Glucometer Akku-Check Asset-How to use: Instructions for use in Russian, reviews

Glucometer Akku-Check Asset-How to use: Instructions for use in Russian, reviews

In order for the patient with diabetes he feels normally, it is necessary to constantly test blood on sugar. There is no time to go to the hospital. And thanks to the Glucometer Akku-Chek, you can do an analysis at any time. Further more about this meter.

Many who are sick with diabetes know what a glucometer is. This is an analyzer of blood sugar. Conventional glucometers are not as accurate as laboratory devices, but are indispensable for home use. On the market there are many products for measuring sugar, they are produced by different companies.

It is interesting that the Akku-Check Glucometer is one of those that occupy a leading position in this market. Users speak well of him, it has an equal ratio of characteristics: price-quality. The device is available, it can be bought in online stores and in pharmacy chains.

Glucometer Akku-Check Asset-Instructions for use

It is not at all difficult to work on this meter. To measure the measurement, it is necessary to perform a certain procedure and without fail before the process, you need to wash your hands. The procedure for measuring the glucose indicator includes: preparatory work for measurements, blood fence, froze the sugar indicator in the bloodstream.

Glucometer Akku-Check Act
Glucometer Akku-Check Act

If more, then Use the device should so:

  1. Wash your arms thoroughly, fingers under a stream of running water with soap. Then the finger from which you will take blood a little massage.
  2. Remove the strip from the tube and close the jar tightly with a lid. If you do the analysis for the first time or you have new test strips, then you need to encode. Just insert the chip into the device, compare whether the numbers on the tube and on the glucometer screen match.
  3. Take the lancelet in your hands and install in the handle to pierce your finger. Set up the puncture depth. Most often used mode 3.
  4. Now it is necessary to treat the finger with a swab or cotton moistened in a solution of pharmacy ant alcohol. Insert the strip into the glucometer Akku -kek Act and finger, lean against the green square. The square on the test strip will change the color.

Wait a few seconds and you will get the result on the device monitor. After that, it remains only to pull the test strip and dispose of all the unnecessary, and the device will turn off itself. Send it to the black cosmetic bag along with test strips, lanceoles and a handle pen.

Handle for puncture
Handle for puncture

IMPORTANT: When buying test strips, always pay attention to the date of the expiration date of their fitness. Otherwise, the results of the audit will not be accurate.

This device has the opportunity to conduct synchronization with computer equipment. But this requires a cable. In a small meter, up to five hundred sugar measurements in blood flow with dates and time can remain. You can compare your results.

Over time, you may end with lancelets and test strips. These products are sold separately, which is very convenient and in any quantity. Their cost depends on the size of the package. For example, a test strip in a tube can be from 10 pieces up to 200. Accordingly, those packages in which two hundred strips will cost more.

Akku-chock glucometer Asset: features, advantages of the analyzer

This asset glucometer takes measurements by a photometric way. More precisely, it determines the result by changing the color of the test strip after applying blood drops to it. It is convenient that you do not turn it on, do not turn off the analyzer, and only five seconds expect the result. And if you accidentally touch the test strip in the area of \u200b\u200bthe square (green), then do not worry, this will not affect the accuracy of the result.

Glucometer kit
Glucometer equipment

The device is used for home measurements of sugar in the bloodstream.

Distinctive characteristics of the glucometer Akku -kee Act:

  1. To make measurements on the device, you will need only one drop of blood from the finger.
  2. The blood measurement range varies in the range of 0.6-33.3 mmol/l. Each new box with test strips has its own chip with a three-digit number.
  3. It will not work to conduct a test if the code is not the same as on the packaging from the strips.
  4. The device itself starts when installing a test strip into it, and also turns off itself. This is convenient for the elderly who do not like to press on different buttons.
  5. The screen of the device is not small, and the measurement results are clearly visible even to people with impaired vision.

The glucometer should be stored in a dry place, the temperature regime from -25 degrees to +70 degrees is allowed. It is undesirable to take measurements on it at an altitude of more than 4000 meters (4 kilometers) above sea level.

Pros in the use of glucometer:

As already mentioned, the meter has a memory for 500 pcs. data. They can be used to fix the results to find out the average value in seven days, two weeks, 30 days, a quarter. They can be transferred to a computer using a USB cord. True, in old devices there is no such opportunity.

