How beautiful and easy to draw a dragon: in stages for beginners, what is needed for work, photo, video

How beautiful and easy to draw a dragon: in stages for beginners, what is needed for work, photo, video

Dragons are popular characters in comics, cartoons, feature films, fairy tales and fantastic novels. If you love these mythical monsters, it is likely that someday you will want to draw "your" dragon. Or you will ask you to portray this creature your baby.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to draw a 3D drawing, an illusion with a pencil on paper?". You will learn about the technique of creating with step -by -step explanations for beginners and children on the example of 3D drawing of a cat, butterflies, a banana, heart, ponies, stairs.

From this article you will learn how to draw a dragon. To do it is simple. The main thing is to follow the instructions. Read further.

How to draw a dragon: what is needed for work?

There are many drawing techniques - mascara, gouache, coal and so on. But it is easiest to draw with a simple pencil, because in the event of an error you can immediately correct the image using a washing gum. And yet, before drawing, you must first imagine “in your head” how your dragon will look. Otherwise, you will have to “edit” it too often, and the paper wiped with an elastic band looks ugly.

So what is needed for work? The minimum set of accessories for drawing the dragon:

  • Simple pencil
  • Washing gum
  • Paper
  • Sharpener

You can do without an elastic band if you have a great experience of an artist. But then you are unlikely to need an instruction. And if you are not very confidently cope with complex pictures, then you just need a good eraser.

Use the album, special for drawing, not a newspaper or notebook sheet. The strokes are more successful on her, and she tolerates the friction with an eraser. You can, of course, use a pencil with an elastic band, but usually there the eraser is very small and quickly abrasions, and it can bounce off strong pressure. So it is better to buy a separate elastic band. It will be more durable and more convenient.

And you will definitely need a sharpener. The dragon is a large animal while you draw it, the pencil will have time to swipe more than once. If you want to paint the creature or make separate bright spots, say, red eyes and fire from the mouth, then stock up in addition to a simple pencil - colored pencils or felt -tip pens.

How easy it is to draw a simple dragon drawing with a pencil: in stages for beginners, photo, video

Simple drawing of a dragon with a pencil
Simple drawing of a dragon with a pencil

If you want to portray not just a dragon, but exactly the same as you saw in a movie or in a cartoon, review your favorite work again. Better yet, have a couple of images of your beloved character at hand. Even if you do not directly draw him from one of the pictures, this will not allow you to forget important details. For example, the shape of its muzzle, whether there are claws on the wings, and so on.

Simple drawing of a dragon with a pencil
Simple drawing of a dragon with a pencil

How is it easy to draw a simple drawing of a dragon with a pencil? Here is the description in stages for beginners with a photo:

  • Starting to draw, imagine a dragon, at first without details. You will have time to speculate the details of appearance later.
  • Now only two points are important. Firstly, the pose-he sits with wings folded behind his back, flies in the clouds, fights with a knight on the ground. Or maybe he hates eggs on the nest. Or he stood on his paws, like a horse that rushed on his hind legs, and holds something in the front ones.
  • And secondly, whether we will have someone or something except the dragon in our picture. For example, if a monster flies in the sky, you may need a place for a cloud that it goes around in flight.

If he sits on the ground or on the rock, retreat from below to portray what the dragon has under his paws. This is all elementary, but beginning artists sometimes forget to leave the space, for example, for fire from a dragon's mouth. And instead of an impressive flame, you have to depict only a few fiery tongues on the remaining patch.

Simple drawing of a dragon with a pencil
Simple drawing of a dragon with a pencil
  • Usually the dragons have two pairs of pairs - front and rear, and one pair of wings. You can portray a monster with six paws and four pairs of wings, but remember - the more there are, the longer it is to bother with them, the more difficult the drawing will be.
  • In addition, it is better to portray the dragon plausible. If the fifth leg will stick out of his chest, this is unlikely to make a good impression on anyone.

