Insulin is done before meals or after eating: types of drugs, rules for their administration

Insulin is done before meals or after eating: types of drugs, rules for their administration

Diabetes is now a common disease. Most often, insulin is used to facilitate the condition of the patient. And this drug should be administered according to the rules. We will further find out when it is better to administer the medicine before meals or after, what are the rules for treating insulin.

The hormone insulin in healthy people is produced by pancreatic cells. It is able to appear in the bloodstream after eating. But when there are violations in the activity of the pancreas, this hormone is released in small quantities and it is not enough to normalize sugar in the bloodstream. This significantly worsens the quality of life. In patients with insufficient production of insulin, diabetes mellitus manifests itself. This pathology poses a direct threat to life. You can’t do without treatment. Therefore, the patient needs to do insulin. But not everyone knows, they do insulin before meals or after eating. Then we will understand this issue in detail.

Insulin is done before meals or after eating: types of insulins

There are various types of insulin. Drugs ultra -infusion have a quick effect. They should be done fifteen minutes before the food. The root cause of this is that he begins his work in fifteen minutes. After all, he needs time to knock sugar. And he is not introduced intravenously. The data is confirmed experimentally. Doctors in the introduction of the drug monitored the indication of the balance of glucose in the blood every second.

Insulin before meals or after?
Insulin before meals or after?

To ultra -short drugs This type includes: Novorapid, Humalog, Apira. These funds begin to act in fifteen minutes, and their maximum effect manifests itself in two hours. The maximum time of their work is about three to five hours. According to the rules, they have a dose -dependent duration. More precisely, the larger the dosage, the longer the effect of insulin.

The only exception may be the rules for the administration of drugs for babies. So how do insulin do before meals or after eating to small patients? It is extremely difficult to control the appetite of children. Kids often love to "bite." That is why parents work hard after eating. However, diabetologists advise in order to avoid jumps in sugar in the bloodstream, still making insulin on an empty stomach for a certain number of carbohydrates and the rest of the dose after eating, if the number of glucose consumed is still exceeded.

Types of insulins, their action

  1. Average exposure - They are made with special additives, which tend to slow down their absorption into the bloodstream. In appearance, drugs have not a transparent structure. There is a sediment at the bottom of the container. Their action begins only 1-1.5 after injection. The period of the hormone is 12 hours. It is recommended to enter them twice a day - in the morning and evening. These include: Protafan NM, Monotard NM, Bazal, Humulin NPH etc. They are recommended to use diabetics of the first group.
  2. Prolonged exposure - They start working only after six hours. Peak maximum exposure from 8 to 18 hours. And in total they act 25-30 hours. They can be ranked to them Lantus, It is made once a day preferably in the morning. BUT LEEMIR PENFILE, LEEMIR FLEXPEN Do two doses per day before meals.
  3. Ultrakotky, short action and mix - They are made to patients before eating. As already mentioned, short, ultra-short ones act after a short period of time, but their exposure time is limited for 6-8 hours. MIX-HOUSENSE - These are a mixture of various types. These drugs have a marking, for example: 30 by 70, which means that the solution has 30 percent of short insulin and 70 percent of extended exposure. These are like: Khumulin m3, Flexpan etc. Injections are made twice a day before food.

An overdose of the drug is dangerous. Therefore, you should responsibly take the choice of the product. The concentration of the drug is measured in units of the acting substance. So, for example, ordinary bottles contain U40 - 40 units in one milliliter. And in syringe-handrails, the concentration is 100 units. Flexpan.

Insulin, insulin syringe
Insulin, insulin syringe

IMPORTANT:In no case, the patient should prescribe the drug to himself.  Time of admission, type of insulin, dosage, an experienced doctor should choose. Short effects are prescribed to reduce sugar in the bloodstream, which jumps after eating, and insulin of extended exposure normalizes sugar between food consumptions. The assigned schemes must be observed in strict order. And if you should injure concentration - 40 units, then use a syringe that is designed for this concentration, and not any other.

Insulin is done before meals or after: the rules for administering the drug

To prevent complications of the disease, the patient should always monitor the level of sugar in the bloodstream. To do this, it will not hurt to purchase a home assistant - glucometer. And it is necessary to observe not only the time of input of the drug, but also the technique of introducing insulin. You can’t do insulin intravenously yourself, hypoglycemia may occur.

To put it time of short insulin, it is not necessary to treat the injection site with alcohol. By the way, what do you think: short insulin is done before meals or after? Of course, before, above the article has already been mentioned about this. The injection is made deep in the subcutaneous tissue, on the front zone of the abdomen. There is the most convenient place to penetrate the bloodstream. Long -free insulin is best introduced in the hips. It is also introduced into subcutaneous tissue.

Getting into muscle tissue should be avoided. In order to prevent this from happening, use special syringes or syringes. They have short needles. Doctors do not advise doing injections in the shoulder area or under the shoulder blade. There is a risk of injection subcutaneously, which is completely undesirable.

Rules for the introduction of insulin
Rules for the introduction of insulin

For the correct administration of the drug, you will need to do the following:

  1. Prepare the area on the patient’s body where you are going to introduce insulin. You will not need alcohol and cotton wool. It is not necessary to process the injection site.
  2. Two fingers make a fold on the skin so that the drug does not accidentally get into muscle fibers.
  3. With the other hand, take the syringe and tilt it at an angle of 45 degrees. Enter the needle.
  4. Do not let go of the fold, but simply administer the drug until you press the syringe piston until it stops.
  5. Do not pull the tool right away, wait a bit so that insulin does not flow out. Eight seconds will be enough. And then you can pull the needle.

Insulin is evenly distributed only in cases where you change the zone for its introduction. It is not recommended to chop the drug often in the same zone. Change periodically a place for the injection, you can chop not only in the stomach, but also in the thigh.

To avoid the manifestation of lipodistrophy - pathology of adipose tissue, do not do the same point of injections at the same point. Return from injections of at least two centimeters on the body.

Insulin dose
Insulin dose

IMPORTANT: It is always necessary to look at the expiration date when buying insulin. And have time to use the drug until the end of the shelf life. It is correct to store it in the refrigerator at a temperature of 3-6 degrees. The vials and pens with the drug, the packed drug can still be stored in the first -aid kit and at room temperature, but the shelf life in this case cannot exceed 30 days.

Video: insulin is done before meals or after: insulin - introduction

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