Italian set of loops with knitting needles, hats, knitting with an elastic edge: description, diagram, video, photo. The Italian method of setting loops with an additional thread and without it: a description of the knitting method, video, photo. How to close the hinges of Italian knitting: Description

Italian set of loops with knitting needles, hats, knitting with an elastic edge: description, diagram, video, photo. The Italian method of setting loops with an additional thread and without it: a description of the knitting method, video, photo. How to close the hinges of Italian knitting: Description

Creation of products by Italian set of loops.

All craftswomen know that knitting constantly starts from one - loops are gaining. There are a huge number of methods. For the Italian method, knitting needles are used, the size of which is a room less than the number of the main knitting needles. So you will receive a variety of elastic bands, for example, 1x1 or 2x2.

If you like to knit in a circular one, you can also use this method. However, it does not fit for socks or mittens, since such products need that the edges are tight. But still let's figure out this method in detail further.

Italian method of set of loops with additional thread: description, diagram, video, photo

Sometimes, before the knitting of a certain thing, it is simply necessary that the edge of the product is elastic, stretching, so that the thing tightens more comfortably. The ordinary method of typing of loops will never give a similar effect, but the Italian method allows you to perform the perfect elastic band, resulting from cuffs or neck. Visually, such a edge is very similar to a knit made by a knitting machine - it is beautiful and quite neat.

Knitting this type is considered quite complicated. But there is a significant plus here - instead of an additional thread, you can lay an ordinary elastic band in the product. As a result, the edge will turn out to be more springy. This will come in handy if you want to knit socks or skirt.

Perform the initial loop by the usual method and do not leave the tip of the thread very long. Place the main thread on the index finger, and the auxiliary on the thumb on the finger. Hold the thread with a ring finger and little finger.

  • Pass the knitting needle under the auxiliary thread, grab the main one - you will receive the first working loop. It should be in front of the additional.
  • Pick up the main thread - an additional thread should be behind a loop.
  • Spend the spoke again under the auxiliary thread, pull the loop out of the main thread, grab the main thread again. You should get 3 loops and 4 loops.
  • Continue to type loops until you get the necessary length.

I P will look like a chess, as you will alternate the location of the workers - first in front of the thread, then behind the thread. The hinges located in front of the auxiliary thread, knit with the facial loops. Remove the remaining loops as the wrong ones.

Italian set of loops
Italian set of loops

The thread that you have is working, pass the loops in front of this. So knit another 2 rows. Then go to the knitting needles of the room with which you will knit the entire product. Knit the elastic band by the pattern. Having knitted about 5 r, remove an additional thread.

Video: Italian set of hinges with auxiliary thread

Italian method of typing loops without an additional thread: description, diagram, video, photo

The classic method of set of loops is carried out in the 1st stage. For him, you will need only 1 spoke. The beauty and accuracy of the final work will depend on the knitting room. Less knitting needle - your product will turn out to be denser.

If you knit the first time, then be patient. Be extremely attentive so as not to make mistakes.

  • Hitch the first loop with the standard method. Measure the thread in advance so that there is a supply - approximately that its length is 3 times greater than the width of the conceived thing. Keep in mind - when you type a clear number of loops, knit the front after a bromous loop. If you have an odd number of loops, then knit the hem of the wrong side. Hitch the loop from the edge only the front.
Knitting process
Knitting process
  • Dial an even number of loops for starters. Pick up the thread with a knitting needle, taking it away from the thumb.
  • Get the knitting needle above the thread that is on the index. Pull it under the thread, which is on the thumb.
  • Tighten the thread more tightly. You will receive a front loop.
Facial loop
Facial loop
  • The next loop is knitted wrongly. Enter the spoke under the thread that is under the index finger.
  • Move the knitting needle up, grab a thread of the thumb.
Knitting process
Knitting process
  • Tighten it too. You will get the wrong loop.
The wrong loop
The wrong loop
  • Repeat these movements until you get a whole p. Stitch the front loop first, then the wrong side.
Knitted row
Knitted row
  • Loops may seem to you inverted. Therefore, in the next R, tie each front loop behind the back wall, but remove the wrong ones. Leave the thread in front of the whole work.
Thread before work
Thread before work
  • Knitting the following P perform the usual method.

Video: Italian set of loops without an additional thread

Italian method of recruiting loops for elastic bands 2x2, 1x1

The work is performed very quickly and looks beautiful at the same time.

Gum 1x1:

  • Take one knitting needle, a small thread for a set of loops, plus about 60 cm, then to collect the resulting product. Circle the index finger with a thread, then the thumb, but adjust the tension of the thread with the middle finger. Bring the knitting needle under the thread on the top left, turn the knitting needle. Form a loop, hold the tip of the knitting needle with the right palm.
Gum 1*1
Gum 1*1
  • *Bring the knitting needle under the thread that comes from the thumb. Capture the thread that comes from the index finger. Experienced, as with a grandmother's facial method, fix it. Get 2 loop.
Knitting process
Knitting process
  • Bring the knitting needle under the right thread that goes from the index finger. Capture a thread that goes over the thumb. Pull the wrong grandmother's method, fix it. You will get 3 loop*.
Knitting 1*1
Knitting 1*1
  • Repeat from one star to another star. Type as many loops as you need. Finish knitting and turn the work.
Knitting process
Knitting process
  • Change the smaller knitting needle to a large one. Knit the required number of p.
Knitting with knitting needles
Knitting with knitting needles
Knitting 1*1
Knitting 1*1


Italian method of recruitment
Italian method of recruitment

Gum 2x2

Take the right number of loops.