So, we start:

  • Curled with curved lines, indicate where his neck, body, tail, front limbs, rear and wings will be.
  • There is no grace yet, we draw in the style of the “stick-tin-ogrechik”, as in a children's rhyme.
  • The only rule should be remembered - we do not press much on the pencil. Auxiliary lines then need to be erased or painted over. Submit the pulmonary and neatly.
  • The wings of the dragons are usually membranous, like bats - only more powerful and durable. Mark their upper border with lines.
A simple drawing of a dragon with a pencil in stages
A simple drawing of a dragon with a pencil in stages

From the sketch, it becomes clear that we want to draw a dragon on the ground. He climbed his hind legs and is going to take off, waving his wings, leaning on his tail. On the sample of the line are clearly drawn so that they turn out well in the photo, but you do not need to try so much.

  • We outline the general plan carefully so that it is noticeable, but does not dominate the future details of the dragon appearance.
  • Do not try to immediately draw small details, time will come to them.
  • In the meantime, you need to give the volume of the dragon to the head and body of the dragon. Draw circles or ovals, depending on what kind of dragon you have.
  • Add the membranes to the wings, and do not forget to depict the bones on which they hold on - on the principle of the wings of the bat, only much larger and stronger.

This is where all preparatory work is completed. You can take a pleasure to draw details for your pleasure. The shape of the muzzle, fangs, eyes, possibly - horns, if your monster has them. Or maybe you want to add a spiked crest on your back.

Watch a video that in detail and clearly shows how to draw.

Video: How to draw a dragon of a small dragon drawing lesson

Video: how to draw a dragon, just draw

How to draw the head of a dragon, little toothless: photo, video

We draw the head of the dragon, a little toothless
We draw the head of the dragon, a little toothless

If your dragon is saddled and in the harness, it is better to make an oval head, like a horse. Then it will be easier to portray reins and other details of equipment. In young dragons, especially in cubs, like cartoon heroes (toothless, etc.) - a head is larger in relation to the body than in adults. Usually, if the dragon sits, putting his hind legs to the front, his body looks more round, and in flight - elongated in length. Give the thickness of the tail, neck and paws, as in the photo below.

We draw the dragon's head
We draw the dragon's head

The sticking out the tongue - like a snake, forked and long, and the tail can also be bifurcated. Or maybe this is a dragon king, and a crown has on his head? Let your imagination "fly". Picture such a lizard that can come to mind only to you, and no one else. Unlike cats and dogs that we meet every day, this is a fabulous beast. That is why its drawing gives such a broadest creative scope. Its face can be like a cat and a dog, and even a pig’s pig - on your choice.

ADVICE: Another interesting idea is to make their children paint. Then you draw only the contours from the dragon, and you trust the baby to finalize the picture in color.

So, in front of you is your first dragon. Of course, you can’t call it perfect. He should not be impeccable. To draw amazing paintings, you need a very great practical experience. But this dragon will only be yours. People are so different that it’s hard to believe in it. But it is all the more interesting to engage in creativity, to show its individuality in it.

Watch a video that clearly shows how you can still draw the dragon's head.

Video: how to draw a dragon is easy

Video: how to draw a toothless night fury drawings for sketching

How to draw a dragon with three heads beautifully?

Draw a dragon with three heads
Draw a dragon with three heads

The popular hero of Russian fairy tales - the serpent Gorynych - is drawn in the same scheme. With only one difference - this character has three heads on three necks. How to draw such a dragon beautiful?

We draw a dragon with three heads in stages
We draw a dragon with three heads in stages
  • The heads of such a character grow from the shoulders as a bouquet of flowers.
  • The neck should be the same length, the heads of the same size.
  • Such a creature still knows how to breathe fire from the mouth, and release smoke from the nostrils.
We draw a dragon
We draw a dragon

By drawing a dragon at least once, you can portray both Godzilla and the land dinosaur - they have no, of course, wings, but otherwise they are drawn exactly the same.

Video: how to draw a dragon - How to Draw a Dragon Easy

Video: Dragon drawing. Chinese dragon drawing. Light drawing of the dragon. How to draw a dragon.

Video: how to draw a dragon with a pencil in stages. Master class with an explanation.

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