How to wake the child correctly?

How to wake the child correctly?

How to wake the child correctly so that the rest of his remaining day will pass productively? Evening sleep directly affects the morning awakening. How to lay the baby to sleep correctly? The answers in this article to these and other questions.

Most children love to sleep well in the morning. Parents have to try very hard to wake the kids, while spending their time and nerves. How to learn to easily wake the child and return the morning peaceful atmosphere to the house? First you need to know that children of different ages and character should be woked in their own way. And also parents should determine whether the child should be woke up.

How can you not wake the child in the morning?

  • Shout
    When the baby still sees a magical dream, his parents wake him with a loud frightening cry, thus causing an invisible harm to the child, psychological trauma. Although the mother of the mother wakes up the child’s brain, the rest of the organs do not have time to activate so quickly. At this time, it seems that the child woke up, but he has a frozen facial expression, a inhibited reaction, not a desire to move, indifference to food, scattered attention, and sometimes a child can begin to cry non -stop. Over time, such an awakening can cause unhealthy sleep, biorhythmus and even affect the growth and development of the child

  • Tear off the blanket
    When the time is running out in the morning, and you have already called a child a couple of times, and he is still sleeping, many of us can’t stand it and, going into the child’s room, throwing a blanket with a sharp movement to the floor. Undoubtedly, the child’s mood will be rudely spoiled by you all day
  • Spread
    Some parents cannot stand it, they can spank the child. From pain, the baby, of course, will wake up very quickly. But thereby you not only show disrespect for your child, humiliating him, but you can also scare him or at least ruin your mood
  • Wake up in a hurry
    Sometimes we allow our children to sleep longer, and we will wake them a few minutes before the exit. Thus, the child does not have time to really wake up and do all the morning things, and you are in constant tension, afraid to be late

Important: Why is it so important to start good morning, with a good mood? The fact is that not only with us, but also our children are a difficult and rich day ahead. To effectively gain new knowledge and work well, you need a corresponding positive mood.

Biological clock of the child

The main reason why children do not want to get up in the morning that they lie down late and sleep not enough time. A healthy child from 3 years old should sleep about 10 hours. In this case, you can advise to properly organize the daily routine of the child so that he earlier to go to bed. An hour or two before bedtime, you should stop active games and ventilate the bedroom.
Consider some special cases:

Why doesn't the child want to get up to school?

Usually problems begin with the new training semester. The holidays make a mess into the everyday habits of the student, and some of the children cannot quickly begin to wake up again early in the morning. The fact is that the more unsystematic, idle lifestyle and rest, the more difficult it will be for the child to return to the previous educational regime. Parents can deliberately help children overcome the time difference a week before studying. To do this, you can limit the child in time in watching the TV, games and the Internet, to control that the child earlier to lie down and get up earlier. Support the child with a full sleep, at least 10 hours, configure the biological clock correctly. Thus, the child will gradually tune in to study.

Why doesn't the child want to get up in kindergarten?

In addition to all of the above reasons, it may be that your child simply misses you and does not want to leave the house and a familiar environment, his toys, so it resists morning ups and gatherings. In this case, talk with the child, find out if he spends time in the garden. For some time you can reduce the child’s stay in kindergarten or spend more time with him in the evening. When collecting a child in a kindergarten, try to give him his favorite toy with him.

How to put to sleep a newborn?

Sleep is very important for the baby. It is at this time that your baby is growing. Scientists argue that the habit of good sleep should be brought up from infancy. The following are several useful tips:

Suitable sleeping

A three -month -old baby can already begin to be taught early to go to bed, for this after eight in the evening you do not need to play with the child, start preparing the child in advance, reduce the volume of the TV, observe the silence, you can turn on the quiet music or sing a lullaby to the baby.

Difference of the day and night

  • Using light and sound, begin to form a child’s biological clock. With the help of light and darkness, teach the baby to distinguish between day and night, the difference in wakefulness and sleep. In the morning, when it is time to wake up to the newborn, put it in a brightly lit room, best filled with daylight, gently hug the baby, with the help of quiet music, wake it
  • In the evening, an hour or two before bedtime, muffle the bright light in his room. When the time comes to lay the child, completely turn off any lighting, leaving only a small nightlight. Close the door well so that extraneous noise and light do not penetrate into the room. It is better to hang dense curtains on the windows that would not let out the outer light

Note: the light of a nightlight for the baby is better to choose blue.

Do I need to wake a newborn at night for feeding?

