How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes? The reasons for the appearance of "goose legs" in the corners of the eyes

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes? The reasons for the appearance of

Learn about the reasons for the appearance of “goose legs”, recipes for homemade masks for the skin around the eyes, the rules of care, set the massage technique around the eyes.

As we want, women, to remain always young, beautiful, desirable. For this, we are ready for radical measures. And how is it sad to see the first wrinkles in the mirror.

The first wrinkles appear around the eyes, and this often happens at a young age. But for that, we are women in order to come up with ways to combat the harbingers of aging. And we can also cope with wrinkles.

Why do wrinkles appear around the eyes? Main reasons

An explanation of the appearance of the early wrinkles is simple:

  1. The area around the eyes is devoid of the sebaceous glands, due to this, natural moisture does not occur
  2. In addition, the skin is also very thin, which contributes to its vulnerability
  3. Smiles, squinting, blinking, winking and other facial expressions leave their mark on thin dry skin in the form of folds
  4. Incorrect care
  5. Stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep

When should you start to care for the skin around the eyes?

Do not load the skin around the eyes of caring cosmetics at too young (18-23 years). This can be harmful to your beauty. But after 23-25 \u200b\u200byears, you can start taking care of delicate skin. Even if there are no signs of aging yet, it is easier to prevent them than to fight wrinkles later.

IMPORTANT: A means to care for the eyes should not correspond to the skin type, but to age.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes at home

It is wonderful if a woman has the opportunity to visit beauty salons where a cosmetologist will help fight wrinkles. However, many do not have this opportunity, therefore it is necessary to provide suitable home care. Home care does not mean ineffective. On the contrary, with the right approach, home care can work miracles. They help to cope with wrinkles:

  • Masks
  • Natural oils
  • Massage

Homemade masks to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes

The purpose of home masks is to feed and moisturize. The mask should always be fresh, the only way the skin will receive beneficial substances from the components. And there are many ingredients for the preparation of masks:

  • Strawberry
  • Honey
  • Pumpkin
  • Cucumber
  • Banana
  • Potato

Plus home masks: preparation will not take a lot of time, and the number of ingredients is minimal.

Consider how to cook homemade masks.

Banana mask from wrinkles around the eyes

Recipe: Mash a little banana to get puree. You will need no more than 1 tablespoon of banana puree. Heat the same small amount of butter. Mix the ingredients and apply with driving light movements for 15-20 minutes.

IMPORTANT: apply any masks or creams to the area around the eyes gently, you can make light driving movements. The main thing, do not overdo it, because the skin is very thin, sensitive to any action.

Strawberry mask for safe skin care around the eyes

In summer, you can not only enjoy the taste of fragrant strawberries, but also pamper the skin.

Recipe: Take 1 or 2 ripe berries, open them, add a little honey. Grutter can spread, so place it in a bandage or gauze. Attach the mask on the skin for 20 minutes. Then wipe the skin with a decoction of herbs. Strawberries carefully cares, smoothes small wrinkles.

Honey mask from wrinkles around the eyes

Recipe: 1 tsp Mix honey from 1 tsp. oatmeal. Warm up the mixture in a water bath. A few drops of green tea will have a tonic effect. Apply a slightly warm mask for 20 minutes. Moisten the skin with a suitable cream after washing the mask.

Spinach mask from wrinkles around the eyes

Spinach is one of the most nutritious types of vegetation. Spinach home masks are successfully used for dry skin.

Recipe: Grind a little spinach, mix with oatmeal flour, add a little milk. Apply for 20 minutes.

In addition to the mask, you can use spinach juice. Grind the leaves, squeeze the juice through gauze, throw the cake. Add a drop of vitamin A. to the juice, soak the gauze with this juice and apply for 20 minutes.

Mask from pumpkin from wrinkles around the eyes

Boil the pumpkin.

Recipe: Grind the boiled pumpkin in mashed potatoes. Add 1 tsp to pumpkin. honey, 1 yolk. Place the resulting mask in one layer of bandage and apply for 15 minutes.

