeeds in something, it is better than you are versed in the intricacies of work, more sympathetic than the external, etc. But this does not mean at all that you are a useless person and do not deserve the best. You also have strengths, you just need to open them. For some, you may also be an example, you simply do not suspect this.

To get rid of the habit of constantly comparing yourself with someone, do this:

  1. Compare yourself not with other people, but with yourself, only yesterday. For example, today you ran better than yesterday. Today you have become kinder than yesterday. Mentally note your achievements.
  2. Look at people not with envy, but with interest. Analyze what qualities you like in a person. Think about what helps him to be so interesting, successful. Consider the personality not as an object of envy, but as a teacher. Make the right conclusions and begin to develop your best qualities.
  3. Remember, it’s better not to be a copy, but by the original version of yourself. Do not copy the manners of behavior, communication, the appearance of the person with whom you compare yourself.
Stop comparing yourself with others

Tip 2: Do not criticize yourself too strictly

A person can become the tough critic of himself. Constant reproaches, endless self -criticism, concentration in small errors leads to the fact that a person can suffer very much.

Important: as well as the non-recognition of any criticism in your address, self-criticism can adversely affect self-esteem, faith in itself. The mood is greatly spoiled from this, even serious depression is possible.

  • If you are among people who constantly reproach themselves for what you did, but they could do it differently, stop doing it.
  • Remember, all people make mistakes. Only one who does nothing is not mistaken. Farewell to yourself minor flaws, incorrect solutions, actions. Just admit to yourself that you were mistaken, forgive yourself and do not return anymore to this situation. Stop digging into what happened and reproach yourself. Ideal people do not exist.
  • If you are not ready to put up with the situation, instead of self -criticism, direct the energy to solve the problem. For example, you blame yourself for excess weight. Stop blaming yourself, put an end to this self -destruction and from this day start doing everything in order to find the desired forms.
  • Experience is the son of difficult mistakes. Perceive failures as experience and nothing more. Instead of lowering your hands, draw the right conclusions and move on.
Excessive self -criticism harms normal self -esteem

Tip 3: Choose your environment

Criticism of other people leads to despair and the lack of faith. If in your communication circle there are people who constantly criticize you, they say that you will not succeed and pull down, it is worth reducing communication to zero.

  • Do not perceive the advice literally, otherwise you can lose all friends and acquaintances. There are people who can express a true opinion, although it can be offensive. But they are ready to help in difficult times, they can praise and support, if necessary. Such people should not be lost.
  • Surround yourself with positive people who know how to enjoy every day in their lives. You yourself will not notice how you will become the same positive person. And positive is one of the steps on the path to success and increased self -esteem.
  • S secure yourself from communicating with people who constantly complain about life, always dissatisfied with everyone and all. You won’t wait from such friends and motivation, they are saturated with negativity and will carry it into your life. And you do not need it, with this approach, self -confidence will not increase.
Choose the right environment

Tip 4: Put the tasks

Correct thinking, which is not supported by anything, does not live long. Therefore, it is necessary to act. To increase your self -esteem, you need to set your tasks and be sure to fulfill them.

Tasks and goals should be both global, requiring a lot of time and effort for realization, and daily. Start small:

  • Set the tasks every day.
  • You can record them in a notebook, and then mark with checkmarks.
  • The tasks should be simple - run 1 km more, do a good deed, perform a larger amount of work today, learn ten new foreign words, and not eat harmful food.
  • Simple tasks are easier to perform, and the result will be visible faster.
  • Do not forget to praise yourself for the completed task.
  • Periodically pamper yourself for the task. It can be a shopping bonus, a trip to a movie or a museum, or what you like.

The first victories will strengthen faith in themselves and give a charge of motivation for more significant tasks.

Take small steps on the way to a big victory

Tip 5: Don't lose heart

Important: not in vain in Christianity, despondency is a terrible sin. Many, it would seem, are hopeless situations, are solved if you approach this with optimism and faith in the best.

