How to quickly forget the former guy you love, who you like, after parting? How to forget a guy who likes it unrequited, who betrayed, abandoned and start a new life: the advice of a psychologist, ways to forget, prayer, conspiracy

How to quickly forget the former guy you love, who you like, after parting? How to forget a guy who likes it unrequited, who betrayed, abandoned and start a new life: the advice of a psychologist, ways to forget, prayer, conspiracy

What to do when they parted with the guy, but there are still feelings.

There are very different situations in life - people converge and diverge. Someone tolerates it easily, it is more difficult for others. Let’s now figure out a situation where people have parted, but it is very difficult for a woman to accept this situation. How to put up and relieve mental pain, this will be discussed later.

Why can't I forget the past, a former guy for six months, year, 2 years: what to do?

To begin with, let's bite all the illusions in advance - to forget the guy whom the girl loved sincerely very hard. We will not be able to reassure you and say that in a day it will become much easier for you.

All women most likely had a relationship that for one reason or another broke. And there were sleepless painful nights, and tears, and alcohol with a girlfriend. Girls who did not have support or were especially difficult to worry, even tried to cut veins or climbed into a loop.

Cute girls, the smallest that we can do for you is to ask and beg not to do such actions that can take you life. remember, that Life is a huge gift,You are healthy and young, which means that you will find your happiness.


Time heals, and you can eventually understand that all the relationships that you had previously turned out to be only very valuable experience for you. And perhaps you will even be happy that they are over.
But still, let's get back to a painful situation. We really hope that the tips indicated below will help you survive a difficult period in life.


  • Start life from scratch. Change everything - habits, clothes, hairstyle. Try to walk more and go to work with a longer route to fully enjoy the beauty of nature. After all, you most likely did not notice that blooming tree and the bird singing every morning.
  • Divide life into “before” and “after” relationships. And try to completely eliminate the places and emotions associated with the “before” period from your life. Do not visit cafes and discos, do not walk along those streets. After all, even music at a disco or a familiar restaurant will be able to lead to depression. Very soon you can forget and be more calmly in these places, but so far you should not turn painful wounds.
  • Most often go to cafes and restaurants with friends. But remember the past advice - not in those where you were with a young man. Try to receive a maximum of positive emotions from these places. In addition, do not forget to dress beautifully and make up - because your fate can wait for you there.
Visit public places
Visit public places
  • Sign up for dancing courses. It is in the dance that you can express your emotions. Music will make your heart open up, and rhythmic movements contribute to the cleansing of the soul from negativity.
  • Go on a date, because now you are free. Even if your heart is sad, then a good walk and a great time can easier your experiences, as well as take time that you would spend in sadness. Of course, you will look for similar features and behavior of the former in a man, but try to find strength in yourself and not think about him.
  • In order to have fun and kill time, register on the dating site. Be sure to place your photo there, because compliments from men are more likely to cheer up. Do not lock yourself in yourself and find the strength to talk with other guys, because every man has its own positive features. And who knows, maybe in a new acquaintance there will be much more of them than in your former.
  • Go in for sports. So you will not only take your time, but also put the body in order. And the beautiful body is not only pleasant, but also attracts the views of the surrounding men. In addition, psychologists believe that it is physical exercises that can cure stress and other disorders. A huge plus is also that after coming from the audience you will have no time to think and worry. Good sport is always torturing, so the only desire for you will be a dream.
Go in for sports
Go in for sports

Do not drive yourself with experiences and suffering. All that happened is only for the better and over time you yourself will understand it.

I meet a guy, but I can’t forget the former guy: what does this mean?

If after parting you have already found a new guy, or it was the new guy who caused the parting, then at first glance it seems that there is no problem. But there are such situations that even with a new guy, there are still constant thoughts about the former. Let's figure out the reasons and find a solution to the problem:

  • You feel guilty. You may have developed a complex of guilt due to the fact that you abandoned the young man because of another. But here you make a mistake, since this is life and people can not only disperse, but also get divorced due to the new passion. Apparently you had good reasons and strong feelings because of which you decided to change your partner.
  • Attitude. Take a closer look at your current partner behaves with you. Is it enough to pay enough attention to whether it gives gifts. Perhaps the reason is that the former was more attentive.
  • Intimate motives. A lot of important aspects in relations is an intimate life. If the former delivered you a storm of bright emotions in bed, and now you have only a small light, then from an hour you will mentally return your thoughts to the former. Talk to the current partner, frankly tell him what you would like to diversify your intimate life.
Love for the former in the current relationship
Love for the former in the current relationship

Understand that if you already have a boyfriend, but it's over with the ex, it is absolutely pointless to return to the past. Find positive aspects in these relationships and live the present, develop them and over time thoughts about the former will leave your head, and feelings - soul and heart.

