How to treat male hemorrhoids? Means from internal and external hemorrhoids

How to treat male hemorrhoids? Means from internal and external hemorrhoids

The disease that will be discussed in this article is a scourge of our time. According to official hemorrhoids, it occurs in 15% of the population of our planet. This disease causes not only malaise, but can cause more serious problems. According to WHO statistics, it is more found in men than in women. But, women, when such a problem is detected, often seek professional help.

Causes of male hemorrhoids

The reasons

  • Most often, problems associated with inflammation of the veins around the rectum appear in men over 30 years old. And the older the man, the risk of hemorrhoids above. The sooner you seek help, the more chances to recover from this problem
  • Hemorrhoids occur with deformation of venous nodes located close to the anus. In this case, stagnation of blood occurs in the veins, which leads to the aggravation of this problem. At first, the problem is inconspicuous. But, if you miss this moment and do not start treatment, then it will flow into the outer stage
  • There are a lot of reasons for the development of hemorrhoids. But, the most important factor in the development of this problem is a sedentary lifestyle. Also, abuse of alcohol, lifting weights, malnutrition (a large amount of fatty foods and excess carbohydrates) and other factors can also lead to this problem.
  • Constipation. Incorrect intestinal work is a common cause of hemorrhoids. In order to reduce the risk of this problem, you need to rebuild your diet. You need to eat food that will lead to an improvement in the intestinal motility. From the diet, it is necessary to exclude harmful fatty foods. It not only negatively affects the appearance, but also worsens the digestive tract and causes stool violations. It is advisable to refuse spicy food. At least not to abuse her. Sharp spices and spices cause an influx of venous blood to the pelvic organs. Which can also cause hemorrhoids

Important: In order to reduce the risk of developing the described problem, you need to turn on the food diet vegetables, cereals and fruits. They will help normalize the work of the intestine and reduce the risk of constipation.

  • Alcohol. Alcohol negatively affect the development of hemorrhoids. Men "love" to spend evenings for beer and very alcoholic beverages. This leads to the expansion of hemorrhoidal veins and increases blood flow. Which is also the cause of the above problem
  • Heavy lifting. You can’t do without a man if you need to move heavy furniture or other load. In addition, many modern men are engaged in gym halls with large scales. All this puts them at the risk zone for this disease
  • Sedentary work. Office workers spending most of the working time in a sitting position risk over time to detect signs of hemorrhoids. Add to this time to get to work (often on your car) and “mandatory” rest after working on the couch. The risk of hemorrhoids will become even higher

Important: with sedentary work, it is advisable to subject your body to special loads. This can be done using regular charging, runs or swimming. But the bicycle for the prevention of this problem practically does not help. Moreover, he can aggravate her.

What are the pains with hemorrhoids in men?

PainPain for hemorrhoids is one of the most obvious symptoms of this disease. Such unpleasant sensations can occur with pinches of hemorrhoids. Such pains can bring not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. The thing is that the person who has discovered this disease will be afraid that its attack can manifest itself at work, visiting, during intimacy

Abdominal pain is often manifested during the second stage of hemorrhoids. This is due to the fact that the intestines work incorrectly. Construction and general psychological malaise can aggravate the problem. Belongs in the abdomen with hemorrhoids are localized in the lower abdomen or on its left side.

Also, hemorrhoids may indicate pain in the back. Of course, often the nature of such pains are pathology in spine. But, in some cases, it is precisely the inflammation of the veins around the rectum that can manifest themselves with pain in the lower back. Which usually pass when the body position changes.

Signs of the appearance in men of hemorrhoids


  • The most important sign of the problem described is discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus. This discomfort is more manifested during emptying. If the disease is at the initial stage, this feature can occur irregularly
  • Also, a sign of hemorrhoids in men can be the detection of blood in feces. But it is not always the case. Blood may also indicate other problems. In addition, the development of hemorrhoids is not always associated with the release of blood in the rectum
  • In addition to discomfort and pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus, itching and burning are true signs of hemorrhoids. If the disease is launched or it worsens sharply, one or more venous nodes may occur
  • One of the indirect signs of hemorrhoids are frequent constipation. They occur due to the fact that the internal nodes with this disease increase in size and exert pressure on the feces, stopping their movement down the intestines

First aid for male hemorrhoids

First aid

  • Help in exacerbation of hemorrhoids should be carried out immediately. You need to lie on your back or take a bath with water at room temperature. In order for the infection not to get into the body, after visiting the toilet you need to wash, and not wipe the anus with toilet paper
  • If the exacerbation of the disease is associated with bleeding, then it must be stopped immediately. To do this, use the enemas. They are made on the basis of a tanin solution. He envelops the intestines and creates additional protection. You can also use a 3% solution of peroxide as a solution for such enemas
  • From folk medicine, infusions of chamomile, wormwood, millennet, cinquefoil of goose and bark of viburnum, oak or chestnut are suitable as enemas for enemas. To facilitate emptying and protecting the veins of the rectum, you can use the healing oil of sea buckthorn
  • The enema is placed as follows. The suffering hemorrhoids must take the knee-elbow pose and carefully introduce the tip of the enema into the anus. For this purpose, Esmarch's enema is best suited. The healing solution should have a temperature of 36-37 ° C
  • The pain syndrome for hemorrhoids can be eliminated with analgesics. For example, novocaine. Inflammation is removed using specially designed non -steroidal agents. And cramping occurring during hemorrhoids can be eliminated only with the help of individually selected drugs
  • Sometimes, to stop bleeding and relieve pain, they are advised to use candles from ice. Ice positively affects inflamed hemorrhoids. But, before using such a tool, you must definitely consult your doctor

The consequences of hemorrhoids in men

DoctorThe most dangerous consequence of the problem described is the presence of open bleeding. A small amount of red discharge should not be very scared. But, if bleeding is increased, even an operation may be required to stop it.