  • Another important advantage is to obtain a quick result of sugar in the bloodstream.
  • On the screen there is an indicator of the battery charge. Therefore, you will not miss the moment when it is time to change her.
  • Akku-chock glucometer is placed in a convenient clutch, where all other components for measuring sugar in the bloodstream are also placed, because it can be carried even to work with you.
  • The meter has no age restrictions on it can use older patients and children under adult control.
Accu Chek Active Glucometer
Accu Chek Active Glucometer

IMPORTANT: When choosing a device, some factors should be taken into account, for example, the convenience of using it and the cost of consumables. The more expensive the test strips, the less profitable it is to take such a device. The ACCU Chek Active Glucometer is profitable in all plans.

How is the control measurement of the accuracy of the glucometer:

In order to have no mistakes for measurements, the asset glucometer should be checked for measurement accuracy. To do this, you need to buy a control solution (glucose). It is sold in medical equipment stores. The test is done in the following order:

  1. This solution is dripped on a test strip, a strip is inserted into a glucometer and look at the result.
  2. If the result coincides with the data on the glucometer monitor, then the glucometer is ready for use.

Sometimes an E-5 error appears on the monitor with a pattern in the form of the sun. This means that it is necessary to do an analysis in another place where there is no hit on the monitor of sunlight. Another E-5 appears with electromagnetic radiation. E-1 is a mistake when there are problems with a test strip. E-2 occurs when the glucose level is too low. And N-1 appears with too high measurements more than 33.3 measuring units.

The principle of operation of the Accu Chek Active glucometer
The principle of operation of the Accu Chek Active glucometer

IMPORTANT: When you see it on the display, then the device is faulty. It should either be replaced or repaired in the service center.

The meter set includes:

Perhaps the Akku_kek glucometer is one of the most convenient blood sugar analyzers. It is convenient for them to use. The price of the device is not high, and the quality meets all standards.

It includes it:

  • The device itself (Glucometer Akku_k Asset)
  • There is a convenient reticulus
  • There are 10 pcs. Lancets, 10 pcs. test strips
  • Puncture for piercing
  • Garrier for 50 years, instructions.

Glucometer Akku-Check Asset-Reviews

Having re-read a lot of reviews about the use of Akku-Cock-Act Glucometer, an opinion is formed about the practicality of the device, the simplicity of its use, then more details: in more detail:

Galina, 51 years old

After I was found type 2 diabetes, I decided to buy myself an Akku-chock glucometer. I chose for a long time, read reviews of other users and decided to take this particular model. I have been using it for a year now - there is nothing to complain about. I inserted the strip, touched my finger with a drop of blood and the result on the screen. She pulled the striped the glucometer turned off. What else does. The results with laboratory almost coincide, there is a small difference, but not very critical.

Ilya, 46 years old

My doctor advised me to buy a glucometer Akku Chek Asset. All functions work as it should, but the indications are problematic to transfer to the computer. It takes a lot of time to search for the necessary programs, which is inconvenient. The pluses can still be attributed that there are no problems with the search for consumables, you can easily buy both strips and lancelets.

Video: Glucometer Akku-Check Asset-How to use?

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Comments K. article

  1. Image E - 5 with a horizontal strip below with a strip, flashing below. There is no light nearby and electromagnetic radiation. What to do? Before that, the device worked well.

  2. Full sucks, not a glucometer. I bought it in a pharmacy, there were no strips to check the reliability of the party. I bought an additional 50 strips test, also there are no records for checking the authenticity of the batch in the set. Time settings, dates are impossible, it is generally not clear how to do it. The device does not work, as written in the instructions. The finger pierces poorly. It is written about 11 positions, only 5 is configured. In general, a pity for the money thrown off.

  3. E-5 constantly appears with a flashing strip! Blood sugar does not show! Drive 7 strips ... but never measured it! Everything - I examined .. and read .. nothing happens!

  4. When an error appears, do not rush to repair or throw away the device. Try to go to a more lit place, should help.

  5. E-5 constantly appears with a flashing strip! Blood sugar does not show!

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