How long does the girl forget the guy?

Sociologists conducted research in which 300 people participated. The purpose of the study was to find out who and how was experiencing unhappy love.

After discussing this problem with all the studied, scientists came to the conclusion that you can forget the former loved one only after a time that is half the period of your relationship. That is, no matter how it sounds sad, but if the couple was together for 5 years, then that all the wounds were dragged at for at least 2.5 years.

This formula is not mandatory, and according to psychologists, pain from past relations can subside in 3 months. But especially sensitive people can experience the loss of relations up to 3 years.

Women forget the parting longer
Women forget the parting longer

A breakdown with a partner and emotions after that can be divided into several stages:

  • The first stage is associated with shock and stunning from parting.
  • The second stage carries rebellion and refusal to reconcile with the current situation.
  • At the third stage, depression comes, a feeling of guilt for the current situation.

Interestingly, in men and women, the sensations from the break are different:

  • At the beginning of parting, a depressive state is observed in 75 % of men and in 25 % of women.
  • But men cope with negative emotions faster and their psyche is less susceptible to negative consequences.
  • Women do not suffer brightly, but the duration of their experiences is usually 2, or even 3 times longer. In addition, such experiences can even develop in a beautiful half into severe nervous diseases and psychological injuries.

That is, we can say that men do not suffer for long, but deeply plunge into sad experiences and show them to others. Women do not demonstrate their sadness, but eat themselves from the inside day by day much longer than men.

Couples after parting can converge again
Couples after parting can converge again

By the way, American scientists came to the conclusion that 80% of pairs, who parted and after a while met again, very strong relations are tied. This occurs provided that none of the partners are connected by marriage or relationships. But even marriage does not always become an obstacle. 60% of people, who met their ex -love, even throw a husband or wife for the sake of past feelings.

How to quickly forget the former guy you love, who you like, after parting: methods

Let's look at options that will help to cope or alleviate suffering from parting:

  • At the beginning do not deceive yourself. Admit that the relationship has ended and it is insulting and painful. Do not hide behind the mask in front of others, because inside you eat yourself, as if you did not try to seem cheerful and cheerful.
  • If you need to stay alone with your thoughts, then tell friends and relatives about it. Do not try to be in the team if it's hard for you. Over time, you can again return to society, but do not tighten your stay alone. Otherwise, it can tighten you and you will no longer want to meet with anyone, spend time.
  • Don't think about those moments When you were good with the ex. Drive the thoughts of positive points from yourself, as this will lead to an aggravation of the situation. In the future, you can simply remember these moments with a smile and warmth, but now it will be a salt for the wound.
  • The cause of parting is most often quarrels, misunderstanding, treason. Remember these situations, as this will help you realize that you do not need such a life. It is negative situations that can convince you that you made the right solution and eventually realize it over time.
  • Main do not blame yourself Even if you often arranged scandals or became the cause of parting. You need to live on and develop, look for a new relationship. If the relationship broke up, then it was necessary and both partners are to blame for this equal.
Think positively
Think positively
  • Prove to yourself that you have a lot of advantages, and the guy is not worthy of you. You can even write your advantages on a sheet in one column, and in the other - the shortcomings of the former. Thus, you will understand that you have a lot of positive features that will attract the attention of more than one man. The negative features of the guy will also open for you, perhaps you will see those with whom you could not come to terms.
  • Think positively. Positive thoughts and actions are the best way to forget the former relationship. Take care of charity, help loved ones more, and you will see that the gratitude and smiles of your beloved people cleanse your soul from depression.
  • Throw away all the things that remind you of the former - Down with all gifts and photos, off the discs with your favorite joint music and your favorite films.
  • Remove his number from the phone, a page from friends on social networks. Try not to enter his page and do not watch his notes. Do not look for meetings with him, even rare, so it will not become easier for you, you will only delay the situation in which you will still be left without it. Thus, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to quickly cleanse yourself of mental pain and begin a new relationship.
  • A great way to distract from painful emotions is to change the situation. Go to vacation, travel. But do not visit the places where you were with the ex. Have fun time, and you will see that on the trip positive emotions were anesthetized by mental wounds.
Forget the former
Forget the former
  • Look for support from the former, because the family is the closest people who will never betray you. Visit exhibitions and concerts with your family, go shopping with your mother or sister. Girlfriends will also help in facilitating your condition - a disco or shopping with friends - this is fun and distracting well.
  • Describe your day by the clock so that you have no minute for thought. And you came home tired and immediately went to bed. After all, at night it is especially difficult and visits a lot of thoughts. If you are not working yet, then find training trainings and seminars, find a hobby, say, knitting, sewing or sign up for manicure courses. Sport is also a great solution that will help you buy an excellent body and take time.
  • Sit less at home, but on the contrary, go out into the air more often - take a walk in the park, go to the country or to the grandmother. Delicious grandmother's pies and rustic will brighten up your everyday life.

