The female name Sofia - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Sofia: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Sofia - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Sofia: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

According to the statistics of the Baby Name Wizard site in 2015, the name Sofia was the name No. 1 on all five continents. Impressive, right? Let's try to figure out what is the reason for such popularity.

What does the name Sofia on the church calendar mean?

Like most of the names recorded in the Orthodox shrines, Sofia has Byzantine roots. Comes from the Greek word "σοφία", which is translated as wisdom.

The church and secular form of the name coincide.

In East European culture, the first written mention of the name dates from the 13th century, and in the Western European - in the 17th century.

Sofia patron saint

Important: some of the patron saints are revered exclusively as local saints. You can learn more about local saints in the temple that you visit.

The dates of veneration are given in accordance with the generally accepted calendar.

  • Rev. Martyr Sofia, New Martyr. In the world Seliverstova S.P. Memorial Day: February 28.
  • Righteous Sofia, Princess Slutskaya. Memorial Day: April 1.
  • Martyr Sofia, medical person. Memorial Day: June 4.
  • The Monk Sofia Thracian. Memorial Day: June 17.
  • Rev. Martyr Sofia, Princess Suzdal. In the world of Saburov Solomonia. Memorial Day: August 14, December 29.
  • Martyr Sofia Roman, mother of martyrs of faith, hope, love. Memorial Day: September 30.
  • Martyr Sofia Egyptian. Memorial Day: October 1.
  • The righteous Sofia is a miracle. Memorial Day: December 31.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel of Sofia: short, in verses and prose

A small selection of congratulations on the Day of Angel will help to choose the words corresponding to the moment.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Sofia #1
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Sofia #1
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Sofia #2
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Sofia #2
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Sofia #3
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Sofia #3
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Sofia #4
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Sofia #4
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Sofia #5
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Sofia #5

The secret of the name Sofia

Any sound is a vibration of energy, which, one way or another, affects us.

The semantic-phonetic analysis of the name will help to reveal the secret of the name and its influence on its owner (see the table below).

Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name Sofia
Semantic-phonetic analysis of the name Sofia

What nationality is the name Sofia?

The name belongs to those few own names that have no nationality. This name is popular without looking at the country of residence, religion and social status of its carrier.

Sofia, Sophia name: origin and meaning, popularity

Important: Sophia is an assimilated version of the Sofia name with a two -parted sound.

Most likely, in pre-Christian culture, the word “σοφία” [Sofia] was an epithet or a cult name of one of the gods. Over time, the word became the name of its own.

From the Greek, the word σοφία [sophia] is translated as wise.

The peak of world popularity named after the period from 2010 and to 2017.

Sofia - decoding a name from Greek

See the previous part of the review.

Name Sofia, Sophia in English, Latin, different languages

This part of the review contains the most interesting variants of the name and its diminutive forms in English, Hungarian, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Romanian.

Options for the name Sofia in different languages
Options for the name Sofia in different languages

No less interesting is the name in German, Polish, Czech, Japanese (see table below).

Options for the name Sofia in different languages
Options for the name Sofia in different languages

How is the name Sofia written in the passport?

Important: when applying for a passport, the name is not translated, but transliterated.

In this case, given the rules of English transliteration, the name will be written as follows: Sofiia.

Sofia: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

A short form of the name

  • in the countries of Eastern Europe: Sonya;
  • in Western Europe, America: Sophie.

Important: recently the name Sonya has become an independent name popular in the USA, India and Western Europe.

The diminutive form of the name: Zosya, Co-C, Sofa, Sophia, Sofiki, Sofiko, Sophia/Sofyushka, Sophka, Sofka, Sofuni, Sofushka, Fi-Fi.

Sofia: the meaning of the name, character and fate

Epithets to the name Sofia
Epithets to the name Sofia

Wisdom is not only intelligence. This is also a life experience that is based on feelings and emotions.

How does the wise name give his carrier? Let's try to figure it out.

Sofia is very harmonious and tries in all possible ways to balance the world. By and large, it is the word “harmony” that determines how the life and fate of Sofia will develop.

In childhood, Sofia enthusiastically learns the world, gaining new experience and knowledge. Over time, this will allow her to solve the most difficult problems, calm the most violent passions and restore order in chaos.

He learns early to understand the word "necessary."

