Characterization and features of karmic relationships. Carmic relations by the dates of birth: calculation of the number of karma, values \u200b\u200bof the received numbers, comparative methodology. How to fix the negative effect of karma? Signs of restored karma

Characterization and features of karmic relationships. Carmic relations by the dates of birth: calculation of the number of karma, values \u200b\u200bof the received numbers, comparative methodology. How to fix the negative effect of karma? Signs of restored karma

Have you heard anything about karma? Surely, but now we will go deep into karmic relations.

Many have long been familiar with such a concept as “karma”. It comes from ancient Indian philosophical teachings and means the retribution of higher forces that control the fate of a person based on his actions. In other words, according to the law of karma - a person receives in life what he deserves. It is he who is responsible for all his acts and model situations in fate.

Characterization of karmic relations

In its significance, karma is very similar to the concept of “fate” and concerns all life faces. One of the main faces in a person’s life is occupied by interpersonal relationships of a man and woman. Indian philosophy claims that relations between people of different sexes can have several transitions - so started and not completed contacts in past spiritual incarnations, can manifest itself in the present life, as well as switch to the next stage of reincarnation. This manifestation is called - carmic connection.

And it arises in those situations when the couple already had a proximity associated with special emotional experiences in the previous spiritual reincarnation. This also applies to people who, according to Indian philosophy, managed to gain in the past embodiment spiritual debts. Karma makes people survive certain situations until a person manages to work out unresolved questions and change the perception of what is happening.


The proximity between a man and a woman is not always implied by love and harmony in past incarnations. Such meetings occur due to mutual hostility towards each other. If in a past life there was mutual hatred and enmity between the two - according to the scenario of karmic duty, in relocation it will be necessary to atone for guilt. And it is not so important who they were to each other in the past degeneration - the main thing is that emotional upheavals will force to survive all in the present time. It should be taken into account that such contacts can conceal both positive and negative characteristics.

  1. Positive karma - New contacts are given to people in order to increase good qualities, and improve the level of existence of a cohabitant. Usually, in such relationships, people feel the unity of the soul, understanding and support. There is no manifestation of selfishness - each spouse is the addition of another. Such interactions are not very conflict to a greater extent - they can be called harmonious relationships. Both accomplices experience comfort in each other's society, enjoy communication. Parting in such pairs rarely happens. And in the event that this is inevitable - the couple continues to communicate on a friendly basis.

  2. Negative karma It is of a destructive power. Such contacts cannot be called a useless waste of time. They are created for experience and form personal spiritual growth. Despite the attraction that has arisen, conflict situations often arise between a man and a woman. These communication have an aggressive and tragic coloring. All tense situations in such ties are not solved, but come to a dead end. Beloved rarely compromise - in such relationships, quarrels are protracted in nature. The couple does not hear joint desires. There are no prospects for both in these ties. The only right decision is the rupture of intimacy by mutual agreement. A man and a woman should try to release each other and analyzing errors, get a lesson from the difficulties for the future.

Features of karmic relations

Before establishing the presence of a karmic connection between a married couple by date of birth, you must learn to recognize it by common signs. These qualities will indicate communication characteristics and help to more accurately determine whether this person really is not just a kindred soul - a fateful partner.

  1. Feeling a long -standing dating. With karmic proximity, a feeling often arises - people have been familiar for a long time, well studied the habits and manner of behavior of one one. Such allies well guess joint desires, between them mutual understanding without unnecessary words.
  2. Mutual attraction. Often partnership is characterized by an irresistible traction to each other. The nature of the attraction could not be solved. But, if a person feels that he is not able to endure short -term separation from his lover - most likely he arrives under the influence of the influence of karma.
  3. Spontaneous meeting. A person meets the future lover quite by accident-not implying that in the future some close relations may arise. In Indian philosophy, any meetings are not considered random - everything happened as it was conceived by the laws of Karma.

    Carmic relationships
    Carmic relationships
  4. Accelerated pace of relations. It happens that the communication of a man and a woman is gaining a rapid turnover of development. The couple seems to be the cause of speed is a mutual strong feeling of love. In fact, these can be manifestations of fateful connection.
  5. Sudden life events. In the usual series of days, there are suddenly cardinal changes associated with a specific face. Often, actions are forced to make ambulance and rash decisions, which will continue to be regretted. In this case, there is a high risk, to fall under the influence of the connection of karma. To avoid this, you should moderate the manifestation of emotions and try not to perform irresponsible actions. For example: a person changes the city, the country of residence for the object of love, reduces the frequency of communication with relatives to a minimum, loses interest in the previous circle of friends. This may mean - bonds are influenced by karma.
  6. Suffering relationships. The man and woman are in constant conflict. The proximity does not bring joy, and the couple is not going to part. The difficulty is that fateful bonds are not easy to destroy. In this case, this must be done to avoid constant mental torment. Partners need to overcome the desire to leave the previous lifestyle and disperse.
  7. The occurrence of diseases. Often in karmic ligaments, partners notice the frequent malaise, a sudden illness. It may happen that a partner will have an addiction to alcohol, drugs, a craving for gambling will appear. And a serious disease leading to death may occur. In order to avoid complications, communication is recommended to limit more. Similar situations should not be considered as a reason for parting. The partner is happening, perhaps, is a punishment for past sins, or maybe a test of resistance. Having passed difficulties and being in a difficult period next to a partner, a person may atone for the guilt for the grievances caused in the last rebirth.
  8. Relationships of the script. In the conversations of partners, there are often quotes from films, literature, there is a feeling of stage images - this is one of the signs of karmic connection.
  9. Love addiction disease. The partner arrives in a state of love dependence: he experiences an acute need to communicate with a person, suffers from panic attacks, afraid to lose unity with his lover. It is necessary to take a psychologist's consultation. It happens that such symptoms do not pass - probably a person has become a hostage to karmic laws.

