Hepatoprotectors: a list of the best liver preparations with proven effectiveness

Hepatoprotectors: a list of the best liver preparations with proven effectiveness

List of effective hepatoprotectors.

Every year, doctors record an increasing number of liver diseases. This excretory organ suffers most of the use of a large amount of alcohol, antibiotics, sharp and smoked products. In this article we will tell you how to support the liver using hepatoprotectors.

Liver functions and reasons for the deterioration of its work

Hepatoprotectors are substances that restore the liver cells, they help to improve the condition of the organ in a short period of time, as well as reduce the risk of stones in the gall bladder.

Why do you need the liver:

  • It performs the function of the filter, cleaner
  • Processes vitamins, as well as trace elements
  • Promotes digestion

First of all, the liver helps to remove toxins from the body, to filter all the necessary fluids. Pay attention to the fact that toxic and harmful substances can enter the body not only through food. Very often, the state of the liver worsens the sad environmental situation, dirty water, the use of chemicals, as well as medicines.


In addition, using the liver, the number of hormones is adjusted. Also, the liver can accumulate glucose, and contributes to its increase in the blood. The liver also produces cholesterol and fats, regulates blood coagulation, helps synthesize immunoglobulins, as well as antibodies.

Why is the state of the liver worsen:

  • Excessive drinking
  • Diabetes
  • Bad ecology
  • Drug treatment
  • Body weight and obesity
  • Low physical activity and small mobility
  • Improper nutrition
Preparations for the liver
Preparations for the liver

What are hepatoprotectors and why are they needed?

In order to help protect the liver, hepatoprotectors are very often prescribed. These are not drugs that cure liver diseases. They are not antiviral and antibacterial. These drugs are designed to restore liver cells. That is, they only support her work and normal functioning. Such drugs in no way have an antiviral, antibacterial effect. That is, they cannot be replaced by antibiotics and antiviral agents.

In what cases are hepatoprotectors prescribed?

Indications for the use of hepatoprotectors:

  • Liver damage due to the use of a large amount of alcohol
  • Deterioration of liver work due to the use of medicines
  • Cirrhosis, as well as hepatosis
  • Viral hepatitis
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
In the pharmacy
In the pharmacy

Types of hepatoprotectors

Some doctors are distrustful of hepatoprotectors. The fact is that some of them have not been fully studied. It was not possible to find out the mechanism of their work to the end, and the method of restoration of liver cells. Now a lot of drugs are dummies, and practically do not improve the patient's condition. Because of this, a huge number of drugs with unproven effectiveness are present on the market.

In general, hepatoprotectors are divided into:

  • Drugs with proven effectiveness
  • With discussion effectiveness
  • With proven inefficiency
  • Who were not subjected to serious research

Accordingly, in order for the treatment to be useful and helped to get rid of a particular problem, it is necessary to take hepatoprotectors with proven effectiveness.


Hepatoprotectors: a list of the best liver preparations with proven effectiveness

On the shelves in pharmacies there is a huge number of hepatoprotectors, despite this, in Russia, the only drug, with proven effectiveness, is ademetionine. In the pharmacies of our country, it is sold under the names of Heptral and Heptor. This is a substance that is produced in the liver of each person.

The synthesis of this substance comes from food, which we eat, or rather from meat, dairy products and fish. This substance has a positive effect on the liver cells, contributing to their restoration. In addition to these drugs, drugs are also often prescribed that require evidence of their effectiveness. Among them, drugs containing ursodexicholic acid, as well as L-ornitin and L-aspartate.

The most acceptable drugs that are used to treat the liver and cell recovery are as follows:

  • Heptral
  • Heptor
  • Ursosan
  • Ursofalk
  • Urdox
  • Exkhol
  • Hepa-Merz
  • Ornitin

Ineffective hepatoprotectors or drugs with unproven effectiveness

The saddest thing is that very often doctors prescribe drugs containing milk thistle. They are also called plant phospholipids. The strangest thing is that these are drugs with proven inefficiency. In 2003, mass studies were conducted, according to which, about 1000 patients were treated for 2 years with the help of essential phospholipids. After conducting studies, and taking a liver biopsy, a significant improvement in their condition, as well as slowing down the progression of the disease, the disease was found.

From the two thousandth years in the United States, as well as in some countries of Europe, the use of hepatoprotectors based on milk thistle has declared ineffective, and removed from the list of drugs. Now these drugs belong to dietary supplements, that is, to biologically active additives, and are not prescribed by doctors to treat liver diseases. In the countries of the post -Soviet space, these drugs with proven inefficiency are still prescribed.

FROM they can be highlighted:

  • Essential
  • Asliddin
  • Essliver Forte
  • Cut
  • Phosphogliv

That is, all these drugs, according to 2003 studies, practically do not affect the condition of the liver, and in no way slow down the progression of the disease.

There are a huge number of hepatoprotectors on the market, studies regarding which were not conducted. That is, they have no proven effectiveness or inefficiency at all. Among them can be distinguished by allochol, Remaxol, Progepar, Hofitol, Tanacehol. These are not medicines, they in no way apply to drugs. It is used exclusively in the countries of the post -Soviet space.


Dangerous hepatoprotectors

Drugs consisting of fatty phospholipides of cattle are also sold on the market. According to many doctors, they are quite effective. But studies in this area indicate that these drugs can be potentially dangerous and cause diseases of the nervous system. This is due to the fact that liver liver proteins may contain dangerous substances for the human body.

There is a hepatoprotector of sibectan on the market. It contains several plant components, including St. John's wort. It is worth noting that this grass is quite toxic for the liver and causes poisoning. Accordingly, such a hepatoprotector will be more harmful than benefits.


The remaining drugs are substances with unproven effectiveness, or potentially dangerous. Treat your health carefully, and do not be too lazy to read the instructions for the drug.

Video: Effective hepatoprotectors

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Comments K. article

  1. I don’t really like strong drugs ... I prefer to simply maintain the normal state of the liver with proper nutrition and alpha lipoic acid of Evalarovskaya. Ugh ugh, such simple, it would seem, funds-perfectly add up. Uzi is good, tests too ...

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