How do the Chinese make artificial chicken eggs? How to distinguish a dangerous Chinese fake from a real egg?

How do the Chinese make artificial chicken eggs? How to distinguish a dangerous Chinese fake from a real egg?

In this article, we will consider Chinese fake eggs to protect ourselves from such a dangerous purchase.

Many people know that the Chinese love to copy everything in the world. They know how to perfectly redo clothes, equipment, food, etc.. But when it comes to eggs, it throws a little trembling. After all, poisoning with eggs is one of the most dangerous poisoning.

At first glance, it seems that faking such a natural product is very difficult. But the Chinese have reached that, and it is quite difficult to distinguish a Chinese fake egg from the present. Therefore, in this material we want to reveal the secrets of its preparation in order to protect ourselves and other people from the Chinese fake.

How the Chinese fake eggs: the production technology of a Chinese fake egg

There are a lot of useful substances in natural eggs. They have proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other vitamins. Even doctors are advised to eat at least one egg per day. They are especially necessary for a children's growing body. Chinese fake eggs, of course, are not filled with anything useful. By the way, not just every egg from a real poultry farm marks.

Important: it will be enough to prepare such a “mixture” for breakfast several times and the consequences will not be forced to wait. Long -term use of these eggs affects the nervous and immune system of a person as a whole. And children can mentally lag behind their peers.

  • The Chinese are so skillfully produce eggs that they look just like ordinary chicken eggs. Moreover, they even recreate the egg membrane between the shell and the very inner part.
  • The process begins with the preparation of the main mixture, which, let’s say, is universal for two components. Potassium carbonate is divorced in warm water. After that, benzoic acid, kvass, potassium salts and even familiar product, gelatin are added to it.
  • From this a little later and get protein. But while another food product is added to the mass - citric acid, as well as yellow food dye. Nothing is known about his quality, so he is considered food only conditionally.
  • Now this "yolk" is lowered into a special round shape. And so that it does not lose its shape, it is lowered into a solution of potassium carbonate. What creates a thin transparent film and the filler does not spread, but holds the desired shape.
The process of manufacturing eggs
The process of manufacturing eggs
  • By the way, it must be shaken periodically to evenly distribute the pigment and mass itself. This whole process takes about an hour. Next, the "yolk" is extracted from the mold and washed with water.
  • Squirrels are also made in the same way, both with products and technology. That is, the yolk is enveloped in the main mixture based on potassium carbonate, which is dipped in a solution of potassium carbonate.
  • Now gypsum, calcium carbonate and paraffin are going into business. For a while, an almost finished egg is dipped in it, as if dipping in this solution. This procedure is done several times. And as a result, the shell comes out.

Obviously, the Chinese are not just engaged in the production of such a product. Eggs bring good income. Although recently it was a harmless experiment. If you have a question why all this red tape with chemical components is needed at all, then the answer to madness is simple - it's just a business. After all, it is elementary to reduce the price a little, and then the case will remain for human greed. Moreover, the shelf life of chemicals is much larger than in a natural product.

This is how the shell turns out
This is how the shell turns out

How to recognize a fake: what is the difference between a Chinese fake egg from a natural product?

If you take a genuine egg and fake, then the differences are not easy, but possible. And, unfortunately, a Chinese fake egg in fried or boiled form is almost identical with a real analogue, which causes anxiety.

  • One of the most accurate options is this: you should break the egg into some dishes and leave for a short time, 10-15 minutes are enough. Protein and yolk will become a homogeneous mass, because they consist of the same components.
  • There is another option, though for him you need to cook the Chinese fake screwed and clean from the shell. If you put a real egg in the refrigerator, then after a couple of hours its yolk will slightly turn blue. But at the fake - the protein will only turn slightly. That is, dyes will begin to be reprinted.
This is what the undercooked Chinese egg looks like
The yolk of the Chinese egg does not blue
  • In extreme cases, you can set fire to the shell when it was broken for the scrambled eggs. Remember - the fake egg will begin to burn, but the present will not.
  • Visually, Chinese fake eggs can be distinguished by shells. Their shell can shine slightly and will be less rough than that of a real egg. But this is a controversial question, so you should not count on this method, as an accurate option.
  • Also arrange such tricks:
    • if you shit the fake, you can hear the noise of water inside;
    • a fake egg does not have such a smell as a real egg. He has no smell at all;
    • when cooking such an egg, the yolk will spread by itself;
    • but the protein is as if crumble, because its consistency is heterogeneous;
    • undeded eggs are very similar to a gelatin product. Moreover, both in color and in consistency, if you knead it.
Be careful when buying eggs
Be careful when buying eggs
Underwear egg really looks like a gelatin product
Underwear egg really looks like a gelatin product

The sale of such a product is strictly prohibited, but this of course does not stop anyone. So far, Chinese fake eggs sometimes come across only in Chinese large cities, for example, in Shanghai, Beijing or Guangzhou. They are also more often found on market shelves, where there is no product check. In Russia, a isolated case of buying such a fake was recently recorded, but it has no official confirmation.

Video: How do I fake chicken eggs?

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