How to send an empty message to VKontakte: Options

How to send an empty message to VKontakte: Options

Want to know how to send an empty message to VKontakte? Read the article - this is interesting.

Want to play a trick on your friend using the VKontakte social network? Send him an empty message. He will not understand what's the matter, but it will be interesting. Using such a manipulation, you can simply remind yourself of yourself. You can also send such a message to yourself. How to do this, read in the article.

How to send an empty message to VKontakte: Options

Many users will now think: “What is special about this? You can just press the gap or "Enter" several times. But we can say right away that this will not lead to anything, the message cannot be sent like that. Here are proven options for how to achieve the desired result and send a ghost letter.

Open the dialogue with the desired user and in the line for entering the text, enter a message in the form of such characters:

  • & #4448;
  • & # 13;
  • & # 12288;
  • & # 12;
  • & # 8195.

Enter them all, copying them and then inserting them into the line to enter the text. Nothing else needs to be introduced, send exactly as it is.

It is worth noting: You can enter, both all messages together and each separately.

This is an interesting bug, and perhaps the admins will be removed soon, so joke over friends while there is such an opportunity. See how the user to whom you send it will look cool.

So your friend looks like a message
So your friend looks like a message

And here is what this sent message looks like with you. But after a few seconds it will disappear.

So the message will look with you
So the message will look with you

In the same way, such a message is sent from the phone in the application. But here you will have to type the code manually, and use a special button on your gadget to transfer the line.

You can send an empty message VK from the phone
You can send an empty message VK from the phone

Such a message does not carry any meaning, but they can remind of themselves or annoy with the help of blinking in a browser or on an open page of VK. Therefore, before sending such a letter, think about whether it is necessary to do this and whether a person will understand such a joke.

Important: Such a message can be written in the comments, for example, in a group. Of course, the admins of the community will be removed, but it will be possible to laugh, since no one will understand what's the matter.

If you want to remind a person with whom you have not talked for a long time, then it may be better to write a normal message and ask how he is doing. But if you still decide to make fun and send such an empty letter, then good luck-have fun.

Video: How to send an empty message to VKontakte?

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  1. And what is funny - an empty message. Rather, the recipient will not understand what to be surprised here. A couple of comments in my response to mine were sent to my group. But I did not see something special in him. Empty and empty, it may be so necessary. And she did not remove, this is not spam or something offensive. True, then I saw that someone shook, then I thought-maybe there was some investment that I do not see. Honestly, I did not think that there are individuals admiring an empty place. I would have to pick up these for training. Collect money, and then send an empty letter instead of the course, I think they will be completely delighted)))

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