The name of Margarita, Rita, Margot: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Margarita on behalf of Rita, Margot? Margarita, Rita, Margot: what to call the full name correctly?

The name of Margarita, Rita, Margot: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Margarita on behalf of Rita, Margot? Margarita, Rita, Margot: what to call the full name correctly?

Rita is Margarita. Let's try to figure out if this is true.

The name of Margarita, Rita, Margot: different names or not?

For many years in the post -war nominated tradition, the name of Margarita was considered the complete form of the female name, and Rita and Margot were considered derivatives.

However, everything is not so simple.


Versions of the origin of the name:

  1. From the Greek word µαργαριτης, which means “pearl”.
  2. From the word Mañjarī, which is translated from Sanskrit means "close to the lady."
  3. From the Persian word Marvârid, which translates as "the daughter of the world."

Margaret, as the female name of the Western European name, is becoming popular from the 11th century and remains so until today.

In the East European nominal tradition, the name of Margarita is less popular because until 1917 this name was absent in the Orthodox holy. At the beginning of the 20th century, the name of Margarita was sometimes used as a secular analogue of the name Marina, given at baptism.

In the second half of the 20th century, the name became quite common, but not high-frequency, in contrast to Sofia.

Characterization of the name Margarita
Characterization of the name Margarita


Versions of the origin of the name:

  1. The most common. Rita is an abbreviated form of Margarita, as well as Henrietta and Harita.
  2. Less common. Translated from many languages \u200b\u200bthat have become widespread in India, means “bold”, “honest”, “road of life”. In this case, we are talking about a completely independent name.

In the Catholic namede, St. Rita Kashskaya (Rita de Cascia) is known. It is revered on May 22.


In this case, absolutely all sources are in solidarity: the name is an abbreviated form of the name Margarita.

Margarita, Rita, Margot: what to call the full name correctly?

Margarita → Full name - Margarita.

Rita → Full name - Margarita, Henrietta, Rita, Harita.

Margo → Full name - Margarita.

What is the difference between the name Margarita from Rita, Margot?

At a minimum, these names differ in the number of sounds (when pronouncing) and the number of letters (when writing).

In this case, we are interested in the semantic-phonetic analysis of each of the names.

Important: the more forms the name has, the more diverse its influence on its carrier.


In this version of the name there are several sound repetitions, enhancing the effect of vibration of the name.

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name of Margarita
Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name of Margarita


Note. In this version of the name, the sophistication and sensuality of creative nature gives way to pragmatic ability to handle money, good intuition and the desire for self -knowledge. Not the worst set of qualities, isn't it?

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name of Margo
Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name of Margo


Rita loses the desire to help everyone and everything along with the disappearance of the letter “M”. The desire for knowledge and the desire to create, characteristic of “g” and “a”, are also minimized.

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name of Rita
Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name of Rita

Can Margarita be called Rita, Margot?

Can. However, listen to yourself (if this is your name) or to the one you call. After all, the name should cause positive emotions! Find that version of the naming that will satisfy all sides.

Video: The meaning of the name Margarita is the secret of the name

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Comments K. article

  1. I am Margot, my full name Margarita, is often called Rita until I say that I love Margot’s name more. Of course I love all the forms of my name. But I prefer Margot all the same, for me it is more beautiful \u003d)

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