How beautiful and original, in rhyme, answer the word "where": options for witty and daring answers

How beautiful and original, in rhyme, answer the word

What to answer the question "where"? Look for interesting and cool options in the article.

Question "Where?" Often confuses. It is necessary to answer something on the basis of the context, but the necessary words are not always located.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “How to react and beautifully answer the words“ I love you ”? You will find phrases and find out if it is possible to keep silent.

From this article you will learn how to answer the question "Where?" In different, most popular variations. You will find various options from which select a couple of suitable for a particular situation. Read further.

“Where are you gone”: what to answer the question of a man?

"Where have you been"

Question "Hello, where are you gone?" Men set men to their friends, colleagues, mistresses-in general, to all women with whom something connects them, but with whom they do not see a long time. The attitude towards him is dual. After all, on the one hand, the question is sincere. And on the other, a little rude and tactless. Even an option: “I have not seen you for a long time. How are you doing?" More intelligent.

Answer the question "Where have you been?" You can in the same hammowed style:

  • She gave birth to triples - so she disappeared.
  • I was at the heavy metal festival.
  • I plowed all day, and the next morning it was like a koala.
  • Where she disappeared, there is no longer there.
  • You won’t believe it, I was looking for you. And when I realized that I would not find it, I married Andrei. What did you think? You would have sat even longer in your bomb shelter.
  • I followed you. But, then, you watched well, since you did not notice me.
  • How did you disappear? Where are you? We saw yesterday. What are you, don't you remember?
  • Did I go? You are gone! You do not write and have not called me for a month.
  • The missing disappears, and I was busy.
  • Now it does not matter. The main thing is that I'm here.
  • Why are you asking? Catching me? For me, are they already offered a reward?

Do I need to answer the question at all: "Where have you been?". In fact, if you are not a close friend, but a familiar one, then you owe him nothing at all. That is why it is not always worth answering the question (even in the form of a joke). And in the case of some people, it is more reasonable to answer: "It doesn't concern you".

That you can beautifully and original answer the question "where": options


Question "Where?" - Another sincere and tactless. On the one hand, it sounds intelligently quite intelligently: “Sorry, dear, you don’t know where my blue hat is? Yesterday I put her on the dressing room. " And it looks very disgusting when a person runs around you and yells in a tone with an orderly bloody eyes "Where?" - Without any appeals and apologies. What can be answered beautifully and original to this? Here are the options:

  • Where it was, there is no longer there.
  • On Kudykina Gora. Where to go, you know? Or spend? Do you look for it yourself? Or help?
  • What do I have to do with it? Your thing is and look for you. I did not hire you here in the applicants.
  • There is that Pitbul. Go, take it away. By the way, wait, I'm with you. I'm interested in looking at it. Can I take the camera?
  • On the monastery island. But you are not a monk, so you are forbidden to go there.
  • In Indonesia. Erasure for five minutes there, and I'll wait for you here.
  • Give ice cream - then I will say. But no, I'm sorry. The concept has changed. Give ice cream and 100 bucks - then I will say.
  • Where miracles, where the goblin wanders and the mermaid sits on the branches. By the way, there are still traces of some animals. In short, you will find. You will learn more from Pushkin.
  • In Miami. By the way, let's go there together.
  • Under the rug. Well, what kind of man are you? I could not lose the key in Las Vegas. We would go to Las Vegas with you. But you are a loser, so he is under your rug.
  • In Jerusalem. Let's go there on a minibus.
  • Oh, a great warrior! I know where your thing is hidden. But in order to return it, you will have to go through many trials, fight dangerous monsters, visit a hundred continents, defeat 10 insidious witches and save humanity. Maybe her hat? We will buy another.

In addition to the question "Where?" You can answer any names of places. Example: on the field, under the barn, at school, at sea, in the garden, near the fire, in front of the house. You can use adjectives: in front of a large house,or in my school, in my friend's dacha.

If you discard prejudices, then "Where?" -This is a completely normal question from a person who has lost anything, but after he remembered and sincerely wants to find it. Or is just interested in where there is some kind of thing or person.

