What is the best way to ask for forgiveness for the inconvenience and delay? How to ask for forgiveness for a mistake in your own words, in verses, prose, SMS?

What is the best way to ask for forgiveness for the inconvenience and delay? How to ask for forgiveness for a mistake in your own words, in verses, prose, SMS?

You can ask for forgiveness beautifully with the help of correctly selected words. The article offers poetry and prose for mental apology.

What words to ask for forgiveness for the inconvenience?

Often there are such life situations when you have to ask for forgiveness for perfect inconvenience, resentment or mistakes made. It is important not only to realize that the time has come to apologize, but also to choose the right, heart words.

You can ask for forgiveness in any way:

  • During a personal meeting, looking into the eyes
  • During a telephone conversation
  • Personal SMS publication
  • In a letter written by hand
  • Ask to convey your words to a loved one

Important: the words that you can ask for forgiveness can be spontaneous, in prose, in your own words, prepared verses.


Forgive me, please, for my act Could put you in an uncomfortable position. I did not want to offend you and give you problems. I hope you won’t be sung, because you really mean a lot to me and I value our relationship.

Excuse me, please, for the problems delivered And inconvenience. I hope I can correct any problem that will arise because of my mistakes. I respect you deeply and appreciate your trust. If you have any complaints against me, I ask without hesitation, I can provide them.

Sorry for the inconvenience! I didn't want to disturb you And give you so much trouble! Feel free to turn to me for help and do not hesitate to bother at any time. I will forgive forgiveness for anxiety and troubles.


Sorry, I ask you cordially.
My words were rude
I will be grateful forever
When you compare forgiveness.

For all the inconvenience, sorry
I didn't want to offend.
You will contact me a problem,
I will save you from problems.

I ask my heart forgiveness
I feel sorry, insulting and sorry.
I will not offend you anymore
After all, I am very bad and ashamed.

Everyone can offend - it's true
And asking for forgiveness is not many.
It is important for me what will happen to us tomorrow,
And therefore, “forgive me”, dear.

Live - cherish friends,
Their strong relationship,
So that we can live calmly further
I apologize to you.

How to apologize or ask for forgiveness beautifully?

What words to ask for forgiveness for the delay?

Anyone will be able to linger: on a date, for an important meeting, to work, for a family event, to get to know an important person. In order not to spoil the impression of yourself, you need to apologize in time with sincere beautiful words and ask for forgiveness.

In your own words:

I apologize for allowing myself to be late for an important Meeting. I did this not on purpose and I really feel sorry that this happened. I promise to improve and continue to prevent such oversight.

Excuse me for causing you inconvenience late. I really put maximum efforts to come on time, but I didn’t succeed.

I will be very grateful and grateful to you if you forgive me for my unexpected delay. I will try to improve my impression of myself with other, more noble deeds.

In verse:

I lingered. Here is a mistake!
Sorry, honestly did not want to!
I promise that there will be no more
There are any problems with me!

I'm very late
I can’t have time in time!
Sorry for the oversight,
I didn't want to offend you!

Sorry, I'm today
At the right time I could not come.
But from now on I will be on time
Come to your meeting.

For the delay, I ask
From you strong forgiveness,
I promise that I can
Do not subject yourself to doubts!

Sorry, I was late, my fault.
I didn't want to, but it really happened!
You know I am always ready to help
Whatever happens and whatever happens!

How to ask for forgiveness with beautiful words?

What words to ask for forgiveness for a delay in the answer?

Often the delay may not be physical, for example, you did not respond in time to an important message, a postcard or letter due to your employment or inattention. In such cases, asking for an apology is best in beautiful words.

In prose:

I apologize with your heart for the fact that on time I could not answer you an important message. This did not happen because of reluctance, but because of the lack of time, as well as attentiveness.

I sorry for your forgiveness for the untimely answer! I had no free time and the opportunity to fully write you a message on your letter!

Sorry for the fact that only now I have time And the opportunity to answer your message! I thank you for patience and understanding!


This is inconvenience, sorry.
I could not answer you in time.
For punctuality, you forgive me
I will give you a promise to be more attentive to you!

I am to blame for the fact that it is difficult in time
Reply to my message.
“I will change” - I promise trembling
Well, now I'm sorry for your forgiveness!

There are situations in life,
Because of which there is absolutely no time.
Now I have a motivation
Respond to messages on time!

Beautiful words can be forgiven for any mistake

How to ask for forgiveness for a mistake in your own words, in verses, prose, SMS?

Absolutely all people make mistakes. They can be large and small. But, in any case, for an incorrect and ugly act you should apologize and ask for forgiveness. You can do it during a lively or telephone conversation, send a “excusable” postcard by mail or just write an SMS.

My mistake is my minus,
I apologize to you.
I will change, I will move from the place
And I will become better - I'll show you!

Let this SMS with an apology
It will improve the mood in the moment, like magic.
I demand forgiveness from the heart and heart,
There is nothing more important to me.

It is important that you forgive me
For any inconvenience and resentment.
I want anger to let you go from my heart
And they found strength to apologize.

I want our friendship with you,
Was not lost by the moment.
Forgive you - I really need it!
Calculate this with a compliment!

Apology can be asked in the message and SMS

How to ask for forgiveness in a letter for inconvenience, delay and error: Text

Writing a letter with an apology is a good habit of a well -mannered and educated person who has a number of values \u200b\u200band moral principles. The letter should start not only with greeting, but also with a description of how much you regret a perfect error or inconvenience.

After the apology, do not forget to remind you of how much a person means for you, how you value you with your relationship and friendship. The letter should be written with beautiful literary text, calligraphic handwriting (if it is done manually).

Important: do not stir up to buy a beautiful card or special paper for letters. So that a person gets a pleasant impression from your message.

Important: "How to ask for forgiveness?"

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