Sometimes the baby, waking up in the middle of the night, begins to walk quietly. First, try not to pay attention to it. If the child lies in his crib, you can slightly shake his cradle. Try to fall asleep, teach the baby to drown out a slight hunger, learn patience. But if the baby suddenly began to cry out loudly, then probably he is very hungry, you should feed the baby with milk and put him to bed again. Each time, as the child will move slightly, start to rock it. The baby may develop dependence. Correct “brutalism” will help to develop a baby's habit of good sleep in a baby.

Set up the child's biological clock

  • Most babies sleep poorly because of bad habits that have not formed biological watches, because they independently cannot find the right dream
  • The baby is still small, parents should help him form a biological clock, so that evening falling asleep at a certain time and sleep for the whole night become a habit for the baby
  • In addition, each baby has its own biological laws. To do this, watch the baby carefully, as he falls asleep at different times, wakes up with varying degrees of activity
  • Using your observations, make the necessary changes to the child's schedule

Note: Biological clock is the internal system of the body, which determines the rhythm of its life. Processes such as growth, nutrition or reproduction are confined to certain external events, for example, to bright or dark time of day, tides or castings, to seasons.

Limit the time of the games

If you want the baby to sleep well, in the evening you do not need to allow him to play too mobile games. Otherwise, when the time comes to bed, the child, having overcome, wants to continue the game. You can play with the baby more quiet games, read his book or sing a lullaby.

Is it possible to wake a child for bathing?

Many children fall asleep well after swimming. Every day, in the evening, at the same time, when the child is already slightly sleepy, bathe it in warm water, then immediately lay it in the bed. Let the baby drink milk, turn off the light in the room and go to bed with the child next to bed. Gently pat him on the back, and the baby will fall asleep very quickly.

Note: if you have not had time to atone for the child, and he has already fallen asleep, you should not wake him up. You can atone for the child the next day in the morning or skip once.

The child sleeps during the day. Is it worth violating the child’s daytime sleep?

The afternoon sleep of the baby and the quality of his night sleep are directly related. If the child sleeps for a long time in the afternoon or falls asleep late - this can poorly affect his night sleep. Therefore, afternoon sleep should also be under your control. Observe how time the child gets tired during the day and how much he needs to sleep in order to feel awake. Try to adhere to this routine.

The child sleeps for a long time: wake up or not? Do I need to wake the child on the pot?

Many parents are interested in the question of whether to wake the child for feeding or on the pot. Pediatricians advise not to interfere with the baby’s healthy sleep. When the child is hungry, he will make you feel about.

Note: it is recommended to wear diapers for the night to form a calm sleep in the child.

How to wake a child in the morning? Video

It's time to wake up. But the baby is still sleeping deeply, how to be? These are the ways to wake the baby without harming him.

Is it possible to wake the child in cartoons?

Every morning 10-20 minutes before the baby awakening, put light quiet music or your favorite cartoon. Every few minutes, gradually add the sound, then open the curtains and a window, which will gradually lead the baby out of sleep.

How to motivate a child to an early rise?

If the child sleeps in a very deep sleep, his mother is best in advance, in 10 minutes to gently touch the baby by the shoulder, stroke the cheek, call softly. Together with a slight external stimulus, the baby will be able to gradually go into a state of easy sleep from a deep sleep and then wake up.
After waking up, let the child lie down for a couple of minutes in bed, stretch, and then just start to wear the baby, avoiding what kind of sharp octhes.

How to wake a child with fun games?

Prepare something tasty in the morning and let the aroma penetrate the bedroom to the child. And then invite him to have a delicious breakfast and play a fun game. The tempting proposal to play will wake him up rather than just a request to get out of bed.

Does charging children help to wake up faster? Pros and cons of the morning charging for children

Children are very fond of repeating for adults. Charging and funny, outdoor games can become your daily family habit, causing the child the joy and expectation of every new morning. Arrange competitions between adults and children, hang the results on the wall. Or dance together to fun music, allowing children to guess.

How best to wake the child: tips and reviews

  • Depending on the nature and age of children, you need to choose different methods: awakening
  • Small children should wake up from light strokes
  • A little older children can wake up from a small alarm clock
  • For children who are very reluctant to get out of bed, use objects that may interest the child, let the child make amendments in the morning rise and encourage his successes

Be patient to your child. Remember that how a child gets up in the morning, largely depends on you and your organization. Giving the child your love and patience, you help your baby, starting in the morning, spend the whole remaining day perfectly.

Video: The right approach to creating an alarm clock

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