Sociable and charming. Thanks to this, loved by others. It quickly becomes the soul of any company. Open for new ideas. At the same time, never strive to be a leader and lead. Sofia is to blame for this. In addition, she is vulnerable and prone to self -digging, which leads to depressive states. By and large, Sofia needs to learn to life with humor.

The proverb “Unexpected guest is worse than Tatar” completely describes Sofia's attitude to unexpected guests. In addition, she does not like vulgarity and vulgarity. In communication with Sofia, scabbling jokes and gossip are unacceptable. Sofia does not tolerate slack and inaccurate, although it can hardly be called pedantic.

Sofia is not greedy. In childhood, it is easy to share toys. The same trend remains in adulthood. Sofia, in general, has a fairly interesting attitude towards money. On the one hand, she treats them indifferently, on the other hand, their absence insults Sofia.

All fibers of the soul are afraid of loneliness. This often pushes her to rash acts.

With age, thanks to constantly developing intuition and life experience, he feels well people, which reduces the number of rash actions to a minimum.

Even taking into account pathological non -conflict, quarrels and disputes in Sofia still happen. In such cases, you need to remember the following: Sofia, even under the influence of strong emotions, is ready to hear and accept the clearly reasoned position of the opponent.

In general, a person’s happiness depends on many factors, but in the case of Sofia one can say one thing - she has everything to live a bright and full life.

Name Sofia: sexuality, marriage

Epithets to the name Sofia
Epithets to the name Sofia

The environment perceives young Sofia as a frivolous person. Why?

It is too open, too sociable, constantly in love with someone, painfully sensitive. But experience is the son of difficult mistakes. Sofia learns to understand herself, her emotions. Intuitively, Sofia is looking for someone who is able to accept her as it is: with all its shortcomings and advantages.

For example, among the undoubted advantages of Sofia: temperament, sensuality and voluptuousness. With one small "but." For Sofia, compliments, words of love and support are important. And she needs them constantly.

In addition, for Sofia’s marriage to be successful, she needs to experience not only physical attraction, but also really strong romantic feelings. She also expects the same from her partner. Most often, in a relationship, Sofia becomes a mirror that reflects the feelings of the second half. If this is love, Sofia will respond with love. If coldness is cold.

Name Sofia: Health and psyche

In childhood, it does not differ in good health. However, as they grow older, the situation changes and endless SARS disappears from the life of Sofia. In adulthood, problems with the digestive tract and musculoskeletal system may occur.

If in childhood the cause of constant diseases of Sofia is a weak immunity, then in adulthood it is worth paying attention to the psychosomatics of diseases.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name Sofia: compatibility with male names

The name and patronymic should not only be consonant and easily pronounced, but also strengthen the positive vibration of each other.

What middleings are suitable for the name Sofia, see the table.

What middle name is suitable for a girl named Sofia
What middle name is suitable for a girl named Sofia

When is the name day, the Angel Day of Sofia on the Orthodox calendar?

For detailed information about the named after and the patron saints, see the beginning of the review.

Song named Sofia, Sofya

Of course, in girlish albums of sophisticated Sofia, many poems and songs are stored on them. However, the most famous Sonya in the history of the Russian Empire, and then the Soviet/post-Soviet space, became a certain shandle-soura Bluvstein, known as Sonya Golden Hand. That is why, the name Sonya so often sounds in Russian chanson.

  • "Song about Sonya"; Contractor: Anatoly Dnieper.
  • "Sonya"; Contractor: Gennady Bage.
  • "Sonya"; Contractor: Willy Tokarev.
  • "Sofia"; Contractor: Gesha Ushivovets.
  • "Lullaby for Sonya": Contractor: Unknown.
  • "Sophia"; Contractor: ALDO CONTI.
  • "Dear Sonya"; Contractor George Maryanovich.
  • "Sofia"; Contractor: Igor Klyuyev.
  • "Sofochka"; Contractor Sasha Shamin.
  • "Sofia"; Contractors: M. Shaibakov, G. Akhmetova and A. Nurgaliev.
  • "Sonya, Sonya"; Contractor: Ruslan Kazantsev.
  • "Sofia"; Contractor: Alvaro Soler.
  • "Sophia"; Contractor: The Rasmus.