Also, a dangerous consequence of hemorrhoids in men can be the formation of blood clots in the veins of the rectum. They can lead to thrombosis, which will negatively affect the work of the rectum. If you start the problem, then surgery may be required for its treatment.

Another dangerous complication of hemorrhoids is paraproctitis. This disease is associated with purulent inflammation in the anus. If the disease is launched, then the lesion can switch to neighboring tissues. As a result, a fistula may appear, and the risk of pus enters the abdominal cavity.

Launched hemorrhoids causes:

  • Anal cracks
  • Hemorrhoidal anemia
  • Nonspecific colitis
  • Mald's gas gangrene
  • Cryptitis
  • The formation of malignant tumors

Which doctor to go to men with hemorrhoids?

ProctologyThe treatment of such an ailment is engaged in a proctologist. If the first signs of this disease are detected, you need to turn to this specialist for help. He will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Do not be afraid that the specialist will appoint an operation after the inspection. The elimination of this problem using the operation is used in the most advanced cases. Most often, a special diet is prescribed a professional doctor.

If hemorrhoids are very worried and there is a risk of developing this problem into a great danger, then the proctologist can bandage scars with a cloth or tie a sore spot with special elastic bands. This will reduce blood flow to the sore spot. What will prevent further development of the problem and help remove inflammation.

If the disease is in an advanced form and there is a risk of complications, then the surgeon’s services may be required to treat hemorrhoids.

Drugs for male hemorrhoids?

Hepatrombin g

  • Anti -inflammatory. Very often, the exacerbation of hemorrhoids is associated with the inflammation of the venous nodes of the anus. It is removed with painkillers and anticoagulation agents. Also, venotonics and venoprotectors are used for this purpose
  • Popular painkillers to eliminate such a problem are: "Levasin", "Mafinid", "Ibuklin" and "Hydrocortison".
  • As anticoagulation agents in the treatment of hemorrhoids, ointments based on troxevazin and heparin are used: "Hepatrombin G", "Prednisolone", "Polydocanol"
  • To stop bleeding, they have proven themselves well: "ADRCSON", candles with adrenaline, "Beriplast"
  • Auxiliary drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids are: Troxerutin and Detralex tablets. They are able to improve the condition of the venous walls

How does hemorrhoids affect potency? Video

Experts believe that hemorrhoids do not directly affect the operation of the reproductive system. But, with an exacerbation of the problem, few people dream of proximity in bed. In addition, one should not forget about the psychological aspect of this problem. Bleeding, perineal pain and other signs of aggravated hemorrhoids can lead to depression. Which naturally will cause violations in the intimate sphere.

In addition, hemorrhoids can cause the disease of the genitourinary system. Which in turn often leads to a weakening of potency. It turns out that the aggravation of hemorrhoids that does not affect the deterioration can cause a deterioration in intimate life.

What exercises will help get rid of hemorrhoids?

To get rid of the above problem, you need to use the complex treatment. The effect of pills, enemas, baths or rectal suppositories will be higher if you use physiotherapy exercises. There is a specially developed set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvis. They are able to normalize the functions of the intestine, improve the blood flow of the pelvis and relieve the negativity of sedentary work.

Important: in order for the exercises to give an effect, they must be performed regularly.

Bike"Bike" - One of the best exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity and pelvis. To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your back, raise the bent legs and imitate the pedals of the bicycle with their help.

"Cat" - Another effective exercise for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. To perform it, you need to stand on all fours and touch the neck with a chin. Then you need to bend in the back, as this is done by the cat. At the same time, the back of the head should be touched by the upper back. So you need to do it several times.

"Compression of the sphincter" - An exercise that can be done not only at home, but at work. To perform it, you need to squeeze and unclench the muscles of the anus and crotch several times. We do such muscle contractions involuntarily when we go to the toilet "in a large way." One approach should consist of 10-15 compression. At a time it is advisable to perform three approaches.

"Scissors" - Another exercise that will help strengthen the muscles of the pelvis. To perform it, you need to lie on your back and rest your elbows on the floor. The legs need to be raised and made by them several movements resembling the movements of the scissors. In this case, the amplitude of the movement of the legs should be maximum.

How to treat male hemorrhoids: tips and reviews

To get rid of this problem, you need to get help from a specialist in a timely manner. To do this, you need to cross fear and shame and contact your problem of such a character as a professional doctor. The sooner he prescribes treatment, the easier it is to get rid of this ailment.

In the treatment of this disease, it is important not only to get rid of its symptoms, but also to eliminate the cause that caused it.

Treatment with an enemaMany people consider hemorrhoids not an independent disease, but a symptom of the wrong way of life. That is why for the prevention of this problem, people with the risk of hemorrhoids (office workers, movers, etc.) should approach the solution of the problem comprehensively. Eat healthy food, get rid of bad habits, regularly perform a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvis.

Kirill. In pain in a certain place, I used such a folk remedy as candles from potatoes. I cut them directly from a raw tuber and put them overnight. They helped very well. They say you can also use candles from propolis.

Andrew. And I use to exacerbate this delicate problem of a bath with potassium permanganate. Every day after work, having come home, he bred potassium permanganate so that the water was pale pink, and plunged into it. After 2 weeks, burning and pain left. Manganese has disinfecting properties.

Video: signs of a delicate problem in men


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Comments K. article

  1. Oh thanks. Of course, prevention is much more effective than treatment. And it’s a shame to handle such a problem. My constipation is frequent, there is no hemorrhoids, but there is a crack. I have read about fibrallax, improves the intestines and relieves the symptoms of hemorrhoids, now I drink it. Constipation passed, and hemorrhoids stopped bothering.

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