How to find a turned off, discharged phone: 5 ways, tips. How to find a phone on a satellite, GPS, through a computer?

How to find a turned off, discharged phone: 5 ways, tips. How to find a phone on a satellite, GPS, through a computer?

Ways to find a phone.

It is not difficult to lose a phone in your own apartment. Especially if you have small children, and from time to time you let them have fun with your gadget. In this article we will tell you how to find a phone if it is turned off or discharged. 

How to find a turned off, discharged phone at home?

The simplest optionfind the turned off, discharged phone at home,  it is to recall the route on which you went in your apartment. Think about where you were the last time and used your gadget. Perhaps you talked, and at the same time left the gadget somewhere on a shelf or on the windowsill. People very often like to combine such things.

If you walked along a certain route and did not find your iPhone, proceed to use other methods. Users can be calm, who has on the phonealarm, And it is started for a specific time. At the indicated hour, the alarm clock will work even if the gadget is turned off, he had a battery. Almost all companies provided for such a case, so they really retain the possibility of a small amount of charge to work sound. Therefore, ask loved ones if they hear some kind of extraneous sound, let you know. 


How to find the turn off the phone through the computer?

If you suffer from excessive forgetfulness, you can install a special search program on the device in advance. It is available for Android. Many suffer from the fact that they can leave a gadget somewhere in the house, putting it on a soundless regime. In this case, it is also quite realistic to find your device.

Instructions, how to find the turn off the phone through the computer:

  • The simplest option is to search for the device using Android. Indeed, Android provided such cases, it is the poet that with his help you can find the phone. To do this, you need a Google account, also available Internet. Now the system is installed Android Devicemanager On the phone. This must be done in advance so that the program is already loaded into your mobile device. For this, Google Play is usually used. After that, the registration process is carried out, and now you have the opportunity to control the device using a computer. 
  • Using the utility, you can give a signal to a mobile device. The most interesting thing is that this sound is not at all as it stands on your call, but very loud. You can turn it off only yourself, it does not stop.
  • The sound will disappear only after you remove the battery from the apparatus. Next, you can set in advance a special code, with which then you can block the device. Using a utility with a gadget loss, you can erase absolutely all personal data. After all, now most people are loading on a mobile phone not only games, but also payment data that allow you to control finances, as well as bank cards.
  • That is why an iPhone falling into the hands of attackers can cause the devastation of your bank account. The main conditions during the search for this device are the presence of the Internet, as well asGPS Connections. Therefore, if someone accidentally finds your gadget, and turns it on, deleting preliminary data, then you can track the device using this utility. 
Gadget setup
Gadget setup

How to find the turn off the IMEI phone?

There are special ways that law enforcement agencies use. Usually they are used in case of theft or disappearance of an iPhone. However, in order tofind the turn off the phone on IMEI,  you need to rewrite the code in advance. What it is? This is a code that consists of 15 digits, and is located under the battery. In addition, it is also available on the package from the gadget.


  • Therefore, to search for the device, you need to write a statement to the police about the disappearance of your gadget, and attach it. In addition, an agreement is needed forsIM-Card. With this code you can find a phone, even if it is turned off.
  • At the first turned on, the signal will be read, and the location of the gadget is found. Please note that this method is not used if you have lost the device in your own house.
  • The ideal option if the device was stolen. Please note that very often police are in no hurry to do such things, as they have more urgent tasks. 
Stolen gadget
Stolen gadget

How to find a telephone phone?

Canfind the phone on the satellite  using a SIM card. The fact is that many companies that produce SIM cards, as well as operators, can send a certain signal to the phone with the specified SIM card. After the signal is given, the GPS system is turned on, which determines where the signal got.


  • Coordinates are usually recorded by nearest antennas and communication devices. After that, the data is submitted to the card, and the device is searching. In order to search using a SIM card, you need to contact your mobile operator. Next, you need to say a number and provide an agreement on the SIM card. 
  • If your Internet and GPS are turned off, the program may be absolutely useless. The most interesting thing is that in most cases people who found the device for the purpose of selling or stole it primarily extract a SIM card and return the phone to factory settings. Therefore, you can find it exclusively by the code have it. Moreover, the search can be carried out exclusively with the help of law enforcement agencies. 
  • If the phone is lost at home, there is the only way to return it - to remember where you put it. If the house has children, or a pet who loves to play with your phone, then the situation is complicated. In this case, it is necessary to walk in places where your animal usually “wares” the values. In the case of children, you need to look behind the sofa, chairs or in the folds between the pillow and the seat.
Google account
Google account

Many users noted that the phone could not find several weeks. He was found during the general cleaning. Usually, in this case, all things in the house are grinding and the phone returns to its place. 

Video: Ways to find a phone

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  1. Hello everyone !!! A familiar situation, burned for life. In marriage with her husband, they lived for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linge from work, became colder in relation to me began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out, as it happens in life. I don’t convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all Like many women loved and trusted ...

  2. i urgently need a search for a phone

  3. thanks for the advice

  4. I urgently need a search for a phone.

  5. I could not find the phone

  6. I urgently need a search for a phone

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