How to answer the question "where" in rhyme: options for witty answers

Question "Where?" So it encourages rhymed answers. We discard the most banal obscene ones. What else can answer in this “image and likeness”? Options, in fact, a lot. It remains only to choose the most attractive. How to answer the question "where" in rhyme? Here are options for witty answers:

  • The bustard in the beard
  • In geneticcode
  • Everywhere and nowhere
  • In Lastochkin's nest
  • In the arbitration court
  • In Karaganda
  • I'm sorry, I will step out of need
  • Meet me at the trial
  • Somewhere in the cities.

As a rule, people give out precisely those rhymed answers, after which a person stops pestering with questions and simply calms down. Or just looking for another “victim”.

How to answer the question "where" is rude: options for impudent answers

There are many rude answers to this question. All because the question itself "Where?" Squeezed enough. This is not a request to provide a person with information. This is a requirement - and, often quite groundless and biased. That is why it is drawn to quarrel to such a question. How to answer a question "Where" rough? What options for impudent answers can be used?

  • Where is it necessary? Why does it bother you?
  • Where it was, there is no longer there. Understood? Come from here, so far.
  • I lost it yourself - and look for yourself. I have nothing more to do - you can help.
  • I do not talk with muddles. I got out of here, the dog is stinking.
  • Where? Where? - In the Red Star.
  • I will only tell in court.
  • How much to tell you something to tell you? Look for.
  • In the depths of Siberian ores. There is a wonderful pond in the count of the park. I have already given you 2 landmarks. I think there is enough for you.
  • You have your eyes.
  • In the same place, where is your conscience. And where you lost it, I don't know.
  • Go, ask. I went out, do not bother.

The more impudent, in this case, there will be an option - the greater the chance that the annoying person will finally lag behind. That is why you need to collect all your wit and come up with such an option for yourself, after which he will have nothing to say.

What to answer the question "where exactly do you live"?

Where exactly?
Where exactly?

For best friends and lovers, it is completely normal to know the addresses and visit each other. But if your home address or even the area of \u200b\u200bresidence is interested in someone else's, inadequate or aggressively -minded person, there is no point in revealing everything and immediately tell him the number of the house and the street.

In fact, this is elementary and this is a banal instinct of self -preservation. That is why if "Where exactly do you live?" An unfamiliar and unnecessary person asks, it is quite possible to get rid of a joke from him. Here's what you can answer this question:

  • I live where there is gas, hot water, cold water, light and heating. Will you find it yourself?
  • Previously, my address was “not a house or a street”, but a Soviet Union. And then he broke up - and since then I do not even know.
  • I live in dreams. But in reality I only exist.
  • I live where there is an adventure every day, where I like beautiful girls, where I am the most popular person in the world - exclusively in my dreams.
  • I live on planet Earth. And more on any other. Does such an answer arrange?
  • Actually, I live in the White House. And here, in Zhmerinka, I am so, passing.
  • I live in the world. And where exactly, you don’t have to know at all.
  • I live where they love me. In other conditions, my body loses all the functions necessary for life.
  • I would tell you. But I do not invite people like you like you. Therefore, not your mind is a matter where I live.
  • I live in paradise. And you, judging by you, live somewhere on the sidelines. Get out of the garbage, Vasya!
  • I live in the 80s. Well, where is the living Tsoi, where is the young Kipelov? Where is someone at least?
  • I live in the most beautiful country in the world - Russia. And all other countries envy us.
  • I live in a computer game called Golden Dragons. Well, that's it, I'm home. And then there they cannot capture the castle without me. Stay to stay.

Here are another options:

Options for answers to the question
Options for answers to the question "Where exactly do you live?"

In fact, any sane person, having heard the question from the unfamiliar “where exactly do you live?”, Try to get away from the answer or laugh it off. And this is completely normal.

What to answer the question "where do you work"?

On the one hand, this is a very typical question when meeting. But whether it is worth answering it with a banal: “I am a seller”, “I am a pharmacist”, “I am an accountant”? Not always. Why? Firstly, not all professions are equally prestigious. That is why people can joke or get away from the answer to the question about work. Secondly, many modern professions are understandable only to a narrow circle of people. It turns out that when answering, it will be necessary to explain for 2 hours to an unfamiliar person who is a director manager or who is a freelancer. That is why many people to the question "Where do you work?" answer evasively:

  • Actually, I am the director. But this bald man in an expensive suit, who is now sitting in an office in a chair made of crocodile leather now - he is temporarily here.
  • I am a translator. I translate grandmothers across the road. Maybe translate you too? You are only 35? Excuse me, something you look like today. They didn’t get enough sleep, probably?
  • I work where they pay money. Well, how do they pay? Well, money. In short, that's it. Leave me alone.
  • Where do you work? - I am an actor - strange, but I have never seen your face on the screen - and you will not see. I am an adult film actor. Therefore, my face is the last thing people usually look at.
  • I just work as a wizard.
  • I do not work. I just get decent money for a hobby, which I love more than life.
  • I am a blogger. Wait, don't run away! Subscribe to me. And also write a comment, like like! And repost! Be sure to repost!

