How to make peace with your husband after a strong quarrel, divorce, betrayal, scandal, fights? Reconciliation with her husband: Psychologist's advice

How to make peace with your husband after a strong quarrel, divorce, betrayal, scandal, fights? Reconciliation with her husband: Psychologist's advice

The article will help you not make mistakes that will only aggravate the reconciliation process. You can choose the right tactic and make peace, by all means.

Quarrels and scandals happen in family life. Sometimes you can simply flare up and say excess, and sometimes you can make a serious mistake. And only then, when the emotions will settle a little, you realize that your husband is very dear to you. Then the problem of reconciliation can be a really problem.

How to make peace with your husband: Psychologist's advice

Each family and their relationship are individual. Methods of reconciliation, which 100 % work in one family may not work in completely different.

But how to find a recipe for reconciliation for your family? Read the tips below, try on them on yourself and put the most effective in your piggy bank of family secrets. Many tips They will touch on how to behave during a quarrel, because the possibility of reconciliation will directly depend on your behavior:

  • Get to the bottom of the point. A quarrel often occurs against a trifle. But often this trifle is just another serial on a more global problem. If you solve only these trifles, then the main problem will not disappear anywhere and you will now and then return to it. Think and find the true cause of a quarrel, although it is possible that this is really a trifle.
  • Do not insult. If you value your relationship and understand that your quarrel is only a temporary phenomenon, then do not switch to insults. You will make peace and begin to live on, but the words-deposits will remain in your memory and will not disappear anywhere. And such a moment may come when you and your spouse accumulate these words in your memory and one of you will say that you no longer intend to live with it.
How to put up with your husband
How to put up with your husband?
  • Act straight. The psychology of men and women is different. If you want to come to terms, then tell me directly. Of course, you can make indirect attempts to reconcile, such as a delicious dinner, requests to unfasten the dress. But follow the reaction of the man. If he still behaves himself, then tell me directly for the same delicious dinner that you want to make peace.
  • Know how to apologize If you are to blame. Even if during a quarrel you are confident in your rightness, your decision may change after a while. When the emotions settle down, analyze the situation again. See your guilt? So you should apologize. Even if the man is very angry or offended, catch the moment to apologize.
Apologize to her husband
Apologize to her husband
  • Sorry wisely. During the apology, you can try to justify yourself by explaining the reason for your behavior. If in your opinion my husband provoked your actions, then do not say "sorry for my behavior, but you yourself are to blame." Say: "Forgive me for such behavior, I just felt sad from the fact that we are little together."
  • Let the man cool. Even after your apology, a man can continue to be angry and silent. Do not eat. Only make sure that you were heard and leave him alone, but not for long. One day or night should be enough for him to calm down. It tends to quarrel for a woman, and after 5 minutes to calm down and go to reconciliation. The man perceives more deeply, so he needs more time to calm down.
How to make peace with a man
How to make peace with a man
  • Do something pleasant for a man. A delicious and original dinner, a small gift will only increase your chances of being forgiven. The man will see that you are really trying to make amends. This acts only when you apologized already, and your husband has already calmed down a little and ready to make contact. If he still does not want to communicate with you, then this method will be very inappropriate.
  • Women's tricks. When the man had already cooled down and already listened to your apologies with understanding, then after a conversation by heart and a delicious dinner, give him some sexy gift: dress a beautiful outfit or caress your husband the way he loves. But this is also done only when you are almost forgiven, and your husband has already calmed down after a quarrel.

Another grandmother said: -

Come on, but put up!
And go to bed together ....
At least sideways, at least backwards,
But always together and nearby.

Sex reconciliation
Sex reconciliation

IMPORTANT: The main thing - after a quarrel, do not make hasty movements. Cool down. Only then decide how to proceed.

How to make peace after a strong quarrel?

A strong quarrel will not necessarily be connected with someone’s very strong misconduct. Sometimes a small household trifle, which coincided with a bad mood or failure at work, can arrange a thunder among your calm life.

Of course, reconciliation tips will directly depend on who is to blame and what is the cause of what is happening.

The fault of a man.

  • Undoubtedly, you want to be heard when you are offended. But men are such that they can often understand their wrongness perfectly, but never admit it or apologize. This is not because a man does not love you. He is what it is. He is proud and is afraid to show his suppleness.
  • It is often difficult for a man to take the first step. And he usually ripens at him for a long time. He can walk with you for a week, but understand his guilt. And only when he really cannot see you so depressed, he will take the first step.
A man asks for forgiveness of a woman
A man asks for forgiveness of a woman
  • How to deal with this? No way. When emotions will give a little, tell him about your feelings and resentment. Even if he proudly sits and does not react to your revelations.
  • Do not worry, he listens. He listens and understands.
  • Of course, do not run to such a man with any apology on your part.
  • If the quarrel was strong, and you were very offended or humiliated, then wait. Watch. After a couple of days, you will notice that he no longer claps the doors. Wait, soon the conversation will follow.
The man is to blame for a quarrel
The man is to blame for a quarrel

IMPORTANT: After a strong quarrel, the main thing is not to rush. Do not break firewood against the background of emotions.