  • Do not set yourself up for a negative result, always say to yourself: “I can”, “I am worthy of this”, “I am the best.” Believe yourself, and you will not notice how your gait will become more confident, and your shoulders will deal.
  • For example, if you are going to an interview, you should not set yourself up in advance for failure. An uncertain person will say: "They will definitely not take me." Confident will not even allow the shadow of doubt that this position is already in his pocket. This is the big difference of two dissimilar people. And, as a rule, a different result.
  • Uncertainty is felt, even if you have not been familiar with a person before. Let you be an excellent specialist, you may be refused only because you were at the interview embarrassed and uncertain.
  • Treat life with positive. Learn to rejoice at the little things, do not hesitate to show your good mood to others, then your life will be filled with bright colors, you will become more confident in yourself, you will feel the location of other people. It’s easier for a cheerful person to make acquaintance, find friends, get acquainted with the girl.
Live with a positive

Tip 6: Do not shift responsibility to others

The shifting of responsibility to other people often follows from pity for themselves. Learn to take responsibility for your actions, words, actions, for your life.

People who are not able to take responsibility are always to blame for other people, weather, circumstances. Do not be such a person. If you decide to do it, and not otherwise, defend your position and stop feeling inconvenient if your actions are not to your liking. This is your life, and you are its master. When you take the reins of government into your own hands, you will feel much more confident.

Important: get rid of a sense of self -pity. This negative feeling is an obstacle to increasing self -esteem, it pulls down. A person who constantly regrets himself is doomed to failure in advance.

Remember that you can do everything

Tip 7: Accept yourself with all the disadvantages and advantages

Do not set yourself unattainable goals, be realistic. Love yourself with all your shortcomings, accept yourself as you are. Try to formulate all your qualities as honestly as possible, you don’t have to criticize - just understand and accept. Knowing your weaknesses and strengths, it will be much easier for you to live, attribute to life situations and interact with colleagues.

  • Do not diminish your merits. If you are praised, know how to accept compliments. Praise yourself for the work done successfully, for small victories and achievements.
  • Surround yourself with good things: prepare tasty and useful food for yourself, admire nature, walk in the fresh air, play sports, watch a good movie, read books, be sure to follow your appearance. Create worthy and pleasant conditions for personal growth and good life.
Love yourself

Tip 8: Call a challenge to your fears

This advice will help to move from theory to practice. To begin with, analyze and decide what fears do it bother you in life, which does not allow you to be more confident in yourself. Or what you would like, but you do not do this because you are not confident in your abilities. You have to fight with these fears.

  • If you feel uncertainty due to excess weight, go to the gym. Fight your fear of being not accepted, do not be afraid to look like a white sheep. Many fit and slender people were once the same, or maybe even larger. It is difficult to take the first step, then you will be glad that you were able to overcome their fear.
  • If you are tired of loneliness, but are terribly shy about making acquaintances, you will have to step towards this fear. Without this, you can’t change your situation, and everything can remain in its place. Even if you are denied your acquaintance, do not be upset, try again. One day you will succeed.
Go towards your fears

Tip 9: Take care of your favorite business

Unloved work is capable of suppressing a person’s self -esteem. Look at people who love their work, they have wings behind their backs and let not everything work out, but the person is satisfied. And if you are forced to do unloved business for a long time, it is not surprising that there is no optimism and faith in yourself.

An adult most often cannot just take and quit his job, because there are obligations to his wife, children, etc. But you can find a hobby to your liking. Perhaps you like to dance, be sure to go to the dance school. Find a lesson that will bring you pleasure, cheer up. Over time, your skills and experience will become more, you can consider yourself a successful person in your favorite pastime. Thanks to this, you can gain self -confidence, become a more cheerful person.

Love what you are doing

Tip 10: go out more often from the comfort zone

Many get used to their everyday life, so much that the exit from the comfort zone becomes inconceivable for them. But still, we advise you to leave the comfort zone more often.

  • To understand that you are stuck in the comfort zone is very simple. If you feel fear before some new situation, you are probably afraid to get out of the comfort zone. A new situation or even thoughts about it can cause curiosity, excitement, anxiety, but fear suggests that you are afraid to be beyond the boundaries of a familiar and comfortable situation.
  • If you do not leave the comfort zone, as a person will stop developing and growing. And this greatly affects self -esteem.
  • Travel more often, do not be afraid of change, do not hold on to exhausting, but familiar relationships. Allow yourself to get out of the comfort zone, and you cannot but note your personal growth, and after it confidence in your abilities.

You need to believe in yourself and believe yourself. If you have a trap of uncertainty, start working on your installations and most importantly - act. If you want to really become a self-confident person, you will definitely get what you want.

Video: How to gain confidence? Exercises for confidence

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