    Often relationships bring suffering and dependence
    Often relationships bring suffering and dependence
  10. Meeting in dreams. There is nothing dangerous if sometimes a person dreams. If the presence in a dream is systematic in nature, the dream must alert. This is a warning for a visitor to sleep and for the dreamer himself.
  11. Infertility of partners. It happens that the couple lives in a marriage, but they cannot start children, the main indicators of the health of the couple are normal. In this case, the pair should be worked out spiritual development - to make a joint decision to adopt the child. But it happens that partners begin to mutual accusations of each other of imperfection, as a result, someone is aware of the hopelessness of the current situation, draws conclusions and the law of karma provides a new opportunity. Soon, in the fate of such a person, a new partner more favorable for creating a family appears, with whom he has common children.
  12. War for relations - The main feature of the fact that it worked the laws of Karma. Such relationships resemble a battlefield - a person is forced to be attacked by endless life tests in order to atone for his karmic duty. This may be the proximity, which causes a partner’s divorce from another person, as well as the opposite situation - where the forcibly holding one of the partners who wants to free himself from obligations occurs. Partners are aware of the futility of such relationships, but continue to experience mixed feelings, often giving a habit of love.
There may be a war in a relationship
There may be a war in a relationship

Carmic relations by the dates of birth

To analyze is a connection between a karmic union - it is possible not only by studying the course of development of relations between a man and a woman. Additional analysis is given by numerology.

Calculation of the number of karma

To find out, it is necessary to correlate the date of birth of both partners - to summarize the number. For example: the date of birth of one partner 08/20/1977, and the second on 03/12/1975

The calculation is made in this way:

  1. Fold all the numbers: 2+0+0+8+1+9+7+7+1+2+0+3+1+9+7+7 \u003d 64
  2. From the amount formed as a result of the addition of the amount, to take away the number 22 until the result of subtraction becomes less than 22. In the case of an example, this is the number 20.
  3. The final number is the definition of karmic characteristics. Each number obtained corresponds to its own value.
Calculation by date of birth
Calculation by date of birth

The values \u200b\u200bof the received numbers

Number 1 - The union arises as a result of great emotional bursts, great love, passion. The couple can achieve considerable popularity and approval of society, thanks to the ability to make a good impression on others. However, this connection has disadvantages. Excessive variability of views, will lead to a rapid cooling of interest - partners will become bored with each other. Perhaps there will be a threat of a mystical nature-one of the partners will resort to the services of magical influence.

Number 2 - says that the relationship of this couple originates from the depths of past lives and there they were already familiar. The current relationship will be filled with romance and mysterious signs. But immense frivolity and hobby for the mystery may depreciate relations.

Number 3 - A woman plays a dominant role in this relationship. A man corrects his karmic flaws by finding a compromise. And if he manages to adapt in such a relationship, the union may turn out to be strong. However, for a woman, this version of the relationship can be simply comfortable. In any case, the durability of this union depends on how much the couple will be able to build a good relationship to each other.

Number 4 - Such a pair has practically no karmic debts. This suggests that such an alliance will be long and strong. The leading role in the relationship is assigned to the man - it is he who will make all the important decisions for life. The strength of the Union will depend on the degree of its initiative and the manifestation of leadership qualities.

Number 5 - Between partners, a large karmic connection is established in such a pair through spiritual unity. In this union there is mutual understanding and mutual power of attraction. These are two related souls arriving in harmonious relationships. Such unions usually have the most durable connections.

Number 6 -Relations in this pair are unfavorable due to errors in past incarnations that violated karma. It could be the early departure of one partner and the painful torment of another due to the loss of his couple. All these suffering will be reflected on the current relationship - conflicts and disagreements expect a couple. At heart, a man or woman in such a union will think about finding comforts on the side. What can lead to betrayal.

Number 7 - This is one of the most successful values \u200b\u200bof the calculation of karmic connection. Any obstacles to this couple will be overcome. Their unified goal is to create a strong family union. Such partners provide real support to each other in all life situations. The seven harbinger of strong and long family relationships.

Number 8 - Such a result tells that for partners this relationship is not the first. In past spiritual incarnations, they have already met each other more than once. The eight also marks such meetings in the future - according to the principle of infinity. In some situations, such relationships have the nature of the formalness and, in addition to forced need to be nearby, do not carry anything romantic. Such relationships can be regarded as a marriage by calculation. And if both partners agree to the set conditions, then it may well be a long and successful marriage.