Pro the guilt of the woman Read below.

How to make peace if it is to blame?

  • To make peace with your husband when you are to blame is much more difficult.
  • Men perceive more sharply quarrels with your guilt. He may sulk for a week or at all to collect things and leave to live with his mother. And this is even despite the fact that if you have a man’s guilt, you are usually quite condescending.
  • If you are really guilty, then you have no choice but apologies. Get ready that you will have to apologize and often your apology does not even want to hear.
  • Do not eat at the beginning. Let him calm down, otherwise you risk hearing something unflattering in your address.
  • When you feel a decrease in tension, apologize. Speak sincerely. Speak often. See him that you sincerely regret what happened.
The man does not want to put up
The man does not want to put up

IMPORTANT: If you are sure that you should live on in love and harmony, then help your family. Be wiser. Take the first step.

How to make peace with your husband after a fight?

  • Do I need reconciliation? First, clearly answer this question. If a man raised a hand to you, evaluate in what circumstances this happened.
  • If the fight was as a result of his unreasonable aggression (including intoxicated), then you must understand that the matter is serious.
  • If you yourself provoked your husband’s aggression with your inexplicable behavior, then you will have to apologize not only to him, but also to you.
  • Tyrans men usually believe that their behavior is normal. And wine for such men always lies with a woman. You must understand that life with such a man will sooner or later lead you to an irreversible situation of parting. It is better to do this if you do not have children yet. And if there is, then do not pull. There is no point in putting up with such a despot.
  • If the husband has never previously shown aggression earlier, then think. Perhaps he has many problems that you have not noticed. Perhaps you saw him in addition. And by coincidence, what happened happened. Such a man usually feels the layer of guilt and will not be against a frank conversation. After you both cool down a little, talk. If you believe in his words, you can forgive and make peace.
How to make peace after a fight
How to make peace after a fight

IMPORTANT: After fighting, it is primarily about whether reconciliation is needed. If so, then start with a frank conversation and just forgive. No tricks here will be in place.

How to make peace with my husband after my betrayal?

If the family really has love, then both partners will feel terribly after betrayal.

IMPORTANT: Psychologists assure that both are always to blame for treason. And female treason is most often associated with a lack of attention from her husband.

  • Cross your lover from your life. This person cannot appear in your life either as a friend or as a partner. If you really want to return your husband, take this step.
  • Men are more difficult to experience the betrayal of their wife than wives - treason of husbands. You are given to another person and allows him to control herself.
  • Be prepared that it will be difficult to achieve forgiveness. And some men never forgive this at all.
  • A heart -to -heart conversation should take place! Let it not be immediately, and when a man will be ready for this. But it should be.
How to make peace with your husband after betrayal
How to make peace with your husband after betrayal
  • You must explain what it was: an accidental connection or an attempt to find understanding and attention on the side. Do not try to cross your husband, even if he has deprived you of attention. Anyway, the main guilty is a woman.
  • If you think that the behavior of the husband is to blame for everything, then tell me about it. But do not blame, but with regret, tell me what you wanted from your husband, what he did not give you. And explain that you do not need it from another man. You want this attention and love only from him.
  • Let the man understand that you are sincerely regret and are absolutely convinced that this will never happen again.
  • See you that you will try to regain your relationship with all your might.
  • Ask to start with a clean sheet: he shows you attention and care, as before. And you will be the keeper of the family hearth as before.
  • If the husband has forgiven, then never remember this. As soon as one of you remembers what happened, you will have to start restoring relationships almost from the beginning.
Relations after treason
Relations after treason

IMPORTANT: Do not expect previous relations from the husband the very next day, even after forgiveness. The restoration process will be long and will require a lot of effort and patience on both sides.

How to make peace with your husband after a divorce?

  • Need at least sometimes to see, otherwise when can you act?
  • If there are joint children, then often organize meetings with your father. At the meeting, invite you to go to coffee.
  • If your husband had claims to you, which became one of the reasons for the break, then at the meeting, show changes in you. If the husband was offended that you are not interested in his hobby, then be sure to ask how to do it. If the husband decided that you have become too serious a housewife who still does not look after yourself, then prove the opposite. No talk about life. Tell us where you went and what you did, except for the house.
How to make peace after a divorce
How to make peace after a divorce
  • You should always look 100 %
  • Do not start talking about the causes of a failed marriage
  • Just silently eradicate the reasons for you
  • If your relationship goes to the level of intimate, then this is your chance
  • Be sexy and bold. Seduce your ex -husband
Reconciliation with her ex -husband
Reconciliation with her ex -husband

IMPORTANT: You will manage to make peace with your husband only by establishing friendly relations.

How to make peace with your husband on SMS? What to write to her husband to make peace?

