How fashionable to overtake a sheepskin coat: ideas, patterns, tips, photos before and after

How fashionable to overtake a sheepskin coat: ideas, patterns, tips, photos before and after

In this topic, we will talk about how to turn the old, already a little outdated model of a sheepskin coat into a new, fresh and elegant version.

A sheepskin coat is such a thing that remains beautiful even after a few years of socks. Yes, the appearance of some flaws, which are very difficult to avoid even with careful wearing. Or you need to change the size, restore to a more fashionable version or just want to change your image. And in this topic, we want to share with you ideas and the schemes of execution by the themselves, how to change the old sheepskin coat in order to introduce a highlight and sophistication into your image.

We analyze the very scheme how to change a sheepskin coat

Almost each of us has old sheepskin coats or even several. Ideally, use, of course, natural models. After all, a leather sheepskin coat is a gorgeous and affordable alternative to a fur coat, which warms up in winter and will always be in fashion. Well, the style of fashion can change. Although it is possible to pass the sheepskin coat to a fashionable delight from a high -quality substitute if he also served reliably and for a long time without losing his original appearance.

Important: no matter what style, material or color there was a sheepskin coat, remember one main rule - you can make a small one from a large canvas! But expanding is already the work of fantasy and additional inserts.

By the way, we suggest you see the material on the topic "How to distinguish a natural sheepskin coat from artificial?"

You can change the sheepskin coat beyond recognition!
You can change the sheepskin coat beyond recognition!

We will study the arsenal that we need to change the sheepskin coat:

  • herself sheepskin coat;
  • patterns full size and in the right amount. After all The details of the sheepskin coat do not add half;
  • additional fur (not necessarily). You can use shreds or trimming;
  • and also any parts suitable in color, skin. From them you can make inserts;
  • enough durable, but not very thin threads - For example, grall or reinforced threads. Number from 180 to 200. Strongly thin threads can cut the skin;
  • special Triral needles. It is they who smoothly work with thick material, without piercing it and process it well. But for small work, the usual needle No. 110-120 is also suitable, less-they will break;
  • remember - We do not sweep out the sheepskin coat! It is sewn cleanly, so the accuracy of parts is so important. If the cut involves combining pieces, then use pins or special needles for the skin;
  • skornya or stationery knife. In no case do not cut the canvas with scissors;
  • armed again tweezers. It will be needed to get the hairs of or interfering on the line;
Cut the skin correctly
Cut the skin correctly
  • hair cutting machine (any), For extreme cases, razor. With this instrument, we shake an unnecessary pile. And also such a manipulation will be necessary if you bend the seams. After all, the fur will make it very thick;
  • be sure to dress thimble! Take care of your fingers, because the material is very thick and durable. Sometimes it does not even prevent you from holding on hand some kind of metal or from another durable material of the beam to push the needle;
  • think About the paw of the sewing machine - A walking foot is considered an ideal option, which happens even for home use. But you can use fluoroplastic or Teflon paws.
  • according to the rules, The seams of such a dense material are beaten off, especially if the edge is used. And it helps to avoid stretching the material. This is necessary hammer and granite or stone slab 20 by 30 cm, Since the sheepskin coat does not beat off on a tree. It is this manipulation that will help to avoid knocking out threads, and will help straighten the seam, which holds two details with each other. And also make the right place thinner for laying the finishing seam.

Important: if you still need to iron or steam the sheepskin coat, then do it only through paper! And in no case do not urinate it - otherwise the Mazdra will harden. If there are creases, then with an iron you will not correct this situation. Therefore, choose the maximum smooth places on the canvases.

Turned and wiped the fur in places - got a chic short fur coat
Turned and cut the fur in places - they got a chic short fur coat

What should we do or how to change the sheepskin coat: we study the process itself, we build patterns

First, study your “object of work” to understand how you want or you need to change the model. And for this, pay attention to the following points:

  • what length you want;
  • the old "frame" is suitable for you or you need to build a new pattern. For example, the size has become different. But again, from the large model you can just walk through the old silhouette, while slightly modifying the pattern. For more change, you need to add material;
  • pay attention to the injured places - they need to be bypassed!

Parts are building before work

  • Make sketches on paper To rush what style you need. In general, often “along the way” thoughts come themselves, and the material is in the right direction. And already from your silhouettes you need to build a pattern. We cannot guess all the fantasies, so we offer the simplest options.
  • By the way, models made of rough and thick leather, like a sheepskin coat or even a fur coat, do not like very fitted and intricate forms.
  • Of course, the main three measurements are needed: The volume of the waist, chest and hips, It will also be required Product and sleeve length (We also take into account its volume).
Basic model
Basic model
  • If you are changing the old model, then do not touch this frame with armholes. Play with the material if circumstances require this, in other places. Therefore, the task is simplified - we simply cut off the extra length.
An example with a hood
An example with a hood
  • Want to make a fashionable neckline By type of jacket - Rub the cut details to the current places of the fastener and replace with a newfangled collar. Below we offer a more detailed description.
Description of the pattern
Description of the pattern

The direct sewing process

  1. Need to Fire lining material, If this is available.
  2. Put all the details with each other. Do it carefully so as not to damage the skin. If you do not just go decorate or slightly redo the sheepskin coat, then you must definitely open each piece. After all, you will see that small, bent or spoiled pieces become unsuitable. So - they need to be replaced with material from another sheepskin coat or other pieces of winter material.
  3. The sheepskin coat is sewn in a slightly different principle - You transfer the patterns to the front side! Again, so you will bypass the worn and already worn places.
  4. Skapat the details of the patterns of pins and carefully transfer to the material. You need to cut them only on the front side, where there is no fur. AND Only with a knife After all, the scissors will spoil the pile.

