How to teach a child to eat with a spoon on their own: terms, devices, tips

How to teach a child to eat with a spoon on their own: terms, devices, tips

In this topic, we will talk about how to teach a child to eat from a spoon on your own.

Small children eat instinctively, taking their chest, or when they drink from the bottles. With development, they experience a need for more diverse foods. And as soon as the baby learned to walk, the desire to eat on his own sharply grows. But for this he needs to develop certain skills, which cannot do without the help of his parents. Therefore, in this material we will consider this issue.

How to teach a child to eat on his own with a spoon?

Independent meal is a very important stage in the development of the child. When children learn to eat with a spoon themselves, they discover a valuable skill that they need without embellishment for their whole lives. This process also includes the knowledge of this world as a child - squeezing and touching food, the baby develops fine motor skills and sensations. And, of course, this is an opportunity for the baby to learn more about the smell, taste and texture of food.

It is extremely important to eat with a spoon on your own
It is extremely important to eat with a spoon on your own

When is it worth accustoming the baby to eat with a spoon on your own?

These temporary frames are often the parents themselves and create. And then they begin to chase after them and rush their baby. Therefore, the first rule is Guide the desires, aspirations and skills of your baby.

  • Do not forget that the kids are all different. And temperament also affects this criterion. Therefore, if your baby does not yet own a spoon of 1.5 years and does not burn with desire, then No need to force him! Rejoice that you still have order in the house.
    • But it happens so - when you begin to introduce complementary foods to your baby, he may have a desire to eat food yourself. He can start trying to take food with a spoon or climb into your plate.
    • This is normal for the child and it is very good to encourage it - although often the mess can upset. Be patient and do not beat off the baby's desire!
  • Therefore, it is so important To catch this right moment, that the child is ready to start eating on your own. If the child tries to grab food or other objects with a pen, this is the signal that he has a desire to start eating on his own.
    • But this is not all - the baby should show interest in adult foods, try to present it to his mouth. He to some extent begins to copy an adult.

Important: on average, this occurs at the age of 8-9 months to 1.5-2 years. Do not miss these calls. If the baby tries to take a spoon - let me do it. But do not forcibly insert a spoon in your hands. Listen to the baby - He knows better what he needs!

For each baby, the time frame is individual
For each baby, the time frame is individual

To eat with a spoon, the device must be comfortable

And this is quite natural. Therefore, be guided by these rules when choosing a children's cutlery.

  • The fundamental rule, as for all aspects of children's life, do not save. Believe me, children's cutlery should be highest quality! And choose only trusted manufacturers.
  • Always check certificates and Corresponding labeling. By the way, often an abundance of colors in a spoon can cause allergies. Therefore, do not be lazy to double -check the quality of products.
    • Best to give preference Silicone spoon. It does not heat up even in the microwave of the furnace and is very convenient for the baby. Yes, and minimally traumatic.
    • Not forbidden to use the classical A teaspoon. But it is still better to leave it for children a little older age. Before the year, you should not give it to the baby, and even better - up to 1.5 years.
    • Very good if the baby eats silver spoon. After all, she can protect the baby from stomatitis and E. coli. But they often go in the form of a decorative device, so take into account this aspect.
  • The spoon itself should be in moderation wide and deep, So that the child could calmly gain food, but she did not fall out. The pen should also be wide and short, To make it convenient for the baby to keep.

Important: Always use slobber so as not to bathe the baby after each feeding. Never take a ceramic plate, since the children should learn to wield not only a spoon, but also get food out of the plate. That is, pick up food with a spoon. Ideally, use silicone devices, and even better - on the suction cup.

Not only a spoon, but also a plate should be safe
Not only a spoon, but also a plate should be safe

How to help the baby learn to eat with a spoon?

  • The learning process can be considered as communication with your baby. Do not leave it alone with food, but help:
    • tell us what kind of product this is;
    • show how to type;
    • do it also with the hand of the child, taking food together.
  • A similar process of knowing the world and acquiring skills with your child, unfortunately, is always accompanied by a mess. And you need to be ready for this. After all, the child studies and tries. Like a small life - Close the entire perimeter where the baby eats, a tablecloth or oilcloth. This will significantly save time for cleaning and your strength.
  • It is important to praise the child for efforts. Explain to the child that all adults eat on their own. Focus on that he is a great fellow, and you are very proud of him. Then the baby will know that everything does correctly. For a little man, this is a great feat, so more delight!

Important: if the baby is played with a spoon, then it is worth a little time with independence. All children are played, but he should have a desire to learn.

Always praise the baby
Always praise the baby

Learn to eat with a spoon on our own: tips

We repeat that there are no strict rules and deadlines when it needs to be done. But there are small recommendations that will simplify this path to both the baby and parents.

Important: many parents are faced with a problem when the baby takes a spoon in his left hand. Firstly, he does it unconsciously, so this does not mean that the child will be left-handed. And secondly, do not worry-over time he will learn. Just shift into the right handle and gain patience.

  • Try to work together first. That is, give one spoon to the child, and continue to feed him the second. By your example, the child will begin to use his spoon as intended, over time, of course.
  • Always sit down to eat together - So you will set an example of how to behave at the table. And try to adhere to the same time.
  • We start training when the baby is hungry! So he will have more incentive to convey the device to his mouth. A well -fed baby will simply play with a new invention.
  • Also, you should not start trying new or not quite favorite products yourself. From the logical side it is even clear that Favorite mashed potatoes The baby will be happy to eat up.
  • Speaking of consistency. To facilitate your child’s training, start with relatively thick foods. They will be easier to keep in a spoon, since liquid food will spill.
    • Products of a more liquid consistency must be tried after complete development of the spoon. And this is already a stage after 1.5-2 years.
Try to secure the kitchen from spots as much as possible
Try to secure the kitchen from spots as much as possible

Important: patience and excerpts in this difficult period! This is a mandatory learning process, so do not believe that the baby is immediately taught to neatly eat. But without this training, he will not cope in the future.

  • Children need to be patronized, but in moderation - Do not hold the baby a pen when he is trying to eat. But do not compose it alone. Since the baby can be choked with food at any time.
  • If the baby does not want to take a spoon, but is inclined to the fork - Give him such an opportunity. But get a safe object of a small size with rounded edges.
  • And the final recommendation - try even the baby It is interesting to decorate food, To stimulate it to try. And do not forget to always admire such a children's feat!

And once again we repeat that the child will help a lot if you eat with him. He will look at your example and study. Joint meals have a beneficial effect on learning processes, and also help to come closer. And be sure to praise the child for his efforts and results!

Video: How to teach a child to eat a spoon?

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