  • Knit 1 preparatory R. The Imother Front Loop should be knitted with the front.
Beginning of work
Beginning of work
  • *Remove the next front loop, leave it at work.
The knitting of three rows
The knitting of three rows
  • The next front loop knit the front. Return the loop that was removed to the knitting needle on the left. Knit the wrong one. Knit 1 front, 1 wrong side*...
Knitting 2*2
Knitting 2*2
  • Repeat from one star to another star.
Knitting with knitting needles
Knitting with knitting needles
  • Knit the required number P with an elastic band: first, knit 2 facial loops, then 2 loops of the wrong and so to the end of the river.
Knitting with Italian set
Knitting with Italian set

Video: performing a set of loops in an Italian way for knitting elastic bands 1x1 and 2x2 with an elastic (not tight) edge

Italian method for setting loops for English gum

English gum is considered quite popular. Therefore, now there are many variations of its implementation.

  • Type an odd number of loops with the Italian method.
  • Knit this way: 1 hp, straight N, remove the next P, do not knit it. The working thread should be at work. Repeat the actions to the end of R.
  • Knit like this: straight N, remove the P, do not knit (thread at work), knit L.P. Repeat to the end of R.
  • Knit this way: p and n the past p, knit together L.P, make a straight N. Remove the p, do not knit it. Repeat the diagram until the P is over.
  • Next, continue to knit as follows: alternate 2 p and 3 r. Remember that 1 P and the last P is the only hem. They should not be taken into account during work.

Italian method of set of loops for double gum

Dial the number of loops that you need using the Italian method. Make sure that the amount is only even. Since you will knit bilateral gum, you can put an elastic band into it.

  • In 1 r, knit 1 hp Remove the next p as the wrong side of P. Work thread from the front of the work. Continue knit until you run out p
Double elastic band
Double elastic band
  • In 2 p, remove all I.P. Hold the thread in front of the work, knit L.P.
  • Continue to knit even R. Repeat 1 and 2 p

Video: Hind elastic band with knitting needles. Italian set of loops

Italian method of setting loops for knitting in a circle, for hats

Cufferberry, hats and sticteen collars are more convenient to knit in circular knitting needles. This will allow you to do it precisely the Italian method of setting loops. Some features are also present here. Be sure to keep in mind when you knit.

  • Type any number of loops using the Italian method. Plus add 1 additional.
  • On circular knitting needles or on 4 knitting needles, distribute the loops. Follow the work precisely using an additional loop. Pull out 1 loop through the removed loop, which you did not knit. You will get exactly the number of loops that you need.
  • Turn the work so that the last loop is the first.
Circular knitting
Circular knitting
  • Bring 1 loop the front, then the loop of the wrong side. Leave the thread in front of the work. Knit so until the row ends.
  • In the next row, do not knit the front loops, just remove it. The thread should be behind the work. The wrong stitching the wrong ones.
  • Having knitted several rows, you can start knitting an ordinary elastic band.

Video: Italian method of setting loops for circular knitting

Italian method of setting loops for knitting with an elastic edge

  • Form 1 loop. Place the working thread over the index finger. Place the tip of the thread on the left on the arm, on the thumb. Place the knitting needle on which the loop is in the center.
  • Remove the knitting needle under the thread of the thumb, then grab the second thread located on the index finger under the same thread. Bring the thread to yourself. You will get a loop that will look like a front.
Italian set of loops
Italian set of loops
  • Take out the knitting needle from yourself, get under a thread located on the index finger, grab the thread that comes from the thumb. You will get a loop, similar to the wrong side.
  • Repeat the previous manipulations so that you get the right number of loops. The penultimate loop should resemble the wrong side.
  • After that, knit an elastic elastic band, for example, Polish.

Follow the following actions:

  • Initially, dial the number of loops, which is multiple of 4. Add the brown loops.
  • Knit all odd loops as follows: 2 hp, 2 I.P.
  • In the ranks that are even, knit as follows: 1 I.P, 2 hp, 2 I.P ... The latter should be facing.

Video: Italian set of loops with an elastic edge

Knitting - Italian set of loops with imitation of the bend: Description

To start this work, for starters, dial the loops with the Italian method so that their number is multiple of 4. Then go as follows:

  • Knit the front surface
  • *Knit 2 loops with the front, make 2 crochet, knit 2 loops together, while the slope should be directed to the left
  • Repeat from the place where the asterisk
  • From the inside of 1 cloak, knit the wrong loop, 2 fabric knit the wrong loop only crossed
  • Sew the bed when you finish all the work. Remove the hem to the wrong side, pierce with pins, sew

How to close the hinges of Italian knitting: Description

To close Italian knitting, do this:

  • Take a needle. An ordinary needle designed for knitted fabrics or gypsy. The work will be performed symmetrically how you gained loops
  • Draw the thread from the bromous loop out
  • Remove the only loop. Enter the needle into the wrong loop out
  • Remove the wrong loop, enter the needle in 1 front
  • Remove 2 facial loops, stretch the thread
Close the loops
Close the loops
  • Turn the work. Enter the needle in 1 wrong loop inward
  • With the subsequent loop, also act
  • Next, repeat the work. Start working with the front
  • Tie up to the end of the row. Take the thread out of the crum loop

Video: Italian method. How to close the loops? Knitting

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