Important: already at the stage of the drawing of details we look so that the pile has one direction! To do this, pull the material - it must stretch in one direction. Although no one forbids you to “play” with the style, creating intricate silhouettes.

We work exclusively on the front side!
We work exclusively on the front side!
  1. You need to sew parts on a typewriter, without preliminary stitching. Maximum, repeat ourselves, use pins to fasten.
  2. Now about the seams themselves! The lateral and shoulder seam, as well as a line on the sleeves - is a simple stitch seam. Everyone else has the following scheme: sew up, shave the lower seam segment, bend and lay the finishing line so that the unshaven seam is from above. At the same time, do not forget Report the seams with a small bulk in front of a finishing line.
  3. The width of the allowances themselves goes from 06, -0.9 cm for short-haired materials and 1-1.5 cm for long fur. The line should not be very large or small-approximately in the range of 0.3-0.5 mm.
  4. And it remains to insert a zipper, make pockets or sew them and decorate them with a collar, cuffs or belt.
Remove the length - hid scuffs in pockets!
Remove the length - hid scuffs in pockets!
Added new cuffs and collar
Added new cuffs and collar

Video: sewing sheeps at home - recommendations

How to change your sheepskin coat yourself: tips, ideas

  • Be sure to make a visual audit where there can be scuffs, changes in color and other traces of socks. It is they who need to be masked or completely removed . Most often, cuffs of the sleeves and places of pockets suffer.
Particular attention to cuffs and collar
Particular attention to cuffs and collar
  • Sometimes it may even be required Painting the entire product. This can be done independently and even without much dexterity. But you can just do it Beautiful painting Using a manual pattern or stencil. By the way, this method will close unnecessary scuffs, and the new fur will give the product a real luxury.
  • Or maybe you want turn out the entire model or part of the sheepskin coat, Having received a chic short fur coat. After all, most often the fur remains the most untouched by wearing. Just do not forget make a lining, to close unattractive spots and further extend its service life. And keep in mind that the best color For winter things, these are dark shades. Even if for bright things, choose not white or beige tones.
Having moved to a stylish sheepskin coat
Having moved to a stylish sheepskin coat
  • Measure the length of the product, To know your object volume . Old models used to be quite long and bulky. And this is very good! Firstly, a short model is easier to do so, and secondly, excessly cut details will help replace unattractive places.
    • By the way, you can easily redo the model to your daughter or niece. Even more, you can still make a whole set. For example, a handbag or indoor boots. In general, we do not limit our imagination.
  • Pay attention to accessories. Sometimes old models with buttons look outdated because of this. You can proceed to the material by making a slanting canvas, and insert a zipper.
Remove the length, made sleeves from pieces. Replaced fittings and changed the collar to Stoich!
They removed the length, in places they turned the fur, replaced the fittings and changed the collar to the rack!
  • Look at the collar, hood and cuffs! You can replace them with another fur, make a leather-stand-up collar, sew pockets, replace the cuffs.
    • Or, as an option to make an application from strips of fur from the same old pockets that they will hide scuffs.
Pocket before!
Pocket before!
And after restoration!
And after restoration!

Important: you can glue the skin with glue "moment".

We get a little more inspiration, how to change a sheepskin coat

  • Sometimes it is appropriate to replace the fur cuffs with leather inserts and make a strict collar. Skin strips were also used for decor.
Simplicity and sophistication
Simplicity and sophistication
  • Another example, when a short, comfortable and attractive sheepskin coat was made from a massive model.
Visual Primer - that the length and bulky I play a role not only in convenience
A good example is that the length and bulky I play a role not only in convenience
  • The fur is good, but when it is not in abundance. Otherwise, the effect of pelvisiness is created. Although this is a matter of past fashion - so we remove!
All ingenious is simple!
All ingenious is simple!
  • Another model when the fur is used outward. And again, we cut off a pile of collar.
We get a short fur coat
We get a short fur coat
  • And, of course, do not be upset for those who need to increase the sheepskin coat - there is always a way out! But we remove the length. From the same canvas we will make inserts. By the way, they can be put across, lengthening the silhouette.
Made a larger size
Made a larger size
  • And we offer a case when the style plays a role. Again, they removed bulky and length, made a neckline and decorated everything with a belt. But the main secret is Fox fur!
Incredible result!
Incredible result!

Video: how to change a sheepskin coat - fashionable solutions

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Comments K. article

  1. Class. You have gold pens. You will always be in business ... smart. Tell. I have a black natural sheepskin coat. Türkiye is classic. The front is the front. locked. Two patch pockets. thin. Soft. But she became narrow. Fastens. But not comfortable. Is it possible to increase the size with the help of planks in front and why under a sheepskin coat. When you dress a blouse with a long sleeve. The hobby of the sweater rises up. I have the impression that the back is falling back. The collar pulls the rack from behind and presses in his hands above the armpits. Very not comfortable. what need to do. It seems to me that I need to raise their backs in the shoulders. But then you will have to blush sleeves. So ... and don't like the stand. If there is a fur. leather. Is it possible to redo the collar from the rack on the B-shaped neckline with a black fox. How much such work costs. Thank you.

  2. A magnificent educational article for those interested. Thanks for the methodology and information content. If possible, more about the patterns of different models and about the technology of piercing from old sheepskin coats and fur coats. Thank you again for your work.

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