How beautiful and original, in the rhyme to answer the word "um", "mda," wow ": options for witty and impudent answers

How beautiful and original, in the rhyme to answer the word

Despite the rapid development of technology, it is believed that the human mind makes much less systemic errors. Moreover, a person is able to show flexibility of the mind and change the approaches, adjusting to the situation. However, not all of us have the same reaction rate.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “How to react and beautifully answer the words“ I love you ”? You will find phrases and find out if it is possible to keep silent.

Sometimes during a conversation a person thinks for a long time and fills out pauses in words "EM", "hmm" and others. Accordingly, the interlocutor often does not know how to react to this and is lost. In the article below you will find answers to such a speech. You will know how to react. Read further.

Why does a person think for a long time and say “EM”: what to answer him to this word?

A person thinks for a long time and says
A person thinks for a long time and says "um"

For some people, operational thinking is with difficulty. Many have problems with vocabulary and oratory. That is why, talking about something, inventing the facts on the go, they say "Hmm", "EM" And so on. These are peculiar introductory words. As mentioned above, they are needed in order to fill in awkward pauses during which the human mind generates new information. Why a person thinks and speaks for a long time "Em"? What to answer him to this word? Here are the options:

  • What are you muttering there? I suppose you come up with on the go?
  • What are you mocking? Speak clearly?
  • What are you shocking there - mekkay? There is nothing more to say?

Here are another options:

Answers when a person thinks for a long time and says
Answers when a person thinks for a long time and says "um"

These are rather rude answers and a person does not always deserve them. Perhaps it is really difficult for him to express his thought "here and now." Or maybe he is in the grip of emotions.

Anyway, "Em" He does not carry any sense under him. This is just filling out the void. When a person forgets and does not have time to say something, he involuntarily pronounces (instead of speech) certain sounds. After all, his speech apparatus is already configured to pronounce words. Words do not have time to be generated by reason. Hence the short moo.

How beautifully and original answer to "MDA": options for the correct answers

Quite often a sad and played sigh "MDA", says that someone is completely dissatisfied with something, considers it the so-called “Spanish shame”. But a sense of tact and politeness does not allow him to smash to fluff that in front of him. Therefore, he holds out "MDA", or "Yeah". By this, a person shows his discontent, disagreement, grief about something or anyone. But how beautifully and in an original way to answer "MDA"? Here  options for the correct answers:

  • I do not like? And you try, do better (or try to do something yourself).
  • Instead of sighing languidly, it would be better to help.
  • Thank you for not scolding, but you can see in your face and a lingering sigh that you are not particularly satisfied.
  • What is MDA? Today is Wednesday! More fun, people! Friday is coming.
  • Speak already honestly. That you were drowned and dangled like a wondrous bird.
  • Do not like it - say so.
  • Your "hmm" instead of a thousand words. It is a pity that they would all be obscene.
  • What? No words, only emotions?
  • Since you mumble like a cow. Then, instead of milk, I am at once at once ash? I just love her more. Well, or a strawberry yogurt at once.
  • What are you mocking, not a pre -war cow?

In fact, "MDA" - A fairly unpleasant reaction. A person with all his appearance shows that he does not like something or unpleasant. And, let him not talk about it, a sad sediment remains in his soul. This is a kind of wordless criticism. It seems to be a cloth when a person is dissatisfied.

What to answer "wow" in rhyme: options for witty answers

Exclamation "Wow!" testifies to a strong human emotion. As a rule, people pronounce this when they see something that cannot be described - or when they simply do not have enough words to describe their surprise. No negative connotation exclamation "wow" It does not carry. On the contrary, a person openly admires something or is surprised at something. However, you can react with humor. What to answer "Wow" In rhyme? You can in one word, how to cut off:

  • Speak right away "oh-th"
  • Yes,friend
  • Abdomen
  • Deep
  • Ozerko
  • Yes, my word is great

Or here are another options for witty answers:

  • Wow! - Could not come up with anything else?
  • This is “wow” for you, and for the rest it is the norm.
  • Why just "wow"? Speak right away: "This is a masterpiece."
  • And what "wow"? That which is straight "wow"? Or which "well, nothing like that"?

As a rule, after the exclamation "wow!", when he is speechless to a person, he begins to describe his sensations - only in words. And listening to him at such moments is a pleasure. After all, emotions are still fresh and sincere. They will literally seethe in the soul of the narrator.

What to answer the word "h" rude: options for impudent answers

Sighs "MDA" Really few people like it. After all, this is a negative reaction to what is happening. That is why very often I want to break this emotion of the ill -wisher, this reproach. How can this be done? What to answer the word "MDA" rough? Here are options for impudent answers:

  • What are you sniffing there? You can’t even say the right word of three letters correctly. It is not “Hmm” that they say, there in a different way. You made three mistakes in a word of three letters. Bingo! You are a damn genius.
  • What are you “muddy” there and got drunk? Remember the size of my salary? Or maybe something else? Don’t worry, and this does not happen.
  • Hmm. What you said? Well, come here?
  • Once again, you will mumble something like that-and you will mumble already in a hospital bed.
  • Do you mumble with happiness or from pleasure? Well stop, people around. Also me, actress of adult films.
Options for answers to the word
Options for answers to the word "mda" rude
Options for answers to the word
Options for answers to the word "mda" rude

One way or another, emotion "MDA" short. Therefore, sometimes it will be easier to wait for her than to go into conflict with such a critic. Good luck!

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