How to achieve a light and beautiful gait? What does the gait depend on?

How to achieve a light and beautiful gait? What does the gait depend on?

What is the gait of a person about and what does it depend on? How to make a gait light and relaxed?

In addition to the fact that the gait of each person is individual, and on it it can easily be distinguished from the crowd, it can also tell a lot about its owner. Such information will carry out information not only about its physical, but also psycho-emotional state.

In addition, the view of how a person walks creates a first impression of him. Especially worried about problems with the ugly gait of women. This article will help to find answers to the most acute questions of cute ladies about their walking and will tell you methods for correcting gait.

What depends on the gait of a person?

Of course, in the movements, steps and manner, many sides of the morals, temperament and self -esteem of a person are mirrored in public. Everyone is interested in the question: "How to determine the character of a person by gait?" Here are a few examples that are the best characterize the connection between the gait and the inner world of the woman.

Does the woman's gait on her temperament depend?

  1. If a person shuffles with his feet, his head and shoulders are lowered, most likely he suffers from severe depression. In addition, such people can be called quite lazy, uninitiated and slow.
  2. Galloping, as on hinges, gait and numerous gestures during a conversation (even if the conversation is in a calm way) indicate the presence of a woman of nervousness, and possibly psychopathic disorders. At the same time, such behavior can also characterize it as an overly busy and enthusiastic person.
  3. Slow rare movements and stiffness in the hands indicate the probability of a serious psychological disease, possibly even schizophrenia.
  4. A wide step can characterize a woman as a persistent, self -disciplined and active person.
  5. Small steps are exposed in a person to priesthood, thoughtfulness, caution, as well as speed thinking.
  6. With slow wide steps, a person is moving, trying with all its appearance to show its significance and greatness. However, sometimes it's all just bluff and pretense of pathos.
  7. If a woman (often men) has clearly expressed relaxed movements when walking, most likely this is a sign of irresponsibility, apathy and aversion to the implementation of any teams or orders. Also, this type of gait is inherent in young, immature persons with an unformed person.
  8. Seminative steps without a perceptible rhythm can indicate the fear, experiences or phobias of its owner. Such a person will skip everyone in his way in order to avoid a collision with any obstacle.
  9. Strong rhythmic movements and small swaying back and forth speak of the self-confidence and naive-purpose of a woman. Such ladies often actively work hips during gait.
  10. A proud, heavy gait with elements of playfulness is possessed by arrogant, self -loving and selfish ladies.
  11. The angular movements, steps, as on stilts, may indicate the stiffness and outfit of their owner.

Does the gait depend on posture?

Naturally, the beauty of a person directly affects the beauty and ease of gait. If a woman is hunching or stooping, then no matter how beautiful she is, her movement along the street will go unnoticed for men or vice versa will cause mockery or disgust.

From such curvatures of the spine, the center of gravity is shifted, which is fundamentally changing the gait. It becomes more difficult to keep the balance of a bored torso, and sometimes they can behave uncontrollably. At the same time, long walks become unbearable for a woman, since her whole body gets tired much faster than with proper even posture.
The second mistake of women is that in order to hold their backs evenly, they begin to stick out the pelvis forward. This position radically changes the center of gravity of the body and shifts the entire load on the heels. The steps at the same time become heavy and heavy.

How to achieve an easy and beautiful gait: tips and reviews

In order to change your gait for the better, it is necessary to find out the nature of its defects. These are the main reasons for the heavy gait in women:

  • sedimentary;
  • improper posture;
  • flat feet;
  • legs have different lengths;
  • uncomfortable shoes and high heels;
  • overweight;
  • toxins;

The first and second points can be easily fixed by revising your daily routine and including more movement and sports in it. If there is no way to constantly move and go to the gym, you can perform a number of exercises for beautiful gait and posture. Read more such charging will be described below.

In case of identification of pathologies such as flat feet and different legs, it is necessary not to launch the disease, but immediately turn to experienced specialists for help.

Comfortable shoes and a beautiful gait are integral from each other. Scientists have long brought a high heel to the list of pests of the right gait. The more the woman spends the heels of heels, the more her legs are injured. According to experts, ladies' shoes should have a small proper heel or a wedge with a height of not more than 2-4 cm. At the same time, the absence of a heel or the presence of a platform is also considered incorrect.

If a woman thinks about how to make a beautiful and light gait, she should primarily balance her diet and try to avoid harmful products. Improper nutrition, abuse of bad habits often leads to obesity and accumulation of toxins in the body. Excessive weight provokes the appearance of severity and fatigue in the legs. Toxins, in turn, lead to disorders in the joints and muscles of the body.


How to change a heavy gait at 55?

  • You can fight the wrong gait at any age. For this, only time, patience and effort over oneself will be needed. According to statistics, women at the age of 55, at least, have free time. Everything else will fit. So, let's begin
  • As mentioned above, ladies at a great age will have to reconsider their nutrition: it is advisable to exclude harmful foods and saturate their diet with cereals, vegetables, fruits and protein foods (sour -milk products and meat). The achievement of a 55-year line can very often marked the period of a lack of calcium in the female body or its failure.
  • And as everyone knows, this chemical element is responsible for all bone formations. Therefore, women over 50, it is advisable to consult on this subject with their doctor and, if necessary, take vitamin complexes with a high calcium content
  • Often, women at the age of 55 no longer wear high heels, but try to choose only comfortable and comfortable shoes. And that's right! Do not just forget about the mandatory presence of a small and stable heel
  • At any age for a beautiful gait, sports are welcome. Women at 55 do not have to receive large power loads. They will have enough exercises to stretch all the muscles. Today, such a direction in fitness is called stretching

How to make a beautiful and light gait? Exercises for a beautiful gait and posture

For those who have problems with posture, there is a special gymnastics, consisting of the following complex:

  1. We become even, stretches out his hands along the body. On the exhale, we take our shoulders back, on inspiration - forward, rounding your back. Repeat the exercise 15 times
  2. In the same position, raising your shoulders on exhalation and leave them like that for 5 seconds. Then we inhale, lowering them down, and again, by exhalation, raise them. The number of executions is 14 times
  3. 20 times in a row, we alternately raise the shoulders up and lower it down.
  4. We get up close with the wall with your back to her. The body should have four points of contact with the wall: head, shoulder blades, feet and buttocks. In this state, you need to stand for a couple of minutes
  5. We put our hands on the belt, align the posture and pass on the socks two meters. Then we do the same on the heels
  6. With everyday movement, we monitor the posture and width of the step (it should not exceed the length of the foot). We take the toe of the leg a little to the side

Summing up, it is worth noting that, following all the above rules and advice, every woman is at any age can easily become a happy owner of a flying, easy and laid -back gait.

Video: Exercises for a beautiful gait

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