How to paint eggs with food, gel natural dyes, for a cake, dry, liquid, pills, without dyes, with rice: a classic, unusual method, using islands, elastic bands for money, with vinegar, photo, video. Is it harmful to paint eggs and cream for cake food dyes for eggs?

How to paint eggs with food, gel natural dyes, for a cake, dry, liquid, pills, without dyes, with rice: a classic, unusual method, using islands, elastic bands for money, with vinegar, photo, video. Is it harmful to paint eggs and cream for cake food dyes for eggs?

Don't know how to paint eggs with dyes? Study staining technology at home in this article.

Beautifully painted eggs are an integral attribute for such a great holiday as Easter. Dyes for eggs are different: liquid, in tablets, dry and so on. How to paint eggs original and unusual so that they turn out to be a beautiful rich color, with patterns, stripes, we will understand this article.

Is it possible to paint eggs with food, gel dyes and dyes for a cake?

Painted eggs
Painted eggs

Food dyes are designed for painting food. Therefore, you can also be painted eggs, creating beautiful rich color compositions on Easter.

Suitable for staining eggs and dyes for cake cream. Colors are also beautiful and saturated. Gel dyes can be used if they are food, for example, designed to paint mastic, cream and other confectionery.

Important: If you are going to paint eggs with any dyes, then you need to cook eggs so that their shell does not crack. To do this, gently put them in a pan for cooking and add salt to the water.

But, if you still doubt whether to paint eggs with food dyes or not, then you can do staining with natural dyes. What dyes are called natural and where to get them will be described below. But let's start in order.

How to paint eggs with dried dyes in powder, liquid dyes, beautiful tablets: a classic method with vinegar, photo, video

The most popular egg paint is a dye in powder. It is easy to cook, and the color of the eggs is rich and beautiful. Usually in store packaging there are 5 colors of such dyes: yellow, green, blue, red and orange.

Dry dye for eggs
Dry dye for eggs

For painting, you will need:

  • Glasses or jars 0.5 liters - 5 pieces
  • Eggs cooked in advance
  • Drawing bags
  • Paper towels
  • An ordinary tablespoon
  • Vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon

Important: While cooking eggs, add 1 tablespoon of salt to the water so that the shell does not crack.

Stage stages:

  1. First you need to cook eggs-no more than 7-10 minutes.
  2. Then cool them under a stream of cold water.
  3. While the eggs are cooling, take up the preparation of coloring solutions. Pour 1 bag of coloring substance into a glass or jar, pour 250 ml of hot water. Mix well and add a little vinegar, mix again.
  4. Now spread paper towels on the table. Take the egg and lower it into a container with a coloring solution. So do it with every color.
  5. Leave the eggs in the solution for 3-5 minutes.
  6. Then remove them with a tablespoon and put on paper towels.
  7. Do it so many more times until all eggs are painted.
  8. When they dry, grease the surface with vegetable oil for shine. Easter painted eggs are ready!
Icing for eggs in tablets
Icing for eggs in tablets

Coloring eggs with tablet paint is as simple as powder. The staining instruction will be the same as in the above stages. One tablet with a coloring substance is diluted in one glass of water, and then all stages are performed as described above.

Important: Each paint has its own instruction, which is written on the packaging of the manufacturer. Therefore, pay attention to it.

Eggs painted with mother -of -pearl dyes
Eggs painted with mother -of -pearl dyes

Liquid dyes are very beautifully stained with pearlescent eggs. But there are liquid dyes that give the eggs an ordinary matte shade. Therefore, choose what you like. Belating such paints is also simple:

  • First boil the eggs, as usual. Cool them and dry them.
  • Pour gloves on your hands.
  • Open a bag of paint, pour some paint on your fingers and start wiping the egg with paint. Do this until the whole egg is completely painted.
  • Repeat this way with other eggs until the entire paint of this color ends.
  • Then rinse off the remaining paint from the gloves, wipe your hands with a towel and do the same with a different color.

As you can see, painting eggs in a classic way using different dyes is very simple. Watch the video how other housewives paint eggs - simply and quickly.

Video: Easter. We paint eggs with food dyes

But, if you want to do something original, then you need to show a little imagination.

How to paint eggs on Easter with dyes in an unusual way: photo

An unusual way to paint eggs
An unusual way to paint eggs

If you want to surprise your households and friends in an unusual way to paint Easter eggs, then it is simple to do it. An unusual way to paint eggs on Easter is not at all complicated, but simple and helps paint the eggs quickly. Here's the instruction:

  1. Dilute the dye in a glass (first in a small amount of water so that it covers the egg by a quarter when you put it in a glass).
  2. Then put the cooked egg for 3-5 minutes.
  3. After that, add the same amount of water, the egg should be covered with half the solution. Still hold for 5 minutes.
  4. Now add water again and wait 5 minutes.
  5. Add water again, but already in such an amount that the liquid completely covers the egg in the glass. The egg should still lie down for 10 minutes in the paint.
  6. Now pull out the egg, dry and grease with vegetable oil. Ready, it turned out very creatively.
An interesting way to paint eggs
An interesting way to paint eggs

It will turn out very beautifully and unusual if you use this coloring method, but with dyes of different colors. To do this, you need to dilute dyes in glasses in advance. The level of solution in each glass should be different, then interesting multi -colored stripes will be obtained on the eggs.

