How to find a stone chicken God? From whom does the chicken God save? What is the strength of the chicken god?

How to find a stone chicken God? From whom does the chicken God save? What is the strength of the chicken god?

Kurine God: all about an unusual amulet stone.

In this article, we will talk about a unique stone-reckoning chicken god, about his origin, legends associated with Him, and whether it can be bought or must be obtained in another way.

What is the name of a stone with a hole inside?

Stones with the inner hole, which formed, thanks to the location of the mineral in the water, are called the "chicken god."

The stone is chicken god

What kind of stone is chicken and how to use it?

So, let's start with what a stone is a chicken god. This is any stone of natural (not artificial) origin, which was in the natural environment for a long time, namely in the water, and with the help of the current, a small hole formed in it. It doesn’t matter if such a stone was found in the river or on the sea coast.

In appearance, the chicken god can be of any colors, shapes and sizes, but most often it is a grayish pebble color that resembles pebbles heated time. It is also worth mentioning that in some cultures the stone is called the eye of God.

They used such a stone for many centuries, hiding in a special way in chicken coins, as well as in sheds, booths, etc. Where domestic animals lived. It was believed that the master of the stone chicken God attracts the special attention of God to his master's yard, through the hole in the stone-“eye”, God looks after the household and drives away evil spirits. Today, the stone is used differently, but more on that below.

Stones chicken god on a keychain
Stones chicken god on a keychain

Legends about the origin of the stone chicken god

In ancient times, for people, the water column seemed to the other world. Indeed, without special devices, a person is not able to consider the bottom of even a river or lake, or already about the seabed, which has not been studied to this day. And when a person came across underground rivers, grottoes and streams in the rocks and mountains, it seemed even more fantastic and incredible. It is not surprising that the gifts of nature brought from reservoirs had a deep meaning for man.

In many cultures, it was believed that water is a place where the gods live. And stones with such a unique hole inside were considered not only rare, but also unique, created by the gods themselves. According to legend, the gods made holes in small stones to constantly look through places, people and animals on the ground through it, thereby providing patronage.

In the modern world, scientists find a very original explanation for this factor for a number of reasons:

  • Water can energetically cleanse objects of negative energy. And also fill with positive energy. Such a thing will create positive energy fields around you;
  • A stone located in the purest running water (no hole in stone will appear without a current) creates a perfectly clean background, which positively affects the owner;
  • Faith is a great power that can lead to unexpected turns of events. After all, it is not in vain that God is as long as His religion lives. Scientists have proven that great inner power lies in a person, and with the help of faith in anything a person releases this energy, giving incredible results that the same person could not achieve without faith.

What does the stone chicken look like: photo

In this section, we give several photos of various and at the same time the same stones “chicken god”.

Unusual stone chicken god in the form of a pyramid
Unusual stone chicken god in the form of a pyramid
A variety of stones chicken god
A variety of stones chicken god

Chicken God - stone: magical properties

The chicken god has a pure energy and powerful protective forces. Also, with the help of a stone, the chicken god can be fulfilled with a cherished desire, or to understand how shameful and uncompatible it is. But first things first.

Do you want to have the purest energy near you, which at any moment is able to charge you with a positive flow of energy? Keep the stone chicken in a bag, pocket, and do not put in a wallet.

Would you like to wear a stone chicken God as a talisman? Pass it through the lace, chain, etc. And wear it daily on yourself so that the stone contacts the body (on the neck or wrist). If the stone cracks, the hole will last or the chain/lace will break and the stone will fall from you - the talisman protected you, and worked out its own. Thank him - you avoided, perhaps even mortal danger.

Chicken god - a stone bringing good luck
Chicken god - a stone bringing good luck

Another magical property of the chicken god is the fulfillment of desires. To start the rite, you must definitely go to the place where the stones under the feet are. The chicken gods are formed in running water, river or sea. But you can find them everywhere. And as magicians explain this - you are not looking for a stone, the stone is looking for you. Energy flows will bring you to the place where it will lie if you do everything right:

  • Waking up in the morning, you need to thank life for how beautiful it is and ask the highest forces to fulfill your desire. Take a cleansing shower;
  • Think about the desire and ask the universe for help mentally;
  • Go to the place where there are many stones under your feet;
  • Take a walk in the place with stones and think about fulfilling your desire, carefully looking under the feet;
  • The search for a stone should take place intuitively, he will find you himself if the Universe is ready to give you this assistant. Someone feels that you need to lean on your knees and look for a stone, fingering a mass of pebbles, others just walk, looking under your feet, and find the desired stone;
  • When you find, look at him. If it is large and dense - the desire will come true quickly and simply, if the small one is not soon, but it is worth moving in the direction of desire, and the stone will be a talisman and hope for execution. But if the Universe sends you sandstone or pebbles with a practically an ended hole that is about to break through the edge of the mineral-the desire is dubious, and even if you achieve it, you will not receive satisfaction.

Chicken God is a stone with a hole: what does it mean?

The Kurin God has two meanings:

  • The amulet sent by the Higher Forces in order to protect the living beings (the person who found the stone, his family and his animals);
  • The amulet, sent by the Higher Forces, so that a person reaches a more easy way to achieve his goal, which is supported by the Higher Forces.