Cosmetic oils as a means of getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes, video

Coconut oil from wrinkles around the eyes

Coconut oil is an indispensable product for wilting skin. But you need to use it carefully:

  1. First, do not use coconut oil in its purest form. Only in masks or creams
  2. Secondly, it is impossible to use it regularly or often. Otherwise the opposite effect will occur, the skin will become even more dry

Wheel germ oil from wrinkles around the eyes

This oil is useful for vitamin E, which is part of the composition. Vitamin E is a good antioxidant and helps to preserve youth.

Almond oil from wrinkles around the eyes

The beneficial substances of this oil contribute to smoothing wrinkles, the oil carefully moisturizes dry and thin skin. Almond oil is suitable for both young and mature skin.

Causes of goose legs in the corners of the eyes

They say that “goose legs” are friends of emotions. Our facial expressions affect the formation of small folds near the eyes. The folds are the same “goose legs”.

There are still reasons for their appearance:

  • Habit of supporting the cheek with your hand
  • Dream with a buried face in a pillow
  • Smoking
  • Stress

How to get rid of goose legs near the eyes?

Of course, it is easier to prevent the appearance of “goose legs” than to get rid of them. But we do not always think about it until we see unwanted folds. In this case, you need to review the care around the eyes.

Important: do not rub the cream on the skin, but drive with light movements, make masks, wipe the skin with ice from decoctions of herbs, do gymnastics.

Cucumber mask to combat goose paws around the eyes

Cucumber is the very first means of eyeing around the eyes. The cucumber perfectly tones the skin, has a lifting effect, improves color, smoothes small wrinkles.

The benefit can only be obtained from home cucumbers, that is, deprived of chemical additives.

Fighting “goose legs” with a cucumber is very simple:

  • Two small circles, put them on the eyelids
  • Lie 20-30 minutes with cucumber rings in front of your eyes, you will see the effect right away

If desired, rub the cucumber, put the gruel in gauze, then attach to the skin.

The benefits of aloe juice from goose legs

Aloe or doctor, as he is also called, is less and less found on the windowsills. And in vain, because the fleshy leaves of the flower can bring many benefits. Aloe juice tones, pulls, smoothes, moisturizes dry skin. Aloe juice penetrates deeply into the skin layers, stimulating the production of collagen, which is responsible for our youth. It can be applied as part of masks, and as an independent means.

Moisten the cotton pad with aloe juice and attach it for 20 minutes to the eyes.

Skin care creams around the eyes

Come to the choice of creams carefully and demanding. First of all, choose a cream according to age:

  • 23-30 years-the age when you need to use creams with light natural components based on plant and fruit acids
  • after 30, you can resort to tools with lipo- and prospeptids, hyaluronic acid, collagen, amino acids and other effective additives

Important: the cream is applied with a thin layer and driving movements.


How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes without plastic surgery: tips and reviews

Julia, 27 years old: “I am only 27 years old, and wrinkles around the eyes have already appeared. I have dry skin, probably that's why it is so early. Every day I wipe the skin with pieces of ice, I also use professional tools. I have not tried home masks yet. ”

Tatyana, 35 years old: “My advice is to always use a special remote control. Do not triple your eyes constantly. And do not get carried away with oils and masks, everything should be in moderation. The skin of the eyelids is easy to overload. Be sure to do massage. "

Try to pay more attention to the skin around the eyes. Sophia Loren uttered a wonderful phrase: "It is difficult to become irresistible if you are lazy." Indeed, there are not so many 20-30 minutes for yourself, and the benefits are enormous.

Skin massage around the eyes against wrinkles, video

An effective means for prevention, as well as the fight against existing wrinkles - massage. Salt exercises will help to push the aging process.

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Comments K. article

  1. I feel good with wrinkles to fight Laura (serum)+Maska based on ginseng root. Even my husband began to say that I somehow looks younger and fresh, but it certainly motivates it)) there is definitely the benefits of such procedures, there is definitely a can I advise)

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