Of course, it is stupid, answering such a question, to say a fully working address. If there is no desire to describe to a person all the summers of his work, much easier to wrap everything in jokingly.

What to answer the question "where are you studying"?

"Where are you studying"

The question of the place of study is quite banal and is often asked simply out of curiosity. Nevertheless, far from everyone can be pleased to answer it. The reasons are different: someone does not like his place of study and he is shy about him. And someone does not study at all, but does not want to know about it. What to say in this case? What to answer the question "Where are you studying"?

  • This is bad. And I am already a scientist.
  • Those who have nothing to do. And I do business.
  • We all learn a little. Something and somehow.
  • I'm the best in the world. I finished the Polytechnic.
  • Thank you, of course, for the compliment. But I am already 34 years old and I have long completed my studies.
  • In Hogwarts. Harry Potter, Ron, Hermione - Do you know these guys?
  • I am at the University of Wizards. Do you want to show the focus?
  • I am learning to get up on the alarm clock. But something is still bad.
  • I am no longer learning, I teach.

Options can be selected different. Depending on their own sense of humor and a sense of humor of the interlocutor.

What to answer the question "where is the money"?

 Financial revenues are one of the most burning issues in our time. After all, living without money is simply impossible. But how to answer the question of money, if they are not and is not expected in the near future? What to answer the question "Where's the money"? Here are the options:

  • Is it $ 100 is money? Fail God. They have been gone for a long time.
  • I spent them on the concert of Olga Buzova. Now I have not only money, but also my mind.
  • I sent them to Los Angeles for the development of gangste-rape. Are you satisfied now? You love rap.
  • Sorry, dear, I ordered a salute in honor of Vakhtang Kikabidze for our money. He says that money is not the main thing. Namely, the year is his wealth.
  • Where's the money? At the oligarchs. And we have so pennies.
  • My money was eaten by the dog, because they smelled of sausage. But we have a sausage. Do you want a sandwich?
  • Is this a robbery? Where is your mask? Where is the gun? What are you not native?
  • In the bank. If you want - robbing. Only then I will not wear gearboxes in prison.
  • Roman Abramovich. Do you know this? Go and ask.

Reporting money should only be with whom there is a common budget. The rest of the person has the right to respond evasively, because counting other people's money is Moveton.

What to answer the question "where did you buy"?

Where did you buy?
Where did you buy?

Often, when a person sees an interesting thing from his friend, he asks where he got it. This habit went from the last century, when there was a shortage of goods, and much went with great difficulty. What to answer the question "Where I bought"? Here are the options:

  • Where did you buy? On Manhattan, Bill.
  • Where did you buy? I didn't ask you!
  • Where did you buy? Right off the coast of the Nile.
  • Where did you buy? Where dear is not Hilo.
  • I bought it where they give goods for money.
  • I wanted to buy at a discount. And then I found out that it was your money and bought it at full cost.
  • Yes, I don’t remember where. So that you will no longer be able to persuade me to return the goods.
  • I bought it in a store for the elite. They will not let you go there. You are my gray and simple.
  • I bought it in a store for chic women. So I'm a gorgeous woman now.
  • I bought it in the transition. To always stay in fashion.
  • You might think that this is from Alika. But, in fact, Shakira has exactly the same thing. And I do not think that she has time to order something.
  • I bought it in a gorgeous store called "do it yourself."
  • Bought? You're laughing? I'm your girlfriend. And with your salary, the word "bought" can only be used in relation to bread.
  • Why immediately "bought". I am not only smart, but also beautiful. Therefore, they gave me.

Question "Where did you buy?" In fact, it is a manifestation of human curiosity. Depending on the circumstances, it can have both a positive and negative shade.

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