Often men like to take a timeout after a quarrel and not talk to you, pondering everything that happened. His position deprives you of the opportunity to apologize either at home or by phone.

Then you can only send an SMS to to be heard.

What to write for reconciliation
What to write for reconciliation

IMPORTANT: Be prepared for the fact that your husband may not perceive your SMS with an apology, especially in the case of a serious quarrel.

  • SMS should contain the most important thing - your apology if you are to blame, or the words about your husband’s readiness to forgive, if he is to blame.
  • This is not the first time you quarreled. If you know any effective words from your experience with your husband, then write them.
  • SMS should be sincere.
  • SMS should not be reproaches or conditions.
  • Be prepared to send a few SMS. If after several attempts there will be silence, write the following text: “Beloved, are you ready to forgive me?”
How to make peace with your husband through SMS
How to make peace with your husband through SMS?

IMPORTANT: Your sincere words are the best text for SMS. If you do not know how to start, then draw ideas in the following sections (in prose or poems).

Reconciliation with husband in verses

Options for those who want to apologize to their husbands in verses

As you want return back minutes
To avoid stupid all mistakes ...
Let's go along the new route -
You can write another fairy tale!

Sorry for what was in the past
I am sorry much about everything!
Let's think about good
And we take a chance to start with a clean sheet!

Sorry for that, that I am wrong
I am sometimes very impudent
Forgive me for bitter words
That for no reason I am sharp.

Resentment all you hold - let go
After all, it is so easy, not at all difficult
Love, you forgive me for everything
It’s simply impossible for me to live without you.

Poems for reconciliation

And this option is for those women who want say that they forgave in verse.

I'm not offended i'm already completely, believe me,
Understanding does not come for at once
That our door closed with a draft
And there is no personal influence.

I forgive you all the hours of our separation,
I forgive all my night pains, torment,
After all, you are my loved one
And do not forgive you a terrible sin.

Words of reconciliation in prose

Prose is good in that you can say everything that you feel in your soul and at the same time not try to make lines in rhyme.

  • Therefore, in prose, you can write everything you want to say.
  • Tell me how you love your husband, how you regret, how you can not imagine your life without him.
  • Be sincere and your husband will feel it in your message.

My beloved husband, I acted stupidly and rash. I should not have told you such words. You are the best, beloved and close man in my life. Please do not ignore me. It’s very difficult for me. I love you and are very sorry.

Words of reconciliation
Words of reconciliation

Prayer of reconciliation

When all attempts to reconcile with your husband did not give results, and you are sure that the quarrel was not your gap, you can turn to God.

Come to the church, buy a candle, put it from the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary and read three times “Our Father”.

After three times, read the prayer for reconciliation:

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Slow down to us asking for, but let all the acts are sinful. Have mercy and defeat the enmity between your slaves (you call the names of those who you want to reconcile). Clean their souls from bad and the devil’s strength, protect the evil and eye of envious from people. Like a quarrel according to the Acts of the Evil, return it to unclean adversaries. May your will be now, and in the forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer for reconciliation
Prayer for reconciliation

Conspiracy for reconciliation

  • If you believe in all kinds of conspiracies, you can try such an option when the situation seems completely hopeless.
  • Before you read the conspiracy, relax and calm down. The conspiracy will help you make peace faster.
  • Read it in private and before bedtime. After reading, do not talk to anyone and do not give anything to anyone. Just lie down to sleep.

“The sun with the moon does not go to each other in war! Stone and water in friendship always live! The spirit of heaven and earth in harmony should be! So the servant of God (the name of the husband) with the slave of God (name yourself) in affection and love to reconcile, not sulk, not swear, but joke and laugh! Amen". Read three times.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

Reconciliation with her husband is sometimes a difficult task. But if you are sure that you should be together, then act and let your family collapse.

Video: Argument. How to put up after a quarrel?

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  1. At the end of the article - "then act and let your family collapse."

    1. Thank you for finding a blunder. Of course, now I will correct everything.

  2. Hello, I can't make peace with my husband want to submit for divorce, please help me very much love him

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  4. I also once had a serious quarrel with my husband, he filed for divorce .... Thank God did not reach him. It just happened that I found the right assistants in my problem: psychologists in the field of relations Alena Volk and Sergey Sadkovsky. They wrote a cool book-course "How to return her husband to a family." Thanks to her, I still get married with my beloved man.

  5. all this is good when there are two of you. This is understandable without advice. but! When you are four or five of these tips, if only because “to remain together” is a huge luxury, and quarrels are already more serious and relate to non -fulfillment of family responsibilities (not to be confused with marital debt), or evasion. And by the way, not one magician and a wizard will not help you. Solve your problems only yourself!

  6. And where is the reconciliation after the betrayal of her husband?

  7. On January 23, 2017, the American drew attention to Lyap: “At the end of the article -“ then act and let your family destroy. ”....
    For almost 5 years, “now” - “Of course, now I will correct everything.” 🙂

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