Tattoo named Sofia, Sofya

Namely tattoos are still in trend. Below are several options for writing a registered tattoo.

Tattoo named Sofia, Sofya: Option #1
Tattoo named Sofia, Sofya: Option #1
Tattoo named Sofia, Sofya: Option #2
Tattoo named Sofia, Sofya: Option #2
Tattoo named Sofia, Sofya: Option #3
Tattoo named Sofia, Sofya: Option #3
Tattoo named Sofia, Sofya: Option #4
Tattoo named Sofia, Sofya: Option #4

Name Sofia: intuition, intelligence, morality

Intuition is good developed. And with each new experience it becomes more acute. Learns quickly. At the same time, Sofia prefers to study on other people's mistakes.

Sofia has a male mindset. She sees the overall picture and quickly determines the most effective way to solve the problem. At the same time, important little things can overlook.

It works quickly on topics that are interesting and close to her. Everything else does only because it is “necessary”. That is why Sofia has an average performance in the learning process.

Sofia has its own code of honor, which it follows strictly.

Name Sofia: hobbies, activities, business

Sofia loves travel and communication. In addition, needlework and blogging can include her hobbies.

The list of top professions for Sofia: psychologist, teacher, journalist, etc.

By and large, Sofia perfectly realizes itself in any profession related to communication.

The conduct of an independent business is also possible, but only if Sofia can control its own initiative and a tendency to forgive everyone and for everything.

What zodiac sign is the name Sofia?

The name Sofia will strengthen the positive characteristics of Capricorns and Libra.

Social suspension Sofia from gold: photo

Sofia loves elegant and elegant jewelry, which emphasize her natural beauty.

Suspension with the name Sofia from gold: Option #1
Suspension with the name Sofia from gold: Option #1
Suspension with the name Sofia from gold: Option #2
Suspension with the name Sofia from gold: Option #2
Suspension with the name Sofia from gold: Option #1
Suspension with the name Sofia from gold: Option #3
Suspension with the name Sofia from gold: Option #4
Suspension with the name Sofia from gold: Option #4

Talisman stone to the name Sofia

  • A marble thing or just a piece of mineral should always be next to Sofia. It is marble that will protect his mistress from stress and insomnia. In addition, marble improves the work of the digestive tract.

The ancient Greeks believed that marble is able to protect against evil spirits and helps to create harmonious relations in marriage, contributes to the conception of children.

  • Lazisit cleanses the energy field of a person. If we take into account that Sofia is constantly among people and takes on part of their problems - this stone is vital for it. In addition, lapis lazuli is able to return the joy of life.
  • Agate is also a protection against psychological vampirism and energy attacks. In addition, the mineral helps to control the outbreaks of anger and contributes to the rapid restoration of internal energy.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Sofia

Sofia is considered totem plants

  • white Lily, which symbolizes spiritual purity and immaculate;
  • linden, protecting from the evil eye and word;
  • cedar is a symbol of wisdom and perspicacity.

Totem animal named after Sofia

  • The Mother of God, who gives his ward talent to adapt to any life circumstances.
  • A swallow symbolizing immortality and favorable changes.

Numerology named after Sofia

To make a complete psychological portrait of a person will help pythagoras square.

This part of the review provides a general characteristic of the name Sofia without taking into account the date of birth, patronymic and surname of the named medium.

To calculate the name code:

  1. Compare the letter of the name with the number from the table below.
Table for calculating a digital name code
Table for calculating a digital name code

C - 1, O - 7, F - 4, and - 1, I - 6.

  1. Submit the received numbers:


The number of the name is 1.

  1. The characteristic of the named medium is given below.


Pseudonym to the name Sofia

The search for a successful pseudonym has become an urgent task for many users of social networks. A variety of variations of the name Sofia can be found in the tables at the beginning of the article.

Famous people, celebrities named Sofia: photo

Among the famous Sophia theater and film actresses, singers, revolutionaries and scientists.

Sofya Giacintova - actress, director
Sofya Giacintova - actress, director
Sofya Kovalevskaya - Mathematician
Sofya Kovalevskaya - Mathematician
Sofia Gubaidulina - Composer
Sofia Gubaidulina - Composer
Sofia Rotaru - singer
Sofia Rotaru - singer

Video: Alvaro Soler - Sofia

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