Unusual staining of Easter eggs
Unusual staining of Easter eggs

How to paint eggs on Easter with dyes using isolets: photo

Staining eggs on Easter with dyes using island
Staining eggs on Easter with dyes using island

This is a very interesting way with an original result. You will need everything to be described above in other staining methods, as well as island. It will be good if the island is not a narrow-1-1.5 cm. If you do not have one, then you will have to cut the strips with this width and 15 cm long.

Staining eggs using island
Staining eggs using island

With this method of staining, you can show imagination as much as you like. You can wound the isoleta on only cooked white eggs or preliminarily paint them, for example, yellow, and then wrap the island and repeat the procedure with green or red. You will get a rich color of the egg with yellow stripes.

Methods of painting eggs using island
Methods of painting eggs using island

How to paint eggs with dyes using elastic bands for money?

Painting eggs with dyes using elastic bands for money
Painting eggs with dyes using elastic bands for money

If you have several rubber bands for money, then you can quickly and simply paint eggs for Easter.

Painting eggs using elastic bands for money
Painting eggs using elastic bands for money

In order to paint eggs in this way, follow the following stages:

  1. Boil eggs, cool and dry.
  2. Then wrap an elastic band for money for each egg.
  3. Prepare the solution with the dye and lower the eggs into it for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Remove the eggs from the solution, dry and remove the elastic bands. Easter eggs are ready!
Option for painting eggs using gum for money
Option for painting eggs using gum for money
Another option for painting eggs using gum for money
Another option for painting eggs using gum for money

We paint eggs with dyes: photo, video

Eggs painted with rice dyes
Eggs painted with rice dyes

If you want to get unusual staining of Easter eggs, then you can use the usual dye and rice.

This will need:

  • Polyethylene bags - 5 pieces
  • Rice - 600 grams
  • Ready -made dyes - 5 colors
  • Cooked and cooled eggs

Now do the following:

  1. Pour 120 grams of rice into each bag.
  2. Pour the dye into rice. As a result, you will get 5 bags with rice and different dyes.
  3. Now in one bag with rice and dye put 1 egg. Twist the package, move your hands with an egg rice so that the dye paints it well. Leave for 10 minutes.

Remove the egg from the bag and put it to dry. Repeat this with other eggs. Easter colors will turn out to be interesting and original. Watch the video how to do such staining correctly:

Video: In a couple of minutes, beautiful and unusual eggs for Easter!

How to paint eggs on Easter with natural dyes?

Eggs painted with natural dyes
Eggs painted with natural dyes

Recently, modern housewives are increasingly using natural dyes for staining Easter eggs. Making them is simple. The colors will turn out not too rich, but very beautiful-in the spring tender and original. Here are the products from which you can get a color natural dye for eggs:

  1. Brown color - Boil the eggs in onion husk.
  2. Yellow or orange color - Boil eggs in carrot juice or in a solution of water and turmeric. You can make a hot solution, add a little vinegar, and hold the egg in this solution for 10 minutes.
  3. Pink color It will turn out if you cook eggs in beetroot or cranberry juice.
  4. Blue It turns out that if you weld future colors in a solution of juice of blue cabbage and water.
  5. Purple It turns out that if you cook eggs in the water in which violet flowers were tanned. Add a few drops of lemon juice to such a decoction and you will get a beautiful lavender shade.
  6. Green color It turns out simple: grind nettle or spinach leaves, pour water and boil. In this broth, you can lower the eggs for 10 minutes, but no more, otherwise the color will turn out to be ugly.

We are used to painting eggs without chemical dyes, then only with the help of onion husk. But there are other methods and products that give the color of their leaves and flowers into the water, allowing you to safely, simply and quickly paint Easter eggs.

We paint eggs without dyes at home: Methods

Painting eggs without dyes
Painting eggs without dyes

You can paint eggs on Easter without dyes, using, for example, ordinary antiseptics: green, iodine or manganese solution. To do this, you need to cook eggs, adding salt and a few drops of an antiseptic to the water. Water will acquire the desired color and paint eggs. Read more read this article.

Is it possible to paint cream for cake dyes for eggs?

Cream and dough are painted with food dyes
Cream and dough are painted with food dyes

For painting eggs, food dyes are used. Manufacturers of confectionery use just this type of dye for cream and dough. Therefore, paint for eggs can be used if it is written on the bag that the dye is food.

Important: Put in the cream just a little such a dye, otherwise you will get a “thermonuclear” and ugly color of the cream.

Now you know how to paint eggs on Easter with dyes - food, natural and how to replace them. Color the main attribute of the holiday - eggs, and surprise your households and friends. Bright Easter, Christ is risen!

Video: How to paint eggs with pearl dyes? Easter 2018.

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