Kurine God: Properties

From ancient times, it is believed that the stone of the chicken god has a powerful positive energy and the following properties are attributed to him:

  • Protection. The first and main property of the chicken god is protection. And only she. He does not take trouble - he takes the power of negative energy on himself and, destroying, saves the owner of the stone. Such a amulet will save both from negative magic in the form of curses and negative words, curses, etc., and from diseases, misfortunes, and minimizes the influence of natural disasters. For example, he will take on a negative destructive energy. During a hurricane, and protect cattle from death;
  • A chicken god has another magical property - Luck and luck. If you did not look for a stone, and he himself lay on the road and as if “asked” to you - this stone will bring you not only protection, but also attract luck, luck and ease in any endeavors. Carry it with you in your pocket, or hang it on a chain (lace) so that it is not visible to extraneous eyes;
  • Also a stone chicken god able to be a healer. Such stones are obtained as a gift from loved ones who sincerely wish you good and health. The stone is worn in a secret place, far from prying eyes. At night, it is placed on a bedside table or under a pillow. Such a stone is able to improve human well -being, “close” from a number of diseases and raise the general tone of the body.
Perfect beauty in a natural stone chicken god
Perfect beauty in a natural stone chicken god

How to activate the chicken God?

In order for the chicken god to earn you on you, you must activate it. It is easy to do this:

  • As soon as they found a stone and examined it from all sides - touch it with running water, near which it lies. If you have found a chicken stone in the distance from the reservoir, you can create running water, washing it from the bottle or attribute it to the nearest water supply and wash it from the tap;
  • Pure and still wet stone is completely ready for activation. To do this, you will need to carefully look at the stone and read the spell: “In the universe there cannot be accidents and this purest stone chicken god expected on the path (shore, etc.) it was me. My desire is that the stone becomes a faithful traveler, a faithful patron, faithful Savior. So that the stone of the chicken god protect me from wickedness and evil eye, so that he gives good luck and brings only a positive one. Thank you for the stone the Virgin and God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. Consult a stone. Perform! Amen!".

After this simple rite, the stone will be your faithful talisman. Do not forget that you can look for a talisman both alone and in the company, but when consecration should be alone. Only you and the highest forces.

Authentic stones chicken god
Authentic stones chicken god

Where can I find a stone chicken God?

The chicken god can be found anywhere in the planet where there are stones. A hole is pulled inside the stone in the presence of running water and intensive current. Therefore, most often the chicken god can be found on the shores of the sea, rivers, streams, etc. But their fate brings them to the most incredible places, including to the tops of the mountains.

There is no guarantee that, having gone on the coast, you will find a chicken god stone, but you can absolutely accidentally stumble upon him even in the city park. And if you recall that there are no accidents, it becomes obvious that we are not looking for stones, but they are us.

Where can you buy a stone chicken God?

A chicken god can be bought in souvenir shops, especially in resort places. But most often, such stones are made artificially, and the process of choosing a stone itself does not pass, as it should. And therefore, such stones are only a beautiful atmospheric souvenir that has nothing to do with the amulet and defender.

If you want to get a protective amulet, look under your feet.

Do not try to buy good luck - look for a stone chicken god among the stones
Do not try to buy good luck - look for a stone chicken god among the stones

Other names of the stone chicken god

In different cultures, the chicken god was called in different ways. Here are the most common examples:

  • The keen eye of God;
  • Witch of the eye;
  • Witch Stone;
  • Druid glass;
  • Snake egg;
  • Arrow Perun;
  • Defender from witches.

Is it possible to clean the stone chicken God?

There is a custom that after reaching a dream, or after the chicken god fell to the ground, thereby protecting the owner from negative influence - he worked his own, and he must be returned back to the stones. And if he was returned to the banks of the river, the sea, the stream - he will receive his purification in the natural environment. But if you found a chicken chicken pebble far from running water, there is a risk that he is still charged with energy worked out.

And one more nuance - if your chicken god has worked out his destiny (except for the fulfillment of a dream, in this case it must be returned to the stones), you can not send it to the stones, but peeled and activated again.

To do this, you need to do the following actions:

  • Put the stone under running water for 30 minutes, then remove it from the water and dry until it dries completely in the bright sun;
  • Take the stone to the forest, park, garden and bury under the tree for a day;
  • Wash the stone again with running water and let it dry;
  • Activate the stone.
The beauty of the stone is chicken God in nature
The beauty of the stone is chicken God in nature

Kurine God: reviews

Nikolai: A few years ago we rested at sea, and among the coastal pebbles I liked a stone with a hole inside. The mother -in -law said that this is not a simple stone, but a chicken god, and if I found it, I should carry it with me, and even persuaded me to make a certain activation of the stone. I don’t know how it works, but I am insanely grateful to my mother -in -law for her female science. At work, I went to increase, additionally invested money in a friend’s business and receive passive income, and my wife finally began to live like people, allowing themselves normal vacations and weekends. Indeed, the stone works!

Marianne: After life troubles, she collected herself in pieces. Often herself walked near the river and somehow stumbled upon a stone chicken god. I read about it somehow, but I met for the first time. Right on the river bank went online to refresh her knowledge, and carried out activation immediately on the shore. A few days later, on the way to the river, I met a man, began to meet, and it seems to be the same. I keep the stone from prying eyes and rejoice in my find!

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Video: Chicken God - a happy stone of good luck and luck

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