Number 9 - favorable meaning. For a couple, this means that their union has absolutely no karmic flaws. Nine prophesies a long and happy joint life to the very end. However, the spiritual connection of such a couple is manifested over the years. Therefore, to determine how long this union will not work will not work. In this case, the duration of relations depends on the partners themselves.

Number 10 - Compatibility is unlikely. As a rule, relations are not related to development. Partners are constantly unhappy with the Union, no one takes responsibility for creating a family. Incompatible relationships are best stopped at an early stage.

Number 11 - Relations are similar to the performance: two partners play the role of exemplary spouses. In fact, their relationship is false - they have neither love nor sincerity. This union can last long, but the spouses do not know true family happiness. The karmic and spiritual connection in such couples is minimal.

Number 12 - These partners are not easily. Due to the dispetrability of views, such a marriage can harm one of the spouses on a spiritual level. It is possible to change the situation, on condition-one of the partners will show a large share of mercy and self-sacrifice. However, without exaggeration.

Number 13 - Relations are created for a radical change in life events. But taking them seriously is not worth it.

Number 14 - The connection of karma in the couple is moderate. A favorable situation for continuing the genus and joint education of children.

Number 15 - has a negative value. The union does not portend happiness for both partners. In marriage, there may be intrigues and deceit, dangerous ties. Fatal relationships for one of the spouses will turn out to be detrimental ties.

Number 16 - Having married, a person must understand that he risks living life in poverty and ruin. The figure matters bankruptcy and poverty.

Number 17 - The energy connection in the marriage is strong. Partners remain faithful to each other until old age. They will be able to build a strong and happy family with many children and grandchildren. Often these couples become a model of family idyll, they manage to maintain family ties with the environment for a long time.

The magic of numbers
The magic of numbers

Number 18 - Strange meetings based on the intuitive attraction of people to unite in a couple. The power of attraction arises due to the identification of qualities in a partner - destroying a positive image. Relations help the qualities to manifest, thereby holding the interest of the couple.

Number 19 - The marriage is accompanied by favorable events. It has a positive energy at the karmic and spiritual stage of development, the tandem is filled with light and positive energy.

Number 20 - The material issue is often at the head. The couple can stumble upon everyday difficulties, experience inconvenience associated with the unrealism of career growth. This will force to evaluate the financial component in a joint marriage and resume the implementation of material plans.

Number 21 - The couples are connected by the presence of children. The spouses receive karmic power with a joint increase in the genus. Also, joint education of children from previous unions or taken in care - has a beneficial karmic influence on spouses.

Number 22 - Fecal love. The frivolous connection, built at a fleeting hobby. Having succumbed to an emotional impulse, partners are trying to find common interests, but not finding it - they quickly disappoint and stop communication. This leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction and confusion.

Comparative technique

There is a different calculation system where the amount of the date of the date of one partner with the sum of the other is compared: 2+0+0+8+1+9+7+7 \u003d 34 and 1+2+0+3+1+9+7+5 \u003d 28. If the received numbers are the same, this proves - partners have a karmic connection. This definition has all the multiple of the resulting results of addition.

Not the same and not multiple of numbers indicate - there is no karmic ligament. And yet, these marriages can be prosperous and long unions. If the date of birth contains the number 10 - it should be summed up as an integer, without dividing by 1 and 0.

How to fix the negative effect of karma?

When the result of calculations of karmic compatibility turned out to be negative, do not despair. It is important to know that any negative karma can be worked out - it is necessary to carry out well -intentioned actions in relation to others. Only disinterested help is counted.

Fix the negative
Fix the negative

It is necessary to comprehend your mistakes of the past and draw the appropriate conclusions, do not accumulate anger, envy and resentment. Take the past as a fact that has already been accomplished. Consider this situation a lesson, not a punishment. Show respect for the partner. To evaluate the integrity of the ally’s character and not try to change, manipulate, try to show support and care for the partner without humiliating, not being exalted.

Signs of restored karma

When a person is reassessing of values \u200b\u200band the study of behavior - changes in the karmic energy for the better occur automatically.

  • In a person, a balanced and calm reaction becomes a person’s troubles.
  • Provocation and aggression from others - do not find an answer.
  • A person does not impose his opinion to others and easily releases those who no longer want to be nearby.
  • Feeling relationships stop without stress or switch to a new level of development - from a “clean sheet”.

A man and a woman need to learn - cleansing the karmic debts, you can not return to the past memories of resentment and reproaches. Otherwise, they run the risk of transferring all the negativity to a new round of relationships and transfer it to their children. Any intentions should not contradict the laws of karma.

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Comments K. article

  1. The laws of karma and fate are directly related to human actions, so it is so important to realize how much the quality of life depends on ourselves. Despite the existing immutable laws, each soul is free to choose its own path, creating a karma with his own hands that can lead it through the destined.

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    Thank you for a very cognitive hypolenous article! I wish you strength, health and energy for the good of people! Yes, your karma will improve many times!

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