Finally, we advise you not to look for a solution in alcohol. Remember that alcohol is only a temporary relief that spoils health and causes addiction. And women are especially quickly accustomed to alcohol.

How to quickly forget the former guy you love, who you like, after parting: a psychologist's advice

A lot of girls after breaking up relationships are looking for help from a psychologist. This is a very correct solution, because a professional will be able to find the right words for a girl who will help her easier to endure parting. We offer you universal tips of a psychologist for those who are experiencing parting:

  • Remove a person from life completely. Immediately and abruptly, just cut it out of life. Do not try to reassure yourself with any communication or a possible meeting with the former. She is not and should not be. Imagine that he went to another continent. He died if it is easier for you.
  • Get rid of everyone and all who remind you of the former. These are objects and people. Do not communicate with his friends, do not find out from them about him.
Visit a psychologist
Visit a psychologist
  • Do not think about who and how he spends time, whether he has a girlfriend, whether he suffers. Do not live his life, you have your own life.
  • Do not be alone for a long time, but also do not jump for every guy. You yourself will feel “your” person who will bring you spiritual warmth, calm and joy. It is with this person that you will begin a new relationship. Do not look for anyone to forget the former. Very quickly, such a partner will begin to annoy you.
  • Do not compare all men after parting. Do not mention the phrases “All men of the goats” or “All women ...”. It will work against you, since in these words you will lure people who are similar to your ex. But you do not need this.

A lot of psychologists' advice includes the above points. The main thing that you need to understand is that you should not think that this situation is the end of the world. You will still find a wonderful person with whom you can connect your life.

How to quickly forget the former guy you love, who you like, after parting: prayer, conspiracy

To forget the former, they often resort to magic. In this situation, all means are good, saddened lovers think. It is important to remember that all rituals must be carried out on the waning moon:

  • Narve lemon balm leaves and divide into 2 parts. Leave one part in the house, and take the second and go to the river or lake, it is important that the water is clean. It would be great if the spring was nearby. You could go to him to get rid of painful addiction.
  • Imagine that lemon balm leaves are your tears. Throw them into the water and imagine that it becomes easier for you. Now wash your chest with water and, having typed water into the bottle, go home.
  • Pour the remaining leaves of the lemon balm in a glass of water. Leave such water near the bed for 3 days. In the morning and evening, rub your chest and heart area with water and think about what becomes easier for you. If the water is from the spring and clean, then drink the throat.
  • After 3 days, pour water into that de spring or lake to get rid of the remaining feelings.

To forget the former loved one, pour 2 poppies into a plate. Pour a poppy 250 g of hot water and say:

Conspiracy to forget your beloved
Conspiracy to forget your beloved

A prayer that sounds as follows will also help:

Prayer to relieve pain after parting
Prayer to relieve pain after parting

Video: a mechanism that will help to forget the former man

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful and interesting information!
    Many girls after parting, cannot understand how to forget the guy, a man whom you love very much,
    who like, betrayed, after parting, forever and quickly. After all, live in constant thoughts about him
    not comfortable and I want to either return it, or forget it forever and do not remember anymore

  2. How strength is no longer how to forget how to tell me

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